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Since formal diplomatic relations between China and Fiji were established in 1975, China has gradually developed its bilateral and multilateral relations with the Pacific islands countries (PICs). Especially in recent years, China has deepened its involvement in the South Pacific, and its influence in the region has been growing rapidly. Today, China appears to be one of the major players in the South Pacific region. This increased Chinese engagement has drawn wide attention in academic and political circles. While some scholars and analysts take a positive view of such an engagement, others are concerned about the rising presence of China in the region. Is China's engagement with the South Pacific a new strategic threat or not? This paper will examine the major motives underlying China's engagement with the South Pacific and analyze the implications of China's engagement for the PICs and Australia.  相似文献   

Since the foundation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the human rights situation in China has changed dramatically. Especially in the past three decades, along with the reform and opening-up and the remarkable political, economic, legal, social and cultural developments, the human rights cause in China has also made great achievements. In the development of human rights cause,  相似文献   

China's Foreign Strategy: Constantly Deepening and Broadening   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China has been constantly deepening and broadening foreign strategy in accordance with the changes of the world situation. With the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth CPC Central Committee, the Eleventh Diplomatic Envoy Conference and the Central Economic Working Conference as opportunities, the CPC Central Committee has made a series of new explanations and judgements on China's foreign strategy in the new era. China's external work has also entered a new period of great development. China has made substantial progress in countering the international financial crisis, promoting global issues such as climate change, maintaining the steady development of relations with major global powers and solidifying its strategy of reliance on surrounding countries. China's international status and influence has scaled new heights.  相似文献   

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the nation has paid a great deal of attention to economic diplomacy. In particular, since the launch of the reform and opening-up policy and its accession to the World Trade Organization, China has made great achievements in economic diplomacy, which has grown and improved in terms of patterns, objectives and contents. In the 21st century, globalization offers both opportunities and challenges, and international economic cooperation and competition have played an important role in foreign relations. Economic diplomacy has been increasingly important in terms of diplomacy. As we encounter new problems and face new challenges, we urgently require new breakthroughs in economic diplomacy.  相似文献   

China's new thinking about neighboring diplomacy in Asia since the end of Cold War can be analyzed theoretically from angle of international institutions. China utilizes institutionalism with great flexibility in four sub-regions-Central Asia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia, where institutional models-dominant participation, deep participation, active participation and moderate participation models have been adopted. In the four sub-regions in Asia, China has handled the presence of U.S interests well and responded reasonably to the United States' Asian diplomacy. China and the United States have therefore achieved a compatible coexistence in Asia. Compatibility and coexistence between China and the United States in Asia are the fundamental reasons that China has made progress in this new stage, and are the essence of the new thinking in China's neighboring diplomacy.  相似文献   

The debate on the involvement of China in Africa remains active; here in Beijing and in other fields, specialists of different areas analyze, discuss, and they look for hidden intentions regarding the new economical relationships that China has established with the African continent. From the point of view of an African it is fair to recognize that China has brought Africa to the center of the interest of the great countries of the western world.  相似文献   

As a leader of international public opinion, Europe often dictates the Western view of China. Unfortunately, Europe has long been one of the regions that hold the most unfavorable view of China. To "deploy political influence, economic competitiveness, an attractive image and moral force in diplomacy," as Chinese President Hu Jintao advocates, China must heed Europeans’ perceptions and establish a stable and positive image of China in Europe through public diplomacy. Since Chinese public diplomacy has not yet achieved encouraging results in Europe, China has to review and improve its efforts.  相似文献   

The Chinese model has a fairly big influence in Africa. Ever since reform and opening-up, China has been focusing on the central task of economic construction, which brought rapid economic growth, strengthening comprehensive national power, improving lives of the people and extending international influence. The success of the Chinese model has aroused much interest in the world, especially Africa, and produced positive effects. It is the outcome of a combination of several factors, such as the attraction of China's development, the impetus produced by that development and the appeal of China's friendly policies. Nevertheless, China is not going to sell its model and ultimately Africa has to carve out its own way of development.  相似文献   

In the years since 9/11, there is no doubt that the emphasis of U.S. global strategy has been on counter-terrorism and the war in Iraq. During this period of time, the U.S. investment in strategic, political and military resources in the Middle East, Iraq, and the war on terror, which are the top priorities on the list of Bush's foreign policy, has been far greater than in any other fields. However, there are some in the U.S. who believe that China's rise has been much ignored by the U.S., due to the global war on terror (GWOT), and that America should, in fact, be focusing more on China, not the Middle East. However, as we see it, China has by no means been ignored by the U.S., neither has China's rise been the result of U.S. ignorance.  相似文献   

India has long maintained a cautious stance on the South China Sea issue.As the regional situation has shifted,government statements began showing stronger support of claims from Vietnam and the Philippines and New Delhi began taking a series of practical moves to get involved in the dispute.Compared with the active and committed involvement of the US and Japan on this issue,India's position has not been stable.India and Vietnam have cooperated closely in the security arena in disputed waters,despite strong protest from China.  相似文献   

美国政府视中国为首要战略竞争对手,并进行遏制打压,激起中国的强烈反对,而舆论战是中美博弈的重要组成部分。中美两国舆论战涵盖的议题广泛,影响波及全球,并发展到意识形态对抗和互相驱逐媒体从业人员的地步。中美双方的舆论攻势和各自国家的政治制度、社会形态的特点息息相关,其阶段性效果与中美既有的国际影响力相匹配。在美国对华大打舆论战的情况下,中国在西方发达国家的形象受损,但在国内极大地凝聚了人心、提振了士气。未来,美国可能仿效针对苏联和俄罗斯的做法,将舆论战更多地和心理战、政治战相结合,以服务其遏制中国的目标。为增强自身的国际传播力,更好地服务与美国的舆论战,中国需要维护好政治安全,提高话语和叙事能力及舆论反击效果,将传统媒体和新兴媒体相融合,并将发展中国家作为国际传播的重点,以逐步形成同我国综合国力和国际地位相匹配的国际话语权。  相似文献   

China’s regional policy is mainly centred on its efforts to forge a friendly, stable and prosperous neighbourhood. To achieve this end, China has developed an approach combining both partnership bilateralism and tailored regional multilateralism. By and large, China does not consider its neighbourhood as a whole and has been very cautious and hesitant to engage in overarching ‘region-building’. China has relied mostly on soft (attractive) use of power, particularly economic power, supported by cultural and assurance diplomacy, even though diplomatic and economic coercion have been exercised occasionally. China has once again become the biggest economy in Asia. Yet, neither the new power configuration in Asia nor China’s own ambitions point to a return to the old ‘Middle Kingdom’ with China holding a dominant position in its neighbourhood. China will most probably continue to see itself as a self-restrained regional power in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

随着韩国与中国经济的快速发展,中、日、韩三国产业结构与产业发展的差距有所缩小。当前三国之间的国际分工仍留有“雁行模式”的痕迹,制造业在三国均占有主导地位,但制造业内部各部门的发展水平仍有差距,三国在对外贸易中表现出来的产业互补性仍然较强。而另一方面,韩国与中国资本、技术密集型行业的发展对日本形成了竞争,韩国在少数劳动密集型行业同中国也存在竞争,三国产业在原先以互补性为主的基础上出现逐渐增强的竞争趋势。  相似文献   

石岚 《东南亚纵横》2011,(10):86-89
中国的改革开放带来国民经济的快速发展,同时也带来对能源,尤其是石油和天然气资源的巨大需求。中亚及其相邻的里海地区有着丰富的石油天然气资源。毗邻的地理位置为中国与中亚国家能源合作创造了得天独厚的条件。当前中国与中亚地区已经修建了多条石油和天然气管道。这些管道有助于保障中国能源供应,但也面临一系列新的问题和压力。中国中亚能源通道的未来前景广阔,但需要提前做好风险研判与科学规划。  相似文献   

China has a long history of internal and international migration and has a significant number of diasporas around the globe. From being predominately a country of emmigration, China has now witnessed growing rates of return migration, due to its rising economic status in the world. This article seeks to provide a historical review of international migration from China in different periods, from ancient China to after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It also examines the recent trends of new waves of Chinese migration such as student migration to Europe and touches on issues of government policy and the role of overseas diasporas in the course of Chinese history. By analysing a wide range of data, including published statistics and published papers, this paper illustrates the evolution of changing patterns of international migration from China and its impact for China on the rest of the world.  相似文献   


Should China forge a military alliance? Some scholars believe it should, others believe it should adhere to a policy of non-alignment. For China many risks are associated with military alliances. On the one hand, China would likely be involved in unwanted conflicts and confrontations created by potential allies. On the other hand, China would be bound to compete with the existing hegemon, the United States, which has already established a huge alliance system, to win more allies. China just cannot afford this. The intensified strategic competition between China and the United States may also lead to a new antagonism in the Asia-Pacific region. Nevertheless, China’s ‘non-alliance’ policy does not mean China has to abandon the development of strategic cooperation with other countries or renounce the right to build a cooperative partnership network. Since Xi Jinping came to power, the Chinese government has continuously expanded its strategic partnership network in the region. This policy could avoid US-China competition over military allies and enhance strategic trust between China and its neighbouring countries, creating conditions for China’s peaceful development and global strategic stability.  相似文献   

金融危机以后的韩国对华直接投资   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩国金融危机后 ,韩国企业对华直接投资发生了许多新变化。投资的项目数和金额均大幅度减少 ,在华韩资企业也开始进行重大的结构调整 ,针对中国国内市场的投资逐渐增多。伴随着中国西部大开发事业的推进 ,在中国内陆地区投资的韩国企业逐渐增多。可以预料 ,随着中国加入WTO和经济结构国际化的进展 ,今后韩国对华直接投资不仅会有量的快速发展 ,而且在质的方面也会有很大的提高 ,投资地区和投资行业将进一步呈现出多样化的特征。  相似文献   

即使在"日本奇迹"风光不再的今天,如何正确认识日本的经验和教训这个问题对中国今后要走什么样的发展道路仍然有着很大的启示和借鉴意义。日本是一个成熟的发达国家,具有很多发达社会的特征和东方现代化的独有特点,其中优良的社会治理和社会中相对较高的平等程度是最具特色和最有启发意义的。中日两国有着相近的历史文化传统,在中国现代化和社会转型的过程中,日本在社会治理方面的经验比西方经验更值得借鉴。同时,日本在高速经济增长之后长期的经济低迷也足以使中国引以为戒。  相似文献   

本文选取2003~2009年间中国与东盟各国贸易和直接投资面板数据,用实证方法研究中国和东盟各国间的贸易与对外直接投资(FDI)的关系,结果表明:中国对缅甸、印度尼西亚、老挝、新加坡、越南的FDI及新加坡对中国的FDI促进进口贸易、出口贸易、进出口总贸易;中国对文莱、柬埔寨、菲律宾的FDI及文莱对中国的FDI促进出口贸易;中国对柬埔寨的直接投资促进进出口总贸易;泰国对中国的FDI与进口贸易、出口贸易、进出口总贸易间存在替代效应。此外,对外直接投资和贸易具有极强的双向因果关系。  相似文献   

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