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社会变革时期的中国社会由于社会矛盾凸显而导致公众情绪不稳定,随着信息环境与现实环境间的界限不断模糊,互联网成为公众因现实环境中社会不公因素产生的不满情绪的宣泄平台。网络虚拟社会中的情绪传播由于互联网技术特性加持产生不同于现实社会的传播特征。在此背景下,人工智能于网络传播领域的应用进一步使网络社会情绪在表达、聚合环节得以加强与优化,并在网络社会情绪引导与网络舆论生态治理方面展现优势作用,其中以算法技术、智能识别技术以及AR、VR技术尤为显著。人工智能在网络社会情绪传播应用中体现优势的同时也引发诸如群体情绪失控、主流媒体去权威化等新的传播问题,治理与引导领域的"一刀切"做法产生了新的负面情绪。这些问题产生于网络虚拟社会却作用于现实社会,成为社会的不稳定因素,进而对网络社会情绪引导提出更高要求。打破人工智能治理网络情绪认知误区、强化媒体责任、提升"把关人"的地位和作用等是使人工智能治理网络情绪得以优化的重要措施。  相似文献   

在网络公共领域,意识形态安全与公共认同、信息把关和舆论一致等因素有关。而从公众、公共空间、公共舆论三个构成要素的典型特征看,网络论坛还不能算是完全意义上的公共领域,它只能看作是一种"有限公共领域"形态。这种"有限公共性"所暴露的公共理性的缺失、公共空间的失控、公共议题的多元化对意识形态安全形成冲击。在网络论坛迅速发展的条件下,有效进行意识形态引导,是亟待解决的时代课题。  相似文献   

随着微博和社交网站等新媒体的快速发展,公众的舆论空间和话语表达权得到进一步延伸和释放,网络舆论呈现出新的发展态势及特征,即传播媒介逐渐多元化,参与主体走向"草根化",舆论焦点日显敏感化,网民行为偏向"群体极化"。这给社会管理带来了一系列严峻挑战,即现代虚拟社会的管理意识的显缺失,网络舆论的法律不健全且效力低下,参与网络舆论的治理主体比较单一,缺乏独立的网络舆情突发事件治理机构。进一步加强网络舆论引导的对策建议在于:增强网络媒介素养,提升网络危机公关能力;建立健全法律法规,规范信息传播秩序;加强媒体正向联动,形成舆论引导合力;注重正面舆论导向,强化主流舆论权威;研判网络舆论性质,着重引导特殊舆论。  相似文献   

网络公众参与对社会的影响是双重的,既有利于推进公共决策的科学化和民主化,又由于存在的问题和非理性趋势而给社会政治环境带来消极效应.必须对网络公众参与中存在的现实问题进行理性反思,并从社会价值预期的合理确立、网络舆论引导机制的构建、网络制度建设和网络伦理建设等几个方面促进网络公众参与沿着理性、有序、规范的轨道发展,使其真正成为弘扬文明风尚、促进社会和谐的积极动力.  相似文献   

网络舆论危机及其应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘小刚 《理论探索》2011,(5):110-113
网络舆论危机的特点是:传播速度快,涉及范围广;所涉事件具有突发性,舆论压力大;所涉群体的行为非理性,控制难度大。从传播机制看,引发网络舆论危机的源头是个人或组织的不当行为,传播的主要形式包括新闻跟帖、网络论坛等,网民、网络媒体、政府是网络舆论危机中最重要的传播力量。网络舆论危机是多种因素混合交融的结果:网络监管不健全,网络伦理缺位,政府的不当处置,媒体的推波助澜。应对网络舆论危机,应加强网络监管,加强网络伦理建设,规范政府行为,强化媒体管理。  相似文献   

网络舆论,是公众通过网络发表的具有影响力的、带有倾向性的意见或言论.网络舆论危机,是由于不利的或负山面的网络舆论占领了舆论的主阵地,导致政府、相关组织或当事人处于危急关头,甚至对虚拟或现实社会系统的基本价值、行为准则、社会秩序等方而产生改善性或破坏性影响的现象,网民作为舆论主体之一,常借助网络通过"人肉搜索"、"网络暴力"等形式给作为舆论客体的政府组织或个人,造成巨大的现实压力.当这种压力处于可控范围内时,可以推进事件的良性发展,一旦压力失控或超过了客体承受能力时,就会造成网络舆论危机,甚至是公共危机,从而对社会管理、个人隐私、信息安全、制度权威和规范约束等方面带来极大的挑战,甚至对一些传统社会观念产生颠覆性变化.  相似文献   

李艳  吴亮 《瞭望》2008,(17)
我们常常会产生这样的困惑,我们是生活在现实世界里,还是生活在网络社区里近一段时间,对西方反华舆论的抗击成为国内各个网络论坛社区的最热点。网友们积极参与新浪网组织的"反分裂,护圣火"全球华人大签名活动,并在论坛社区发表评论。与此同时,百万网友共同参与的网络火炬接力正火热进行中。MSN 白领公益签名传播社区公布的  相似文献   

网络民意在公共决策中的双面解读   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
互联网技术的普及与发展催生了网络民意的形成。互联网的虚拟环境一方面为网络民意的表达和生长提供自由空间;另一方面,数字鸿沟导致的网络主体结构失衡性问题,网络空间虚拟性、匿名性导致的网络主体去责任化及群体极化问题,又削弱了网络民意的真实性。因此,在政府公共决策中,对网络民意应该秉承"兼听则明、偏听则暗"的原则兼收并蓄,将其作为一种重要的民意依据而正确地加以引导、甄别和合理吸纳,同时加强对网络民意的舆论引导。  相似文献   

高校网络舆情是大学生对高校或社会热点话题和敏感问题表达个人情绪、态度、政见等所形成的具有一定影响力的网络舆论。当前高校在网络舆情引导方面面临着严峻挑战:监管和引导难度加大、监管和引导方式滞后、监管监测机制不健全、群体极化导致网络舆情难控。积极应对挑战,需要强化官方平台对网络舆情的引领,舆情发生后官方要快速发布权威解决方案,建立网络舆情的监测预警机制,发挥意见领袖对网络舆情的引导作用。  相似文献   

近些年来网络流行语的产生及其流行,被赋予很强的社会属性,是网民对复杂的社会境遇的独特表达。从集体行为的视角可以看到,网络流行语催生多种因素共同建构网络舆论场的形成,显示了网络空间的群体力量,以及在话语制造方面的集体行为,话语权力是网络舆论场的焦点。  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):281-305

The following paper considers the extent to which discourse ethics can adequately respond to Habermas' own call for normative justification for the expectation of tolerance. It concludes that discourse ethics is able to lend its services to the flagging fortunes of the idea of toleration, not by seeking to underscore this idea with rationally compelling argumentation, but by offering insights into the possibilities opened up to a life which accepts this principle.  相似文献   

In replying to Mondak and Sanders, I introduce the notion of ``Kelvinist tolerance,' or an absolute absence of any intolerance whatsoever. I contend that while we can imagine such an extreme level of tolerence, in our empirical world it occurs about as frequently as the absolute zero of the Kelvin scale of temperature. Consequently, I reject the assertion of Mondak and Sanders that special statistical approaches are essential for analyzing tolerance, arguing instead in favor of parsimony in both conceptualization and analytical strategies.  相似文献   

We showed, in Berggren and Elinder (2012), that tolerance toward homosexuals is negatively and quite robustly related to economic growth. In a comment, Bornhoff and Lee (this issue) question this finding on model-specification grounds. By undertaking three changes, they purport to show that our main result does not hold. In this article, we demonstrate that one of these changes is inconsequential (replacing GDP per capita by its logarithm in controlling for conditional convergence) and argue that two of them are questionable. First, the removal of certain central control variable risks introducing omitted variable bias and inconsistent estimates. Second, regional dummy variables are added on arbitrary grounds. For example, by using regional dummy variables that are just as reasonable as the Baltic dummy used by Bornhoff and Lee, we find that significance for tolerance toward homosexuals reappears in our empirical model. In all, this implies that there are good grounds for considering the negative relationship between tolerance towards homosexuals and growth valid, Bornhoff and Lee??s claims notwithstanding.  相似文献   

21世纪,是信息的时代,网络正是承载信息的一大平台。网络上流通的各种信息,使人眼花缭乱。有些信息,更是由一些别有用心的人所散布,带有很强的迷惑性和煽动性。人们常常能在一些网络聊天室、网站、论坛等看到攻击政府的言论。他们攻击人民政府的原因各不相同,但稍加分析,便能发现他们都是站不住脚的。  相似文献   

校园网建设,简而言之是将校园内各种不同应用的信息资源通过高性能的网络设备相互连接起来,形成校园园区内部的Internet系统,对外通过路由设备接入广域网。在这些网络基础上,形成在校园内部、校园与外部进行信息沟通的体系,建立满足教学、科研和管理需求的计算机环境,为学校各种人员提供充分的网络信息服务,在网络环境中进行教学、研究、收集信息等工作。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to reconsider the claim made recently by Mondak and Sanders that political tolerance ought to be thought to be a dichotomous rather than continuous variable. Using data from both Russia and the United States, I demonstrate that those Mondak and Sanders regard as uniquely tolerant are most likely no more than people who were given insufficient opportunity to express their intolerance. Even if such a phenomenon of “absolute tolerance” exists (all ideas expressed in all ways are to be tolerated), it is sufficiently rare that few practical implications are indicated for those doing empirical work on political tolerance and intolerance. * I appreciate the valuable comments of Jeffcry Mondak on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

The question of the role of Islam in the public space has become a new pivotal point in political disputes about civil liberties in Western Europe. This debate challenges the scholarly literature on tolerance by highlighting that our understanding of the situational factors shaping tolerance judgments remains limited. This study therefore investigates how the salience of the signaling of religious group membership influences religious tolerance. Based on a unique question-wording experiment embedded in an approximately nationally representative survey, I demonstrate that conspicuous manifestations of religious outgroup membership spark stronger intolerance than subtle manifestations and that anxiety mediates the effect of conspicuous manifestations of religious outgroup membership. Finally, I demonstrate that the effect of the salience of religious outgroup membership is strongest among those who are highly opposed to secularism. I conclude by discussing how these findings constitute an important extension of the extant work on tolerance and feed back into the discussion regarding the role of religion in the public space.  相似文献   

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