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侯东喜  乔长水 《学理论》2015,(5):194-195
大学生就业难是不争的事实,各高校纷纷通过开设创业课程成立大学创业基地等措施提高学生创业和就业能力。近年来大学创业基地受到广泛关注,它通过开设创业课程提高学生创业意识和创业能力,通过第二课堂来开展创业教育,通过创业实践开展提高学生的创业实战能力。大学创业基地通过创业教育和创业实践的开展能够培养更多的创新创业型人才,为中国梦的实现提供人才支撑。  相似文献   

CANER BAKIR 《管理》2009,22(4):571-598
Recent studies on institutional theory and the public policy field called for efforts to pry open the black box of institutional and policy change. This article offers a response to this call. It demonstrates that historical and discursive institutionalist approaches are complementary to explain how and why institutional change occurs. In addition, it shows how these approaches can add value to and benefit from the public policy and administration fields that seek to explain policy change and success. In particular, it emphasizes the interactions between structure and agency that contribute to the change. The empirical finding is based on qualitative analysis of central banking reform in Turkey. It suggests that institutional and policy change is more likely to occur when policy entrepreneurs, with joint membership in domestic and transnational policy communities, mediate various ideas and discourse within and among these communities in a punctuated institutional equilibrium.  相似文献   

Ben Rosamond 《政治学》2002,22(3):167-174
Few would dissent from the view that plagiarism is an academic crime of the worst sort. Attention to the issue has been heightened recently by the growth of websites supplying 'off the peg' or customised research papers. This article argues that the definition and detection of plagiarism involves several complexities and that the resolution of the problem depends less on the development of coercive instruments to deal with the 'crime' than on the development of norms that emerge through reflective pedagogy and processes of academic socialisation.  相似文献   

University governance is complex and contested. In view of the seemingly unceasing rise of commercial values within public universities, this contribution argues the case for a holistic, mission‐related integrated governance approach for the Australian public university sector. The ‘ABC of University Governance’, as proposed for broad‐scope governance within the sector, involves an integrated emphasis on the three key components of governance: academic governance, business governance and corporate governance. Respectively, these components of public university governance are concerned with scholarship, performance and conformance. Placing academic governance first in the ABC of university governance reminds us all of the vital role and importance of scholarship, which should never be downplayed or underestimated in public universities.  相似文献   

International politics are undoubtedly in transition along recognizable lines. The resulting disruptive effects on the international institutions founded after World War II are no less evident. Such times demand a principled basis to guide the politics of structural choice for global governance. This article provides a heuristic argument about the most general issues of structural choice, focusing on how to designate the constituencies of the global governance system and the mode of their representation. A concrete illustration of this heuristic argument is provided to demonstrate its plausibility as a starting point for deliberation about the structure of a global governance system.  相似文献   

高校学术不端现象的社会成因和多元治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术不端包含违规性、反学术性、危害性和社会性四层内涵,其成因研究应当从个人视角转向更加宏大的社会视角,以探寻根本性的治理方案。针对高校科研管理体制的负功能、公共政策和利益激励机制的扭曲、学术道德教育引导滞后和制度体系相对薄弱四种典型的社会成因,应发挥学术自律组织与专门他律机构的合力,推行"零容忍"政策,并注意借鉴西方高校的治理经验,对高校学术不端现象加以多元化治理。  相似文献   

公共危机治理中政企协同研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共危机有效治理需要社会参与。企业作为市场经济的主体,在公共危机治理中发挥着重要的作用,拥有不可忽视的能量。政府与企业的各自诉求构成两者互动的基础,两者优势资源互补构成完善政企协同的前提。但是,两者都需要转变观念,政府更需要完善法律制度建设,需要鼓励企业发展应急产业。企业应该增强社会责任感,加强合作应急能力建设,才能推动两者和谐互动,开创公共危机治理新局面。  相似文献   


Proponents of the Social Impact Bond (SIB) model put forward a value-for-money case for SIBs based on new resources, efficiency enhancements and innovation for social service delivery, suggesting broad potential for SIB uptake in varying national contexts. SIB use has however been concentrated in Anglo-Saxon liberal market economies. This paper analyses the possibility that SIBs are proceeding given their alignment with particular governance and policy regimes, as opposed to any universal superiority from a cost-effectiveness or efficiency perspective. A comparative analysis is undertaken of the United Kingdom and the United States, leaders in SIB implementation, with France and Germany. A range of indicators representing the adoption of neoliberal governance approaches are reviewed and linked to their complementarity with the SIB model. Policy implications for SIB governance are then explored.  相似文献   

时立荣  闫昊 《理论探讨》2020,(2):171-176
社会企业通过市场机制参与社会治理的行动根植于经济嵌入社会的关系之中。生产要素本身具备多种属性和功能,长期以来商品经济理论对生产要素的单向商品化使用,造成了经济与社会、文化等非商品化属性的隔离。正如波兰尼所言,土地作为自然存在,劳动力和企业管理者作为社会人,本身并不是生产出来供销售的商品,资金使用的信用、信任和合法认可也不能作为商品去生产。因此,重新审视经济行为的目的,可以发现社会企业的发展动因。社会企业以社会企业家精神为内生动力,以企业家管理才能为社会目标通向经济行动的镶嵌通道,通过制度创新改变社会问题,并运用社会管理技术系统提升社会治理效能,将组织的制度优势转化为社会治理效能,对推动良性社会运行具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

以"部门的合并还是拆分"为参照系可以将公共治理分为整体性治理和分散性治理两种范式。整体性治理主张建立较少数量的大部门以强化合作,以此解决政府改革所引发的空心化和碎片化问题。分散性治理则认为只有建立更多较小的部门以强化专业性和针对性,才能在日益多样化的政府组织形式下实现公共利益。整体性治理与分散性治理有共同的目标追求,但在具体路径选择上分道扬镳。良好的治理需要超越非此即彼的逻辑,实现不同治理模式的整合。  相似文献   

'Rethinking the constitution' surveys the political and cultural impact of Bagehot's 1867 strategy for the survival of an elitist state in a democracy. Also looks at the recent erosion of the conditions for Bagehot, and asks what the next major reinterpretation of the constitution will be. Assesses Gordon Brown's desire to make the constitution democratic while at the same time bolstering national identity and pursuing free market policies.  相似文献   

老旧小区整治及其可持续发展是当前城市基层治理的突出难题.目前老旧小区治理模式面临造血功能缺乏、长效发展持续性不足的困境,难以建立符合基层社区治理要求的社区共治机制、基于居民缴费的长期稳定经费筹集机制和基于对物业企业属性准确定位的物业服务机制.对此,社会企业理论作为一种可兼顾社会性与市场性双重目标,并能补充商业组织和公益组织间混合地带需求空白的新兴理论,为老旧小区治理提供了全新视角和实践形态.以社会企业的"共益"动机为基础,通过重塑老旧小区多方利益相关者角色、挖掘整合配置社区资源、实行本土商业化运营模式及收益支出共商机制等方式,可驱动老旧小区形成合作共赢的长效治理机制和共治共享的社区生态.应进一步借鉴欧美地区政策经验,完善与老旧小区社会企业相关的支持、规范和监管政策.  相似文献   

By most measures, entrepreneurship education and research is flourishing in business schools today. Classes abound and students are keen to take them. The number of business school professors identifying themselves as focused on the study of entrepreneurship has also soared. Yet, the meaning and scope of entrepreneurship as it has come to be defined, taught, and studied in business schools over the last three decades is remarkably narrow, largely divorcing entrepreneurship from its economic and social context and from its relationship to processes of change in the market economy. In short, entrepreneurship as it is understood in business schools today has largely lost its raison d’etre as the engine of change in capitalist economies. This paper examines the origins of the splintering of entrepreneurship education from the study of capitalism and highlights a set of intellectual and educational problems this has created.  相似文献   

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