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国家对于社会的"组织化"管理是国家获取和施用基础性权力的一种重要技术形式。"组织化"管理在中国传统政治生活中已有先例,但其现代形式却是社会革命的产物,继而在革命后的现代国家构建过程中得到更为系统的应用与完善。改革之前,"组织化"管理在实践中采取了"全面单位化"模式。改革之后,为满足中国经济社会发展的战略转型需要,"组织化"管理的实践形态逐渐向"选择性嵌入"模式嬗变。  相似文献   

在利益相关者管理视角下,食品安全实质是食品企业满足消费者的利益要求——诚实履行对消费者的社会责任的问题。食品企业是否履行社会责任从而供给安全食品是权衡股东利益和消费者利益的决策结果。短期来看,其行为决策依赖股东和消费者两大利益主体力量的对比,长期而言,则取决于企业是否具有长期战略从而使得消费者利益与股东利益相容。制度环境的不同维度对企业食品安全行为的作用机理存在差异。我国社会转型期制度环境的不稳定是诱发食品企业短期行为、导致食品安全恶性事件发生的根本原因。因而,规范食品安全监管秩序并发挥社会监督的作用是激励企业履行社会责任从而保障食品安全的长久之计。  相似文献   

近年来,日本政府为应对国内食品安全事件引发的消费者信任危机,在食品行业实施了一项以强化食品行业相关主体之间信息交流为特征的食品安全管理工程项目,即FCP(FoodCommunicationProject)项目。本文首先从"三鹿"、"双汇"事件出发,反思了我国食品行业主导企业产生食品安全问题的社会影响及其深层原因,指出了目前我国食品行业中大型主导企业的食品安全责任缺失问题,并阐述了借鉴日本食品行业FCP项目理念的意义所在。在此基础上,通过对FCP的系统结构、运行机制的深入分析,挖掘了FCP在食品安全控制中发挥的功能作用。最后结合我国实际情况,揭示了FCP对我国食品安全管理体系的重要启示,即政府应重新定位自身在我国食品安全管理中的应有角色;政府和企业应重视通过信息沟通挖掘消费者的食品安全管理潜能;政府和企业应共同合作建立食品安全控制的利益主体主导机制。  相似文献   

李涛  唐振刚 《学理论》2013,(12):120-121
食品安全事故应急管理是现代国家文明的标志之一,其管理水平反映国家综合管理能力。建立健全食品安全事故应急管理制度是保持良好社会秩序,有效应对各种食品安全事故的前提,是提高政府危机管理能力、化解风险和维护稳定的紧迫需要。我国食品安全事故事中管理存在强制调查缺乏法律依据、封存涉嫌食品措施与上位法冲突等问题,应依托《治安管理处罚法》,解决行政强制调查权缺位,修改《国家食品安全事故应急预案》,解决法律冲突。  相似文献   

食品安全关系国计民生。认识食品安全问题的危害,从国家安全、民族存亡的高度对食品安全重要性达成共识,堵死食品安全事件借口,共筑食品安全的思想防线,是解决食品安全问题的前提。  相似文献   

胡重明 《公共管理学报》2013,10(1):63-70,140
处于转型中的中国社会将不可避免地经历一个社会的再组织化过程.本文试图回答的问题是如何通过社会的再组织化来实现社会管理创新.基于对现有文献与实践状况的研究,从社区化、多元化和技术化等三个维度考察了浙江舟山“网格化管理、组团式服务”的社会管理创新案例.研究表明,该模式的形成正依赖于组织空间的社区化集聚、组织资源的多元化整合和组织信息的技术化连接.但在该模式的实施过程中也暴露出了许多影响管理和服务有效性的新问题.这说明,在未能充分动员社会自身的力量和彻底改变社会既定的组织化的形式与结构的情况下,现有的再组织化过程并不能充分保证社会管理创新的有效性与持续性.由于社会固有的组织化的形式,特别是“国家”与“社会”的组织形态及二者之间的结构关系等历史因素的影响,在进一步的社会管理创新探索中仍然需要冲破社会原有的组织化的障碍——不只是关涉政府(国家)组织的自我重塑,更为关键的将是社会自身的再组织化的实现.这无疑将会给社会管理的改革带来更大的挑战.以再组织化为视角,拓展中国社会管理创新的研究路径,有助于理解中国社会管理创新所面临的深层次矛盾和问题.  相似文献   

当前,志愿服务已成为中国完善应急管理体系、提高应急救援效能的重要依托,为减少灾害损失做出了重要贡献。但由于缺乏组织化的管理,在救援中出现了无序或低效,不仅造成了应急资源的重叠与浪费,也给抢救生命财产安全带来了严峻挑战。立足志愿服务参与应急救援"组织化建设"这一新的视角,深入探究志愿服务参与应急救援时组织化能力不足的深层原因,在此基础上提出加强志愿服务应急管理组织化建设,增强组织化的管理能力,把具有不同动机的志愿者凝聚在组织内部和项目周围,在制度层面有效地组织志愿服务力量,构建顺畅的制度化参与渠道,提出加快志愿服务参与应急救援组织化建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

食品安全监管中的公众参与:困境与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公众参与的缺失是我国食品安全监管危机频发的重要原因.结合实践观察,公众参与监管的制度化程度低、参与监管的组织化程度低、参与监管阶段的片面化构成我国当前食品安全监管的主要困境.为了跳出公众参与监管的困境,未来食品安全监管中的公众参与制度设计可以从完善公众参与监管的制度化、提高公众参与监管的组织化、规范公众参与监管的过程化入手构建.  相似文献   

在我国城乡二元分割的社会治理格局背景下,当前农村食品安全监管面临突出困境。从食品安全协同治理的视角出发,推进农村食品安全监管中的公众参与制度建设,对于实现农村食品安全长效治理目标,具有基础性战略支撑意义。在实证调研的基础上,以天津农村为"解读样本"的调查研究表明:当前我国农村食品安全治理中的公众参与,在参与意愿、参与能力、参与途径、参与行为,以及参与机制和组织化程度等方面,均存在明显缺陷和不足。因此,有必要对我国农村食品安全治理中的公众参与制度的总体思路和推进路径,进行多维度探析。  相似文献   

制约我国食品安全管理创新的非制度性因素主要有:一是检测能力较弱,主要体现为检测技术水平低,技术研发进展慢,特别是关键检测技术研发突破难直接影响食品安全检测结果,从而影响食品安全管理水平的提高。二是企业社会责任承担不足,主要体现为我国很多食品企业缺失伦理道德和诚信意识,从而增加了食品安全监管的复杂性。三是消费心理和消费行为难以改变,主要体现为消费者存在消费心理偏好及消费行为习惯和搭便车行为,从而降低了食品安全监管效率。四是公众参与能力不足,主要体现为公众参与理性不足和公众参与行为不当,从而增加了食品安全管理创新难度。  相似文献   

Market mechanisms in food safety management can not fully play its role, together with food producers, processors, distributors and other stakeholders' breach of competition rules, so food safety management must rely on government regulation. But at this stage, government regulation of food safety in China is not perfect, vicious food safety incidents that continuously occur seriously endanger lives of people, reduce the credibility of government functions and hinder the stable development of social harmony. Therefore, improving the food safety laws and the food safety regulatory system, establishing food safety credit system and expanding social participation of food safety supervision mechanism are the top priority of the government to regulate food safety.  相似文献   

基于对我国食品安全监管现状的认识,本文提出了以政府为主导的食品安全控制体系向以企业为主导的食品安全保证体系的发展方向;以农产品批发市场为例,通过案例调研进一步阐述传统监管体系在实际运行中存在的问题及转变政府职能的必要性,如监管重复化、程式化和低效率,市场执行效果不好,抽检规范化、标准化和信息追溯可信度低等;并通过博弈模型分析政府和企业(市场)进行食品安全监管和控制的行为决策过程,找出通过政府职能的转变而促使企业从"反应型食品安全监管"向"自主型食品安全监管"转变的关键所在与有效路径,为提升我国食品安全监管效率、创新食品安全监管模式提供思路。  相似文献   

What influences the degree to which city councils support reinventing government (REGO)? Controlling for environmental factors that are likely to shape council policy adoption as well as the tenure of the chief administrator, the findings of this study underscore that the type of representation system is most consistently related to opposition to REGO. In addition, the economic health of the city and the tenure of the chief administrator are positively associated with council support. Overall, institutional factors affect council policy adoption more than either environmental factors or an administrator's seniority, at least in this policy area.  相似文献   

How has China's food safety administrative system changed since it was founded in 1949? How can we periodize the process of this historical transformation in terms of regulators, regulatees, and regulatory tools? This review article offers an analytical framework that distinguishes three regimes in the history of China's food safety governance: an old regime of command and control (1949–1977), an intermediate regime of mixed instruments (1978–1992), and a new regime of regulatory governance (1993–ongoing). In the article the regimes' features, advantages, disadvantages, and development tracks are discussed, and the groundwork is laid for an analysis of China's emerging regulatory state. Finally, a new notion of “transitional regulatory state” is used to define the current Chinese regulatory state based on its food safety regulation.  相似文献   

Budgeting is an important mechanism for ensuring public accountability. How do budget reforms in the United States during the Progressive Era compare to those in contemporary China? Are administrative and legislative budget controls essential to an effective, efficient government? Though the two countries differ in many respects, significant parallels between their budget reforms are evident. In the United States, electoral accountability alone does not guarantee overall government accountability if proper budgetary institutions are absent. China's recent budget reform reveals that it is possible to develop accountability, absent open elections, but with limitations and constraints. Lessons on budgeting and accountability for other developing and transitional countries are drawn from this comparative study.  相似文献   

This article explores food safety regulation in five European countries by comparing their main legislation and organizational characteristics. The aim is to gain insight into the particular characteristics of food safety regulation, understand major differences and similarities, and reach a firmer understanding of how regulation evolves. Food safety regulation concerns vital questions, and is a field with a long history. Food scandals – in particular the 1996 BSE crisis – and European integration have prompted major changes. The BSE scandal revealed important underlying conflicts of interest and dilemmas concerning the twin objectives of ensuring safe food while also ensuring honest trade in food. This led to a questioning of existing structures and paved the way for new regulation. The authors' main finding is that food safety regulation has similar origins, addresses similar tasks, and raises similar problems and conflicts in all five countries. A tension between protecting public health and paying heed to business interests, and a struggle for control over this policy field between the administrations of health and agriculture, are common features. However, the configuration of food safety regulation in legislative and organizational terms varies. The comparative focus reveals that national context and history are important for understanding change. This leads to the conclusion that the framing and reframing of the field depend largely on how it is structured and regulated initially, as well as on the constellations of interests and values that are operative and legitimate in each context.  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,中国食品安全管理体制经历了一个怎样的历史变化过程?从历史制度分析的方法论出发,如何从监管者、监管对象以及监管过程三个角度来界定这样的历史变化过程?现行的食品安全监管体制绩效如何?根据不同时期食品安全管理主体、对象以及政策工具的差异,将建国以来我国食品安全管理体制区分为指令型体制、混合型体制与监管型体制三个阶段,同时对不同阶段的发展脉络、具体特征以及体制利弊进行了归纳总结。此外,选择了四个具有代表性的指标,对1990年至今的中国食品安全变化态势进行了测量,发现我国食品安全的形势经历了一个明显的V型曲线发展过程,并据此对这一过程提出自己的解释假设,以此为中国食品安全监管的历史和现状提供一个白描式的描述图景。结合历史制度主义的分析范式,从四个方面综合分析出制约中国食品安全监管绩效优化的四大结构性因素,从而将其监管绩效的现状与历史制度根源联系起来,提出未来中国食品安全监管体制的改革方向。  相似文献   

The British government published its new food strategy in January 2010, entitled ‘Food 2030: How We Get There’. This emerges out of a considerable amount of policy activity and debate since the sharp rises in food prices during 2007–2008. This demonstrated the need both to now have an explicit food policy, and to position this as a goal across various government departments. In addition, it is recognised that food security and hunger are key global concerns. How does the strategy face up to the arrival of these new and combined challenges associated with the need to produce more food sustainably and to allocate it more fairly? Clearly, we are in a period of new productivism with regard to trying to solve national and international food security and sustainability issues. Yet this strategy misses an opportunity to stimulate a new strategic approach in enhancing and developing the United Kingdom's food supply system albeit in its international context. We need more governmental and political innovation and imagination if we are to meet these challenges. The new food strategy may come to represent the start of this process.  相似文献   

It is often held that one function served by evaluation in the fields of education and social policy generally is to assist the administrator in the making of rational decisions. If, under these circumstances, several evaluators come to different conclusions about a research proposal or a pilot social program, on what basis can the administrator make his decision? He can hardly be expected to resolve any technical dispute between the experts who are his advisors. After discussing the various functions of the evaluation process, and analyzing some of the factors that may lead to such lack of consensus amongst experts, the paper recommends that if the administrator is concerned solely with making a rationally defensible decision, then he should select his evaluating panel so that all members share the same theoretical orientation.  相似文献   

Beginning in the mid-1970s, fiscal limitation laws, shrinking revenue bases in older cities, and reductions in state and federal grants all have reduced the resources available to carry out the functions of local government. What do these changes portend for the amount of innovation in local government, the types of innovations that are introduced, and the processes of introduction? This paper examines these questions by reviewing the literature on factors related to innovation in public service agencies and reorienting its implications in the new fiscal environment. We conclude that on the whole the innovative process in the public sector has fallen on hard times. Yet, we identify those factors that a creative, innovative administrator can use to advantage in a period of fiscal constraints to bring about innovation. We also identify types of innovations that are likely to succeed.  相似文献   

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