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仲裁员在整个仲裁程序中举足轻重,因此,指定的仲裁员是否符合仲裁条款约定且能否履行公正行事的责任就显得至关重要,而仲裁当事方也可以仲裁员不符合仲裁条款约定或未能公正行事为由向法院申请撤换仲裁员。从英国仲裁法律与实务的角度分析仲裁条款与仲裁员选择之间的关系以及选择仲裁员时应予考虑的因素,讨论仲裁员的公正与不偏私的标准,并解释在英国法下撤换仲裁员的理由。  相似文献   

范铭超 《北方法学》2014,(6):118-127
英国法传统上将仲裁员与仲裁当事人之间的法律关系视为合同关系。根据《德国仲裁法》,仲裁员合同是通过仲裁当事人与仲裁员之间的要约与承诺形成的。在排除公权力干预的前提下,对争议进行公正、有效的仲裁,也包括确保仲裁员的独立性和公正性不受仲裁员与双方仲裁当事人法律关系影响,是仲裁员、指定仲裁员的仲裁当事人以及对方当事人的共同利益诉求。仲裁员追求的经济利益,超出对方仲裁当事人所预期承担的部分的利益诉求,即便存在仲裁员与指定仲裁员的仲裁当事人之间的合意,也应当服从于对争议进行公正、有效仲裁的诉求。仅从合同法出发解释仲裁员与仲裁当事人法律关系将无法满足仲裁员和双方仲裁当事人在仲裁方面共同的关于仲裁公正、有效地进行以及取得恰当的经济利益的利益诉求。仲裁员与仲裁当事人之间的法律关系是一个复合的法律关系,包含了以提供仲裁服务为标的的合同法律关系和以作出仲裁裁决为标的的身份法律关系,前者的依据是以仲裁员为一方,以双方当事人为另一方的双方当事人合意,后者的依据是法律的相关规定。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how the structure of dispute resolution shapes the extent to which managerial and business values influence the meaning and implementation of consumer protection law, and consequently, the extent to which repeat players are advantaged. My analysis draws from, links, and contributes to two literatures that examine the relationship between organizational governance structures and law: neo‐institutional studies of law and organizations and socio‐legal studies of repeat players' advantages in disputing. Specifically, I compare an instance where powerful state consumer protection laws are resolved in private dispute resolution forums funded by automobile manufacturers but operated by independent third‐party organizations (California) with one where consumer disputes are resolved in public alternative dispute resolution processes run and administered by the state (Vermont). Through in‐depth interviews and participant observation in the training programs that dispute resolution arbitrators undergo in each state, I show how different dispute resolution structures operating in California and Vermont give different meanings to substantially similar lemon laws. Although my data do not allow me to establish a causal relationship, they strongly suggest that the form of the dispute resolution structure, and how business and state actors construct the meaning of lemon laws through these structures, have critical implications for the effectiveness of consumer protection laws for consumers.  相似文献   

汪祖兴 《中国法学》2012,(5):103-118
当事人共任的仲裁员包括独任、首席和仲裁公断人三种类型。由于仲裁当事人处境变迁、仲裁协议约定不明、仲裁员名册硬性限制,以及当事人意思自治的异化,都可能导致共任仲裁员不能的难题。中国仲裁立法、各仲裁机构仲裁规则在救济当事人共任仲裁员不能时均采机构负责人直接指定的方式,但此种方式容易导致权力寻租等连锁问题。为最大化当事人在共任仲裁员问题上的合意,应当重构中国仲裁实践的救济方案,以"穷尽一切共任合意之救济手段"为规则,抵消机构指定这一体现"相对意思自治"精神的方法之消极效应,通过相对意思自治的再次相对化,在共任仲裁员问题上寻找自治与外力、公平与效率之间的最优解。  相似文献   

The paper takes into consideration the different degrees of power and control that can be exercised by the mediator/arbitrator. This issue is investigated with particular regard to such aspects as the nature of the ADR procedure adopted, the cultural context in which the procedure takes place, and the formulation of specific legal norms. The analysis both of a few arbitration rules and some data from real arbitral proceedings shows great reliance on the arbitrator’s discretion and use of common sense, which is in line with the idea itself of arbitration. Moreover, the high degree of power autonomy enjoyed by the arbitrator during the whole procedure derives from the presupposition that the parties accept the arbitrator’s personal opinion and final judgment and from the fact that the majority of the disputes in international commercial arbitration are of a technical and complicated nature. The analysis also shows that the legal background of most arbitrators tends to surface even when they are involved in alternative dispute resolution proceedings and is clearly visible in the orderly allocation of turns and the strict control over the procedures to be followed. Especially when arbitrators are lawyers or judges, they tend to promote a feeling of belonging to the same professional community, which induces a greater spirit of cooperation and a lowering of the control level.  相似文献   

论CAFTA争端解决机制的完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
若以中国——东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)的自身需求为依托,可以发现学界所认为的其存在的"缺陷"中有许多并非真正缺陷,如未将运用争端解决机制的主体扩展到私主体、临时仲裁庭的设计不合理、争端解决机制的执行力度及惩罚措施不适当等。而该争端解决机制在仲裁员回避、仲裁裁决形成方式及仲裁裁决的复核等方面确实存在不足,应当予以完善。  相似文献   

采用仲裁模式处理矛盾突出又没有太多经济效益的医患纠纷初期,必须要有当地政府的参与并在财力上对仲裁机构予以支持,但长久如此既不利于仲裁模式处理医患纠纷的推广,也不利于仲裁的公正性及仲裁员回避制度的有效落实。如何不依靠政府的财政支持,通过裁决纠纷本身获得合理的报酬维持运行是亟待破解的难题。从制度设计层面看,医患纠纷仲裁模式若能与正在推行的医疗损害责任保险制度进行有效的整合,可能是解决仲裁长期运转费用的一个重要途径。但这种审理与理赔模式的整合,实际上涉及到医患纠纷仲裁是否存在第三人、承保方能否成为仲裁第三人的问题。本文以深圳市医患纠纷仲裁为切入点,对上述问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Although not a substitute for arbitration, grievance mediation can be an effective, readily available and inexpensive means of resolving some disputes. Educator/arbitrator Bowers also sees it as an unjustly neglected preventive measure and seeks here to remedy that neglect by examining mediation's role in labor relations.  相似文献   

仲裁方式解决医疗纠纷已经被国内外实践表明是一种行之有效的方式,鉴于我国医疗纠纷缺少及时、便捷、公正的解决途径,医患矛盾深化已经影响到社会的稳定和谐,建议修改现行仲裁法,并根据国情,在现有仲裁机构内设立医疗纠纷仲裁庭。该设想具有可行性,既克服了另设单独医事纠纷仲裁机构所需机构、场所、人员、资金等困难,又避免了新设医疗纠纷仲裁机构的公信力不足问题。而且现有仲裁机构的运作比较规范成熟,方方面面的关系均已理顺,在仲裁员的聘选、仲裁庭的组成、纠纷的解决等都积累了相当的经验。  相似文献   

This article seeks to show the way that professional competition, including academic competition, about the definitions and categories of dispute resolution transforms the field of business disputing. It draws on extensive interviews and focuses on two case studies. The first is "international commercial arbitration," and the second is the ADR movement, especially "mediation," in the United States. In each case, the article shows that there is competition about what can legitimately be termed arbitration or mediation; that there is competition more generally for the business of business disputing; that the competition is not played on a level playing field; that competitors compete in terms of the symbolic capital that they have to offer, which is changing over time and in relation to what others possess; and that the (always provisional) results are important for transforming the "rules of the game" for governing business transactions. The internal transformations in the field of business disputing also take place in close conjunction with transformations that can be seen as outside, above all, the international restructuring of business relations in the 1970s and 1980s.  相似文献   

仲裁员的行为规范是仲裁员独立、公正地进行仲裁的重要指南。国际商事仲裁界对此十分重视并制定了许多相关规范,而我国的相关规范还不够健全,相关理论探讨也为数不多。本文对仲裁员行为规范的相关问题进行了初步探讨,提出了对我国相关制度落实的改进建议,最终目的是实现我国商事仲裁与国际商事仲裁的实践接轨。  相似文献   

Though still relatively infrequent, the issuing of dissenting and concurring opinions is becoming more common in international investment arbitration. This paper reviews the reasons for delivering separate opinions envisaged in the bibliography on investment arbitration, comparing these with practices in the related area of commercial arbitration. Fourteen recent separate opinions appended to ICSID arbitration awards and decisions are then analysed to determine how the arbitrators themselves explain why they have taken the drastic step of issuing a separate opinion. Potential areas of convergence between investment arbitration and commercial arbitration practice will be addressed.  相似文献   

张琳 《行政与法》2005,(12):106-108
法院对国际商事仲裁中的程序问题或者实体问题以审查仲裁协议效力和仲裁裁决之效力及可执行性等方式进行监督,这就是国际商事仲裁的司法监督。司法监督保证了仲裁的公正性,却也挫伤了仲裁的独立性。因此,司法监督本身也应置身于一定的监督之下。  相似文献   

仲裁的基本价值追求:意思自治、效率、公平。仲裁庭的组成,尤其是首席仲裁员的推选更是实现当事人意思自治和仲裁公平的关键环节。完善仲裁庭的组成制度,实现当事人意思自治,彰显仲裁之公平与正义。  相似文献   

2008年12月11日,历时数年的《联合国全程或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约》(又称《鹿特丹规则》)尘埃落定。其兼顾先进性与实用性的制度设计,旨在统一现行国际货物运输法律体系,重新调整《海牙-维斯比规则》所确立的船货双方利益分配法律制度,顺应了国际贸易和航运实践发展的新趋势。第15章"仲裁"的规定,以平衡国际运输关系各方的仲裁选择权与世界各国的司法管辖权为立法精神,起到衔接现有国际仲裁公约和便利航运贸易纠纷解决的积极作用,将有力推动国际商事海事仲裁制度的发展。中国应充分借鉴吸收新公约的优秀制度,立足于完善《仲裁法》和《海商法》中的仲裁规定,不断在立法和司法上健全仲裁法律体系。  相似文献   

论中国仲裁监督机制及其完善   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国仲裁有内部监督、行业监督和司法监督等三种形式,以司法监督为重心。本文通过比较两大法系有关法院监督仲裁的范围,分析了中国法律界关于中国仲裁监督机制的不同观点以及全面监督论与程序监督论。对于中国仲裁监督机制的改进,本文并不侧重于构建各种具体规则,而主张确立支持仲裁的观念、在仲裁的司法监督上强调严肃执法、确立仲裁员道德规范及审慎确定司法监督的范围。  相似文献   

期限问题是仲裁程序中的大问题。期限设置的价值在于给各方当事人充分的时间展现实体争议问题,同时,保证仲裁程序的效率。在各方当事人高度合作的理想状态下,期限可以灵活安排。但是,在当事人拖延程序的情况下,仲裁庭对期限的理解与运用便非常重要。  相似文献   

Greater numbers of employers are adopting and vigorously enforcing policies prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace. Discipline, including possible termination of employment, often is prescribed for the violation of such policies. When employees are represented by a union and covered by a collective bargaining agreement, final decisions relating to discipline often are made by arbitrators pursuant to the agreement's grievance and arbitration procedure. For a variety of reasons, arbitrators may decide that a lesser form of discipline than that imposed by the employer is warranted for acts of sexual harassment. Such arbitration awards present a substantial conflict between two compelling public policies--the public policy favoring the private resolution of workplace disputes and the public policy against sexual harassment. This article will address the several federal courts of appeals' decisions that have attempted to resolve this conflict.  相似文献   

英国和香港的仲裁法都为仲裁当事方在获得仲裁裁决后提供了三种类型的救济方式,从而能够以适当的方式对仲裁裁决进行修改、变更、发回重审,甚至在某些情况下撤销仲裁裁决或宣告仲裁裁决无效。在修改或变更裁决时,相关修改或变更将作为仲裁庭裁决的一部分而生效。当裁决被法院发回仲裁庭要求重新考虑时,仲裁庭就有责任在一定期限内就所发回的事项作出一个新的裁决。但是,由于在裁决被部分或全部地撤销或者宣告无效时,相关裁决就如同从未作出一样,也就使得原本需要仲裁的纠纷或争议处在待决状态。在这种情况下,仲裁双方当事人就需要更进一步的救济方式来继续解决相关纠纷或争议。从英国及香港仲裁法的视角,对质疑仲裁裁决的理由及撤销仲裁裁决后的救济方法加以解读,并尝试就中国法下的相关问题提供立法建议。  相似文献   

随着中国大陆与台湾交流的扩大与加深,民间纠纷不可避免,仲裁日益成为重要的纠纷解决机制。本文从比较法的角度入手,就仲裁的相关法规、准予执行或不予执行的要件、管辖权、执行的进行、中止、恢复及终结、仲裁裁决的形成、仲裁裁决的执行力等方面分析了两岸仲裁法律制度的不同规定,并就其中的若干问题展开了深入探讨。  相似文献   

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