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People living on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have developed unique medicines over generations and now look to sell to a wider market  相似文献   

Love for Love     
A Shanghai doctor gives back to herdsmen by serving them in Tibet The drain in Zhou Jian’s bathroom is clogged with hair again. The 48-year-old has a buzz cut and lives alone, but he said the drain blocks twice a month.It never happened when I was in Shanghai. I’m losing my hair much faster on the plateau, Zhou, Vice President of the Xigaze People’s Hospital in Tibet Autonomous Region, southwest China, told Beijing Review.  相似文献   

<正>The policy on curbing plastic shopping bag use implemented three years ago has produced mixed results In a bustling farmers’market tucked in a narrow street in Xisanqi residential community in north Beijing,stalls selling vegetables,fruits and other foods line the sidewalk.  相似文献   

<正>Arecent three-week visit to the United States after 18 months of working and traveling in China allowed me to get back into an American swing of things.I spent time with friends and  相似文献   

正Mitigating the side effects of gaming becomes a top priority for China's booming lottery industry A young man wearing a panda mask walks onto a stage and collects  相似文献   

正Counselors help young people keep Internet use under control Helping young people fight their obsession with the Internet is the job of Liu Min, a psychological counselor for teenage Internet addicts at the  相似文献   

正China aims to provide a universal health care system to its people China's basic medical insurance program covered more than 95 percent of its population, or about 1.28 billion, by the end of 2011, said Minister of Health Chen Zhu.  相似文献   

Virtual Love     
正Video dating and online wedding guests gain acceptance amid novel coronavirus By Lu YanXiao Yun,a 32-year-old office clerk in Dalian,Liaoning Province in northeast China,stayed at home due to the novel coronavirus disease in the first half of the year.But to her surprise,she was still able to go on blind dates with men chosen by her family members and friends.  相似文献   

Cyber Love     
PEOPLE asking how I got to know my boyfriend are incredulous when I tell them. Our love story is different from that of most people, as our matchmaker was the Internet.Nowadays getting on the Internet is a staple of life in developed regions. Cyber-chat is the foremost pastime for young people, and net-friends are as numerous as colleagues and schoolmates. Many people nev-  相似文献   

本文论述了网络教育的重要性和优越性,指出制作高质量网络课件是实现网络教育的关键。提出了对网络课件的基本要求,分析了当前网络课件制作中存在的问题和解决办法。  相似文献   

<正>Foreigners living in China agree that Chinese students of all ages are filial:very respectful to their family and elders.My friend Linda Liu explained to me that filial piety remains alive in modern China.This behavior is learned at a very early age,as children learn to read."A book,called The Classic of Filial Piety,dates back to some 2,000 years ago,"said Linda."This book offers outstanding behavioral examples to children."  相似文献   

尽管青少年网络成瘾已经是一个引起广泛关注的问题,但关于网络成瘾的概念,心理学界尚有争议。对这种成瘾有多种称谓,如互联网成瘾综合症(Internet Addiction Disorder;简称IAD)、网络行为依赖(Internet Behavior Dependence;简称IBD)、病理性互联网使用(Pathological InternetUse,简称PIU)等。但不管如何称呼,这些说法都至少包含两个方面的含义:一是对互联网的过度使用,也就是上瘾了;二是这种过度使用已经造成了使用者“明显的社会、心理功能损害”,也就是说,产生了显而易见的负面影响。  相似文献   

Yueju Opera Love     
正Little known in the capital, one amateur opera troupe is making waves Cheng Yuanna enters the dressing room at the Culture Center of Xicheng in Beijing one Sunday afternoon and immediately begins delegating tasks.  相似文献   

Love and Destiny     
first met Adrian five yearsago.Helping each other tolearn English and Chinesebrought us together,and itwas some time during one ofthe days or evenings we met tostudy that we fell in love.Fromthat time on we spent happy,  相似文献   

正Volunteers and policies go hand in hand to improve rural educationWhen Zhang Chengxiang, a teacher from a technical college in east China, recently went to Xiliushui Hope Primary School in Guizhou Province in southwest China to be a volunteer teacher, it was her second mission in that isolated area. When she first got there, she was daunted by the high mountains that encircled the vil age and cut it off from the outside world.  相似文献   

Love as Beauty     
HE is a good teacher. As a part-time professor at a Shanghai university, he is loved by his students. He also showed potential as a lawyer, jour-nalist and a TV anchor. What did he become? A pastor. Many people can be excellent teachers, lawyers and journalists, but far fewer can become good pastors, particularly one who loves life and art.  相似文献   

Lessons In Love     
正Age-appropriate sex education aims to make youths more responsible What comes to your mind immediately when we talk about sex?In a sex education class for primary school students’ parents in Dujiangyan, southwest China’s Sichuan Province,teacher Du Li asks this question and triggers an animated discussion on  相似文献   

正IN a speech delivered at Seoul National University in the Republic of Korea on July 4,2014,Chinese President Xi Jinping told a story about a bone marrow donor.Zhang Bao is a Chinese volunteer donor whose blood sample matched that of a South Korean leukemia patient.After recovering from a car accident,he kept his promise to donate his bone marrow to the patient."Fate is unpredictable.It’s not a big deal to lend a hand when others are suffering,"Xi said,quoting Zhang’s words.The president said that of the 156foreign patients who received Chinese bone marrow,45 were South Korean–far surpassing the number from other countries."Moving stories like this can  相似文献   

Net Effect     
正The growing trend of Internet hospitals could mean more quality medical servicesWhat is common to a housewife in Zhejiang, a lama in Gansu and a professional basketball team in Sichuan?To put it simply, all of them "go" to the same hospital. But to see it from a wider perspective,  相似文献   

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