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In Australia the only professional group less understood or more subject to abuse than the public service is politicians. Rightly or wrongly public servants as a group are pictured as being lazy, "never having worked a hard day in their lives", totally inflexible, out of touch with the public, not really concerned about people's needs or wants, incompassionate, and concerned only about their seniority status and their superannuation fund.  相似文献   

The more that I have thought about the question of the image of the public administrator, the more complex and ambiguous the whole concept has seemed to be. Our knowledge of the facts is patchy enough. Our understanding of causes and effects is thinner still. The best approach is perhaps to pool what we know from different sources. So today I propose to add to the available material, including the recent ANOP survey findings, such fragments of information and such conclusions as are available in the British context. I shall certainly look forward to learning more about Australian experiences while I am here. Between us, we may be able to make a little progress.  相似文献   

After the recent Federal elections, I am more confident in saying that I do not always believe the polls. In this instance, I have the feeling that the image of public administrators in Australia is probably worse than the surveys indicated. The latest bumper bar sticker in Canberra reads: “Fight inflation, run over a public servant today”. The Australian is running a series of articles critical of the size, efficiency and effectiveness of public services. The cup-of-tea image is a popular one and kick-a-public-servant-today has every possibility of developing into a national sport; the “fat cat” image has caught on.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Australian diplomatic service receives a fair degree of criticism, some misconceived, but some directed constructively at improving its economy and efficiency. The traditional objectives of Australian overseas representation are not questioned; rather the debate centres on the vast range of choice in the ways in which these broad objectives can be met—on such matters as how elaborately the task of overseas representation should be performed, where, and how large, overseas missions should be, how the diplomatic service should be staffed, and whether the pattern of coordination between the diplomatic service and other parts of the public service is appropriate. The complex issues involved in these areas of debate form part of the background against which the everyday work of the diplomatic service is set. This work includes political and economic reporting, the usual consular business, and “one-off” occasions ranging from the preparation of major bilateral treaties to war or revolution. Language and cultural differences make the carrying out of these tasks more difficult. Recruits to the diplomatic service are usually graduates in their mid-twenties with strong university qualifications, which are supplemented by formal training and by experience in different posts abroad and in Australia. The trend to greater specialization of diplomatic staff suggests a need for closer contact between the foreign service and other parts of the Australian Public Service, universities and the private sector. The past few years have been a period of questioning and criticism in all parts of the public sector, including the diplomatic service. At the same time the role played by the diplomatic service has grown more difficult. It is time that discussion focused on the key question—the need for comprehensive representation of Australia overseas—rather than on those who service this representation.  相似文献   

In a recent intervention within the debate about the managerialist reconstitution of Australian public bureaucracies, the Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Finance, Michael Keating (1989, p.124), sums up what he calls the raison dêtre of the reforms "as changing the focus more to 'management for results'". He proposes that the aim in this has been "to focus management attention on the purposes of programs and the cost-effective achievement of outcomes rather than simply on inputs and processes".  相似文献   

Abstract: This case study explores how organisational professionals cope with politics. It examines engineers responsible for synchronising traffic signals in Brisbane. How do engineers, working with complex statistical models of traffic flow, handle disruptive political demands for a pedestrian crossing or a shopping mall in the middle of an otherwise coordinated traffic signals system? And how do these organisational professionals, committed to installing and operating traffic signals, deal with politicians' recent preference for roundabouts as the preferred traffic control device? Simon's notion of “bounded rationality” is evoked, when it is suggested that traffic engineers deal with politics by restricting their world view to problem-solving rather than system control.  相似文献   

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