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China's northwest farmlands get an infusion of life from innovation Dry air, dry land and loess hills-ithis is likely the first impression 'most people have when visiting the villages of northwest China's  相似文献   

UPON his return home from a trade mission to China in 851,an Arabian merchant described to a captivated audience a wondrous article he had seen during his travels.It was an exquisite vase,one so transparent you could see the water it contained in side.But the vase,the merchant enthused,a piece of porcelain,"was made from opaque clay."  相似文献   

The 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China is celebrated in grand fashion with an impressive armed forces and civilian parade  相似文献   

PROMOTING employment by encouraging college graduates to start a business is government policy" said Chert Guang, deputy director-general of the National Association of Vocational Education of China."In developed countries and countries with a better employment environment,the proportion of college graduates who undertake to be self-employed is 20-30 percent. But in China, it is only 1 percent. The discrepancy is huge."  相似文献   

China and Arab nations continue to nurture strategic relationsc china and Arab nations have vowed to elevate their relationship to a strategic level——a new consensus,analysts say,that reflects their long-term mutual trust and shared aspirations for development.  相似文献   

DURING the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods 2,000 years ago, Chinese distinguished the size and power of the numerous vassal states by the number of horse-drawn military chariots (each drawn by four horses) they owned. The "thousand- chariot" states were large ones, while the "hundred-chariots" states were medium-sized to small ones. This reflects the thinking in ancient China that "the affairs of a state are determined by its military,  相似文献   

Anew breed of bard - the Chinese migrant workerjotted the following lines: A frog whose blood comes from the countryside, Leaps to the city - then he's clad in irons. There are some 120 million farmers working in China's major cities that make up a special community within society. Many local artists have brought their troubles to light, but migrant workers are now penning their own verses, based on their own experiences.  相似文献   

LAST November's China Guardian auction saw the highest bid ever for a Chinese oil painting: Mao Zedong Inspecting RuralGuangdong by Chen Yanning sold for an incredible RMB 10.12 million. Contemporary Chinese Oils Surge in Value The 2005 China Guardian autumnauction chalked up a cool RMB 130 million in accumulated sales of 201 Chinese oil paintings and pieces of sculpture. Among the top 30 highes sellers were realist school artists Chen Yifei, Ai Xuan and Yang Feiyun, whose works s…  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的现代化进程以狂飚突进的态势,取得了举世瞩目的成就。然而,在这一过程的城市化浪潮中,全国许多古老的集镇被破坏,它们或消失、或毁坏、或变成假古董。我们对于这种破坏传统文化、割裂历史文脉的现象应该进行反思,并坚决遏制其蔓延之势。有鉴于此,在枫红谷黄的金秋时节,我刊与上海闵行区地方志办公室联合在江南名镇七宝,举办"现代化进程中的历史文脉和集镇保护问题"学术研讨会。我们特选几位专家学者的发言予以发表,以期引起更多的共鸣。  相似文献   

做好自由择业党外知识分子的工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自由择业的党外知识分子 ,是随着改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济成长起来的一个新的群体。深入认识这一群体的地位和作用并认真做好对他们的统战工作 ,充分调动他们的积极性、主动性和创造精神 ,把他们的力量凝聚到建设中国特色社会主义和实现中华民族伟大复兴的事业上来 ,是新形势下统一战线的重要任务。  相似文献   

中国封建社会是男权色彩十分浓重的社会,父权社会权力系统重压下仍然有个别女性冲破了父权社会的层层封锁,到达了社会权力顶端。怎样看待这种突发的.偶然的女性执政?她们与当代的女性参政有多少共同之处?这些女皇大后的参政背景.参政道路、参政手段对现代从政的女性具有一定的借鉴和启发作用。  相似文献   

试论台湾女性主义文学对身体自主的追求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
台湾女性主义文学大量涉笔情欲题材,并视此为建立一种真正女性中心的文学艺术和理论批评之所在.女作家们对女性的身体和性心理、性快感、情欲发动方式等等,都有比较严肃的讨论.她们用文学形象展示女性隐秘的性经验、性心理,凸现出女性被压抑的情欲状态,并以无所畏惧的叛逆姿态,向历来是男性霸权的情色禁区发起大胆冲击.李元贞、袁琼琼、苏伟贞、朱天文等人,站在女性主义立场上,对身体自主的理念作出文学阐释,涉及到女性在欲情的海洋里成长的命题.新锐女作家则更有勇气,她们笔下的人物活跃在台湾社会中,热烈地伸展着女性作为原始身体存在的力度.同性恋题材在女作家笔下大量出现并频频获奖,已大有跻身主流文化的势头.  相似文献   

Undergraduate students (218 women, 57 men) attending a Roman Catholic, suburban university with a Franciscan charism tradition completed open-ended items assessing their perception on the mission, vision, and values of their university. However, only 41 lower division, first-year students (33 women, 8 men) and 29 upper division students (22 women, 7 men) actually wrote about different aspects of their school's identity. Qualitative themes emerged in regard to students' assessment of their school identity, such as university mission activities are perceived important, and overall support for different institutional values within the university community.  相似文献   

新世纪统战工作的根本任务是要争取人心、凝聚力量,为实现党和国家的宏伟目标而团结奋斗.而统一战线是否具有较强的感召力和凝聚力,能否更有效地服务于党和国家的事业,很大程度上取决于统战干部的自身素质.不断提高统战干部的素质,是做好新时期统战工作的重要前提.  相似文献   

女性参政水平是衡量男女平等的标准,同时也反映一个社会的政治文明程度。这已成为大多数人的共识。我国女性参政目前已获得了广泛的认同和支持,但深度和广度远远不够。女性自身的性别角色认知、社会角色认知、情感角色认知严重制约着女性参政的自发要求。  相似文献   

Foster care is an integral component of the child welfare system. However, little is known about factors germane to conceptualizing successful foster care. This study utilized Concept Mapping (CM) to delineate a conceptual domain for what success in foster care means from the perspective of those most impacted: foster youth. CM couples multi-dimensional scaling with hierarchical cluster analyses to form factors relevant to an area of study. Pictorial representations of the data were generated using the Concept Systems software. Results indicate that youth conceptualize success based on several distinct domains. The final analyses yielded a multi-cluster solution, or Concept Map.  相似文献   

China and Myanmar share a border and a vision To put it bluntly, the China-Myanmar relationship is having troubles. Conflicts in Myanmar’s Kachin State suddenly worsened, resulting in tensions along the China-Myanmar border. The changing situation is impacting the lives of people who reside in the  相似文献   

Love and Destiny     
first met Adrian five yearsago.Helping each other tolearn English and Chinesebrought us together,and itwas some time during one ofthe days or evenings we met tostudy that we fell in love.Fromthat time on we spent happy,  相似文献   

Growing Your Own     
<正>A new mode of agriculture helps people get involved in organic farming On a cold winter morning, Yin Ruiqing, a retired worker in Beijing, was busy  相似文献   

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