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群众身边的腐败问题,因发生在基层和群众身边,更加直接地暴露在群众眼前,更加直接地与群众利益发生冲突,其影响就显得更加恶劣,危害更加严重。群众身边的腐败问题,因发生在基层和群众身边,更加直接地暴露在群众眼前,更加直接地与群众利益发生冲突,其影响就显得更加恶劣,危害更加严重。在当前加大惩治力度的情况下,其腐败  相似文献   

近年来,安徽省从破解城市建设领域腐败问题的源头抓起,紧紧围绕项目决策、项目审批、征地拆迁、招标投标、工程实施等关键环节,深入排查廉政风险点,加强制度建设,构建前期预防、中期监控、后期处置的廉政风险防控机制,最大程度规范权力运行,降低腐败问题发生的几率。  相似文献   

江泽民同志的“七一”讲话,坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论为指导,贯彻党的解放思想,实事求是的思想路线,系统总结了我们党80年的光辉历程和基本经验,全面阐述了“三个代表誓重要思想的科学内涵,深刻回答了新的历史条件下加强和改进党的建设需要解决的重大问题,进一步指出了党在新世纪的历史任务和奋斗目标。  相似文献   

许士光 《江淮法治》2008,(19):34-34
人大常委会组成人员出席常委会会议是其法定职责,但若不出席会议怎么办?有的地方提出采取一些惩戒措施来加以解决。  相似文献   

新华网“2012两会调查”的22个选项中,“食品安全监管”始终名列前茅,成为网民关注的热点话题。 2012年3月,在北京召开的全国两会上,食品安全问题也是人大代表和政协委员关注的焦点,、如何监管食品安全,代表、委员各抒己见。  相似文献   

阳志奇 《中国监察》2010,(24):41-41
加强基层党风廉政建设,努力解决反腐倡廉建设中人民群众反映强烈的突出问题、坚决纠正损害群众利益的不正之风,更好地服务农村社会和谐发展,为社会主义新农村建设提供强有力的保证,是各级纪检监察机关必须抓好的一项重要工作。  相似文献   

机关廉政文化建设就是以机关廉政建设和廉政活动为基础,通过调动和发挥文化的功能,将机关廉政建设的基本要素辩证地、发展地、有机地结合起来,对廉政文化进行的哲学思考和创造性构建。基本要素的内容包括:廉政价值观的构建、廉政法规制度的构建、廉政组织体系与人员队伍的构建、廉政活动体系的构建、廉政活动评价机制的构建。上述五个方面是机关廉政文化建设不可分割的整体,在实践中要通盘筹划,根据不同情况和需要突出不同的建设重点。  相似文献   

廉政文化建设是现代警营文化建设的重要组成部分,需要常抓不懈、不断增强廉政文化建设的渗透力、感召力、约束力和生命力.大力加强廉政文化建设,充分发挥廉政文化的功能,对于实现公安消防部队又好又快发展具有重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

文化建设需要物质载体,需要制度的保障和支撑,需要软着陆.廉政文化是反腐倡廉的思想基础.如何建设廉政文化,关键要实现廉政文化建设的软着陆,在廉政文化研究、教育、传播、管理等方面进行全方位的制度建构.  相似文献   

彭凯  杨正友 《江淮法治》2009,(11):44-45
从今年起,我省将提高妇女儿童健康水平纳入民生工程,尤其是将通过完善服务体系、健全保障机制,大力发展妇幼事业,从而有效预防和减少出生缺陷,提高出生人口素质。如何将该工程实施好,以更好地体现科学发展观和执政为民理念?为此,笔者近日走访了省十一届人大代表、桐城市人民医院内一科主任何林生。  相似文献   

张克 《检察风云》2013,(9):52-54
2013年3月,俄罗斯反腐法案细则出台,为俄罗斯庞大的反腐败法律体系又增添了一项规范。陛文件。俄罗斯的腐败问题自苏东巨变以来—直是世界关注的焦点,诸多其他转轨国家冀望于俄罗斯提供反腐败的良治经验。遗憾的是,俄罗斯反腐败的曲折性和艰巨性超出了世人预期,二十多年来,  相似文献   

通过改革和制度创新,可以最大限度地将行政机关可自由支配的权力加以约束,从而消除腐败产生的客观基础,减少腐败机会。具体而言,对于可以由市场自行调节的领域,政府应主动退出,把官员掌握的分配稀缺资源的权力降到最低限度,要最大限度地对行使这种权力的随意性加以削减。  相似文献   

The collapse of communism in Ukraine created opportunities for organized criminal groups to expand their economic criminal activities in the “shadow economy” by penetrating all levels of public and economic administration. Ukrainian law enforcement agencies are poorly equipped to handle this increase in criminal activity, especially with respect to uncooperative foreign and domestic economic institutions. State machinery for regulation and control of industry and commerce was easily accessible to organized crime through bribing of state officials, who received no supervision during economic restructuring. Notwithstanding the active assistance of corrupt government officials, organized economic crime has benefited from chaos and lost government control as the result of recent economic reforms in Ukraine. Researchers in this study hypothesize that the social and economic disorder, as well as a common and justified mistrust of state officials, fosters a pessimism and erodes moral standards, which in turn fosters criminal activity. Of late, judicial sentencing for those convicted of economic crimes has become lighter while many economic criminal cases are never investigated or prosecuted in the first place. In order to combat large-scale corruption, there must be better supervision of government officials and better monitoring of foreign economic transactions. One of the most disastrous consequences of the collapse of the Ukrainian communist system has been the widespread increase of economic crime. This phenomenon is self-sustaining, penetrating all levels of Ukraine's economy and administrative sectors. Criminal activity helps to sustain the shadow economy in Ukraine, which has been estimated by various sources to constitute 50 to 60 percent of the economy. Law enforcement and administrative efforts have been largely futile in curbing this corruption. Nevertheless, it is possible to overcome the criminal social and economic order that has become ingrained in this “shadow economy.” This paper seeks to propose policy solutions for Ukrainian economic crime and corruption that could be implemented at the national level.  相似文献   

Drawing from social learning theories and symbolic interactionist understandings of social life, the authors suggest that physical punishment teaches aggressive and controlling strategies for solving the problems of living together and hinders the development of important problem-solving skills, specifically the ability to role take with others. These strategies and skills become part of an individual's toolkit for problem resolution within his or her marriage. The analysis is based on 188 married couples in Washington State who participated in a longitudinal study of the first 2 years of marriage. The analysis reveals the following: Individuals who were physically punished during childhood are more likely to engage in physical and verbal aggression with their spouses, individuals who were physically punished during childhood are more controlling with their spouses, and individuals who were physically punished during childhood are less able to take their spouse's perspective.  相似文献   

This article explores how the criminology literature, particularly the literature on crime prevention, might supplement current efforts to minimise corruption. It seeks to identify and apply approaches to offenders and offending to the problem of minimising corruption. In summary, this article demonstrates that the crime prevention literature does have a number of applications for those interested in minimising corruption. In general terms, this literature advocates, amongst other things, taking an informed approach to corruption minimisation by developing an understanding of the process of engaging in corrupt conduct. Exploring the offender's perspective and considering different types of corruption separately are two strategies suggested to facilitate understanding the factors which underlie corrupt conduct. In this way those seeking to minimise corruption would be better placed to identify how and where to intervene to optimise the likelihood of prevention and hence be able to tailor prevention techniques to individual types of corruption. Six specific lessons from the crime prevention literature and their applications are illustrated in this article. This current article is intended to promote discussion of potential strategies for combating corruption by the growing numbers of people interested in this challenge. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the resources used in corrupt exchanges and the complex network of actors involved. The empirical analysis is drawn from research into the Italian case, and is based on judicial investigations, a newspaper-based data bank, and interviews. Defining corruption as a market for political rent, the analysis focuses on the “commodities” which flow from the public to the private sectors (in particular, influence over political decisions and information) and those which flow in the opposite direction (such as bribes, influence on the mass media etc.). Resources which corrupt agents use to reduce the costs of “producing” corrupt services are also explored as well as the risks involved in hidden exchange. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Moral outrage and lack of comparison distorts the understanding of the natureand politically determined functions of governmental corruption in post-communist transition. As post-communist societies move towards open market systems and corruption is no longer limited to the public sector, politics is transformed into a potent tool for illegal transactions. The political structureitself creates corrupt practices that become a structural feature of transition societies. This article offers first a critical discussion of both moral theories of corruption and the thesis that posits a link between corruption and democracy deficit in post-communist countries. Subsequently, it sketches a neo-functionalist approach that puts corruption in a specific social context.With respect to East/Central Europe, corruption is presented as a betrayal ofpublic trust that serves specific requirements of an emerging ``extortioniststate.' These requirements relate to the expansion of extortion opportunitiesand their institutionalization into a semblance of a Tule of law system.  相似文献   

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