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《Federal register》1993,58(124):34916-34919
This final rule responds to comments we received on an interim final rule relating to payment for customized wheelchairs that was published on December 20, 1991 (56 FR 65995). The interim rule set forth the Secretary's criteria that a wheelchair must meet to be considered a customized item and allowed for a payment for the purchase of customized items based on the carrier's case-by-case determination. This rule establishes the interim rule as a final regulation with one change. The change is based on our review and consideration of the public comments. EFFECTIVE DATE: This final rule is effective on July 30, 1993.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(28):6864-6869
This final rule responds to public comments on the January 12, 1994, interim final rule with comment period that provided that inpatient hospital operating costs include certain preadmission services furnished by the hospital (or by an entity that is wholly owned or operated by the hospital) to the patient up to 3 days before the date of the patient's admission to that hospital. These provisions implement amendments made to section 1886(a)(4) of the Social Security Act by section 4003 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(123):33123-33126
This final rule responds to comments on the May 25, 1994, final rule with comment period that implemented a standardized electronic cost reporting system for all hospitals under the Medicare program. In that rule, we solicited comments on the requirement that cost reporting software be able to detect changes made to the electronic file after the provider has submitted it to the fiscal intermediary. This final rule responds to comments on that requirement and clarifies that although changes to the "as-filed" electronic cost report are prohibited, an intermediary makes a working copy of the as-filed electronic cost report for use in the settlement process.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(222):54179-54188
This final rule implements section 6203(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, which limits Medicare payment for home dialysis equipment, supplies, and support services. Also, in accordance with section 6203(b), we are requiring that, for Medicare payments to be made to a supplier of home dialysis supplies and equipment when the patient's self-care home dialysis is not under the direct supervision of a Medicare approved renal dialysis facility, the patient must certify that the supplier is the sole supplier of his or her dialysis supplies and equipment. In addition, the supplier must agree to receive payment on an assignment basis only and must certify that it has entered into a written agreement with an approved dialysis facility, under which the facility agrees to furnish the patient with all home dialysis services. We are also providing a one-time-only opportunity for certain home dialysis patients to immediately change their current method of payment.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(203):47779-47787
This final rule amends the regulations governing Utilization and Quality Control Peer Review Organizations (PROs) to provide for a uniform methodology for determining payment to hospitals for the costs of furnishing photocopies of medical records of Medicare beneficiaries to PROs. We also are establishing the rate of payment for these costs at $.07 per page. This amount includes payment for labor and supply costs, but not the costs of equipment and overhead, which are already otherwise paid under the Medicare program.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1994,59(100):26960-26965
This final rule with comment period implements the provisions of section 4007(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, as amended by section 411(b)(6) of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988, which require the Secretary to place into effect a standardized electronic cost reporting system for all hospitals under the Medicare program. Under this final rule with comment period, all hospitals are required to submit their cost reports, for hospital cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1989, in a uniform electronic format. The Secretary may grant a delay or a waiver of this requirement where implementation could result in financial hardship for a hospital.  相似文献   

This final rule updates the annual payment rates for the Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for inpatient hospital services provided by long-term care hospitals (LTCHs). The payment amounts and factors used to determine the updated Federal rates that are described in this final rule have been determined based on the LTCH PPS rate year. The annual update of the long-term care diagnosis-related group (LTC-DRG) classifications and relative weights remains linked to the annual adjustments of the acute care hospital inpatient diagnosis-related group system, and will continue to be effective each October 1. The outlier threshold for July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 is also derived from the LTCH PPS rate year calculations. In this final rule, we also are making clarifications to the existing policy regarding the designation of a satellite of a LTCH as an independent LTCH. In addition, we are expanding the existing interrupted stay policy and changing the procedure for counting days in the average length of stay calculation for Medicare patients for hospitals qualifying as LTCHs.  相似文献   

This final rule establishes the annual update of the payment rates for the Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for inpatient hospital services provided by long-term care hospitals (LTCHs). It also changes the annual period for which the rates are effective. The rates will be effective from July 1 to June 30 instead of from October 1 through September 30, establishing a "long-term care hospital rate year" (LTCH PPS rate year). We also change the publication schedule for these updates to allow for an effective date of July 1. The payment amounts and factors used to determine the updated Federal rates that are described in this final rule have been determined based on this revised LTCH PPS rate year. The annual update of the long-term care diagnosis-related groups (LTC-DRG) classifications and relative weights remains linked to the annual adjustments of the acute care hospital inpatient diagnosis-related group system, and will continue to be effective each October 1. The outlier threshold for July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004, is also derived from the LTCH PPS rate year calculations. In addition, we are making an adjustment to the short-stay outlier policy for certain LTCHs and a policy change eliminating bed-number restrictions for pre-1997 LTCHs that have established satellite facilities and elect to be paid 100 percent of the Federal rate or when the LTCH is fully phased-in to 100 percent of the Federal prospective rate after the transition period.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(113):26916-26919
This final rule with comment period provides for new methodology to update the hospice daily payment rates and for an updated annual payment cap amount for hospice care under the Medicare program. The new methodology for calculating the daily hospice payment rate increase is set forth in section 1814(i) of the Social Security Act as amended by sections 6005 (a) and (c) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989.  相似文献   

This final rule establishes a prospective payment system for Medicare payment of inpatient hospital services furnished in psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric units of acute care hospitals and critical access hospitals. It implements section 124 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (BBRA). The prospective payment system described in this final rule will replace the reasonable cost-based payment system under which psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric units are paid under Medicare.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(173):47552-48036
As required by sections 4521, 4522, and 4523 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, this proposed rule would eliminate the formula-driven overpayment for certain outpatient hospital services, extend reductions in payment for costs of hospital outpatient services, and establish in regulations a prospective payment system for hospital outpatient services (and for Medicare Part B services furnished to inpatients who have no Part A coverage). The prospective payment system would simplify our current payment system and apply to all hospitals, including those that are excluded from the inpatient prospective payment system. The Balanced Budget Act provides for implementation of the prospective payment system effective January 1, 1999, but delays application of the system to cancer hospitals until January 1, 2000. The hospital outpatient prospective payment system would also apply to partial hospitalization services furnished by community mental health centers. Although the statutory effective date for the outpatient prospective payment system is January 1, 1999, implementation of the new system will have to be delayed because of year 2000 systems concerns. The demands on intermediary bill processing systems and HCFA internal systems to become compliant for the year 2000 preclude making the major systems changes that are required to implement the prospective payment system. The outpatient prospective payment system will be implemented for all hospitals and community mental health centers as soon as possible after January 1, 2000, and a notice of the anticipated implementation date will be published in the Federal Register at least 90 days in advance. This document also proposes new requirements for provider departments and provider-based entities. These proposed changes, as revised based on our consideration of public comments, will be effective 30 days after publication of a final rule. This proposed rule would also implement section 9343(c) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986, which prohibits Medicare payment for nonphysician services furnished to a hospital outpatient by a provider or supplier other than a hospital, unless the services are furnished under an arrangement with the hospital. This section also authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General to impose a civil money penalty, not to exceed $10,000, against any individual or entity who knowingly and willfully presents a bill for nonphysician or other bundled services not provided directly or under such an arrangement. This proposed rule also addresses the requirements for designating certain entities as provider-based or as a department of a hospital.  相似文献   

This final rule establishes a prospective payment system for Medicare payment of inpatient hospital services furnished by long-term care hospitals (LTCHs) described in section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Social Security Act (the Act). This final rule implements section 123 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP [State Children's Health Insurance Program] Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (BBRA) and section 307(b) of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA). Section 123 of the BBRA directs the Secretary to develop and implement a prospective payment system for LTCHs. The prospective payment system described in this final rule replaces the reasonable cost-based payment system under which LTCHs are currently paid.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1990,55(111):23435-23443
This final rule reinstates a modified version of the initial method of payment for physician dialysis services and clarifies and modifies some of the principles of the monthly capitation payment method. Under both the initial method and the monthly capitation payment method, we specify that, to be payable, physician services must meet certain requirements that distinguish services furnished to individual patients from services furnished to facilities that benefit the facilities' patients generally. The reinstatement of a modified version of the initial method is necessitated by a court order.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1993,58(201):54045-54049
This final rule responds to public comments on the August 25, 1989, interim final rule with comment period that established a demonstration project to develop a uniform cost reporting system for hospitals under the Medicare program. Under that rule, all hospitals in the States of California and Colorado were required to participate in the demonstration project. In addition, since the demonstration project ended on June 29, 1992, this final rule removes the relevant provisions from the Code of Federal Regulations.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(140):37590-37596
This final rule allows skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) that provide fewer than 1,500 days of care to Medicare beneficiaries in a cost reporting period to have the option of receiving prospectively determined payment rates in the following cost reporting period. The prospectively determined payment rates are based on components of SNF costs such as routine operating costs, capital-related costs, and a return on equity for proprietary facilities for routine services furnished before October 1, 1993. This rule also specifies that the return on equity provision for proprietary SNFs is eliminated for services furnished on or after October 1, 1993.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1994,59(137):36707-36713
This final rule responds to public comments on the January 21, 1988 final rule with comment period that implemented section 9311 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986. The January 21, 1988 rule described the circumstances under which the periodic interim payment (PIP) method is available for services furnished by hospitals and other providers.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(131):35492-35498
This final rule addresses comments received on an interim final rule with comment period published on December 7, 1992. The interim final rule implemented section 4062(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. It specified that payment under the Medicare program for durable medical equipment (DME), prosthetics, and orthotics furnished on or after January 1, 1989 is limited to the lower of the actual charge for the equipment or the fee schedule amount established by the carrier. This final rule describes amendments to the methods for computing fee schedules covering the six classes of DME and how they are updated in subsequent years in accordance with sections 13542 through 13546 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993.  相似文献   

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