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文化与国家形象、国际影响力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一个国家在国际上的形象和影响力,是这个国家综合实力在国际竞争中的外在反映.一个国家的综合实力,既包括经济、军事和科技等硬碰硬的物质力量,同时也包括意识形态、思想文化等软对软的精神力量.党的十六大报告中有一个判断:"当今世界,文化与经济和政治相互交融,在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突出."在当前我国对外交往的实践中,我们也能切身感受到:随着我国经济实力不断壮大和与国际社会联系的日益紧密,我国国际形象和影响力的塑造,越来越需要文化的力量来支撑.  相似文献   

波兰统一工人党为寻求符合波兰国情的发展道路曾进行过许多理论探索和创新。但是 ,其中有的还没来得及实施就已夭折 ,有的实施了几年之后被放弃 ,最终在“放开手脚”进行理论创新时丢掉了政权 ,其教训十分惨痛。  相似文献   

Dying as failure     
With the changes over the past forty years in the way people die and in the ways they are cared for when ill, the attitudes toward death have changed. When death seemed a metaphysical event, it commanded a kind of respect. Today, with the process of dying protracted--sometimes for years--it seems an evidence of failure.  相似文献   

The relationship between a subsidy-receiving firm and the government granting the subsidy can be conceptualized as an agency relation, with the government in the role of the principal, and the firm in the role of the agent. The economic theory of agency relations suggests what formal characteristics of the subsidy scheme and what conditions of the subsidy contracts are to be expected if the government wants to discipline effectively the behaviour of subsidy-receiving firms. These expectations are discussed using the example of a Dutch research subsidy scheme. It appears that most, of the expected conditions are indeed embodied in the formal subsidy scheme and in the subsidy contracts. However, there are signs that the informal relationship between the parties concerned deviates in important ways from what the formal documents would make us believe. Conclusions pertaining to the usefulness as well as the limitations of the proposed conceptualization of subsidy relations are drawn, and recommendations with regard to the design and implementation of subsidy schemes are made.  相似文献   

America is more a creed than a nation. Our promise has always been that all individuals, despite race, religion or gender, have the equal chance to make it. The election of Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States is thus a “soft power” coup for America's global image, which had lost its luster during the Bush years. Obama is the anti‐Bush who will lead by the power of example instead of the example of power. Yet, there are real limits. Can the power of example stop the North Korean or Iranian nuclear programs? Can it stop jihadists bent on establishing a new Caliphate across South Asia? Can it limit China's ambitions as the new power in Asia? In this section commentators from across the world offer their views.  相似文献   

The central theme of this article is that we have not adequately addressed the question of teaching management. The academic community has done a better job of preparing persons for technical/professional positions in personnel, budgeting and policy analysis. This failure to address the problem of teaching management leaves students (particularly mid-career students) without a foundation for understanding their role as managers. Given that so many MPA students aspire to be managers, it is time we faced this failure and sought means to correct it.

The article suggests a framework to understand and promote public management education. The central argument is to direct management education toward those factors which reflect the public values which underlie the concept of governance. Toward that end public management education must reflect three elements:

1) the political and ethical foundations of publicness,

2) the examination of the practice of management in public organizations, and

3) the skills needed to accomplish the task of management.

An MPA program should reflect all three of these elements if it is to provide an adequate management education. Nevertheless, it must also be recognized that career-long learning is the ultimate goal. Further, management education is but one task of an MPA program. The development of technical competencies in the other aspects of government, such as in budgeting and policy analysis are similarly important goals for MPA programs. A curriculum that accommodates both the management skills and technical competencies needs of students should be our goal.  相似文献   

未成年人不构成累犯作为一项原则,实际上早已为许多国家所采纳。具体而言,将未成年人排除在累犯适格主体的立法例有两种:其一,只要是未成年时所实施的犯罪,均不作为认定罪犯时的“前罪”考虑。即前后罪实施在未成年时的情况,不构成累犯,而且前罪实施在未成年时后罪实施在成年时,也不构成累犯。如俄罗斯刑法典第18条明确规定,一个人在年满18岁之前实施犯罪的前科,在认定累犯时不得计算在内。泰国刑法典第94条明确规定,未满17岁之人,其  相似文献   

This paper presents an ethical framework for decision-making in public administration based on the preeminent value of justice. In discussion of this framework, the paper deals with three major issues. The first of these is the character of the just administrative decision,, the second is the character of of the just public organization, and the third is the impact of a justice-based administrative ethic on the role of the responsible administrator.  相似文献   

Service on public boards is described in a normative model of public administration. Further, public boards, such as the historic architectural review boards discussed here, provide unique oppportunities for students of government and public administration. The public board serves an important balance within the local government. Public boards provide expertise not easily purchased by government; public boards provide an important interface for citizens to their elected government and their career public administration; and public boards provide an important opportunity for citizens to involve themselves with their government. This citizen as administrative participant is not typically schooled in government or in public administration, but an opportunity exists for aggressive public administration programs.  相似文献   

This article reviews the existing literature on young disadvantaged fathers' involvement with children. It first outlines the predominant theoretical perspectives regarding father involvement among resident (married and cohabiting) biological fathers, resident social fathers (unrelated romantic partners of children's mothers), and nonresident biological fathers. Second, it presents a brief discussion of the ways in which fathers contribute to childrearing. Third, it describes the socioeconomic characteristics of men who enter fatherhood at a young age, highlighting that they tend to be socioeconomically disadvantaged. Fourth, it reviews the empirical research on both antecedents of father involvement and patterns of involvement across father types. Finally, it describes the limitations of existing research and provides suggestions for future research and policy.  相似文献   

Innovative accomplishments of governors are a vehicle for analyzing state governors' performance as policy leaders and as chief executives. Analysis of survey data describing state innovations reveals governors fostering an almost even mix of programs (initiatives directly serving clienteles) and administrative innovations (changes in internal procedures), with innovations tending to be reported from agencies where the governor is involved in selection of the agency head. The implications are that governors interested in instituting and institutionalizing innovation can do so through their appointments and that the appointive power can be a vehicle for change as well as control. Program initiatives tended to concentrate in various functional policy areas, such as economic development or education. Management innovations, on the other hand, tended to be system wide in that they were reported in agencies that serve the entire state bureaucracy or they emanated from the governor's office.1  相似文献   

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