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突发公共卫生事件来临时,由于事件的突发性、群体性、严重性等特征,处置突发公共卫生事件过程中行政权 力除具有权力的一般性质外,还具有其特殊的性质。了解突发公共卫生事件中行政权力的特殊性质有助于各级政府及相关 机关在突发公共卫生事件中正确、合理、有效、及时地行使权力;同时,也有助于他们制定好有效而合理的紧急预案、做 好平时的演练,以更好地防范于未然。  相似文献   

This article utilizes a novel framework to analyse the contested boundaries between law and medicine. Bringing theoretical and empirical insights together, it expands recent socio-legal scholarship on jurisdiction. Jurisdictional analysis is conducted in an under-researched area of health law – namely, the accessibility of trans-related health care. The article draws upon the first qualitative research project to assess the impact of self-declaration of legal gender status in Denmark. This was adopted in 2014, at the same time as access to hormones and surgeries was centralized and restricted. The combined impact of these reforms disappointed the trans people interviewed, which demonstrates the importance of identifying how legal and medical norms interrelate. Jurisdictional analysis helps to illuminate how law was used to develop and protect professional competencies. Such insights will be valuable for researchers interested in the potential of self-declaration, and for scholars of health law and socio-legal studies more generally.  相似文献   

In this contribution I address the type of emergency that threatens a state’s monopoly of violence, meaning that the state’s competence to provide citizens with elementary security is challenged. The question is, whether actions taken by the state to ward off these threats (should) fall within the ambit of the criminal law. A central problem is the indeterminacy that is inherent in the state of emergency, implicating that adequate measures as well as constitutional constraints to be imposed on such measures cannot easily be determined in advance. This indeterminacy raises two interrelated issues. Firstly, the issue of whether it makes sense to speak of criminal jurisdiction when the existing jurisdiction is challenged as such. To what extent does the indeterminacy call for inherently unlimited powers of the state, implying there can be no such thing as criminal jurisdiction during a state of emergency? Second—if criminal jurisdiction is not in contradiction with the state of emergency—the issue of what criminal liability could mean in such a state needs to be confronted. To what extent does the indeterminacy inherent in the state of emergency jeopardise criminal liability because such indeterminacy engenders severe legal uncertainty regarding the standards against which the relevant actions are to be judged? Both issues will be discussed from the perspective of constitutional democracy, assuming that what is at stake in times of emergency is both the competence to sustain the monopoly of violence and the possibility to constrain the powers of the state.  相似文献   

每一次重大公共卫生事件的爆发都会引起人们对于公共卫生应急管理法治体系的思考。在新冠疫情防控实践中,我国公共卫生应急管理法治体系为依法防控提供重要保障,但同时也暴露出部分问题,如法律规范存在冲突式缺陷,公共卫生应急管理法短缺,常态化防控法律法规缺失,法律修改和实施机制不健全等。在科学防疫与法治助力的良性互动中,部分凸显问题已经或正在得到弥补和修正,公共卫生应急管理法治体系不断完善。但与以往疫情相比,新冠疫情呈现出高复杂性、长期性、未知性等新特点,既有的法治治理模式不足以应对,必须构建更为强大的公共卫生应急管理法治体系。以习近平法治思想为指导,坚持和加强党的领导,丰富和发展公共卫生应急管理法治体系的内涵,强化紧急时期和疫情常态化阶段法治建设,构建完善的法律修改和执行机制,进一步全面优化我国公共卫生应急管理法治体系。  相似文献   

相关国家政策文件的出台为我国医疗人工智能的迅速发展夯实了政策基础,在重大疫情的治理过程中,以医疗大数据为基础的人工智能不仅能够提升诊断的准确率、缓解医务人员不足的困境,更能减少医务工作者感染疾病的风险。但由于人工智能的运作存在着对个人隐私侵犯的天然性,反思人工智能时代个人隐私保护的刑法路径也应同步于重大疫情的治理。我国刑法中并没有以隐私权为独立客体的法律条文,现有对隐私权的保护附属于刑法对市场经济秩序、公民人身权利与民主权利、社会管理秩序的保护,但这一体系下的个人隐私保护存在着制度设计上的缺陷。针对弊端,个人隐私保护刑法路径的建构首先应以对大数据背景下个人隐私的合理界定为逻辑前提,站在风险防范与利益平衡的立场,不以静态的视角界定隐私的边界,再以此展开个人隐私保护刑法路径的具体设计。  相似文献   

邢昕 《科技与法律》2021,(4):116-126
位置数据披露在防控新冠病毒(COVID-19)等传染病期间在国家、公共卫生机构及个人层面具有三重价值、成效显赫;但也暴露出健康权与隐私权之间的内在张力.全球范围内存在三种位置数据披露模式:一是模糊地理数据披露模式,即向所有公众公开仅涉及概括性、脱敏性的位置数据信息;二是对特定人群信息披露模式,针对可能的密切接触者等特定...  相似文献   

在公共卫生突发事件应对中追踪检测、收集及分析大量的个人健康信息和流动信息是出于社会大多数公众的生命安全之考虑,是实现公共管理手段的体现,可以达到对传染疾病的有效防治目的.但个人信息收集主体不规范的行为可能会导致个人信息泄露之可能,造成相关当事人的利益受损,如何平衡个人信息采集与公共利益保护依旧悬而未决.以公共卫生突发事件中的个人信息利用为全新视角,对个人信息保护制度进行研究,对于破解个人信息保护面临的实践难题具有重要的现实意义.本文分析了突发公共卫生事件下个人信息保护的法律依据,结合我国突发公共卫生事件下个人信息保护豁免的域外实践,指出我国突发公共卫生事件下个人信息保护存在一些困境,如在突发公共卫生事件中,个人信息的保护缺乏专门的立法和事后具体的利用规则.未来我国在突发公共卫生事件中,应加快个人信息保护的专门立法,同时应确立合法性原则、目的限定原则、最小范围原则及保密性原则为内容的公共卫生突发事件个人信息处理原则来进一步规范信息控制主体的行为.  相似文献   

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