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The paper gives a review on the foundation of local associations of legal medicine and their journals at the beginning and in the mid of the 19th century in Germany before the German Society of Legal Medicine was founded.  相似文献   

On 20 September 1904 the Section of Forensic Medicine of the former Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians decided in Breslau to found an independent "German Society of Forensic Medicine". The constituent assembly was held in Meran on 25 September 1905, with Fritz Strassmann from Berlin being elected as the first president. According to section 1 of the first statutes the object of the association was to "offer a platform for joint scientific work". Later the name of the association was changed several times; the last change (to "German Society of Legal Medicine") was made in 1968. The close relationship between legal medicine and criminalistics is demonstrated on the background of the historical development.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper by W. Krauland the foundation of the German Society of Legal Medicine, which took place at the 76th meeting of the German Naturalists and Physicians in Breslau, 1904, was described in detail. Carl Ipsen, Julius Kratter, Adolf Lesser, Georg Puppe, Emil Ungar and Fritz Strassmann were chosen as the preliminary board of the Society. They were respected scientists in their field, working at different universities in Germany and Austria. Life and scientific work of these founders of the German Society of Legal Medicine shall be described in short portraits.  相似文献   

The fields mainly covered by clinical forensic medicine are subject to time-related changes which are described on the basis of the German literature of the 20th century. Some fields of forensic sexual medicine (diagnosis of virginity, proof of criminal abortion, potentia coeundi, potentia generandi, potentia concipiendi) have become less important in the daily work of medicolegal institutes, whereas victims of rape and sexual abuse continue to form a major part of the forensic examination material in the German-speaking countries. The evaluation of suspected physical child abuse has grown in importance since the 60s, and it is essentially the merit of Elisabeth Trube-Becker that this problem is now dealt with also in scientific medicine. More recently, medicolegal experts are increasingly confronted with further groups of persons: victims of domestic violence, abused/neglected seniors, refugees from countries where torture is used. A new special field, which established itself only in the 90s, is the estimation of age with regard to the criminal responsibility of suspects who have no identity papers or pretend to have none. A phenomenon frequently observed in the last two decades is the non-accidental self-infliction of injuries. Whereas in the first half of the 20th century the motive for self-mutilation was typically to evade military service, this category of injury was later mainly seen in the context of insurance fraud; more recently most forensically relevant self-inflicted injuries refer to simulated offenses (fictitious sexual offenses and robbery, attacks allegedly having a political background). One of the traditional fields of clinical forensic medicine continues to be the evaluation of victims and suspects following bodily harm and attempted homicides. In the field of civil law medicolegal experts are particularly often concerned with controversial consequences of traffic accidents (e.g. alleged whiplash injuries after rear-end collisions at low velocities).  相似文献   

信息社会中的法学教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国法学教育的发展离不开所处的时代 ,今天与以往的时代最不同的特点是信息化社会的到来。信息技术以及由此带动的生命科学、纳米技术和认知科学的发展极大地影响和改变了我们的生活方式 ,也为我们提出了许多新的法律问题。如果我们的法学教育能够抓住这个机遇 ,迎接时代的挑战 ,就能站在新的起点上发展 ,我国的法学教育就有可能成为世界一流的法学教育。  相似文献   

In the field of forensic serology, essential developmental impulses have come from the sphere of activity of the German Society for Forensic Medicine. Among these are the orientating enzyme-reactive and specific tests for blood using crystallization tests, the determination of the species-specificity of the donor of the stain and the beginning of the individualization of a stain to its donor. Pioneering work has also been done in the development of blood group serology of the conventional markers. DNA analysis originated in the Anglo-Saxon region. The German Society for Forensic Medicine also contributed to its further progress and essentially influenced it e.g. by the discovery of microsatellite markers, including STRs, by the validation of numerous test methods, by optimization of these methods and by preliminary work for the use of mass spectrometry in DNA analysis.  相似文献   

德语世界的法哲学可以追溯到非常久远的年代,然而,其中最具决定性影响的时期是德国的"黄金时代",也就是从七年战争(1756-1763)的末期到1870年普法战争之间的百余年时光.这个时期,一如莫扎特、贝多芬之于音乐,歌德、席勒之于文学,辛克尔、卡斯帕之于艺术,高斯之于数学以及亚历山大·洪堡之于自然科学,康德与黑格尔也先后在哲学上开启了不朽的历史.  相似文献   

德国民法上的公法人制度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周友军 《法学家》2007,(4):140-147
德国法上的公法人包括公法社团、公营造物和公法财团三种.对于公法人在私法领域的活动范围的限制,应当采代理权限制说.公法人实施私法行为时,应当适用私法,且法人依章程任命的代理人的行为被看作法人自己的行为.另外,有破产能力的公法人的董事有义务申请该公法人进入破产程序,否则要对债权人因迟延申请所造成的损害承担责任.德国公法人理论对于我国公法人制度的借鉴意义为:帮助我们对我国法上的公法人进行分类整理;公法人从事目的范围外的活动,应当认定为法人代表人没有相应的代表权;承认一定范围的公法人具有破产能力并强化董事等申请破产的义务;通过扩大"法定代表人"的内涵,来解决所谓的"职务代理"问题.  相似文献   


How does the history of your country and its legal traditions affect your identity as a citizen, researcher, teacher? In case you happen to be from Germany, how do you live with the memory of national crimes - and the fact that legal academia identified in significant numbers with the Nazi regime? Are there affinities in German legal traditions to anti-liberal ideologies and authoritarian mentalities? How did post-war Germany face its past? The essay does not try to address these questions systematically but through a narrative which seeks to trace the biographical impact of the German history.


论法治社会的法律统一   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
法律统一是法律统一性和法律统一化的内外结合 ,具有显著的理念性、专业性和动态性。法律统一是法治社会的基本前提。然而 ,在当今中国 ,法律不统一构成了法治社会建构的巨型瓶颈。本文分析了中国法律不统一的深层原因并指出了法律统一的基本路径和具体方式。  相似文献   

《德国民法典》中先买权之法律技术性质的逻辑解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、解读的维度及其体系性限度“每一个法律制度或法律概念都是一个系统或语境的一部分,它从这个系统或语境中确定自己的意义。变换语境后,每个孤立部分的含义在重组时,便与它们在先前的语境中所具有的含义毫无关系。”〔1〕因此,对《德国民法典》中先买权之法律技术性质的解读  相似文献   

论非法人团体的法律地位   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
尹田 《现代法学》2003,25(5):12-16
团体人格(法人)是经济发展所导致的法律调控技术发展的结果,其目的不仅在于赋予需要并且适于作为交易主体的组织以交易主体(合同当事人)资格,同时更重要的是赋予作为社会经济生活之实体存在的团体以完全的法律人格,使其能够成为财产的所有人并独立承担财产上所生之一切义务。由此,团体人格可以分为"形式人格"和"实质人格"两个侧面。非法人团体能够以自己的名义"独立"对外订立合同,但其既不能独立享有财产权利、也不能独立承担财产责任,故其仅具有团体人格之形式而无团体人格之实质。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会中的经济法制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐社会是人类奋斗的目标,要实现这一目标离不开法制建设,其中经济法制通过协调私人与社会、市场与政府、效益与公平的矛盾,通过促进和维护市场公平自由竞争,通过加强和改善宏观调控秩序,有效地促进、建设和实现着和谐社会的目标。  相似文献   

和谐社会中的法律调整机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
和谐社会是古往今来社会大众所追求的理想社会。胡锦涛同志指出:我们所要建设的社会主义和谐社会,应该是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。与我国古代封建社会曾出现过的某些暂时的“太平盛世”相比,社会主义和谐社会是一个开放、多元、能动、民主、法治的社会,而非封闭、集权、守旧、专断和人治的社会。因此社会主义和谐社会的建立和维持不能依赖“圣贤”和“时运”,而必须依赖可靠的法律制度的保障才能实现。在这一意义上,社会主义和谐社会必须是能够实现社会长治久安和协调发展的法治社会。在…  相似文献   

JAMES W. MEEKER 《犯罪学》1984,22(4):551-571
Among the more popular “political” explanations of increased crime have been the charges that courts have been coddling criminals and handcuffing the police. These accusaticms are often coupled with the general perception that if criminal defendants appeal they will usually win. During the past 20 years there clearly has been an increase in criminal defendant due process rights that have been created largely by the courts. Notwithstanding these developments, are criminal defendants more likely to win than lose on appeal, and has the probability of winning been increasing? This article examines state courts of last resort from 1870 to 1970 to determine both the odds of winning and how they have changed. It also investigates whether these trends are different for the traditional South than for the more liberal states of the Northeast. The data indicate that, in fact, defendants today are far more likely to lose on appeal than they were 100 years ago. In addition, there appears to be little regional variation in criminal appellate outcomes over the last 100 years.  相似文献   

高宗泽 《中国法律》2009,(4):2-4,56-58
20世纪50年代中期,建立律师制度是新中国民主法制建设的一个亮点,人们看到在共产党领导的国家中,也会有律师制度。50年代中期以後,尤其是1957年以後,由于种种历史原因,律师制度逐渐消失了。在文革浩劫中,民主法制的基本功都没有了,律师制度更别提了.  相似文献   

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