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杨柳 《理论探索》2005,(6):136-137
文化政策是一国对外政策的重要组成部分。美国文化价值观中的意识形态和宗教信仰构成美国对外政策的恒定因素,其对华战略也深受其文化价值观的影响。对此,应注意从文化角度探讨美国对华关系及中国对美文化外交的应对。  相似文献   

单仁平 《党政论坛》2011,(10):40-40
外媒一碰到中国政治,“很容易出假新闻”,像是中了魔。2008年CNN等西方媒体裁剪现场照片,人们记忆犹新。如今这样的小动作又被法新社等媒体用上了。  相似文献   

外媒一碰到中国政治,很容易出假新闻,像是中了魔。2008年CNN等西方媒体裁剪现场照片,人们记忆犹新。如今这样的小动作又被法新社等媒体用上了。据一些网友揭发,一些境外媒体近来刊登中国茉莉花革命的照片  相似文献   

近几年随着美国在西藏问题上有关档案的不断解密,学者对西藏问题的研究也日益深入。将目前美国媒体关于西藏问题研究的主要内容以及美国媒体在报道中呈现出的特点进行分析、汇总,最后简述美国媒体的政治倾向性以及反思应如何更好地应对美国媒体对我国造成的舆论压力。  相似文献   

孙红 《学理论》2009,(24):135-136
自二战结束以后,美国确立了国际体系中的权力优势地位,而维持和巩固这一优势地位即霸权地位,是美国战略文化的主旋律。美国的对华政策中的遏制政策,在很大程度上是美国的霸权稳定这一战略文化的主导之下的美国外交选择。自中国实行改革开放以来,中国的战略文化发生了根本的转变,但是,中国的快速发展,使得美国仍有遏制中国的需要。  相似文献   

自二战结束以后,美国确立了国际体系中的权力优势地位,而维持和巩固这一优势地位即霸权地位,是美国战略文化的主旋律。美国的对华政策中的遏制政策,在很大程度上是美国的霸权稳定这一战略文化的主导之下的美国外交选择。自中国实行改革开放以来,中国的战略文化发生了根本的转变,但是,中国的快速发展,使得美国仍有遏制中国的需要。  相似文献   

吕丽 《理论与改革》2015,(2):122-125
主流媒体通过新闻框架对生态环境现状进行建构,这一框架表现出主题多元、格局立体、版面专题化、区域差距较大等特点,折射了政府及社会主流议题的变迁。随着建设生态文明战略的提出,主流媒体生态环境报道框架内部呈现出流变特征,更加注重建构绿色公共空间、保障公众话语权,淡化了政府工具色彩和宏大叙事风格,更加注重深度分析报道和传递人文关怀。与此同时,区域报道不平衡及对农村生态环境关注度不够等问题仍是主流媒体亟待突破的一道屏障。  相似文献   

从相关电视新闻报道的内容分析媒体中精神残障青年的形象及其受污名化的基本过程和机理。研究发现,大众传播媒体中的精神残障青年形象大致划分为越轨者的形象、边缘化的形象、不名誉的形象以及工具化的形象四种类别;媒体中精神残障青年的形象大多偏向于负面,精神残障青年不同程度上受污名化。建议采取适当措施,消除对精神残障青年的污名化,帮助他们同其他社会成员一样融入社会并参与正常的社会生活。  相似文献   

Since 1980, the U.S. press has painted a vivid picture of widespread welfare state dismantling in Europe. Yet our analysis of social expenditures in 14 European countries from 1980–1995 finds a pattern of resilience and, with respect to family benefits, a pattern of expansion. Our review of qualitative research on policy reforms upholds the expenditure-based findings. We conclude that U.S. media misrepresentation of social welfare developments in Europe is likely to impede lesson-drawing from abroad by U.S. policymakers. This constitutes a lost opportunity, as the U.S. is now engaged in social policy reformulation, especially with respect to programs for families.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, emerging economies such as Brazil, India, and China have adopted transparency-enhancing public procurement regulations in line with international norms. Yet they have hesitated to join the World Trade Organization's legally binding Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). Based on the Special Issue framework, this article scrutinizes the underlying domestic and international determinants, and how they influence emerging countries’ positions in two overlapping international procurement regimes. In particular, reform-oriented state actors, societal pressure, and lesson-drawing from international templates have induced a strengthening of domestic procurement institutions and turned emerging countries into “promoters” of the international transparency regime. Conversely, the rising powers have remained, to varying degrees, reluctant “spoilers” of the GPA-based market access regime in order to keep policy space and use procurement for domestic development objectives. The article suggests that this regulatory-developmental layering of rule-based governance and interventionist ambitions characterizes the variegated regulatory state in emerging countries.  相似文献   

This article analyses problem framings in public debates on family migration in Finland. The study focuses on the less-examined category of age and how it intersects with gender, race and religion. We examine the discursive context within which parliamentarians and the media negotiate questions of migration policies, belonging and citizenship. Our analysis identifies problem framings by combining frame analysis with the ‘What is the problem represented to be?’ approach, which understands policies as problematizations. We found that the debates held up the rather common notion of vulnerable women and children as groups that tighter family migration policies protect. The debates excluded certain racialized migrant families from cultural citizenship. Simultaneously, however, the public debate ‘whitewashed’ other families to make them suitable for inclusion. Here, the right to care for elderly family members played a central part in negotiations over cultural citizenship.  相似文献   

It is well known that the President of the United States is elected by the Electoral College and not directly by the population. Every time a candidate who does not win the most popular votes is elected President, detractors of the Electoral College call for its abolishment and supporters extol its undoubtedly merits. This article investigates what would have happened if a solution halfway between both extremes (a direct national election and the current system) had been used in historical Presidential elections; namely, a proportional rule with thresholds to assign electors in each state. This system would generate electoral colleges closer to popular will, reduce the risk of electing a minority president and impose the need of more balanced regional support to be elected, although increasing the risk of a third candidate emerging.  相似文献   

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