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Since the convening of its Ninth National Council Meeting in May 2007, the CPAFFC, taking full-scale promotion of people-to-people diplomacy as the focus of its work and constantly seeking innovation, has advanced with the times, planned in a scientific way and played a positive role in the country’s endeavor to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The four main aspects of its work in the past five years can be  相似文献   

The Meeting of the Tenth National Council of the CPAFFC was held in Beijing on May 15. More than 300 council members from the central and provincial (regional and municipal) organizations and all social circles attended the meeting. Xi Jinping,  相似文献   

Honorary Advisors Buhe, former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and President of the China-Poland Friendship Association Tomur Dawamat, former Vice Chairman of the Standing  相似文献   

Ms. Li Xiaolin was elected president of the CPAFFC at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Council of the CPAFFC held in September 2011. Mr. Chen Haosu, who will no longer serve as President, has done a great deal of work for China's people-to-people diplomacy, for which the Executive Committee extends respect and gratitude to him.  相似文献   

On February 22,an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale struck Christchurch,the second largest city in New Zealand,  相似文献   

关于社区警务理事会若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
社区警务理事会是新时期社会主义市场经济条件下群防群治工作的全新模式。其性质属于民间组织,具有组织性、公益性、自治民间性、自愿参与性和非营利性五大特征。社区警务理事会面临的合法性困境应从加强自身规范化建设和逐步建立及完善民间组织法律体系两个层面来解决。社区警务理事会的发展取决于其外部和内部两方面因素,应从名称、人员组成、经费来源三个方面不断完善社区警务理事会,以全面加强群防群治队伍建设,推进公安基层基础工作。  相似文献   

President Chen Haosu presenting the China-Russia Friendship Medal to a Russian veteran in the War of Resistance Against Japan.  相似文献   

Invited by the Objat Municipal Government,a CPAFFC delegation headed by Lu Hongwei,Deputy DirectorGeneral of the Department of European and Asian Affairs,visited France from February 12 to 16.The delegation attended the opening ceremony of"Ardent Chinese Dream:Exhibition of Chinese Woodcut New Year Pictures",and had working meetings on the 2015 and 2016  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) and the Vi-etnam-China Friendship Associa-tion (VCFA) a CPAFFC delega-tion headed by its Vice PresidentSu Guang paid a goodwill visitto Vietnam from January 11 toJanuary 18, 2001.  相似文献   

Invited by Hadja Kadiatou Seth Conte, second wife of Guinean President, a CPAFFC delegation headedby its Vice President Su Guang paid a goodwill visitto Guinea from November 27 to December 1, 2000. Guinea Attaches Importance to Bilateral Relation and Encourages Nongovernmental Exchanges Guinean President Lansana Conte and his sec-ond wife; Hadj Diallo, speaker of the Parliament; MichelKamano, chairman of the Guinean Economic and So-  相似文献   

The Exhibition on the History of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) was formally open at the Peace Palace of the  相似文献   

On March 22 through the New Zealand Em-bassy in Beijing the CPAFFC transferred thelate Chinese people's old friend Rewi Alley's pa-pers to the Alexander Turnbull Library, a divisionof the National Library of New Zealand. CPAFFCPresident Qi Huaiyuan and New Zealand Ambas-sador Peter Adams attended the ceremony for thetransfer.In her speech at the ceremony, CPAFFC VicePresident Li Xiaolin said, as an outstanding writer,poet, educator and social activist, Rewi Alley dedi-cated his entire life to the cause of friendship be-tween China and New Zealand. He was the bridge  相似文献   

Invited by the India-China Society, a CPAFFC delegation headed by Xie Xiaoping, direc-tor of the Foreign Affairs Officeof Qinghai Provincial People'sGovernment, visited Delhi, Agra,Chennai, Pondicherry andMumbai of India from February18 to 28. The delegation calledon Sonia Gandhi, president of theNational Committee of the Indian  相似文献   

A reception marking the 25th anniversary of the establish-ment of diplomatic relations be-tween China and the EuropeanUnion(EU)was held by theCPAFFC in Beijing on May 16. In his speech on the occa-sion, CPAFFC Vice PresidentChen Haosu said: "In the proc-ess of multi-polatization Chinaand the EU have gained greater  相似文献   

随着我国法治政府建设的深入推进,行政会议公开是建设服务型政府的必然要求,公民知情权的保障不仅限于对行政会议文件资料的公开,不同类型的行政会议也不同程度地影响公民权益。行政会议公开,有坚实的理论支撑,相关立法和地方文件在行政会议公开方面做出了有益的尝试。通过尝试提出具体规定行政会议公开的程序、保障公民救济权方面的立法构想,以进一步推动我国行政会议公开制度建设。  相似文献   

Invited by the Australia-China Council (ACC)and the New Zealand-China Friendship Society(NZCFS), a CPAFFC delegation led by its presi-dent Qi Huaiyuan paid a 2-week friendly visit fromApril 6 to Australia and New Zealand.  相似文献   

At the invitation of theMainichi BroadcastingSystem Inc. (MBS) of Japan, a4-member party led by CPAFFCPresident Qi Huaiyuan paid agoodwill visit to Osaka andKyoto of Japan from December3 to 7, 1998.Being an influential mediacompany in the Osaka and Kobearea, the MBS provides radio,television including cable televi-  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Ministry of Local Government of Uganda and the Botswana-China Friendship Association, a 28-member Delegation of the CPAFFC, local government officials and Entrepreneurs led by CPAFFC Vice President Feng Zuoku, paid a goodwill visit to the two countries from May 27 to June 3.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Swiss-Chinese Association(SCA) and the Adam Michiewicz Institute (AMI) of Poland,a CPAFFC delegation led by Vice President Jing Dunquan visited Switzerland and Poland from October 15 to 24, 2012,and met leading members of the relevant organizations. They discussed the international situation,cultural cooperation and exchanges between local governments and pledged further coopera-  相似文献   

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