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The fetus as a patient: emerging rights as a person?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dramatic scientific breakthroughs in medical technology have revolutionized the physician's diagnostic prowess in the art of obstetrics. Scientific procedures now reveal previously undetectable secrets about the womb's tiny inhabitants. In the last few years, perinatologists have not only demonstrated the ability to discern fetal abnormalities of an extraordinary variety, but also have become increasingly successful in correcting many of these defects in utero. This article identifies the potential medicolegal conflicts that may arise as fetal surgery becomes an accepted medical practice. It begins by surveying the legal rights of unborn persons with a particular emphasis on the role of viability in determining those rights. The article will then examine the concept of viability as developed by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade and later abortion decisions and concludes that the current judicial deference to the medical community in determining viability is adequate for balancing rights in the abortion context. However, conflicts among physicians and between the other and her unborn child that may arise in the fetal surgery context suggest that viability may be an adequate benchmark for resolving such conflicts. The article concludes with a recommendation to reform the current method of resolving the critical question of when a fetus becomes viable.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of an authority figure on eyewitness identification. Participants watched a staged crime and then were administered a photo lineup by either an authority (policeman) or non-authority figure (civilian). Participants in the authority condition were more likely to choose a lineup member than those in the non-authority condition. There was no effect of authority, however, on the accuracy of the identification decisions. The lack of a deleterious effect suggests that the presence of a police officer during identification procedures does not create an unduly suggestive situation or have undesirable effects on eyewitness identification decisions. Although witnesses' choosing behaviors did not increase the rate of identification errors, the effect of the administrator's authority on choosing was reduced when unbiased instructions (vs. biased instructions) were presented to the witnesses. Thus, support was found for the use of neutral instructions during eyewitness identification procedures.  相似文献   

Determination of testamentary capacity involves not only application of standard tests for decisional competency but also consideration of such special factors as the testator's "moral duty" to those entitled to her or his bounty (also referred to as "common obligations of life"), and the concept of emotional capacity. It is important for medical and legal practitioners who are involved in assessment of testamentary capacity to be aware of these special factors or requirements, their nature and their effect on the validity of the testator's will. The relevant tests and special factors are examined from an historical perspective.  相似文献   

The Safe Start demonstration projects, funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) under the first phase of the Safe Start initiative, are primarily designed to influence change at the systems or macrolevels to reduce the incidence of and impact of exposure to violence for children aged birth to 6 years; direct services are also provided to young children and their families who were exposed to violence. The data presented in this article come from 10 communities that submitted data regarding the characteristics of young children exposed to violence to OJJDP. These data represent families who are typically not represented in the databases of state child protective services programs but instead have been identified by domestic violence advocates, early care and education providers, family members, court personnel, police, and other social service personnel as families with young children in need of intervention due to violence exposure.The purpose of this article is to describe the characteristics of young children and their parents who seek help for psychosocial problems related to exposure to family and community violence. Results indicate that one quarter of the children and nearly half of their parents evidenced clinical levels of stress, suggesting the need to intervene at the family level as well as at the individual level when working with young children exposed to violence. The information presented, including the extent of exposure to violence, the multiple types of violence to which children are exposed, the impact of this exposure on young children and their families, and the multiple ways in which families exposed to violence come to the attention of service providers is useful for policy makers and service providers who are interested in breaking the cycle of violence by meeting the needs of the children exposed to violence and their families.  相似文献   

Incoterms2010:自由穿梭于国际贸易与运输之间的新规则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际货物买卖合同与国际运输合同在法律属性上虽然各就其位,但一直“并驾齐驱”地实践着跨国货物的输出与输入的职责,而自由地穿行于两者之间的国际习惯法便是Incoterms2010。租船订舱被视为买卖双方最重要的权利与义务之一,而新的货物风险转移标准与时俱进,无比折射着国际运输法则的理念。赋予Incoterms2010术语在国内贸易与国际贸易领域同等的效力,再次印证了国际盛行的自由贸易区演变规律。鉴于THC费用的纷争错综复杂,借助传统的公法——班轮公会反托拉斯豁免制度干预私法领域,增加了Incoterms2010保护交易的公平与秩序的砝码。  相似文献   

陕甘宁边区是国共合作的产物。陕甘宁边区和陕甘宁边区高等法院都没有在物质关系上接续到新中国建立后,影响立法和最高司法机关。马锡五审判方式难以被界定为诉讼调解。对当代司法制度传承具有实在影响力的是华北人民政府时期和其前驱晋察冀边区的司法。由彭真作为这一连接谱系主线的中国司法制度传承关系不仅仅是一个学术问题,也影响了当代司法体制改革。  相似文献   

This article contains an urgent plea for the re‐establishment of legal honesty in Europe. European law is a victim of European economic crisis. The emergence of the concept of conditionality within national and European jurisprudence, or the judicial imposition of a market discipline upon national budgets, is also a part of a chronicle foretold given in the face of the volatile power of international finance markets. Yet, in rewriting the judgements given by the Court of Justice in the case of Thomas Pringle and by the German Constitutional Court in its matching jurisprudence on the European Stability Mechanism, this article seeks to overcome the destruction of constitutionality within Europe, the foreclosure of a European space for the politics of alternatives and the condemning of individual Europeans to lasting suffering within a perpetual austerity regime.  相似文献   

The potential for the injury or death of a child resulting from the tip-over of a piece of household furniture or a domestic appliance has not been previously well recognized. We reviewed nine accidental deaths of young children that resulted from avoidable residential hazards and/or lapses in supervision of the children by their caregivers. The offending household items included televisions, bedroom dressers, a kitchen stove, and a lounge chair. The causes of death were mechanical asphyxia, blunt trauma, and combined blunt head trauma and asphyxia. All of the deaths could have been prevented by appropriate anchoring of the piece of furniture and/or closer supervision of the child. A thorough multidisciplinary investigation is essential in establishing the cause and manner of death in such cases and in identifying risk factors that may aid in the prevention of future childhood deaths.  相似文献   

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