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前几年,特别酸的在某本书的扉页上,写过对音乐的感悟:“假如这世界上没有了音乐,就像一个女孩子失去了满头的黑发。”现在想来,如果音乐如发,那么歌曲是什么呢?依然很酸的想下去,你就会想到,歌曲应当是发型。美声唱法的歌曲是烫发,无论是大花小花,短波浪长波浪,总让人有一种华贵之感;民族唱法的歌曲,该是一条能拖到腰际的大辫子,或是两个小抓鬏,当然辫梢上一定要有根红头绳;那么,通俗唱法的流行歌曲呢?这变化可就大了,你一定见过王菲唱歌时的发型吧,千奇百怪:一会两个小咕嘟,一会儿独角朝天,一会如蛇漫舞,一会万辫如帘,这就是流行歌曲。千万别信那个专家给流行歌曲下的定义,他有什么权利?流行歌曲就这么无拘无束,变化莫测。你听着好听,愿意跟着哼哼,还有点儿歌星崇拜,齐了。有一老歌星,借着点掌声赶紧返场,很热情的说:“我再演唱一首流行了八十多年的流行歌曲,大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去……”,你有辙吗?流行歌曲就是那么一个有动静的东西,但身前身后必须围着一帮半大小子,年轻闺女。要围着一帮老头老太太,那不是流行歌曲,那准是大秧歌。  相似文献   

21世纪初青少年流行文化的流变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青少年流行文化,作为青少年成长脚印与发展写真,是一代代青少年梦想与追求的记录.本文以时间为序,对2000年以来具有较重大影响的青少年流行文化现象进行梳理,以期窥见21世纪初期我国青少年发展的心路历程,把握"80后"、"90后"青少年的文化特征.  相似文献   

中国的改革开放至今已历三十年时间,这三个十年同时也是中国青年走向社会舞台并逐步彰显自身文化价值的一个演进过程.流行歌曲是一种典型的大众文化类型,它的兴起与中国当代青年现代化的逐步自觉是同步的.本文以新时期流行音乐的发展为坐标,分别以三个十年为界将这段历史划分为三段,意在揭示新时期三十年在社会层面上中国青年思想文化的演变历程,以期对当下的青年文化研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Beautiful Life     
WAWA is a makeup artist working in the wonderful world of fashion. She can repaint a model's face faster than a Formula 1 team can change four wheels in a pit stop. Originally from Harbin, Wawa has been living in Beijing for five years. She showed a talent for fashion from an early age and delighted in daubing her face with makeup and parading around in her mother's dresses and high heels  相似文献   

Beijing Life     
FIRSTcametoChinain1988forathree-montharchitecturestudytour.AtthattimeImetayounggraduatest-"dent,ZhangQiang,fromtheQinghuaUniversityarchitecturedepaxtment,withWhomIcorrespondedoverthenexttwoyears.WhenIreturnedtoChinawithmyhusband,Harlan,wemetmanyChinesestUdentsandmademanynewfriends.ZhanghadbecomeateacherandhadmetayoungwomannamedLiQian.Anerweret-urnedtoBeijing,ZhangtoldusheandLiintendedtomarryafterSpringFestival.Inthespringof1991,wevisitedZhang'shometowninZhejiangProvince,anditproved…  相似文献   

Park Life     
WITH all of their mag- nificent histories and cultural relics, the Chi- nese capital’s larger parks like Beihai and the Summer palace feature highly on the tourist’s must-do list. But as a land- locked city of more than 5 million peo- ple, Beijing has …  相似文献   

Recording Life     
A scientist's maps of Chinese plant chromosomes could illuminate further biological studies  相似文献   

Life Wish     
Three career women playing multiple roles: daugh-ter, wife,mother, colleague andfriend, handle everyday pressure and enjoy life to the full. Suddenly one day, their lives change. They become patients, identified with their medical case history rather than business card. Facing death, these three women pool their courage, wisdom and tenacity.  相似文献   

Dream Life     
HUNAN’S“king of mask changing” is the 70-year-old Zeng Jingui. He spent most of his working life in Chinese opera,  相似文献   

June1islnternationalChildren'sDay.Chinesechildrenlovetheholiday,sincetheygetadayofffromschooljusttoplay.Thisyear,China'selementaryandmiddleschoolstudentsarebetteroffthantheyhaveeverbeenbefore,becausenotlongago,theMinistryofEducationissuedacircularreducingtheirheaVyhomeworkburdens.Thechildrenhavebeen"liberated"andnowhavemorefreetimetopursuechildhoodjoys.ThisissuefeaturesseveralarticlesonChina'sneweducationpoliciesandchildren'slives-Wehope,throughthesearticles,readerswillgainabetterunderstan…  相似文献   

Cherish Life     
After a 200-hour ordeal,115 survivors were successfully rescued from the flooded Wangjialing Coal Mine.This is a miracle in the history of Chinese mining rescues.Eight days ago,surging underground water trapped 153 workers in the mine.  相似文献   

Dai Life     
SUBTROPICAL Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province is home to 13 ethnic minorities, including the Dai, Hani, Blang, Yi and Jino, all of whom go about their daily business clad in colorful folk costumes. Xishuangbanna resembles a real-life Xanadu, far removed from temporal life. Of the ethnic minorities living here, Dai people have the longest history.  相似文献   

Floating Life     
One in six people in China have left their hometown in search of a better life and the number continues to grow,creating a challenge for host cities,according to a government report.The floating population,or people who live and work outside their permanent home,reached 211 million last year and the number could reach 350 million by 2050 if govemment policies remain unchanged,said the Report on the Development of China's Floating Population issued on June 26 by the National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC).  相似文献   

<正>Soaring consumer prices are leaving the average Chinese citizen with less money and more worries When Ren Xiaofen, an employee at a foreign company in Beijing,  相似文献   

Middle-class urbanites outsourcing chores and errands abound Instead of booking six-hour train tickets back and forth to Datong, Shanxi Province, to spend what might have been a month to prepare for their wedding ceremony,  相似文献   

Lessons for Life     
<正>A Beijing school struggles gamely to give migrant workers’children quality education Félicie,an orphan,dreams of becoming a bal erina.Though she lacks formal training,the young girl is determined to get enrol ed in a ballet school and runs away from her orphanage in rural Brittany to Paris.After overcoming a series of hurdles,she fi nally manages to be accepted as a student at the capital’s  相似文献   

The High Life     
Tourists and locals looking to escape the summer heat in Beijing have many options,ranging from an air-conditioned movie theater to an outdoor water park.But for culture seekers,one attraction stands out:an acrobatics show run by a traveling group based in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The show is called Yahximusiz,Apandi (meaning "Hello,Apandi" in English),which is presented by the Xinjiang Acrobatic Troupe at Tianqiao Acrobatic Theater.Apandi was a historical figure who lived during the 12th century and was known for possessing extraordinary wisdom and a strong sense of humor and justice.The legends about his life tell of Apandi's ability to help the poor while frustrating greedy plutocrats with his wit.  相似文献   

Lessons for Life     
正Pioneering project for rural children strengthens educational reform In her recent photographs with ner little daughter,both of them wearing smart matching clothes in blue,Su Mingjuan looks affluent and confident.Its a far cry from her photograph in 1991,which became the face of China's largest charitable program Project Hope's drive for educational improvements in impoverished rural areas.  相似文献   

A New Life     
National efforts are being made to reclaim land damaged by industrial production On the surface,the Zhendan Geological and Ecological Park in Kunyang Town in Kunming,capital of southwest China’s Yunnan Province,is no less beautiful than any other park in the world.Hill slopes are terraced,laced with winding trails and covered with  相似文献   

正Xie Zhigao’s work seeks to be faithful to reality ‘If you want to find an archetypical Chinese figure painter born in the 1940s and who grew up inland,you need look no further than Xie Zhigao,"said Wang Luxiang,vice President of Li Keran Art Foundation,a national-level foundation set up in 1998 to promote Chinese culture and commemorate well-known contemporary Chinese painter Li Keran(1907-89).  相似文献   

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