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This article explores competing definitions of equality embedded in contending visions for regional finance in the Americas. The U.S. free market–oriented project envisions extension of a NAFTA‐like regulatory framework hemispherewide, promising Latin Americans better financial services, credit, and investment in exchange for strong financial property protections and (implicitly) dramatically reduced financial policy autonomy for their governments. Venezuela's vision of “Bolivarian” finance, exported to the Caribbean and the upper Andes, promotes assertive state management of both foreign and domestic investors, populist redistribution, and increasing reliance on nonmarket financial transactions. Brazil's regional financial project would unite South America through continentwide physical infrastructure and capitalist financial markets while retaining a role for public sector banks responsive to central government priorities. Brazil's approach shares with Venezuela's an emphasis on governments' need for financial policy authority and with the U.S. approach a concern for regulatory predictability and financial deepening.  相似文献   

Two experts on Dagestani politics examine the evolution of Dagestan's political system from the era of its first post-Soviet constitution in 1994 to the present. The complicated role played by ethnicity in a political system designed to maintain balance in an ethnically heterogeneous society is considered in light of the changes in the relationship between the federal center and Dagestan over the past 10 years. Paying particular attention to changes in Dagestan's fundamental political structure and Moscow's role in such changes, the authors also consider the implications of recent changes.  相似文献   

二战后美国凭借独一无二的经济实力和海军实力特别是核力量取代英国而成为世界霸主。然而 ,到了 2 0世纪 6 0年代末 70年代初 ,美国的霸权开始失能 ,其主要标志就是中国恢复联合国的合法席位。这一进程的深层次历史背景就是多极化趋势开始显现。决定这一大趋势的因素主要有两个 :一是民族解放运动的兴起 ;二是世界逐渐形成多个力量中心。在 2 1世纪 ,当初导致美国霸权失能的基本因素仍然在发挥作用。所以 ,世界多极化趋势虽然遇到美国霸权战略的挑战 ,但仍在曲折中发展。  相似文献   


This article argues that the establishment of the Ministry of Culture in Thailand needs to be understood in a broadly historical perspective that relates to the role of culture in hegemonic strategies of the state. It presents an overview of broadly defined culture policy in Thailand from the 1930s before moving to a more detailed discussion of the period from the 1980s to the present. The principle contention, developed in the second half of the article, is that the current policies of Thailand's Ministry of Culture, and its role in hegemonic identity production, can only be understood by taking account of the variety of factors that shaped the Ministry's emergence. These factors include the influence of international development agencies, strategies of appropriation by the Thai state, and the role of progressive forces within Thailand that seek political and cultural reform. The circumstances under which the Ministry was formed have made it a site of contestation between conservative royalist-nationalist perspectives on Thai national identity and progressive localist and international understandings of Thai national identity.  相似文献   

国际机制与美国霸权   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
门洪华 《美国研究》2001,15(1):74-88
本文旨在从国际机制的角度解读第二次世界大战以来的美国霸权.笔者首先总结了国际机制理论各主要流派对国际机制与霸权关系的认识;其次,提出机制霸权的概念,从历史角度全面剖析美国霸权与国际机制的关系,并以之验证国际机制理论对二者关系的分析;最后,对美国的跨世纪霸权战略的内容、实质进行分析并展望.  相似文献   

美国霸权的终结--兼评伊拉克战争对未来国际政治的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国谋求单极世界霸权的企图已是一个不争的事实.它现在不仅拥有了实现这一野心的硬实力,而且似乎也具备了相应的软实力.但如果据此认为美国真的能实现它的这一梦想那又未免过于主观.本文将重点探讨有哪些现实因素将阻碍美国实现其单极霸权,以及为什么说美国的这一野心注定会失败.  相似文献   

This article contributes to debates about fascist influences among Argentina’s guerrilla groups of the 1970s. From the overall perspective of developments in Argentine nationalism, it traces back the history of the far‐right Alianza Libertadora Nacionalista and Tacuara and assesses their significance as the nuclei from which later guerrillas came. Based on police reports and periodical publications from the period in question (c.1937–c.1973), it makes some generalisations about the collective biographies of militants. While not contradicting the widely held view that originally fascist groupings played a role in the emergence of Argentine guerrillas, the article introduces some nuances into this argument. Particular emphasis is given to the role of Peronism and the Cuban Revolution as facilitators of changes in Argentine nationalism.  相似文献   

知识霸权与美国的世界新秩序   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄凤志 《当代亚太》2003,75(8):10-14
信息革命的迅猛发展 ,正在拉大民族国家间的数字鸿沟 ,制造人类社会知识发展和知识分布的不平衡 ,产生知识霸权效应 ,并对国际关系产生强大影响。美国凭借信息革命的领导地位 ,以高科技知识为武器 ,对 2 1世纪的国际关系进行整合 ,大力构筑以美国世界霸权为主要目标、以维护西方发达国家利益为基本内容的国际新秩序。  相似文献   

Gramsci's notion of “hegemony,” like Bourdieu's concept of “habitus,” seems designed to explain accommodation to existing social structures, rather than resistance. In this paper, however, I draw from the Prison Notebooks some arguments that contribute to a Gramscian understanding of how hegemony may break apart under the weight of the same uneven development processes central to hegemony. Drawing also from Bourdieu, I argue that the conceptions of “hegemony” and “habitus” inscribe the possibility of resistance within the embodied experience of accommodation to class rule. I then elaborate a dialectical, Gramscian-Bourdieusian account of the Red Shirt movement in Thailand, showing that the seeds for the destruction of royalist hegemony in Thailand have been sown in the embodied processes of accommodation to ruling class hegemony. The breadth and depth of challenges to this hegemony, moreover, are evident not only from the activities of the Red Shirt movement and regional discontent in Northern and Northeast Thailand but from the resistance of working class women to attempts to police their sexuality and limit their consumerism. The refusal of Thai elites to accept the breadth and depth of Thailand's dispositional transformation has legitimised – in their eyes – the brutal crackdown on Red Shirt protestors that resulted in the April-May 2010 massacres. Yet repression can only kill off political leaders and specific parties; it will not likely derail the growing resentment of ordinary Thais over elitist class rule.  相似文献   

新世纪美国霸权的新特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国霸权呈现出新的特征:以赤裸的军事扩张为先导,极具进攻性、侵略性、扩张性和冒险性;从过去以领土扩张为核心的"硬控制"转向以人为本输出价值观念为核心的"软控制";以世界普遍性原则为面纱,追求世界的"美国化";以强大实力为支撑的制度化、机制化霸权.美国新的霸权是适应新的形势发展、企图使21世纪成为"美国世纪"的必然产物,它将对世界战略格局和大国关系的走向产生深刻影响.  相似文献   

美国的超级军事霸权 ,是其单极世界战略图谋的最重要支柱 ,也是当今世界矛盾斗争的重要焦点。九一一事件和伊拉克战争后 ,美国的军事战略呈现全面调整和加速扩张的新动向 ,“加强军事实力—加速新军事变革—调整海外军事战略部署”新三位一体的军事霸权战略已经确立 ,从而使“先发制人”战略更具扩张性和进攻性。  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of the emerging regional economic regime in the Americas and argues that the dominant approach to economic governance is one defined by the assertion of U.S. power in the region and oriented toward distinctively U.S. interests and preferences. This has been clearly evident in the evolution of the Free Trade Area of the Americas but also, with the deceleration and fragmentation of that process during 2002 and 2003, in the growing prioritization of bilateralism. The leverage afforded by the bilateral negotiation of trade agreements acts to situate primary influence in shaping the rules that constitute the regional economic regime, and the primary functions associated with governing in this context, firmly within the agencies of the U.S. state. This essay therefore explores how the hegemonic power of the United States manifests itself in the substance of the hemispheric project and the shape of the economic regime associated with it.  相似文献   

苏长和 《美国研究》2001,15(1):138-146
在当今美国国际关系学界,有两位学者堪称执国际关系理论研究之牛耳的人,一位是西部加州大学伯克利分校的肯尼斯·华尔兹(Kenneth Waltz)教授,他以<人、国家与战争>和<国际政治理论>两本书奠定了他在整个国际关系学中的大师地位;而另一位,就是美国东部杜克大学的教授,美国政治学会现任主席罗伯特·基欧汉(Robert O.Keohane).后者以<霸权之后>一书而蜚声学坛.20世纪80年代以来,在美国国际关系理论研究中,论著作被征引的频率,最高的除了华尔兹的<国际政治理论>以外,当数基欧汉<霸权之后>一书了,另外,近20多年来国际关系学界影响最大的新自由制度主义理论(neo-liberal institutionalism),也是与基欧汉的名字紧紧联系在一起的.  相似文献   

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