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金融作为现代经济的核心,在支持脱贫攻坚、服务乡村振兴等方面发挥了重要作用.如何从金融供给侧结构性改革的视角,洞察精准扶贫的现实痛点并给予解决方案是身为金融支持产业扶贫的主体必须回答,也同时无法回避的问题.近年来,在优化农村的金融资源配置、解决农户的贷款难、结算难等常见问题,同时改善农村的金融生态环境和金融基础设施等方面...  相似文献   

<正>如何锚定未来三十年航标?党的二十大报告(以下简称“报告”)给出了答案。报告中系统阐述了新时代新征程的使命任务,提出了今后中心任务以及中国式现代化基本特征与本质要求、战略布局与重大原则。推进中国式现代化,无疑是一项需要多方协同的系统工程,不会一蹴而就、一劳永逸,应在法治轨道上蹄疾步稳、有序推进。在这一系统工程中,高质量发展既是本质要求,也是首要任务。以高质量发展推进中国式现代化,成为引领未来发展的新经济战略。  相似文献   

刘玉仙 《政府法制》2011,(33):59-59
2011年太原市财政支农工作要紧紧围绕市委提出的建设一流省会城市的战略要求,对标一流,加大资金投入力度,大力推进都市现代农业,力促民生发展。  相似文献   

农业现代化与农业教育改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于实现农业现代化必然要受到其主体的农民的整体素质和价值观念的制约,要有相适应的农业人口智力结构作支撑,于是,能否建立起一个健全有力的农业教育体系就显得极为重要了。建国后很长一段时间,我国农业教育并未受到足够的重视,而且还出现过严重的只讲数量不讲质量的弊端。十一届三中全会后,我国农业教育在专业、内容结构,层次结构,体制结构,以及“三教”统筹等诸方面,相应地进行了规模很大的调整和改革。这种调整和改革为世纪之交的中国农业教育的发展提供了有益的启示  相似文献   

正近年来,随着改革的持续深化,城市规模不断扩张,社区已逐渐成为社会中最重要的基层单位。同时,外来人口的大量涌入,迅猛增长的汽车保有量,各类社会矛盾和冲突的激荡带来了更加复杂的社会治安形势,加强社区治安综合治理现实意义凸显。城乡社区是社会治理的基本单元,智慧社区更是建设社会治安防控体系、推进智慧城市建设和构建和谐和平社会的重要组成部分。为推进智慧社区建设,构筑基层社会管理和服务体系,国家下发了  相似文献   

胡明 《政法论坛》2023,(1):3-13
中国式法治现代化是中国式现代化在法治领域的具体体现,是中国式现代化的重要组成部分。习近平法治思想为推进中国式法治现代化建设提供了理论指引,展示了科学方法,描绘了宏伟蓝图,是中国式法治现代化的指导思想。中国式法治现代化的本质要求脱胎于中国式现代化,要坚持中国共产党领导的社会主义法治现代化道路,坚持人民至上的法治理念,努力推动人类法治文明进步。中国式法治现代化的历史逻辑、理论逻辑、实践逻辑统一于辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义的世界观和方法论。把握宏观战略,要明确其战略定位是中国式现代化重要组成部分,基本特征是国家各方面工作法治化,主要目标是建设良法善治的法治中国。推进中国式法治现代化建设,就要多维度拓展中国式法治现代化道路,充分发挥法治固根本、稳预期、利长远的保障作用,不断深化新时代法治领域各项改革。  相似文献   

到本世纪中叶,我国农业要实现现代化,从根本上讲,必须依靠现代科技创新来实现.因此,必须从中国农业的实际出发,通过实施农业科技发展的系列创新措施,达到我国农业现代化根本目标.  相似文献   

1958年,丹尼尔·勒纳在《传统社会的消逝》一书中,提出了相互对立的两种社会系统,即传统社会和现代社会,并认为“现代化是传统社会向现代化社会转变的过程”,勒纳对现代化概念的这一剖析以时代发展和社会进步为标尺,成为了各国政府和学者的共识。站在干年交接的时点,我们强烈地感受到一股全新的时代气息。全球和区域经济一体化组织雨后春笋般地出现,世贸(WTO)和世界银行(WB)在各国经济中日益增加的影响力,东南亚金融危机的冲击,使世人日益清醒地认识到经济全球化已成不可逆转的趋势,没有任何国家能游离于经济全球化进程之…  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村需要新型农民,实现农业现代化需要新型农民,巩固和发展农村经济依靠新型农民,13亿人的吃饭问题、国家的粮食安全问题也需要新型农民。因此,新型农民与农业现代化密切相关。吉林省农村新型农民在农村经济和社会发展中发挥了巨大作用,但仍有一些不利因素影响新型农民队伍的发展。为此,必须提高新型农民的综合素质,以期加快吉林省新农村建设的步伐。  相似文献   

从新中国成立50多年来,我国农业现代化大体可分为改革开放前的传统计划经济和改革开放后的市场取向两个时期。本文简要的对我国农业现代化历程进行了回顾,提出要重视农业现代化历史给我们的启示。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether narcotic abusers known to the Maryland Narcotic Addicts Register are indigent. Samples were drawn from this register and several determinations made as to their membership in populations receiving: medical assistance, public assistance (past and present), residing in public housing or in a low income area. Overall, the proportion of narcotic abusers defined as indigent ranged from 82% to 8.5% for Baltimore City residents However, this same finding did not hold true for those in Maryland counties.  相似文献   

In an effort to evaluate the situational determinants of crime, principal components analysis was used to reduce 59 demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of 840 American cities to six independent factors: affluence, stage in life cycle, economic specialization, expenditures policy, poverty, and urbanization. When regressed upon crime rates two of these six factors, urbanization and poverty, were found to be the more important criminogenic forces. The exception to this generalization was the South, where stage in life cycle was more important than poverty in explaining crime. One reason for this exception may be that the South, though having a lower standard of living than other regions of the country, does not have the “culture of poverty” usually associated with lower income. Contrary to the assumption upon which most ecology of crime studies are based, larger cities (over 100,000 in population) are not representative of all cities. Greater association between socioeconomic variables and crime was found in larger than in smaller cities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between crime rates and aggregate economic conditions for 57 small social areas. The principal analyses address a continuing controversy—are community crime rates associated with absolute poverty, relative poverty (i.e., income inequality), or both. Using victimization data from 57 small residential neighborhoods, the analyses examine the association between absolute and relative poverty and rates of violent crime and burglary. The findings indicate that absolute poverty is more strongly associated with neighborhood crime rates, although the relationship is conditional on the type of crime considered. The implications of the findings are discussed within a perspective of community social control.  相似文献   

Industry culture and industry economy have been used, with mixed results, to explain violations of law by corporate enterprise. The purpose of this paper is to use these theoretical concepts to examine differential noncompliance with tax law across Swedish industry in the early 1980s. A measure of noncompliance by industry is developed using tax audit data. The impact of audit policy on measured noncompliance is evaluated. Differences in industry culture are indicated by information on the presence and diffusion of techniques for noncompliance. Differences across industries in incentives to violate are indicated by bankruptcy rates and opportunities to gain through noncompliance. A hypothetical model is offered that explains the dynamic interaction of these factors and that could generate the static results reported. The paper concludes with a discussion of industry-level analysis in predicting corporate violations.  相似文献   

Inconsistent findings on the relationship between poverty and violent crime have led some authors to question the presence of a structural relationship. There is reason, however, to believe that many of the existing estimates are biased because measures of poverty contain errors which are confounded with disturbances in the estimated models. In this paper we specify and estimate a model which accommodates the measurement error and provides an instrumental variable estimate of the effects of poverty on homicide rates in the 49 largest cities in the U.S. Compared to similar OLS estimates, the instrumental variable estimates are much larger and fit a model in which poverty increases the homicide rate. The results are similar when homicides are divided into four types: family homicides, other primary homicides, robbery homicides, and other-felony homicides  相似文献   

The paper aims to examine an applicability of the livelihoods approach to poverty studies in urban China. Basically, the approach identifies the poor as active agents tackling the problem with the type and level of capabilities, assets, activities on which they draw for their livelihoods. It highlights the multifaceted reality of their struggles against poverty. This paper argues that the livelihoods approach, which takes a people-centred approach to reduce poverty, can be a new platform for the assessment of poverty in urban China.  相似文献   

Persons arrested for misdemeanor domestic violence are held in custody for widely varying lengths of time. To test the effects of this variance, we randomly assigned short (X?= 2.8 hours), full (X?= 11.1 hours), and no arrests (warning only) to a sample of 1,200 cases with predominantly unemployed suspects concentrated in black ghetto poverty neighborhoods in Milwaukee. Victim interviews and one official measure showed that short arrest had a substantial initial deterrent effect relative to the warning group. Longer term follow-up and before-after analysis, however, found neither arrest group reflected any deterrence. On the most comprehensive official measure, short arrest consistently showed significantly higher long-term recidivism than no arrest. Its deterrent effect ended at 30 days, but its criminogenic effect was significant after one year. We conclude that short-custody arrests for domestic violence in poverty ghetto areas may pose a dilemma between short- and long-term crime control, but longer custody arrests have no clear long-term effect in either direction.  相似文献   

正中航工业陕西飞机工业(集团)有限公司是1969年经中央批准建设,定点研制大中型运输机、特种机的大型军工骨干企业,隶属于中航工业飞机有限责任公司,是国家重点保军企业之一。在四十多年的发展中,中航工业陕飞一直倍受关注。党和国家领导人江泽民、温家宝、贾庆林、吴官正、李长春、张高丽、王震、曾培炎、李金华、许其亮,军方首长陈炳德、李安东、曹里怀、邓昌友、马晓天、景文春、张永义、何为荣,中航工业党组书记、董事长林左鸣等曾先后到公司视察工作。  相似文献   

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