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The antinomy between judicial activism and self-restraint, wellknown to students of the US Supreme Court, has implicationstoday also for international tribunals. The resort to judicialsettlement of international dispute is still predicated upona certain basic homogeneity of legal cultures and values goingwith them. When, however, social and cultural values are infundamental tension or collision with each other, there maybe an inclination towards activism to try to resolve the conflictsor contradictions. Any such activism on the part of the InternationalCourt of Justice, after the way seemed opened by the landmarkadvisory opinion in Nambia in 1971, effectively "overruling"earlier, more static jurisprudence, seems, however, to havebeen tempered by a perceived obligation of judicial respectfor the constitutional role and missions of the other policy-makingUN organs and other main players in the international community.As a result, this tends to lead to a situation in which theCourt may be dealing with no major, high political–legaltension-issues of the day.  相似文献   

This paper will focus on frauds committed against the budget of the European Union. It will consider the role of OLAF (the European Fraud Prevention Office) which is the lead agency in the fight against fraud. It will consider its powers and its capacity to co-ordinate the activities of anti-fraud agencies in twenty seven member states and the constraints which prevent it from operating in a more effective manner. The paper will also consider the role of other transnational bodies such as Eurojust and Europol and will seek to highlight the degree of fragmentation which exists with a multiplicity of actors involved in policing fraud, a fragmented legal approach and the difficulties this presents in policing sophisticated transnational frauds. The effect of EU expansion on this situation will also be examined and the EU anti-fraud efforts of the Czech Republic will be considered in some detail. The paper concludes that the legal system and the institutions are not yet in place to enable such frauds to be adequately policed.
Brendan QuirkeEmail:

The possibility of fraud exists in any contract. Courts and custom allow some amount of fraud before voiding the contract. The same principles hold for marriage. This paper provides a comparative analysis of annulment and divorce, shows that there exists a socially optimal amount of fraud in marriage, and demonstrates how changes in the locale's divorce regime result in changing demand for annulments. While substitutability between annulment and divorce is limited, annulment is shown to become more valuable for introducing fault when the divorce regime shifts to no fault. As European nations harmonize their family laws, they should be conscious of this substitutibility.  相似文献   

污染者负担原则面临的挑战及其破解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阳相翼 《行政与法》2012,(12):139-143
基于当前人类社会面临的发展与环境的紧张关系,明确环境保护责任的归属以及相关主体对于环境污染的预防、控制和治理等费用的合理负担,是保证社会、经济和环境可持续发展的重要制度基础。本文从法学、经济学的视角分析了污染者负担原则存在的不合理性及其在我国实施过程中面临的现实困境,提出了破解污染者负担原则所面临困境的对策。  相似文献   

In the same way that larceny characterized much of twentieth century, fraud will likely characterize the twenty-first century. Larceny remains the most common oi all serious crimes, but fraud may overtake larceny as the crime of choice in the future, because of changes in our ownership, storage, and movement of property. Fraud involves purposely obtaining the property of another through deception, and its popularity as a crime of choice is growing. Entrusting property to the custody oi others, storing property at remote locations, and electronic movement of property are shown to be major changes in the way we treat property and increase opportunities for theft. The connection between fraud and many of the serious crimes of the twenty-first century are shown in the facts of recent cases. The motivation of thefl behind many frauds is also shown to be used to fund larger criminal objectives, such as illegal immigration and terrorism. The points of view expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Albanese is chief of the International Center at NIJ on leave from his position as professor of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University.  相似文献   

陈少青 《法学家》2020,(2):57-72,192,193
行为人利用虚假的权利外观实施表见行为,第三人对外观产生合理信赖,向行为人给付对价并取得相应财产,根据权利外观理论,民法对第三人财产予以保护,不利后果转由真实权利人承担。但是,刑法的价值取向、司法解释的相关规定以及法律关系强行转换导致的处罚漏洞,阻断了将该理论适用于犯罪认定的现实可能。在规范层面将财产损害分为损害发生与损害分配,刑民对损害发生的认定相互契合,均将第三人作为表见行为的直接被害人;与此同时,刑法对损害分配不作评价,在法律事实的相对性层面,刑民又各自分立。第三人是遭受财产损失的刑事被害人,在善意取得、表见代理的案件中,行为人通过隐瞒自己并非真实权利人的事实,致使第三人陷入认识错误交付财物,成立诈骗罪。  相似文献   

张凇纶 《法学家》2022,(1):56-67
纵观欺诈的制度史,经过基督教的道德化改造,对欺诈的规范更强调其主观意图,最终呈现为总则中的欺诈规范,针对法律行为(合同)的效力。这一进路未能看到欺诈制度背后作为加速机制的国家权力。国家和市场在打击欺诈时,可以是同路人,但也可能存在紧张关系。尽管传统民法将欺诈行为与胁迫行为并列加以规范,但就行为模式来看,二者差异明显,欺诈制度与胁迫制度的现代决裂势在必行。欺诈应摆脱合同与侵权的人为区隔,进而充当一种法律救济的触发装置:一方面,应当借鉴刑法上受害人教条学的观念,骗局过于明显且有悖俗内容,而受害人自己却积极参与,不应获得补偿(但不排除引发对加害人的公法制裁);另一方面,在当事人信赖受到影响时,应具体化、个案化和客观化地考察当事人的具体状况从而提出解决方案。欺诈应当重返罗马法的模式:对欺诈的规范优先由特别法进行。  相似文献   

程关松 《法律科学》2009,27(4):41-52
我国现行宪法认为行政权是一种执行法律的权力,没有政治功能派分。但在宪政实践中,行政权既有执行功能,又有政治功能,其政治功能缺乏合法性。行政权的扩张使宪法失序,主要原因是现有宪法没有一套规制行政权非正式来源的有效方案。宪法沉默之处就是宪法危机之所。行政权的非正式来源有其必然性,外在的、事前或事后的、间断的宪法制约机制不足以规制行政权,必须有内在的、事中的、连续的宪法制约机制予以配合。规范主义宪法的有效性必须向生活领域开放;功能主义宪法观的合法性必须获得法治化建构。行政法治模式宜以规范主义宪法为基础,以功能主义为补充。行政的开放性、公民参与、法律程序是内在宪法制约机制的要素。  相似文献   

现代行政法的行政自制理论——以内部行政法为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政自制范畴和理论的提出,是对行政自制现象普遍化、立法和司法的功能性不足、内部行政法重新崛起等客观事实的反思和总结。行政自制理论有其独特的涵义和内容,主张行政主体通过行政组织架构、内部行政法律规则和行政伦理,进行自我约束、自我克制、积极行政,并成为一种独特的控权模式。行政自制理论是行政法的一个新课题,旨在重新思考中国行政法治的发展道路,顺应世界行政法学的发展趋势,为行政主导的行政法治进程提供新的理论资源。  相似文献   

欺诈的界分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就欺诈的研究视角,大多限于合同欺诈的角度,着眼于欺诈的构成及其法律后果,或者民事欺诈与合同诈骗罪的界分。但此种进路忽略了欺诈行为本身以及侵权法上的欺诈,忽视了侵权法在对欺诈的调整中应有的作用,甚至将侵权法对欺诈行为的控制化为乌有。若从法律行为的效力控制、合同责任、侵权责任承担以及合同诈骗罪的判处等不同的法律调控方式及其作用空间角度考察,可以更加明确对不同层面的欺诈的法律调控,也可更有效保护表意人的合法权益。  相似文献   

《环境保护法》确立了以总量控制为目的的区域限批制度,突破了建设项目环评审批权在行政组织内部的原始分配。赋予省级以上环境保护主管部门启动区域限批的权力,实质上是授权其在特定情况下对下级环境保护主管部门的行政许可实施权进行限制。区域限批决定在性质上属于内部行为,同时由于其可能影响相对人依法取得行政许可的权利,法院可以在对相应的行政许可实施行为的诉讼中审查区域限批决定的合法性。根据法律保留原则,规范性文件不能超出立法授权的目的、范围增设限批情形。而直接依据立法上的区域限批条款作出的限批决定也要接受比例原则的检验。  相似文献   

Two UK Supreme Court decisions have considered insurance fraud. The first, Versloot Dredging BV v HDI‐Gerling Industries Versicherung (The DC Merwestone), concerned the use of a fraudulent device being harnessed to support a legitimate claim which, in the view of the majority, was an area of insurance law in need of re‐evaluation. The second, Haywood v Zurich Insurance Co, concerned the use of fraud to increase the settlement paid by the insurer and whether an insurer, which suspects fraud but has nevertheless chosen to settle a claim, is entitled to set aside the settlement under the tort of deceit where it subsequently discovers proof that it was in fact fraudulent. This case note examines not only the legal implications of the decisions and their likely impact on industry practice, it also focuses on the broader issue of the proper province of the civil law and whether general deterrence can be justified as a proper objective where the criminal law is deficient in punishing fraud because of its higher standard of proof.  相似文献   

李戬  陈天生 《河北法学》2001,19(4):63-65
运用犯罪构成理论,对本罪进行了深入分析,特别界定了合同诈骗与合同纠纷的区别。  相似文献   

陈曙芬 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):94-97
目前对诉讼欺诈的刑法规制出现法律上的非犯罪化与事实上的犯罪化并存之状况,不利于司法实践。诉讼欺诈犯罪化有其合理性、正当性,诉讼欺诈应适度犯罪化。  相似文献   

金融欺诈的犯罪化限度及路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘远 《法治研究》2010,(10):26-35
金融欺诈的犯罪化限度及路径问题事关金融刑法的正义性。金融欺诈犯罪化的限度问题与金融欺诈的不可避免性、经济有益性、被害人过错和社会缺陷、犯罪追诉成本等因素密切相关,而金融欺诈犯罪化的路径应当坚持“先民后行再刑”之路。  相似文献   

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