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In a report on its joint mission with China to trace the origins of COVID-19,the World Health Organization(WHO)said it wasextremely unlikelythat the virus was released through a laboratory incident.Thirty-four experts from WHO and China conducted research in Wuhan for 28 days to conclude that the infection most probably spread through an intermediate host or through cold/food chain products.  相似文献   

正Huawei is a commercial company with the choice to use its products left to consumers’ personal preferences and not to be linked to politics, said Ren Zhengfei, founder and President of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.,on May 21.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深化和经济建设的发展,人。财、物的流动不断增大删事犯罪也日趋组织团伙化、行动流窜化、工具现代化、手段智能化和行为暴力化,这就迫切要求我们要利用先进的科技手段,向科学要警力、向技防要安全。安全技术防范工程正是针对这一突出现象,通过运用现代科技手段来  相似文献   

正AFRICA,the last continent on Earth that suffers pervasive poverty although widely regarded as a land of vibrant potential,has been busy lately greeting high-ranking officials from Western developed nations and Asian economic powerhouses.It’s noteworthy that the recent four-  相似文献   

"死缓"是我国死刑的执行制度,在我国刑罚体系中起着重要的作用.但"死缓"在执行中,却遇到了许多实际问题.文章就"死缓"执行中减刑的具体问题和"死缓"执行中因故意犯罪变更为执行死刑的具体问题,作了探讨,并对"死缓"执行中应妥善处理的减刑、故意犯罪等问题提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

正In the last few days, 25-year-old deliveryman Li Qingheng has become an Internet celebrity. Li works at the Hangzhou sector of express delivery company STO Express, and gained widespread attention after winning an express delivery professional skill competition in Zhejiang Province in east China last year. Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang, is where  相似文献   

把“先富帮后富”提到突出位置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董全瑞 《长白学刊》2003,3(2):63-65
我国经过23年的改革开放,一部分个人和地区先富起来已经变成现实,与此同时,另一部分个人和地区还未富起来,这为先富帮后富创造了条件和对象。当前的重要任务就是消除思想认识上的障碍,把“先富帮后富”这个中心课题提到更加突出的位置。  相似文献   

于成文 《桂海论丛》2008,24(2):10-13
目前,对社会主义和谐社会的研究已经取得了许多理论成果,但是,对和谐社会的一些理论问题,比如,关于提出和谐社会的现实依据,关于构建和谐社会与以经济建设为中心的关系,关于如何理解和谐社会条件下的矛盾与斗争、社会差距、公平与效率的关系,关于和谐社会与社会稳定、社会形态的关系,等等,仍然存在认识上的误区。进一步破除这些误区,对构建和谐社会具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

The Chinese government intends to upgrade the governance ability of its officials through training.  相似文献   

学习江泽民同志"三个代表"的重要思想,实践"三个代表"的要求,必须要联系当前文化工作和文化生活的实际,正确认识和把握好几个关系. 1、关于文化与无产阶级政党建设的关系 江泽民同志"三个代表"的重要思想,在对我们党的性质、宗旨、根本任务高度概括的同时,也进一步深刻阐明了文化和无产阶级政党建设发展的关系.历史上许多志士仁人都曾致力于寻求救国救民的良方,从"维新"到"西学",从"洋务运动"到"新文化运动",但最终都未能改变中国的命运.在残酷的现实面前,中国人民最终选择了马克思主义.  相似文献   

北京市村镇污染治理控制的原则,应采用区别于传统集中式处理生活污水、固体废弃物的控制技术方案,使北京村镇污染治理走可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

Alongside China’s sustained economic growth its status in the in- ternational community has risen dramatically. This is evidenced by its extensive participation in the Group  相似文献   

Equal treatment for Chinese enterprises in the U.S. was an agenda item in the second round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). By the end of 2010, American investment in China exceeded US $60 billion, while China’s investment in the U.S. was only one-f ifteenth of that, around US $4 billion.  相似文献   

My articleon"Meaning of Friendship"was published by Voice of Friendship in September 2013.I was proud to show it to my friend,Ashfaq Ishaq,Executive Chairman of International Child Art Foundation in Washington DC.In my cover letter,I ended up saying that Friendship to me means simply sharing good feelings.To my great surprise,Ashfaq replied enthusiastically,and suggested,"Why  相似文献   

正Ukraine’s new president faces big challenges in managing both domestic affairs and relations with Russia Ukrainian candy tycoon Petro Poroshenko’s presidential election victory was unsurpris-ing.What did come as a surprise,however,was that it happened in  相似文献   

XING Weikai, 44, is principal of the Middle School A liated to the Central Conservatory of Music. The school  相似文献   

Yongnian Zheng 《当代中国》2010,19(67):799-818
This paper examines China's transformation from different perspectives, including economic, social and political, and discusses how these transformations are linked to the country's open-door policy. The paper argues that the most powerful driving force behind China's rapid transformation is its openness. At the domestic level, openness creates an institutional environment in which different existing factors reorganize themselves, thus providing new dynamics for change. At the international level, openness links China and the world together, and the interplay between China and the world produces an external dynamism for China's internal changes. Openness, however, has led to social injustice. Society often becomes the weakest link in the process of globalization and opening up; therefore, it must be defended by all means and in all major policy areas.  相似文献   

学习型社会是小康社会的重要特征.西部地区经济社会发展中面临的形势和问题,使西部地区建设学习型社会的任务更为必要、紧迫,并富有现实意义.  相似文献   

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