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国际组织正式制度和组织文化处于不断演变的进程中。对国际组织变革规律的理论研究不断深化对结构、施动者、变革机制这三个问题的认识,围绕国家中心主义和国际组织中心主义两大路径,形成了诸多中层理论。在国家中心主义路径下,理性选择制度主义、历史制度主义、制度竞争、委托—代理等理论将国家视为国际组织变革的关键施动者,认为不断变化的国家利益和国家间权力博弈可推动国际组织制度设计的改变。在此基础上,学者们分析了国家推动国际组织改革的策略选择问题。国际组织中心主义路径则将组织文化视为决定国际组织行为的结构性因素,重视国际官僚的施动性。理念流动、认知演化和官僚政治等国际组织内动力机制能推动组织文化变革。上述研究使人们对国际组织变革逻辑有了较全面认识:若想推动国际组织深度变革,就需整合来自国家、国际官僚和其他国际行为体的变革推力,并同时重视物质和观念要素的影响。  相似文献   

国际组织正式制度和组织文化处于不断演变的进程中。对国际组织变革规律的理论研究不断深化对结构、施动者、变革机制这三个问题的认识,围绕国家中心主义和国际组织中心主义两大路径,形成了诸多中层理论。在国家中心主义路径下,理性选择制度主义、历史制度主义、制度竞争、委托—代理等理论将国家视为国际组织变革的关键施动者,认为不断变化的国家利益和国家间权力博弈可推动国际组织制度设计的改变。在此基础上,学者们分析了国家推动国际组织改革的策略选择问题。国际组织中心主义路径则将组织文化视为决定国际组织行为的结构性因素,重视国际官僚的施动性。理念流动、认知演化和官僚政治等国际组织内动力机制能推动组织文化变革。上述研究使人们对国际组织变革逻辑有了较全面认识:若想推动国际组织深度变革,就需整合来自国家、国际官僚和其他国际行为体的变革推力,并同时重视物质和观念要素的影响。  相似文献   

美国学者对腐败与文化关系的研究,初衷并非是基于对欧美等发达国家反腐实践的思考,而是在考察发展中国家的援助项目过程中逐渐发展起来的。学者们在腐败与传统文化、制度文化、政党以及发展中国家的现代化发展之间的关系等方面进行了丰富的论证,尽管不可避免地带有西方中心主义的色彩,但他们的研究仍然引领着该问题的理论和实践发展方向,为中国建立民主文化反腐机制、加强政党在反腐过程中的功能建设以及厘清和加强群众在反腐进程中的作用也提供了诸多启示。  相似文献   

腐败的产生与现代化进程和政治体制的类型都没有关系,而与国家治理能力直接相关。国家治理能力低下就会导致腐败,腐败则会进一步降低国家治理能力。国家治理能力实际上是政府的治理能力,在深化改革进程中,提升国家治理能力就是要对政府进行准确定位,防止政府因错位、越位而导致权力腐败。腐败是世界各国普遍存在的问题,各国在治理腐败方面受诸多因素的影响而治理的方式不一样,治理绩效也大相径庭,但其中不乏卓有成效的腐败治理方式,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

五四前后马克思主义为什么能在中国迅速传播?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义的中国化就是以中国的实际为前提对马克思主义的选择和应用 ,以及在马克思主义的指导下对传统文化的现代性改造的互动。五四前后 ,马克思主义的传播满足了当时的社会需要 ,同时社会的变革、东西文化的碰撞以及主体性的内在机制都为马克思主义的最初传播创造了现实的可能 ;而实用的选择、学以致用的方针、理论联系实际的实践又使这种可能成为现实。  相似文献   

社会民主主义经过一百多年的发展,已成为当今世界传播广、政治影响大的全球性政治社会思潮之一,其理论探索和社会党的执政实践推动早期的"野蛮资本主义"面貌有了较大改观,也推动了有关国家的政治、经济、社会、文化发展。但是,社会民主主义在对资本主义发展进程产生重要影响的同时,自身也发生了极其深刻的变化,并与科学社会主义一步步拉大距离,出现了一系列根本区别。  相似文献   

周厚虎 《国际展望》2012,(1):34-47,115,116
全球化的发展和信息化的进程带来了国际政治权力资源的变化,文化、科技、知识和信息等软实力资源在国际关系中的地位日益凸显。这不仅催生了软实力理论的产生和发展,而且也影响了国家外交形式并正改变着外交的内容,由此公共外交在国际舞台上扮演着越来越重要的角色。软实力成为理解国际关系变化和外交政策的一个新的理论视角,理所当然地成为了公共外交的理论支撑,而公共外交本身也是软实力建设的重要内容和战略路径。中美软实力战略的差异导致了双方对公共外交认知的差异。本文在比较中美软实力战略的视角下,从公共外交的主体、受体、传播内容以及传播媒介等方面来分析美国公共外交的特点,同时从这四个方面来论述中国公共外交体系的构建。  相似文献   

当代西方民主化理论的基础性范式是经济分析与文化分析,这两种分析方法的基本特点是其结构性、历史性与宏观性,其局限是缺乏对民主化过程的微观解释。随着理性选择理论的兴起,民主化理论的分析路径实现了从宏观向微观机制的转向,突出了政治主体的理性选择和策略互动对于民主化过程的重要意义。而理性选择理论关于个体主义和经济理性的严格假设,无法有效解释民主化过程中人类行为的复杂性以及无效制度的长期存在和传播。近年来新制度主义分析方法开始广泛兴起,这一分析方法通过重视制度(包括规范、文化等)的作用,致力于把宏观视角与微观机制结合起来,对民主化过程提供了一个综合的理解。  相似文献   

在新能源汽车、智能化汽车不断提高份额占比,销售、保养模式逐渐直营化趋势下,在破产进程中建立车企消费者权利保护机制,是一项具有现实意义、落地可能的工作。对于车企应承担的国家规定之内三包义务、国家规定之外质量维保承诺以及质量缺陷导致的人身财产损失等不同的义务,根据清算、和解、重整等不同破产推进程序,可考虑实施设立车主权利保护专款、专项资产措施,也可考虑将质量、维保责任剥离至第三方措施,因案施策地做好消费者权利保护工作。并提出在制度层面进行架构时,应充分考虑车企消费者问题的权利属性、利益协调等问题,使消费者权利保护机制得到法理支撑。  相似文献   

杜天冬 《法制博览》2024,(1):157-159
习惯法是民族地区习俗传承与文化留痕的体现,是基层自治的多元化选择。从法理和法的规范性角度来看,习惯法拥有稳定性、实用性、传承性、强制性等基本属性,但从强制性的属性来源来看,习惯法又不具备国家强制力的保障与程序法的形式正义追求,即在司法实践适用中,习惯法纠纷解决的作用缺乏制度、法规的指引,司法适用率的降低既不利于多元纠纷解决机制的建构,也会使得习惯法流于形式。明确习惯法适用范围,加强习惯法理论研究,整合地方习惯法资源,建立习惯法司法适用标准,能够更好地体现习惯法价值与实现司法公正。  相似文献   

This is a study of cultural change within democratization. It uses conflict theory to understand the culture of conflict escalation and management, taking Argentina as its example. Beginning with the most extreme dictatorships, The Dirty War and the Rosas period, and then looking at other periods of governance, the essay illustrates that Argentina has an authoritarian culture of conflict. The essay suggests why these patterns have developed in Argentina. It asks whether it is possible to change such cultural patterns and whether the current democratizing effort includes efforts at change. It concludes that the democratization efforts since 1983 have included attempts to change culture, as well as electoral and institutional movement toward democracy.  相似文献   

The relationship between contract management capacity and implementation success in local government contracting is well established. However, less is known about how specific contract mechanisms are linked to this success. This study uses implementation of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program to examine the use of formal and informal contract management techniques in the implementation of energy projects. The use of formal contract mechanisms, such as full and open competitive bidding, contact rescission and outcome-based performance measures, exhibits a statistically significant effect on implementation performance. The findings advance contracting theory and have practical implications for local government contracting and implementation success in fiscal federalism.  相似文献   


We observe and analyse three intra-industry foreign direct investment (FDI) spillover transmission channels using unique firm-level data collected from on-site interviews and observations regarding domestic and foreign firms operating in Uganda in 2015. Our main results are: (1) the spillover effects mainly depend on the channel(s) by which they occur (the competition channel is most important while spillover benefits through the worker mobility and the imitation channels are less prevalent) and (2) both positive and negative spillover effects occur within the same channel and, moreover, effects differ by channel for the same case. These are novel and challenging findings that have not yet been recognised in theoretical and empirical research on FDI spillovers. Our results suggest that long-term pecuniary spillover effects are predominantly stimulated via the competition channel and show that only limited short-term and long-term technological spillover effects occur through the imitation and the movement of workers channels. These channels are not only less prevalent, but also appear to be constrained by competition-determined spillovers. We are confident that these directions for future research will have a high pay-off because, as shown by this exploratory fieldwork, a more complete picture of the spillover effects is reached when the channels are considered simultaneously.  相似文献   

This is the pilot study for the Peace Education Curricular Analysis Project – a project that seeks to become a longitudinal and global analysis of national curriculum statements for pro-peace values. National education as a system of organized learning can act as a transmission belt – a cultural institution that assigns communal ideals and values and uses pedagogy to echo social standards. As this analysis considers that it is possible to assess non-peace education for peace education qualities, this study analyzed New Zealand’s early childhood, primary, and secondary education curricular statements to ascertain the presence or absence of three elements common in peace education programs: recognition of violence; addressing conflict nonviolently; and creating the conditions of positive peace. The methodologies used in this mixed methods study include directive and summative content analysis. This analysis finds that the curricular statements (2) of New Zealand have made progress to educate students toward peace and non-violence and that in general, the early childhood curricular statement incorporates a greater amount of pro-peace content than the primary and secondary curriculum statement. Opportunities exist to strengthen peace education content in future New Zealand curricular statements.  相似文献   


This article uses principal–agent theory to examine the governance of solar energy in China and question the notion of ‘fragmented authoritarianism’ in Chinese governance. It demonstrates that the governance of solar energy in China operates on two levels, with ‘police patrol’ control and monitoring mechanisms at the meso- or sectoral level combined with ‘fire alarm’ modes of political control at the micro-level. Drawing on original interview material, we argue that this two-level model and distinct set of supervisory institutions have allowed China, as a relatively late entrant into the solar energy sector, to address the growing environmental emergency within China and catch up technologically with the West.  相似文献   

Brian Barry's recent critique of the theory and practice of multiculturalism reflects a robust defence of a version of liberal egalitarianism which accords individuals political rights and opportunities to pursue cultural goods and to assert against cultural communities. This argument is self-consciously defended as following in the tradition of J. S. Mill's theory of liberty. However, Mill's liberalism has two distinct legacies, both libertarian and perfectionist. This article argues that Barry's discussion of the issue of multicultural education reflects a much stronger and perfectionist Millian influence than he either needs or wants to assert in the face of multicultural critics. Exploring this complex legacy exposes the possible resources that contemporary political theorists have, to deal with the issue of cultural recognition and integration.  相似文献   


This paper uses a case study of one small rural community in New England to educate social workers, other human service professionals on linguistic, cultural accessibility issues with clients who have Limited English Proficiency (LEP). The relevant civil rights law, case law, federal guidelines, which form a framework of protection for persons with LEP are presented, used as a mirror to which human service efforts to meet linguistic, cultural accessibility are held. Finally, strategies for small rural communities with multiple small populations of persons with LEP are presented.  相似文献   

In the last decade experiments with decentralized democratic governance and citizen involvement have been launched throughout Europe in functional domains as varied as housing, environmental planning, primary schools and care for the elderly. This article analyses such democratization processes through the lense of cultural theory as formulated by Thompson, Ellis and Wildavsky (1990). It argues that cultural theory provides a framework for understanding why formal democratic rights and rules are not necessarily matched by democratic images among actors. It draws on empirical material from the Danish social housing sector, which is widely recognized for its decentralized governance system and extensive tenant involvement.  相似文献   

In the study of risk regulation, grid-group cultural theory has attracted considerable interest. There has, however, been a lack of a systematic interest in its claims and in methodological issues. In this article, we present five claims that are drawn from cultural theory and assess them in the light of failure in meat inspections in Germany. These claims are assessed through the analysis of argumentation as recorded in newspapers. In the light of its empirical findings, this article argues that the claims and methodology employed offer a promising avenue for further work to investigate the usefulness of this particular theoretical approach.  相似文献   

There are many studies on the effects of both economic globalisation and the rise of China. These core issues of the contemporary international agenda entail major economic, military, environmental, social and cultural transformations in most nations. While there is also an abundant literature on how globalisation supported the rise of China, there are scarce publications on how China became one of the primary drivers of globalisation. This article assumes that understanding the power of globalisation over countries is as crucial as assessing the power of certain countries over the process. In this sense, it uses the recently created ‘theory of globalisers’ to analyse how is China transforming contemporary economic globalisation. The conclusion is that China became an ‘economic globaliser’ in the twenty-first century. As the largest exporter, the second largest importer, the third largest provider of foreign direct investments, and a major supplier of high-tech goods, the Asian giant is a vital partner for several economies in different continents. In this context, Beijing’s globalisation strategy aims at both securing the benefits of globalisation and reforming the international economic order, but without a revolutionary stance.  相似文献   

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