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“In varietate concordia”———拉丁文谚语:在不同之中求相同半个世纪以来,欧洲尤其是西南欧诸国一直孜孜不倦地追求着他们的大欧洲之梦想。观察欧洲现在的发展状况,应当说,他们的努力分为两个主要阶段,并已初显成果。第一阶段是欧共体阶段,该阶段发展速度比较缓慢。1965年4  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

The economics of language applied to multilingualism in the European Union (EU) has only recently come to the fore. Languages economics and Law and Economics disciplines both emerged in the 1960s. However, no study has, hitherto, linked these disciplines. This paper intends to fill that void. Language barriers are the last major remaining barriers for the EU??s ??single?? market. The lack of coordination of multilingualism in the EU stems from a taboo crystallized by a dilemma between economic efficiency and linguistic diversity??i.e., the maximization of wealth versus the maximization of utility. The EU Member States (MSs) do not hasten to coordinate their language policies at the EU level inasmuch as they overestimate the benefits of the current EU multilingualism while drastically underestimating its costs. Coordination shall occur when MSs evaluate the costs and benefits of the current EU multilingualism. This will uncover the aforementioned dilemma, that will only be resolved when both Law and Economics are applied. In pursuing this objective a ??Linguistic Coase Theorem?? adapted from the work of Parisi and the Nobel Prize winner, Ronald Coase is elaborated. Having outlined the basic notions deriving from the EU Law of Languages and the Economics of Languages (Introduction), the paper scrutinizes the costs and benefits incurred by the current non-coordinated EU multilingualism (Part I). Subsequently, a ??Linguistic Coase Theorem?? is elaborated in order to reach a Pareto-optimal outcome, thereby solving the dilemma??both economic efficiency and the linguistic diversity being enhanced (Part II).  相似文献   

Abstract: This article is intended to give an overview of the law as it stands on telecommunications at the Community level. Over the past ten years the telecommunications law and policy of the European Community have developed rapidly along the twin axes of liberalisation (deregulation) and harmonisation (reregulation). The innovative use of Article 90 EEC has been central to liberalisation, while most harmonisation legislation has been based on open network provision (ONP) passed under Article 100a. The article concludes that, now the national monopolies have been largely dismantled, new issues will arise in the competitive market.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this essay:
Phelan, D. Rossa, Revolt or Revolution: The Constitutional Boundaries of the European Community  相似文献   

第1篇基本规范第1章基本规范第1:101条基本规范(1)给他人造成的损害由法律上被归责者负赔偿该损害之责任。(2)损害特别是可以被归责于以下人:a)其构成过错的行为引起损害者;b)或者从事异常危险活动的行为引起损害者;c)或者其附属者在其职责范围内引起损害者。第2篇一般责任要件第2章损害第2:101条可回复的损害损害必须是对受保护的法律上利益的物质上或非物质上的侵害。第2:102条受保护的利益(1)受保护利益的范围取决于该利益的性质;利益价值越高,定义越精确,越显而易见,保护范围就越广泛。(2)生命、身体或精神上的完整性,人的尊严和人身自…  相似文献   

Making a first sketch of philosophical issues arising fromEuropean Community law I want to present a series ofmore or less obvious, and more or less interrelated dilemmas,or even double binds.(i) Deepening the community becomes incompatible withwidening membership. (ii) National states seem bothnecessary for and obstructive in articulating transnationalproblems. (iii) The more democracy is needed as a warrantfor the public exercise of political power in Europe, themore the very concept of democracy on a European scaleevades understanding. (iv) European unity presupposes aunifying rule of law, while member states have radicallydifferent conceptions of this principle. (v) Even the verycore of European integration, the common market, is subjectto two conflicting and, indeed, incompatible doctrines ofcompetition. In explaining the nature of each dilemma I willtry to take my cue from the Maastricht Treaty wherever thisseems suitable. Then I will elaborate on the jurisprudentialproblems involved in it. Finally, each section will be closedby an attempt to state the nature of these problems inphilosophical terms.  相似文献   

Abstract: The collective labour law of the European Union is embedded in a variety of legal measures incorporating principles of collective labour law reflecting national experience. The dynamic of its development has been the spill-over effect of these principles, through their translation into the status of EU law, and their development by decisions of the European Court of Justice. The article outlines a framework of principles which, it is argued, are currently embodied in the collective labour law of the EU. They include collectively bargained labour standards, workers' collective representation, workers' participation, and protection of strikers against dismissal. In addition, there is a parallel principle of collective solidarity emerging in the social security law of the EU. The principle of collective negotiation of labour law introduced by the Protocol and Agreement on Social Policy may be seen as the founding constitutional basis for the collective labour law of the European Union.  相似文献   

Criminal law is beginning to outgrow the shoes which were fitted to it by European law. It is seeking to come of age, to play the role in European law previously reserved to commercial law, private law, employment law, and public law in the broadest sense. Economic knowledge and legal-political organisational interests have long grouped around 'European criminal law'; a still vaguely determined object. A desire also exists to make criminal law justiciable in Europe. Thus, the ranks of the contributions to European criminal law are swelling, European associations of lawyers are developing, legal practitioners are launching appeals3 and winning influence within European institutions. These institutions themselves are beginning to accept and to use criminal law as a political option. This article aims to (I) reflect upon the contents of this development, (II) to clarify their tendencies, and (III) to examine the contents of these premised tendencies, in order to (IV) furnish a critical evaluation.  相似文献   

跨国公司、国际性的企业合并以及世界市场这些经济全球化的概念 ,也已经成为竞争法和竞争政策中的概念。〔 1〕对企业合并和合作等事件的评价 ,通常涉及到若干国家的司法管辖权。这对欧盟和美国以及欧盟和日本关系的发展具有特别重要的意义。然而 ,随着社会主义计划经济退出历史舞台和中国经济的逐步开放 ,跨国直接投资和国际企业合并已经成为世界性的现象。经济全球化在竞争政策和竞争法上的重要表现即是世界性大公司之间的“巨型合并”。〔 2〕这是企业为适应日益扩大的市场 ,为适应技术条件、竞争政策和财政经济条件的根本改变而采取的策…  相似文献   

周林 《北方法学》2015,(6):29-37
《欧洲版权准则》是由欧洲数名顶尖版权专家耗费8年时间于2010年完成的。制订这个准则的目的是增强欧洲版权法的透明度和一致性。起草者希望这部准则作为欧洲各国版权立法的参考和示范,能够协调和统一欧洲未来版权立法的标准。但是,这个准则在学术界并没有得到应有的重视。当前从信息法角度,结合信息技术的发展及我国版权立法和司法实践,对这部法律文件的特点、优点和不足进行分析,着重对网络环境下版权制度的变革和发展,做出评价和展望十分必要。  相似文献   

欧盟反托拉斯法的现代化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩立余 《法学家》2004,(5):142-151
欧盟反托拉斯法包括限制竞争协议和滥用市场支配地位两个部分.自1962年以来,其规则基本没有发生变化.但在新旧世纪交替之时,欧盟反托拉斯法开始了现代化的进程.欧盟制定了新的反托拉斯执法制度,并于2004年5月1日起实施.新制度赋予欧共体条约第81条第1款和第3款直接适用的效力,废除了对限制竞争协议的通知要求,确立了欧盟委员会主导、欧盟委员会与各国竞争当局、法院密切合作、共同执法、欧盟法院监督的新体制.欧盟委员会制定了与之配套的相关条例、准则,同时还对技术许可协议的规范制定了新规则.  相似文献   

Abstract: European contract law has recently been the subject of increasing attention and intense debate. In addressing this issue, the following contribution departs from traditional analyses of the necessity, feasibility, and opportunity to harmonise national legislation on contractual relations. Instead, the author seeks to demonstrate that, with the objective of promoting the internal market and developing trade within it, EC authorities have long since given birth to a genuine European contract law. Beginning with the analysis of a body of EC directives, this article argues that the genuine nature of this law can be ascertained despite its limits or rather by taking these limits into account. The important rights granted to different contracting parties (consumer‐purchaser, consumer‐tourist, and certain professionals) stand in contrast to the formal incoherence and fragmented character of the legal texts. The article concludes that, in analysing the notion of European contact law, it is necessary to adapt a functional approach rather than a formal one, because the functional approach has dominated European integration and the European law of contracts since its inception.  相似文献   

Its more central involvement in the government of economic and fiscal policy requires a new public law for the EU. This must be alive to the positive, negative and intractable qualities of conflicts associated with these fields. Such a law would internalise conflicts within the political process so that their irresolution and ongoing struggle become the dynamo endowing the Union with qualities of political engagement, imagination and justice. The recent reforms make mediation of conflicts a central mission of the Union but still use the public law structures of the regulatory state which lack these three qualities.  相似文献   

时晋 《法学杂志》2012,33(7):157-160
欧盟统一公司立法创设了超国家层面的商事主体——欧洲公司和欧洲私人公司;资本制度更自由,公司治理更灵活,促进了各成员国公司法制度的趋同。统一公司立法也受制于各国的法律传统、利益集团和路径依赖等因素。欧盟成员国包括了大陆法系和英美法系国家,其公司立法的成果与争议,反映了两大法系公司法制度融合与竞争的发展趋势,值得在我国《公司法》修改完善中加以借鉴。  相似文献   

晚近欧洲冲突法之发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
晚近欧洲冲突法理论的发展经历了从混乱、嬗变到法典化趋势的过程,受到了美国"冲突法革命"的影响,主要表现在"直接适用的法"理论的产生、例外条款的出现和冲突规范中实体因素的考虑等。现在,欧洲在冲突法和实体法方面成功的双重协调是其显著特点,但冲突法的基点仍然是萨维尼的理论。法律规则的地域范围仍是冲突法理论探讨的永恒主题。  相似文献   

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