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The virtual summit has come and gone and what has it changed? Virtually nothing. We had good reason to believe that more would be accomplished. Admittedly, the original meeting read-outs were relatively sparse, and new details emerged in the days that followed, indicating that more was said and done than either side initially conveyed. But the key questions facing us now are: Why did we expect more; why didn't we get it; and what does all of this mean for China-U.S. relations going forward?  相似文献   

Summit Successes     
G20 leaders reaffirm their commitment to financial reforms, free trade and development At their recent summit in Toronto,leaders of the Group of 20(G20) major economies reached  相似文献   

<正>At a press briefing held on January 3,2017,Geng Shuang,spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,announced that China had officially assumed the rotating BRICS presidency on January 1,and Xiamen in southeast China’s Fujian Province will host the Ninth BRICS Summit in September.After Beijing,Shanghai and Hangzhou,Xiamen will become another Chinese city to host an important international event.  相似文献   

正Chinese premier meets with six international organization leaders to tackle economic issues In order to address the world’s pressing economic challenges, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang hosted a"1+6 Roundtable"in Beijing on July 22 with the heads of six major international fnancial organizations.The participants were World Bank Group  相似文献   

A world economy facing long-term and sluggish growth causes concern The 620 Summit will be held from September 5-6 in St.Petersburg Russia.The G20,which became the top international economic governance platform in2009,has made significant progress in fostering global economic recovery,financial supervision and reform,The current economic situation features complicated changes in developed countries and emerging markets’growth and recovery.These changes demand that G20members make greater efforts,especially in policy coordination.  相似文献   

文在寅总统,安倍晋三首相,女士们,先生们,朋友们:很高兴在素有“天府之国”美誉的成都同各位企业家朋友见面。我谨代表中国政府,对本届峰会的举办表示热烈祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎!对长期以来致力于促进中日韩合作的工商界人士致以崇高敬意!今年对于中日韩合作来说,是一个值得纪念的年份,因为恰逢中日韩合作启动20周年。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]2012年6月5日下午,"中美公共管理学术期刊峰会"在中国人民大学举行,这是国内公共管理学界的首次学术期刊峰会。该峰会由美国行政管理学会会长、美国中佛罗里达大学教授刘国材(K.TomLiou)主持,他向大家介绍了此次峰会的缘起。中国行政管理杂志社社长兼主编鲍静、《第一资源》执行副主编柳学智、《公共管理与政策评论》主编蓝志  相似文献   

<正>The G20 agreed in Hangzhou last year on the path forward:building an innovative,invigorated,interconnected and inclusive world economy.This year,building on the theme of the Hangzhou Summit,the Hamburg Summit was themed Shaping an Interconnected World.What we need to do now is to work together to translate our vision into action.  相似文献   

正An exploration of this ancient yet modern city Summer in Hangzhou,the capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province,is exceptionally hot and humid,owing to its geographical location and many crisscrossing lakes and rivers.The city feels even hotter this year due to the comprehensive preparation for the upcoming  相似文献   

This Work Plan supports the Communiqué of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit.It constitutes a political commitlnent bv the participating states to catty out,on a voluntary basis,applicable portions of this Work Plan,consistent with respective national laws and intemational obligations,in all aspects of the storage,use,transportation and disposal of uclear materials and in preventing non-state actors from obtaining the information required to use such materials for malicious purposes.  相似文献   

China’s top travel professionals gathered in Beijing on May 12-13 to identify opportunities and discuss trends in the country’s travel market, which remains the world’s most rapidly emerging even asthe world economy faces huge challenges.  相似文献   

Prime Minister Stephen Harper,Dear Colleagues,It gives me great pleasure to attend the fourth G20 Summit in Toronto and discuss with you the important subject of promoting full recovery of the world economy. Let me begin by thanking Prime Minister Harper and the Canadian Government for their active efforts and thoughtful arrangements for this meeting. I also wish to take this opportunity to express thanks to all of you for giving valuable support and assistance to Expo 2010 Shanghai.  相似文献   

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