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From October 13th to 15th, the 7th Asia-Europe People’s Forum was held in Beijing. The theme of the Forum was "Social Justice and  相似文献   

On January 20-25, 2007, eleven people from China NGO Network for International Exchanges,China UN Association,the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament,the Chinese Association for International Understanding,the Contemporary World Research Center and the China-Africa Business Council attended the 7th World Social Forum (WSF) held in Nairobi,capital city of Kenya.  相似文献   

From May 13 to 14, 2008, the 7^th Sino-German Seminar on Comprehensive Security themed "China-Europe and New World Order" jointly sponsored by the International Department of Communist Party of China (IDCPC), the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) and the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation of Germany (FES) was held in Beijing. Participants at the Seminar were the SPD delegation led by Mr. Kolbow, Vice Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group and over 30 participants from IDCPC, the Foreign Ministry, the National Development and Reform Commission, CASS, Chinese Institute of Contemporary International Relations, China Institute of International Studies, Beijing University, China Renmin University, China Foreign Affairs University, the Center for Contemporary World Studies, CAFIU and the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament.  相似文献   

Editor's note: On December 11, 2013, the international conference on the Silk Road Economic Belt in the Context of Economic Globalization was hostedby the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) in Beijing. About 60 participants, including experts from China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, officials from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) secretariat,  相似文献   

From May 14 to 15, the 6th Sino-German Security Seminar co-sponsored by the international Department of the CPC(IDCPC), CAFIU and Friedrich-Ebert Foundation(FES) was held in Beijing. The German delegation of Social Democratic Party(SPD) politicians headed by Mr.  相似文献   

At the invitation of MRA/lnitiatives of Change(IC)- Korea, Mrs. Luo Yi, Council Member of CAFIU attended the 5^th Northeast Asian Youth Form in Seoul from September 26-31, 2008. The main theme of the Forum is "Peace and Development of Northeast Asia in the Global Society" aiming at promoting exchange and mutual understanding among the youth of China, Japan and Republic of Korea and fostering a sense of historical mission to build regional harmony and cooperation. There were more than 60 University students Mr. Li from three countries attending the Forum. Chengren, Executive Vice-President of CAFIU sent a message of congratulation to the Forum. As one of the main theme speakers,  相似文献   

From Nov. 23 to 24, the 3rd New Century Sino-Japanese Symposium on the Asian Situation and Peace was held in Beijing. Present at the Symposium were Chinese experts and scholars from the International Department of CPC Central Committee, the Foreign Minist…  相似文献   

Since the founding of New China, with tremendous changes in the Chinese society, social productivity and comprehensive national strength have been greatly enhanced, and people's livelihood has also been substantially improved. Great achievements have been made in the aspects of education, sports, medical care and health. For 60 years, the universalization of education in China has come close to the average level in medium income countries;  相似文献   

A Grand Rally     
From January 26 to 31,2005,the 5th World Social Forum (WSF) was held in Port of Alegre of Brazil.As a member of the Chinese Association for Inter-national Understanding (CAFIU ), I attended this grand meeting.The 5th WSF hit a new record in terms of scale.Ac-cording to statistics, about 150,000 people from over 6,500 organizations of more than 130 coun-tries participated in the Forum .Besides,nearly 3,500 journalists from over 60 countries reported on the Forum .During the Forum ,th…  相似文献   

郑瑶 《国际交流》2006,(2):30-31
三月的卡拉奇阳光明媚,气候宜人。24—29日,第六届世界社会论坛亚洲分会在这里隆重举行。这是世界社会论坛自诞生以来,首次尝试多中心、分区域举行的方式,目的是使散居于世界各地的“草根”民间组织和反全球化人士有机会更加广泛地参与论坛活动。此前,本届社会论坛的非洲、美洲分会已于今年一月分别在马里和委内瑞拉召开。本次卡拉奇分会仍以“另一个世界是可能的”这一著名口号为主题,来自20多个国家的5000余名代表与会,除巴基斯坦国内团体和当地民众以外,外国代表主要来自南亚国家。中国民间组织国际交流促进会、中国国际交流协会、中国人民争取和平与裁军协会、中国联合国协会、中华环保联合会以及中国西藏文化保护与发展协会等中国民间组织的代表参加了本次亚洲分会。  相似文献   

On October 13 and 14 of 2005, an international seminar on "The Social Development Model in the Early 21st Century" was held in Beijing jointly by China's Research Center on the Contemporary World and Germany's Luxembourg Foundation. Approximately fifty people participated in the seminar, including scholars from the Luxembourg Foundation, City University of London, the Institute of Globalization Studies of Russia, Singapore's State University, Ecuador's Andes University, the Chine…  相似文献   

Today, the female statesperson, experts and scholars of China and Germany happily gather here to exchange views in depth on women‘s rights, women‘s participation in deliberation and administration of state affairs, women‘s status and role in the economic and social development, women‘s liberation,  相似文献   

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