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Cases of fatal poisoning with cupric compounds are relatively rare in everyday life and are not covered much in forensic literature. A case was encountered of fatal poisoning with a blue vitriol solution introduced into the uterine cavity in order to interrupt a pregnancy. A 39-year-old woman brought to the hospital by ambulance complained of pain in the lumbar region and profuse bloody genital discharge, which had appeared 3 days earlier. She believed she was 2 months pregnant and denied artificial interruption of the pregnancy. Upon examination, her condition was grave: a weak pulse of 80; blood pressure 100/60. The abdomen was soft, the liver and spleen not enlarged. Pasternak symptom was negative. The uterus was soft, painless and enlarged to 9 weeks of pregnancy. The uterine cervix was clean, the orifice closed. Discharge was profuse and bloody. The diagnosis was that she was 9 weeks pregnant and had a missed criminal abortion. Scraping out the uterus and corresponding therapy to control bleeding were ineffective. An operation was performed--extirpation of the uterus. However, despite the steps taken, the bleeding did not stop, and the patient's condition continued to worsen. 10 hours after being admitted to the hospital, she died. During forensic investigation, diffused, violet-colored cadaverous spots were discovered. Extensive subcutaneous hemorrhage was detected around the areas of injection. The skin covering was edematous; when pressed with a finger, areas of depression remained. There was about 250 ml of watery blood in the abdominal cavity. Internal organs were anemic. There were multiple subpleural, subepicardial, subcapsular, intraorgan and intramuscular micro- and macro-punctate hemorrhages; bleeding into the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tracts; and cerebral and pulmonary edema. Forensic histological examination showed acute circulatory disturbance with perivascular and peridiapedetic hemorrhage; concentrations of aggregated and hemolyzed erythrocytes in the small vessels and capillaries; cerebral, pulmonary and stromatic edema. In the kidneys there was coaugmentation of renal glomeruli; epithelial necrosis of part of the coiled ducts; lower epithelium in places had pigment grains; primarily in openings of straight ducts there were pigment cylinders; extreme plethora of the surrounding area, and infiltration from annular cells and polynuclears. Forensic chemical analysis showed 12.8 mg of copper; 6.6 mg in the uterus and 5.6 mg in the kidneys. From data obtained it can be concluded that the patient died from cupric compound poisoning, complicated by interruption of the pregnancy and uterine hemolytic hemorrhage. It was later established that during the month before being admitted to the hospital the patient introduced a solution of blue vitriol into the uterine cavity to interrupt the pregnancy.  相似文献   

A number of American police agencies appear to have gone “green” by adopting a range of environmental sustainability initiatives. This article situates their efforts within a similar movement afoot throughout urban government and then explores potential theoretical explanations for them. Problems and benefits associated with environmentally-conscious police reforms are also discussed. Along the way, the author lays out a research agenda for scholars interested in further study of the apparent greening of policing.  相似文献   

Police departments across the United States are now integrating new visual monitoring technology (e.g. unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs or ‘drones’], body cameras) into routine police practices. Despite their potential use in multiple areas of proactive and reactive policing, public attitudes toward police use of UAVs, and visual monitoring technology overall, is mixed. As an extension of previous research, the current study uses a national survey to assess how well individuals’ perceptions about police legitimacy, effectiveness, and other criminal justice attitudes predict the level of public receptivity and opposition toward police UAV use in various contexts. The implications of these findings for public policy and law enforcement practices are discussed.  相似文献   

An intense discoloration of the gastric mucosa or the gastrointestinal tract found at autopsy gives rise to the question of its cause. Such discolorations are mostly described in the context of intoxications. However, traditional foods and diagnostic procedures using indicator dyes can also lead to an unusual discoloration of the mucous membranes. The authors report on the autopsy findings in a man who died from a bleeding gastric ulcer and whose gastric mucosa showed intense blue discoloration. Experimental postmortem examinations (on stomachs) were performed with methylene blue, a dye used in gastroenterology, resulting in a blue discoloration resembling the appearance of the stomach in the autopsy case. Together with the outcome of the toxicological analyses, the experiments pointed to a diagnostic procedure using methylene blue (chromoendoscopy).  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy is becoming a tool of major importance in forensic science. It is a non-invasive, non-destructive analytical method allowing samples to be examined without any preparation. This paper demonstrates the use of the technique as a general tool for gel pen inks analysis. For this purpose, 55 blue gel pen inks, of different brands and models representative of gel pen available on the world market at the time of this study, were collected. A preliminary solubility test in methanol allowed separating them into two classes: 19 dye-based and 36 pigment-based gel inks. The latter were analysed by Raman spectroscopy (RS) using two wavelength laser sources (514.5 and 830 nm). Two main pigments were identified, pigment blue 15 and pigment violet 23.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法鉴别蓝色签字笔墨水的种类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过对签字笔字迹成分进行检验,达到对签字笔成分进行分离并对签字笔种类进行鉴定的目的。方法使用高效液相色谱法对蓝色签字笔字迹色痕中的色料成分进行分析,并依据分析结果对墨水的种类划分,同时考察了纸张的背景影响、最小用样量以及实验结果的重现性。结果22种蓝色签字笔样品均可以实现区分。结论本研究对实际应用有较大参考价值。  相似文献   

A 42-year-old man evidently had died from an intoxication. On the basis of the findings at scene it was primarily assumed that the man had ingested a larger quantity of an ethylene glycol-containing antifreeze for suicidal purposes. The man was said to have had an alcohol problem and did not only consume drinking alcohol, but also other alcoholic liquids. At autopsy, a bluish liquid with an aromatic smell was found in the oesophagus and stomach. However, toxicological analyses did not furnish evidence of ethylene glycol--as expected--but a potentially fatal concentration of ethanol (blood alcohol concentration 4.01 per mille). The blue colour (patent blue C.I.42051) came from a liquid used in the wind-screen washer system in winter, which now contains ethanol (denatured with 2-butanone) instead of ethylene glycol. The results of the toxicological findings including the analysis of congener alcohols and the differential diagnostics of blue-coloured stomach contents are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the degree of discrimination obtained between non-denim blue cotton fibres using visible–UV range microspectrophotometry alone. To this end, samples of fibres were taken from 100, non-denim, blue cotton, outer garments, including t-shirts, trousers and jumpers and subjected to analysis by both visible and UV range microspectrophotometry. The results obtained from the samples of each garment were compared to determine if they ‘matched’ or not. From an initial visual comparison of the garments it was possible to subdivide the samples into two populations consisting of 73 ‘dark blue’ garments and 27 ‘mid-blue’ garments. It was found that of the 73 ‘dark blue’ garments, 22 distinct sub-populations could be distinguished using visible range MSP, this figure being increased to 43 when the analysis was extended into the UV range. In the case of the 27 ‘mid-blue’ garments, 9 distinct sub-populations were discriminated using visible range MSP, this figure being increased to 17 when the analysis was extended into the UV range. The discriminating power (i.e. the number of discriminated pairs divided by the number of possible pairs) of visible range microspectrophotometry was calculated as 0.89 for ‘mid-blue’ garments and 0.87 for ‘dark blue’ garments. Extending microspectrophotometry into the UV range increased discrimination by 7%, giving a discriminating power of 0.96 for both mid and dark blue cotton fibres which was similar to that reported by a previous study where this method was combined with light and fluorescence microscopy.Intra-garment variation was found to be negligible. The implications of this study for casework are discussed and a revised analytical pathway for the comparison of this fibre type/colour combination using microspectrophotometry as a primary screening tool, is proposed.  相似文献   

Usually, the differentiation of inks on questioned documents is carried out by optical methods and thin layer chromatography (TLC). Therefore, spectrometric methods were also proposed in forensic literature for the analysis of dyes. Between these techniques, laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) has demonstrated a great versatility thanks to its sensitivity to blue ballpoint ink dyes and minimal sample destruction. Previous researches concentrated mostly on the LDI-MS positive mode and have shown that this analytical tool offers higher discrimination power than high performance TLC (HPTLC) for the differentiation of blue ballpoint inks. Although LDI-MS negative mode has already been applied in numerous forensic domains like the studies of works of art, automotive paints or rollerball pens, its potential for the discrimination of ballpoint pens was never studied before. The aim of the present paper is therefore to evaluate its potential for the discrimination of blue ballpoint inks. After optimization of the method, ink entries from 33 blue ballpoint pens were analyzed directly on paper in both positive and negative modes by LDI-MS. Several cationic and anionic ink components were identified in inks; therefore, pens were classified and compared according to their formulations. Results show that additional information provided by anionic dyes and pigments significantly increases the discrimination power of positive mode. In fact, it was demonstrated that classifications obtained by the two modes were, to some extent, complementary (i.e., inks with specific cationic dyes not necessarily contained the same anionic components).  相似文献   

Fifty-three clusters of blowfly eggs of the genus Calliphora vicina were observed in the laboratory up to the hatching stage under reproducible and virtually field-like conditions. Rearing the larvae was then continued up to pupation, the larval growth in length being recorded several times a day. As the object was to study the dependence of the larvae increase in length on the temperature conditions in vitro, the substratal humidity and food supply were kept unchanged during the entire study. The temperature ranged from 6.5 degrees C to 35 degrees C, with the temperature for the individual cluster kept constant during the entire developmental process. Data on about 5500 measured larvae were statistically evaluated. The basic result established was that in the case of the blowfly of the genus Calliphora vicina in vivo, all developmental stages relevant to the entomologic determination of the time of death depend on the temperature conditions: (1) the duration of the egg stage increases with decreasing temperature; (2) the speed of larval growth is slower at lower temperatures; (3) the maximal larval length is reached earlier at higher temperatures; (4) the mean value of maximal length decreases with increasing temperature; (5) larvae under all temperature conditions decrease in size after having reached their maximal length, the decrease in length being more rapid at higher temperatures; (6) constant temperatures over 30 degrees C lead to "stunted forms" which do not pupate and die; (7) constant temperatures under approximately 16 degrees C after the peak of growth has been reached inhibit the readiness to pupate, which causes the larvae to fall into a stationary state of rest, which will be interrupted only when the temperature is raised and resumption of the metamorphosis is thus induced. To allow rapid reconstruction of the larval age in general practice, the established growth data were set out in the form of a diagram designated isomegalendiagram, which permits temperature-fluctuation-related entomologic determination of the time of death with a maximum degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

目的研究不同品牌蓝色电工胶带的检验方法。方法利用扫描电镜/能谱法对蓝色电工胶带进行检验。结果11个厂家生产的15种品牌的蓝色电工胶带组成的105组样品对有104组可以区分,区分率达到99.0%。结论扫描电镜/能谱法能够区分绝大多数蓝色电工胶带,该方法具有操作简便、快速、结果准确的优点,能够用于同色电工胶带的鉴别。  相似文献   

Contradictory scholarly arguments and limited previous research currently compromise understanding of whether officer gender affects street-level police actions. This research probed those contradictions and added to the limited previous research by examining traffic ticket decisions by women and men Boston police during April and May of 2001. The multivariate story the data tell was one of no differences between women police and men police. If gender propels women and men police in different directions, as some scholars argue, then evidence of those differences simply was not visible when viewed through the lens of the present research.  相似文献   

Systematic analysis of bulk blue ballpoint pen ink by FTIR spectrometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A classifying method on bulk blue ballpoint pen ink has been studied by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. By using this method, a total of 108 blue ink samples have been divided into two groups depending on their main component. Spectral characteristics of these inks such as frequency and absorbance are described by way of artificial intelligence of pattern recognition, and 35 subgroups from the 108 inks are distinguished by their correlation coefficient (lambda). Under heat or exposure to ultraviolet light a mode of change in the age of the inks has been obtained. This approach has provided a reliable and nondestructive method for the characterization of bulk ballpoint writing ink, and more importantly, it might be a basis for dating of the blue ballpoint pen ink.  相似文献   



The present study tests the hypothesis that regime nature as a structural characteristic explains variations in public confidence in the police.


Combining five sources of data from 50 nations with 69,309 respondents, the current article extends the extant research by using hierarchical logistic regression analyses with ample sample sizes at both levels to test the hypothesis with a series of control variables.


In addition to the largely consistent findings from the individual-level predictors, the results show that that there is a U-shaper convex curvilinear relationship between the levels of democracy and confidence in the police. Residents in long-term stable authoritarian regimes as well as in long-term stable democracies display elevated levels of confidence in the police, whereas short-term or unstable authoritarian nations and nations in democratic transition have the lowest level of confidence in the police. Besides, confidence in the police is higher among citizens in nations with more government efficiency and is lower among residents of countries with higher homicide rates.


Regime nature is important in understanding confidence in the police. In addition, governments should make more efforts to promote their efficiency in order to win citizens’ support and they are expected to reduce homicide rates.  相似文献   

Samples of blue and red cotton fibres were examined using light and fluorescence microscopy as well as UV/VIS microspectrophotometry and fluorescence microspectroscopy. The degree of fluorescence and spectral variation was recorded. Particular attention was paid to the recurrence of certain spectral patterns. The importance of spectral information in the UV range is emphasized again. Colour plays a critical role in the comparison of cotton fibres in forensic sciences. Normally, fibres producing spectral patterns that are frequently seen will tend to have a lower evidential value in criminal cases as the choice of putative sources is theoretically greater and vice versa. Besides black cotton, blue and red cotton fibres are very frequent in fibre casework. The very high discriminating power using a combination of light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and UV/VIS microspectrophotometry shows that even blue and red cotton fibres can provide excellent evidence when involved in fibre transfer cases.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight garments were taped and searched for mid to dark blue wool fibres. These were then removed from the tapings, mounted on slides and examined using a high-power microscope (400x). A total of 2,740 blue wool fibres were identified and visible range microspectrophotometry (MSP) was performed on them. Three hundred independent blue wool populations were identified on 56 of the 58 garments searched. The lack of control fibres meant the spectral range of each population was unknown. The number of populations may have been underestimated by grouping together the fibres that had broad single peaks and a lack of distinguishing features in the spectra. Although blue wool is considered to be a common fibre type, 300 unique spectral shapes were identified by the use of microspectrophotometry alone. This demonstrates that the dyes used in the dyeing of blue wool are variable. Showing that many different populations of blue wool occur on a range of garments should ensure that the forensic scientist does not underestimate or understate the strength of evidence in cases where blue wool is found. Hopefully this work will enlighten scientists and enable them to also assess the true value of their findings when other commonly occurring fibres are encountered.  相似文献   

This article aims to provide a new and fast method for differentiation of inks on a questioned document. The data acquisition was carried out by designing specific image analysis software for evaluating thin layer chromatograms (TLC-IA). The ink spot was extracted from the document using methanol and separated by TLC using plastic sheet silica gel 60 without fluorescent indicator, and a mixture of ethyl acetate, ethanol, and water (70:35:30, v/v/v) as mobile phase. To discriminate between different pen inks, new software was designed on the basis of intensity profile of red, green, and blue (RGB) characteristic. In practice, after development of chromatogram, the chromatograms were scanned by ordinary office scanner, intensity profiles of RGB characteristics on the development straight of each sample were produced and compared with the mentioned software. RGB profiles of ballpoint inks from various manufacturers showed that the patterns in most cases were distinctly different from each other. This new method allowed discriminating among different pen inks with a high reliability and the discriminating power of 92.8%. Blue ballpoint pen inks of 41 different samples available on the local market were successfully analyzed and discriminated.  相似文献   

The Chromotrop-Anilinblue (CAB) trichrome staining method, developed for liver specimens, enables rapid detection of fresh damage to myocardial fibers by staining contraction-bands bright red. Dehiscence of the transverse striation, although yet unexplained in its pathogenetic significance, becomes visible with CAB staining. Overall, the method seems less sensitive to artefacts than former so-called infarction-staining-methods. Contraction-bands are not conclusive evidence for ischemic damage, as they also appear in traumatic heart damage (e.g. knife- and gunshot-wounds).  相似文献   

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