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This article characterizes how incentives to lie affect international cooperation and the design of cooperation agreements. I study the optimal structure of cooperation agreements in an environment where the costs of cooperation fluctuate over time. Cooperation is complicated by the fact that the costs of cooperation are private information and participants can benefit from lying about them. When the extent of asymmetries of information between the cooperating governments can be measured in terms of the transparency of the political process, democracies face greater contracting opportunities than authoritarian regimes. However, this article shows that even under asymmetries of information, a limited extent of cooperation can be achieved when the design of cooperation agreements recognizes incentives to lie.  相似文献   

An association of strangers with danger and criminality is one of the most enduring social myths. However, in the UK, it was only after a media outcry 10 years ago over the release of foreign nationals from British prisons, that the ‘Foreign Criminal’ exploded into political and popular consciousness. Despite the small numbers of people involved, the location of this folk devil at the intersection of legal and moral assessments of ‘wickedness’ and alterity imbues it with considerable potency and has ensured that its reverberations are still felt strongly a decade later. Drawing on qualitative research with immigration detainees, deportees and irregular migrants, the article considers some of the many faces of the Foreign Criminal and illuminates their racialised, classed and gendered natures. It argues that a twin set of developments – coalescing around Operation Nexus and curtailed Article 8 right protections – work together to taint a growing number of non-citizens with criminality, whilst simultaneously undermining their claim to belong. Case studies are presented to demonstrate the fault lines of this malleable and expanding category, and to argue that the Foreign Criminal is paradigmatic of both social disorder and national boundaries, and is fundamentally shifting the lines of citizenship and belonging.  相似文献   


As government uses of information technology mature, awareness is growing of the need to effectively engage citizens in all stages of the policy process. E-democracy is often what lies beyond electronic service delivery, through a gradual process of learning and user feedback.

This article describes the national framework for e-government in Australia, levels of technology literacy in elected officials, and current electronic democracy initiatives in several Australian state and territory governments. These illustrate the potential for e-government to transform democracy, but they also highlight the need to reinforce democratic values and develop new literacies of citizenship.  相似文献   

樊万岗 《学理论》2010,(2):14-15
用人得当是增强国家核心竞争力的关键。本文从用人观念、用人制度、监督监察、协调机制四个方面展开论述,强调以人为本,充分调动各类人才的积极性、主动性和创造性,靠完善的制度来保证优秀人才脱颖而出,深化干部人事制度改革,真正把群众的代言人、带头人、德才兼备的人才选拔到领导岗位上来。  相似文献   

本质在坚持执政为民   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江泽民同志在"5@31"讲话中提出,贯彻"三个代表"要求,本质在坚持执政为民.这是刘我们党执政理念的本质定位,从根本上回答了党的执政本质、执政资格、执政功能和为谁执政等问题,是在新的历史条件下对马克思主义政党执政理论的丰富、发展和执政规律认识的深化.  相似文献   

在分析陕西的开发条件和要素时,陕西的领导和专家会如数家珍般地指出:1陕西具有承东启西,联合西北的区位优势,离东部沿海发达地区的市场最近,可以成为生产要素由东向西转移的首选承接地;2陕西有丰富的矿产资源,种类多、储量大、品位高,可开发价值总量达88万亿元,居全国第四,每平方公里资源价值为全国之首;3陕西现有高等院校50多所,科研机构1000多个,各类专业科技人员80多万人,综合科技开发能力在全国名列前茅。专家还可列举出更多的优势来。对如何发展陕西经济,十多年来则是争论不休,专家们各持己见未能统一起来。如果从要素的…  相似文献   

完善社会主义市场经济必然需要政府体制改革相配合,今后改革的重点将由企业转向政府,提高社会管理的效益和公共服务的效益成为体制改革的关键。要积极深化行政审批制度改革,加快政府职能转变和机构改革,切实把政府经济管理职能转到主要为市场主体服务和创造良好发展环境上来。  相似文献   

Recent literature finds that, although lies politicians spread to achieve partisan goals can be corrected, politicians who spread misinformation rarely pay a price for lying. We argue that the cost of lying should be greater when the norm of honesty is salient. Using three survey experiments that feature both a well-known politician (Donald Trump) and a fictitious member of Congress, we examine the cost politicians pay when they are caught in a lie. We find that many citizens, regardless of partisanship, will recognize a lie when one has been told. And although citizens punish unknown politicians for lying, they do not punish Trump similarly unless the norm of honesty is made salient. This effect, however, is limited to the narrower measure of situational approval; individual lies do not affect overall measures of job approval regardless of honesty salience. These results demonstrate the difficulty of getting citizens to update their views on well-known politicians, even when those politicians are caught in an obvious lie. Yet our findings suggest fruitful paths toward creating a disincentive for politicians to distort the truth.  相似文献   

两湖平原的乡村混混群体:结构与分层——以湖北G镇为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乡村"混混"是乡村生活中影响很大的群体。目前活跃的主要是第二代和第三代混混,他们有着独特的群体特征和个性特征,并在混世过程中形成了关系组织结构,组成了独特的乡村江湖联盟格局。乡村混混有特别的混世之道和规避风险的策略,乡村江湖中存在着有规律的社会流动。乡村混混因其在乡村江湖中所处的分层位置不同而享有不同的非法利益。  相似文献   

"贯彻‘三个代表'要求,关键在坚持与时俱进",这是江泽民同志5月31日在中央党校省部级干部进修班毕业典礼讲话中提出的一个极其重要的论断.  相似文献   

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