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In Western countries today, security is seen predominantly as a problem of public places. This has given rise to a growing demand for new strategies of governing public places, the most popular of which are crime prevention, community policing (e.g., zero tolerance) and partnership. Their aim is to encourage the public sector, voluntary organizations and market actors to work more closely with the police in a local effort to create and maintain a safe living environment. This article looks at what kind of reception the new methods of governing public places have received in three Finnish cities (Helsinki, Lappeenranta, and Tampere) by reviewing their newly formulated security plans and programmes. The analysis of this document material makes use of the concept of moral regulation. The analysis focuses on the kind of local security problems that are identified in these security plans as targets of moral regulation; what kinds of techniques they propose for addressing and resolving these problems; and in what kind of crime prevention role they position the subjects of moral regulation (police officers and police partners) and the objects of moral regulation. The analysis shows that Helsinki aims to regulate the problems occurring in public places by emphasizing a neo­liberal ethos. Lappeenranta, on the other hand, walks a tight­rope in its security plan between communitarian and welfare state ambitions. Tampere, for its part, responds to the security threat in public places by adopting a neo­leftist stance (cf. the Third Way).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare a specialized community-oriented policing (COP) unit to a reactive unit on officer perceptions of public contact and officer perceptions of job performance. We also compare bicycle patrol officers to motor vehicle patrol officers within these units. Using a static group comparison design, questionnaires were distributed to officers within the Toronto Police Service (n = 178). Bicycle patrol is associated with more contacts with the public and higher rates of proactive policing when compared to motor vehicle patrol and bicycle officers are more likely to rate higher on several measures of crime control. Officers with a COP mandate engage with the public for a wider variety of reasons compared to those with a reactive mandate, and are more likely to rate higher on perceptions of performing job duties in a procedurally just manner. This study demonstrates the value of a specialized COP unit that includes bicycle patrol in achieving tenets of COP. It contributes to the literature on COP and the use of bicycle patrol in law enforcement by presenting the perspective of the police officer.  相似文献   

This article reviews basic insights about compliance and "hard" enforcement that can be derived from various non-cooperative equilibrium concepts, and evaluates the Marrakesh Accords in light of these insights. Five different notions of equilibrium are considered – the Nash equilibrium, the subgame perfect equilibrium, the renegotiation proof equilibrium, the coalition proof equilibrium, and the perfect Bayesian equilibrium. These various types of equilibrium have a number of implications for effective enforcement: (1) Consequences of non-compliance should be more than proportionate. (2) Punishment needs to take place on the Pareto frontier, rather than by reversion to some suboptimal state. (3) An effective enforcement system must be able to curb collective as well as individual incentives to cheat. (4) A fully transparent enforcement regime is not unconditionally a good thing. It is concluded that constructing an effective system for "hard" enforcement of the Kyoto Protocol is a formidable task that has only partially been accomplished by the Marrakesh Accords. In practice, however, the design of the compliance system for the climate regime had to balance a desire to minimize non-compliance against other important goals, including the need for due process.  相似文献   

担保制度是保障交易安全、促进经济发展的重要法律手段。科学、合理的担保制度,应当充分利用一切可以利用的担保资源,最大限度地控制担保制度对物的利用及社会生活其他方面产生的负面影响,并能有效地促进经济的发展。基于此,中国担保法律制度的安排应当认真处理好五个方面的基本问题。  相似文献   

This study starting from the debate of the influence of the so-called military revolution on the emergence of modern states, analyses the neglected aspect of the influence of seapower on socioeconomic change, using a formal model. It is maintained that the choice of seapower by a state leads to a different regime than the choice of land military power, because sustainable seapower necessitates a wide alliance of interests, which brings with it more democratic regimes, develops new more efficient and complex forms of organizations, requires the acquisition and diffusion of new knowledge and expertise that brings with it institutional change and economic growth. The present study concludes with a short presentation of the United Provinces (the Dutch Republic) turn to the sea.JEL Classification: N0, N4, C7, O0  相似文献   

我国金融业正在实行史无前例的全市场开放,金融安全成为关系国家经济安全以至国家主权安全的重要关注点。在国家安全审查机制与金融开放现实不匹配、金融安全审查机制缺位的现实中,我们必须创新性地将金融开放的政策逻辑转化为系统性立法模式,通过金融安全法律制度体系建设,增强制度竞争能力;通过紧实防护网与筑实防护墙的靶向定位与点域安全防范措施,抵御金融外部风险和系统性风险的侵蚀;通过双机制的职权定位与监管衔接,保障金融安全审查机制的有效运行,以确保金融开放背景下的国家金融安全。  相似文献   

The graphic and widespread atrocities committed during conflicts around the world and broadcast across 24/7 news and social media have made war never feel so close and the powerlessness of law seem so real. This raises difficulties in engaging students in real-life decision-making quandaries where military necessity meets legalism, as well as fundamental ethical questions about the use of realistic, yet explicit, imagery in the classroom. The School of Law at Queen’s University Belfast has developed a series of innovative computer scenarios based on the Arma 3 open world tactical war simulator. A variety of formative scenarios (addressing issues such as cluster munitions and landmines) were developed to familiarise the students with the factual scenario and the computer technology. Subsequently, students engaged in a summative assessment to test their legal understanding in the face of increasingly challenging conflict situations, in particular grey zones where legal argument can justify seemingly morally wrongful acts during war. This paper examines both the learning objectives of this project, and the project development cycle – from the initial proposal to its implementation in class, as well as positing the benefits and drawbacks in integrating technology and games into the legal teaching environment, reflecting on the emerging and traditional pedagogy in this area.  相似文献   

Security concerns with regard to the use of electronic signatures in the electronic environment seem to represent a potential barrier to their usage. This paper presents an empirical study that examines businesses' perceived security concerns with the use of the electronic signature technology for executing contracts and commercial transactions and whether such issues represent a disincentive for their usage. The findings of the study reveal that there are significant security concerns in the business community with regard to the use of electronic signatures. However, such perceptions seem to be primarily driven by a lack of awareness and understanding. Advising prospective users of electronic signatures about the kind of safeguards that could be put in place to minimise risks associated with their usage can be a useful step towards overcoming their fears and hesitance.  相似文献   


This article aims to provide an overview of the primary trends and developments of the domestic private security industry in select countries in Africa, while also further reflecting on a selection of operational challenges and obstacles inherent to the industry and its regulation. In particular, field research was conducted in Uganda to explore the nature of the state ownership of private security companies so as to further highlight the regulatory difficulties. Our findings raise a number of questions pertaining to the theorising of private security regulation answers of which, we conclude, may find utility in drawing on the concept of “hybridity” as an alternative heuristic tool to engage with the realities of state regulation in the Global South.  相似文献   

周玲 《政法学刊》2001,18(3):74-76
江泽民总书记关于“三个代表”的重要思想为我们搞好公安工作指明了方向,其中一个重要启迪就是必须加强公安文化建设。一定要大力提高公安民警的科学文化素质,用先进文化武装公安民警的头脑,努力为社会主义先进文化的发展清除障碍,开辟道路,破浪导航。  相似文献   

论公安文化的特征与作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡新祥 《政法学刊》2001,18(3):77-79
人民公安机关在长期革命斗争实践中,形成了丰富的具有公安特色的公安文化,对推动公安工作和加强公安队伍建设发挥了积极的作用。新形势下要总结和研究什么是公安文化,公安文化有何特征,公安文化对公安工作有哪些作用,从而全面贯彻落实江泽民同志“三个代表”的指导思想。  相似文献   

Resolution of the trauma of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and the current adjustment of 60 adult female CSA survivors were explored through qualitative and quantitative analyses of their coping strategies, perceived benefits, and meaning-making attempts. While the majority of the women (87%) perceived at least some benefit resulting from coping with the CSA experience, many (29%) found it impossible to make any meaning of their trauma. Specific benefits that were associated with various aspects of positive adjustment (marital satisfaction, better physical health, less isolation) included improved relationships with others, religious or spiritual growth, and improved parenting skills. Some perceived benefits were actually associated with a negative outcome. Increased knowledge of sexual abuse was associated with more isolation and lower marital satisfaction. When positive meaning could be derived from the coping process, the women reported less isolation. Avoidant coping was strongly associated with more depressive symptoms and poorer resolution of abuse issues. Results highlight the importance of considering coping strategies and cognitive restructuring efforts in designing therapeutic interventions with this population. Portions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association, May 2004, Chicago, IL.  相似文献   

This article uses empirical evidence from rural Tuscany in the 15th century to compare three frameworks for conceptualizing household strategies: Chayanov's analysis of the domestic economy, Bourdieu's treatment of social reproduction, and Weber's distinction between budgetary units and profit-making enterprises. Although Bourdieu's framework did not work well in this context because there was little evidence that peasants employed strategies to prevent the division of land, there was considerable evidence to support Chayanov and Weber. As Chayanov predicted, many households allocated labor according to a tradeoff between providing for family members and avoiding drudgery. The Weberian perspective also worked well because it explained why these smallholders often divided their holdings and used money in their household strategies.  相似文献   

我国证券犯罪立法采用了"以刑法典为主、附属刑法为辅"的模式,这一立法模式的选择主要是出于对本土化因素的考虑,它符合我国的刑事立法传统,有利于证券市场的稳定发展.但是,承认我国证券犯罪立法的本土化特征,并不意味着对证券犯罪立法国际化趋势的否认.相反,在我国证券犯罪存在范围的划定上,我们应更多地考虑国际化因素,以实现与国际接轨和交流.总之,我国证券犯罪立法应实现本土化与国际化的协调统一.  相似文献   

英美辅警体系研究:比较与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栗长江 《政法学刊》2010,27(2):109-113
国内学术界对英美国家的辅警研究有一种泛化倾向,把一些本不属于辅警体系的治安力量纳入其中。事实上,在英国,辅警包括Special Constable和Police Community Support Officer两种,而在美国,辅警指的是Auxiliary Police。目前,我国并没有真正的辅警体系,而警力的严重不足又使基层公安机关离不开辅警的支持,可以借鉴英关模式建立我国的辅警体系,包括治安辅警和交通辅警两种类型。  相似文献   

张步文 《河北法学》2005,23(9):80-83
侦查权具有自由和人权的价值、功能和目的,但具有外在性。而安全、秩序是侦查权力的直接和内在尺度。侦查权的安全和自由这内外两重价值、功能和目的,都十分重要,共同规定了现代侦查权力的内容、范围和特点。既不能为了安全而忽视和牺牲自由,也不能够过度夸大侦查权的自由价值和意义,因为,没有自由的安全和没有安全的自由,都是对自由和安全的威胁,既不安全,也无自由。但这不能改变侦查权以安全为优先的价值、功能和目标取向。  相似文献   

滥用与规制:我国社保基金的监管缺失及其补救   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社保基金是社会保障制度的物质基础,其安全与完整关系到广大参保人员的切身利益。2006年发生的上海社保基金案,暴露出我国的社保基金存在严重的安全保障问题。本文以上海社保基金案为观察视角,检讨了我国现行的社保基金监管体制存在的问题,并在考察了其他国家的相关立法及其实践之后,对完善我国社保基金监管体制提出了完善建议。  相似文献   

Under the doctrine of vicarious liability, a deep-pocket principal is often held responsible for a third-party harm caused by a judgment-proof agent’s negligence. We analyze the incentive contract used by the principal to control the agent’s behavior when a court can make an error in determining the agent’s negligence. We show that (1) reducing the error of declaring the agent not negligent even when he was (pro-defendant or type II error) is better than reducing the error of declaring the agent negligent even when he was not (pro-plaintiff or type I error) and (2) allowing the principal to penalize the agent even when the court declares the agent not negligent improves welfare. The latter supports the argument that causing an accident (or a reliable allegation of misconduct) should be sufficient to justify a “just cause” termination of an employee.  相似文献   

This article examines a key explanation for the growth of private policing in North America and Western Europe - the influential mass private property thesis (Shearing and Stenning 1981). The discussion of private policing in Western Europe still tends to be heavily influenced by theories developed in the North American context, theories which may be problematic in the contrasting legal, social and economic contexts of Western European nations. The development of more Eurocentric theories has to date been inhibited by the relative paucity of empirical data on the rise of private policing in European countries. Recent research in Britain (Jones and Newburn 1998b) has begun to address this problem, and to map out some important contrasts with the North American experience. By considering these contrasts, it is possible to identify some key areas for future research on private policing in European countries and thus provide a more contextually-grounded series of explanations for what is happening to policing.Joseph Rowntree Foundation Professor of Urban Social Policy  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3-4):561-582
The thousands of large and small private security establishments operating around the world today continue to expand in number, diversity, and capability. Government oversight is often lacking, and the impact on local, national and regional security and stability may be substantial. In the most troubled areas, the pockets of security provided by private security regimens provide may mean the difference between a failed state and one that is at least faltering. However, the advantages of “private security firm cover” quickly became evident to criminals and groups with terrorist agendas as well. This assessment addresses numerous cases from around the world of private security establishments that were either formed for—or otherwise turned to—the pursuit of criminal or terrorist purposes. The stated jihadist intent to infiltrate such companies underscores the need for law enforcement and intelligence attention to the recruiting, affiliations and activities of these security enterprises.  相似文献   

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