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历史学与国际关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史学研究是国际关系研究的基础。其对国际关系研究的重要意义表现在如下几个方面有助于研究者理解现时代的国际问题;可以为国际关系研究提供灵感;历史学还具有借鉴功能并为国际关系理论研究提供丰富的素材。当然,纯粹以历史方法研究国际关系也有其局限性,只有和国际关系的其他研究方法结合起来,历史研究才能更好地为国际关系研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

全球转型:历史现代性与国际关系的形成[英]巴里·布赞[英]乔治·劳森著崔顺姬译李佳校上海人民出版社2020年7月版定价:88.00元本书是“剑桥大学国际关系研究”系列丛书之一,以全球转型为国际关系的起点,着重分析影响现代国际关系形成的“漫长的19世纪”(1776-1914年)。本书指出,“漫长的19世纪”是一个由政治、经济、军事和文化全方位构成的时期,它重塑了国内社会和国际社会,并推动全球发展的动力和冲突推动当代国际关系的持续和演进。本书旨在启发人们重新思考实践意义上的国际关系和学科意义上的国际关系学。  相似文献   

与中国物质性崛起相应的是,对中国的思想性崛起的追求也日益提上日程,其中就包括中国特色国际关系理论的建构。由于历史和现实的原因,上海国际关系理论研究先后经历了最初的引介西方国际关系理论和后来的自创中国特色国际关系理论两个阶段的发展,目前正迈向构建"上海学派"的道路。浮现中的"上海学派"以"共生"概念为基础,逐渐发展出以"国际共生论"为核心,以国际体系转型、全球治理、议题关联等为外围的一整套理论和方法。它表现出高度的开放性和包容性,具备宏大的历史视野,且致力于对国际关系各议题相互关系的综合性理解,以期服务于国家总体外交和上海地方发展。但由于核心理论体系尚不完善、研究方法尚不够发达、研究平台和研究团队尚不够强大,"上海学派"的真正形成仍需较长时间。"上海学派"的未来构建需要围绕"国际共生论"发展出其核心理论体系,需要秉承"共生"精神实现多学科、多方法的研究,还需要着眼于可持续发展做实研究平台、夯实研究团队、充实后备力量。  相似文献   

长期以来,学界对国际关系学科史上的"第二次论战"存在误解,实质上这场论战围绕如何对国际关系进行理论化概括展开,"经典路径"和"科学路径"的信奉者分别构建了不同形态的国际关系理论。"经典路径"构建的理论是一种哲理性思想,它由一系列有关国际关系且彼此间密切联系的普遍性命题构成,其重点是展示对国际关系中心问题的哲理思考;"科学路径"构建的理论是一种简洁的理论模型,它由一整套彼此联系且清晰扼要的假说组成,其重点是揭示特定研究领域的组织原则和内在逻辑。两种形态的理论各有特殊价值,难以相互取代。"科学路径"在理论构建过程中离不开"经典路径"的思维工具,这有助于破除以单一的实证主义标准来衡量理论合理性的观念。  相似文献   

在国际关系学的教科书里,1648年和在这一年签署的《威斯特伐利亚和约》是具有里程碑意义的历史节点和事件。其意义在于由此形成了现代国际关系史上第一个国际体系。而在此之前的早期国际关系则由于其偶然性、地区性、有限性和幼稚性,往往不被视为“严格意义上的国际关系”。这样界定历史的最大后果就是,我们发现1648年几乎成为一道不可逾越的分水岭,它的一侧是由近代西方民族国家几个世纪以来孕育、发展、扩张至全球的现代国际体系,  相似文献   

近年来,中国学界在马克思主义国际关系理论及其中国化研究方面取得了新的进展,研究主题涉及理论概述和诠释、国际关系重大现实问题分析、与西方主流国际关系理论的比较、发展路径和方法思考等。已有的研究关注者甚众,但存在专业研究队伍偏小、研究者之间的沟通较少、研究主题分散、实证研究甚少等问题。未来应加强经典文本及方法论的研究,追踪当代新马克思主义国际关系理论的发展,深化与西方主流国际关系理论的比较研究,高度关注并深入解读当今国际关系中的重大理论和现实问题。  相似文献   

全球化的加速发展使国际政治经济的性质发生了重大的变化。尽管全球化这一概念的概括性和内涵受到不少知识精英的质疑,但从目前来看,它的确构成了90年代以来国际社会的时代特征。面对新的形势,西方的国际关系学者开始了新的理论探索。中国高校中的国际政治研究是推动中国国际关系学科发展的一支重要力量。在全球化的时代,高校中的国际关系研究在时代命题和基础研究两个方面均肩负着重要的历史使命。中国国际关系的发展既要从西方国际关系学的发展中汲取营养,又要着力于发掘中国自身的历史文化传统,同时还要总结新中国外交的经验历程并加以理论升华。  相似文献   

9.11事件改变了美国的内政与外交,为塑造新的、至少是改造既有的世界政治秩序提供了可能性,因此将在相当长的时期内影响国际关系的实践.西方国际关系学界就此存在着各式各样的见解和主张,远没有达成共识,但某些课题似乎受到了普遍的重视,成为9.11语境下的研究热点.西方国际关系研究出现了两个基本走向.第一,多数国际关系研究学者和以学科研究为主的期刊,并没有对9.11给予特别的关注.第二,由于对权力和权力的道德方面的认识不同,美国与欧洲学者在世界观和国际关系研究理论方法上的分歧不断加深.  相似文献   

由上海国际问题研究院编辑出版的国际关系类学术刊物《国际展望》已于2009年7月15日正式公开出版发行。《国际展望》为中英文双月刊,大32开,逢单月15日出版发行。《国际展望》设有国际政治、国别和地区研究、区域合作、经济观察、理论探讨、外国学者来稿等栏目,重点关注国际关系的演变、国际趋势的发展、大国关系、中国对外政策等领域的热点问题,强调前瞻性、战略性、政策性和学术创新,致力于为中国的外交战略、政策和实践及中国特色国际关系理论发展  相似文献   

《国际展望》是由上海国际问题研究院主办、上海市国际关系学会协办,国内外公开发行的国际关系类学术双月刊。该刊自转刊以来,受到了国内外国际关系学界的关注和厚爱。为不断提高刊物的质量和水平,更好地阐述中国和平发展理念,诠释中国对外政策,推动构建和谐世界,分析国际局势变化,介绍最新国际关系理论,促进国际关系学科发展,《国际展望》编辑部今特向国内外从事国际关系学研究的专家学者公开征稿。  相似文献   

Public Administration research in Denmark has a relatively short history. It was first initiated in the 1970s and was developed from public law. However, from an initial homogeneity it has become increasingly pluralistic in its approach due to three factors: a strong orientation towards the study of institutional reform in the public sector, inspiration from the international literature and the specific institutional set up of the academic community that divides it into separate schools. It is possible to distinguish three trends in today's Danish Public Administration research. These trends are inspired by historical institutionalism, rational choice institutionalism and sociological institutionalism, respectively. What is needed in the future is an increased dialogue between these trends. The purpose of the dialogue should not be to reach for a new homogeneity but to increase the critical debate among different schools in order to increase the general quality of public administration research in Denmark.  相似文献   

According to national and international guidelines, schools should promote historical thinking and foster moral values. Scholars have debated, but not analysed in depth in practice, whether history education can and should hold a normative dimension. This study analyses current human rights education in two Swedish senior high school groups, in classes meant to promote what has been described as conflicting ideals of historical thinking and empathy as caring. Content analysis of students’ exam essays shows intertwined relationships between critical thinking and judgements. The results also highlight how students care that people are treated unjustly; can identify different perspectives; link the past to the present and the future; and use corroboration of information to get the best grade. This analysis shows that the students focus on historical empathy as caring rather than sourcing and corroboration. However, all students combine normative judgements with the complicated act of more neutral perspective recognition in their papers. Evidently, students may combine historical thinking and empathy as caring in line with recommendations of international understanding when they write history about indigenous peoples’ human rights. These findings are significant to all researchers, teachers and decision-makers interested in furthering analytical skills or moral values in education.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the prominence of civilisational values in Korean political economy debates in the late 19th and early 20th centuries concerning their country's dramatic opening to the world economy at the time. Korean supporters of economic opening saw this policy change as part of a wider embrace of Western civilisational values, while opponents argued that their country's longstanding economic autarchy upheld traditional Neo-Confucian civilisational values that had been imported from China. For international political economy (IPE) scholars interested in the historical relationship between civilisational values and political economy, the analysis shows how these values shaped understandings of international economic relations outside the West in quite distinctive ways. For IPE scholars interested in the diffusion of ideas, the analysis highlights different dynamics involved in the ‘localisation’ of ideas emanating from dominant powers. More generally, the study of this Korean history also contributes to the building of a more ‘inter-civilisational’ approach to IPE today.  相似文献   

This article analyses current attempts to identify the factors underlying long-term economic growth. The author criticises some of the arguments and historical evidence on which the two main explanations that dominate recent literature are based: the institutional approach and the approach focusing on the importance of geographical factors. Using an approach which is deliberately eclectic, the author considers the role of geography, international trade, human capital and institutional quality in explaining development. A new estimation is carried out through Two Stages Least Squares (TSLS) with instrumental variables. The results of the empirical model confirm the central role of institutions in long-term economic growth. However, certain geographical conditions also seem to have influenced countries' chances of progress. The human capital is a less robust factor in explaining economic growth and trade openness does not seem significant in any estimation. Nevertheless, several questions remain to be answered, suggesting that cross-country estimations need to be complemented with a deeper historical analysis.  相似文献   

This review of the historical record of economic integration in southern South America demonstrates that while MERCOSUR is very much an outgrowth of historical attempts at Latin American political and economic integration, and closely follows on the bilateral Argentina-Brazil accords of the mid-1980s, it also represents an adaptation to the contemporary political climate. The political process through which MERCOSUR was pursued and the emphasis on regional cooperation is reminiscent of the traditional rhetoric and strategy associated with Latin American integration attempts. Yet, the form and timing of its growth has clearly been influenced by international events and conditioned by current trends toward free markets and neo-liberal economic policies. As such, MERCOSUR represents the current set of public policies which define the new competitive environment for business in the Southern Cone.  相似文献   

This article examines the appeal of Carr's theory of international relations, which has enjoyed a longevity matched by few other bodies of work in a discipline characterised by faddism. I attribute Carr's success as an international theorist to his subtle use of philosophy, history, and political theory. Carr's holistic and interdisciplinary approach achieves its best expression in his employment of a critical dialectics of international theory in The Twenty Years' Crisis. The article does not confine itself to this element of Carr's writings as I also examine several works, such as The Future of Nations. Independence or Interdependence?, Conditions of Peace, and Nationalism and After,that consider the transformation of the international society. The latter works also employ a dialectic of power and morality in order to envision a world very different from the international system that Carr observed, an international order that approximates the emerging relations among states at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The article concludes with an examination of the role relativism played in Carr's theory scheme and the extent to which his dialectics of utopianism and realism is an important precursor of critical and postmodern theories of international relations.  相似文献   

In the last forty years, peace education has broadened its focus from primarily international peace and the prevention of war to an approach that encompasses social justice, environmental education, critical theory, and multicultural education. While this is a positive evolution in many respects, there is a danger in de-emphasizing the actual critique of war and militarism. This article looks at the reasons why peace education should revive its strong historical focus on problematizing war. There is a strong emphasis on how educators can implement this in the classroom by fostering an environment where students can critique both past and contemporary conflicts. This renewed focus is of special importance in our modern globalized world, especially in militarily powerful nations such as the United States.  相似文献   

德国历史学家埃卡特·克尔将社会和经济力量引入对第二帝国海军问题的研究,针对传统兰克史学所遵从的"对外政策优先"原则,提出"国内政治优先"的论断。克尔在德国国内政治和社会经济基础上,揭示海军扩张与帝国主义政策这两个问题与当时德国的社会经济状况、阶级结构、利益集团和政党政治之间的紧密联系。克尔的研究侧重社会史,强调经济和社会结构的决定性作用,重视阶级分析方法的使用,有很强的马克思主义色彩。克尔的研究表明,外交史和国际关系史的书写在档案之外还应关注更广阔的经济、社会力量,兼顾国际关系与国内政治,综合社会、文化、经济和观念诸方面并展现它们相互影响和交织的立体图景。  相似文献   

This article reconsiders the hegemonic interpretation of Latin American regionalisms, which have been defined as expressions of the fragmentation power of ideologies. After identifying the main bias and limitations of this approach, two alternative analytical proposals are presented: critical International Political Economy (IPE), which reconsiders the region’s heterogeneity as the reflection of a variety of historical trajectories; and the increasingly influential Latin/Latin American modernity/coloniality approach, which re-authorises the voices of a multiplicity of ‘marginal’ subjectivities to the cognoscible world of international studies.  相似文献   

The reported rise in radicalism among youth in Pakistan since 9/11/2001 has been attributed to religious education in madrasas and schools. However, education in Pakistan is only part of the historical and contemporary forces that contribute to the prevailing exclusivist religio-political discourse. Although most policy papers have recommended a secularization of public education, such efforts by the Pakistani Government have been counterproductive. These efforts by the Pakistani Government to reshape education, with massive funding from international donors, have faced strong opposition and there are signs of psychological reactance as evidenced by even greater levels of religious radicalism among Pakistani youth. The current study suggests a viable alternative for reshaping education in Pakistan. A nationwide survey of educated urban youth (N = 386) conducted by the first author, revealed that when considering radical religious, Western secular and liberal religious ideas, Pakistani youth were overwhelmingly supportive of a liberal religious approach to education that highlights an inclusive Islam emphasizing freedom and compassion. Findings have implications for Government reforms, peace education initiatives and long-term conflict transformation in Pakistan.  相似文献   

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