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This article is concerned with issues of nation, landscape, and identity in narratives of exile and return. It is based on the oral testimonies and written narratives of German Jewish Marxist women who were driven out of their homeland by German fascism, yet returned after the end of World War II, dedicated to the building of socialism, or more precisely to realising the dream of a society free of prejudice and discrimination. What interests me here is to elicit a sense of the complex ways in which people construct their sense of identity in relation to notions of nation and belonging. In particular, I am fascinated by what impelled this largish group of refugees from Hitler's Germany to return, and how they felt about Germany as “their” country (Vaterland), their “homeland” (Heimat), or at the very least their country of origin. Nor was this relationship static. This is a group of women who have “migrated” twice in one lifetime: the first time fleeing their homeland in a forced migration to escape persecution and death; the return a voluntary “re-migration” in the name of an ideological commitment. Their narratives present both exile and return in retrospect. Thus, their subjective identifications with notions of nation are also retrospective, relating to Germany first from the perspective of involuntary exile, or second, towards the end of their lives, from the vantage point of a united Germany, achieved at the expense of the death of the socialist dream in whose service they returned. This means that they have been forced—through moments of historical crisis—to renegotiate both their own identities and their relationship to Germany multiple times during a single lifetime. The intimate inter-relationship of the personal and the political in these women's lives, and the retrospective reworking of their historically driven life decisions makes these women's narratives on the issues of landscape and homeland particularly rich sources on the subject of identity and belonging.  相似文献   

Using data from a national sample of 388 Latino young adolescents, this study identified the social-demographic characteristics, influences in the broader social environment, and parenting practices that predict youth academic achievement. Youths who were Mexican American, older, and had an English language problem had lower levels of reading and mathematics achievement. Youths of mothers who began childbearing at older ages, had higher levels of intellectual abilities, and reported no English language problem scored better on both types of achievement tests, but poverty was related only to reading achievement. Attendance in higher-rated schools was associated with higher reading and mathematics scores, but residence in better quality neighborhoods was related only to reading achievement. Three parenting practices—providing cognitive stimulation, parent–youth conflict, and academic involvement—predicted both types of achievement. The effect of poverty on reading achievement was explained by residence in lower quality neighborhoods, lower levels of cognitive stimulation, and parent–youth conflict.Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Received PhD in Social Welfare from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Research interests include examining the effects of poverty and other risk factors on the well-being of children, adolescents, and families.  相似文献   

Central to an understanding of adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease prevention is the study of birth control use among teenagers. This paper critically reviews both recent research findings and dominant theories regarding adolescent contraceptive use. An alternative theoretical framework, one that relies on social learning theory, is offered. This framework uses three major components — environmental context, cognitive influences, and behavior execution constraints — as the foundation for understanding the learning and maintenance of contraceptive behaviors. First, environmental factors, such as the availability of role models, accurate sexuality education, and birth control services, are seen as supporting or inhibiting birth control use. Second, the importance of cognitive functions through which the external environment is viewed and which influence the adolescent's image of the consequences associated with contraceptive use are highlighted. Last, the actual behavioral skills teenagers need in order to use birth control successfully are considered.Received D.S.W. in Social Welfare from the University of California — Berkeley. Research interests are adolescent reproductive health, contraceptive use, and prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.  相似文献   

A model designed to explain variations in the use of alcohol among undergraduates draws together three categories of variables: (1) sociocultural—race, sex, and population of student's hometown; (2) familial characteristics—father's occupation, parents' marital status, and closeness to a problem drinker; and (3) the onset of student drinking—age at first drinking and extent of drinking at its onset. A 10% random sample was drawn from the undergraduate students enrolled in two state-supported universities in the southeastern U.S. The present analysis focuses on 856 nonmarried, full-time undergraduate students. Overall, the findings show that race, degree of closeness to a problem-drinker, age at the onset of drinking, and its extent markedly influence the level of alcohol consumption among undergraduates. The strongest overall predictor of undergraduate drinking is the extent of adolescent consumption.Received M.A. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Research interests include alcohol and drug use and individual forms of deviance.Received Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire. Current interests include alcohol and drug use, suicidal behavior, and interpersonal violence.  相似文献   

The relationship between economic hardship and adolescent aggression has been explored from various perspectives. Using survey and observational data on two-parent families in a midwestern rural county, the study identifies four important mechanisms that link economic hardship to the aggressive behavior of adolescents. Economic pressure stemming from low income, financial loss, and unstable work, adversely affects the marital relationship through the negativity of fathers. Negative marital interactions increase irritable parenting, making adolescent aggression more likely.This paper is based on collaborative research involving the Iowa Youth and Families Project at Iowa State University, Ames, and the Social Change Project at University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill. The combined research effort is currently supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (MH43270), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (DA05347), the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Program for Successful Adolescence, the Bureau of Maternal and Child Health (MCJ-109572), and a Research Scientist Award (MH00567).Ph.D. in sociology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Research focuses on the experience of adolescents in the changing rural economy.Ph.D. in sociology from University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill. Research focuses on life course development, particularly the short- and long-term consequences of economic hardship and military service on individual lives.Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Washington. Research focuses on family relationships in the context of social change.  相似文献   

The idea of women's liberation was imported in the 1970s from the West by liberal feminist activists who immigrated to Israel. The first Israeli feminists adopted all the liberal feminist slogans and ideology together with their advantages and the disadvantages. The implantation of these ideas in the Israel—a country torn ethnically—has produced a conflict from which Mizrahi feminism has evolved. By the 1990s, Mizrahi women who participated in feminist activity, and who found themselves excluded and marginalized by the Ashkenazi women who dominated the Israeli feminist movement began to give expression to their feelings of oppression. This reached a peak in 1995 in Natanya with the First Mizrahi Feminist Annual Conference. This article outlines the historical, social, political and ideological processes in which Mizrahi feminism developed. It shows how slogans such as sisterhood and solidarity, have been used to endorse activities which do not benefit women of all the different ethnic groups in Israel. The article includes a discussion of dilemmas that arise from “tokenism” and the purportedly universalist feminist agenda. The Mizrahi feminist agenda and its ideological framework, as well as its strategic aspects, are also critically reviewed.  相似文献   

Bronfenbrenner's ecological model of human development is used as a framework for examining the research on the career development of adolescents. The examination of the four contexts — the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, and the macrosystem — provides an additionalperspective to the ontogenic (individual) approach that has predominated the research literature in this field. Among the four contexts examined, some research on the influence of microsystem, including family, school,peer group, and workplace is identified. The amount of developmentally based research drops off quickly for the other systems, although there are other pertinent research and social issues for each system. Research and intervention implications of this perspective are indicated.This research was supported by grants from the Humanities and Social Science Grants Committee of the University of British Columbia and Youth Employment Program of British Columbia.Received Ed.D. from McGill University. Current research interest is career development and counseling of adolescents.  相似文献   

The internal structure of a self-report rating scale for depressed mood for schoolchildren—the Child Depression Inventory (CDI)—was examined in both a Russian and a UK sample. The internal reliability and consistency of the scale was high in both samples, and factor analysis revealed that the internal structure of depressed mood was similar in both samples, and further that it was also similar for boys and girls across the two countries. The results support the use of the CDI to measure depressed mood in research with non-Western samples.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which the Chinese women's suffrage movement used racializing narratives to alter the boundaries that had excluded women from full participation in politics in the first two decades of the 20th century. It extends existing work on the connection between narratives of race and women's suffrage in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA to explore how “race” was mobilized in China in the late-Qing and early Republican period. The article has three main areas of innovation. First, it explores the deployment of racializing narratives within the broader discourses of modernity circulating in China wherein modernization was premised on a racialized notion of national identity—that is “modernization as Han chauvinism.” Second, this article aims to participate in the process of extending the history of women's suffrage from primary reliance on class analysis and towards methods that explore the multiple categories of exclusion and inclusion. Third, this article aims to explore the manner in which narratives of race were invoked within a feminist political campaign that occurred in a nation without a history of European colonization. The article demonstrates that the multiplicity of possible gains sought under the banner of “race” makes it an unreliable category to invoke for struggles that are ultimately determined by “gendered” divisions.  相似文献   

The self-image of a group of 177 adolescents talented in one of five areas — mathematics, science, music, athletics, and art — was compared to that of a normal group of teenagers, using the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire for Adolescents (OSIQ). In addition, correlations between the talented OSIQ scores and instructor ratings of engagement and aptitude in the talent area was obtained. The findings indicate that talented adolescents educated in a normal high school setting evidence patterns of self-image and esteem very similar to their more average peers. The talented teenagers, however, also report considerable uncertainty involving issues of sexual and social competence. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for later patterns of talent development.This study is part of a longitudinal study of talented adolescents supported in full by a grant from the Spencer Foundation.Research interests include adolescent self-concept and the psychology of challenging experience.Research interests include the psychology of adolescence and the study of optimal experience, creativity, and intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

The Mooney Problem Checklist (MPCL), Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and a series of sociometric rating scales were administered to four groups of adolescents (40 males and 48 females from grade 8—average age = 13.5 years; 39 males and 37 females from grade 12—average age = 17.5 years). The total number of problems reported and the number in many of the 11 areas of the MPCL were fewer in the older group of males than the other three groups. As the number of problems was expected to decrease with age, it was proposed that females' problem level was maintained at a high level by pressures to conform to a feminine sex-role identity. This speculation was based on the findings that females became more stereotyped (more feminine, less masculine) with age and that femininity was significantly related to the number of problems for females. Although masculinity and peer group acceptance were expected to relate negatively to the number of problems, none of the groups supported the prediction for masculinity, and only the younger males confirmed the hypothesis for peer acceptance.This research was conducted by the first author as an empirical thesis project in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) at Macquarie University in 1979. The project was supervised by the second author and Associate Professor J. K. Collins.Received B. A. (Honours in Psychology) from Macquarie University in 1979. Major interest is adjustment in adolescence.Received B. S. (Honours in Statistics) from Sydney University in 1965; B. A. (Psychology) from Oxford in 1968; M. A. and Ph.D. (Psychology) from University of Michigan in 1973. Major interests are sex roles and psychometrics.  相似文献   

The research was a study of 16 women's networks in the United Kingdom. Information was mainly collected via a self-completion postal questionnaire in Summer 1987. The purpose of this paper is to develop concepts which might be used to understand the characteristics and activities of such networks and to test out the hypothesis that a network's political stance is predictive of some of its main features. It seeks to demonstrate that Tomlinson's dichotomous political classification of networks (Women in Management Review, 2(4), 238–247, 1987) can usefully be extended to encompass a third category. The hypothesis that the political stance of a network will be predictive of its orientation — discussed in terms of the relative importance of training and lobbying to a given group — and the inclusivity/exclusivity of its membership policy is supported. Conversely, it is shown that attitudes to men as potential members, organisational structures, and sources and levels of funding cannot be predicted purely by reference to a network's political position.  相似文献   

The present article focuses upon the much-neglected topic of white working class youth — the children of another other America. Based upon the available literature as well as upon a recent program of ethnographic research, the institutional settings — community, family, school — within which working class youth grow up are examined with particular emphasis on their climate and values. Attention is paid to the heterogeneity contained within this segment of the population pointing to four distinct types: collegians, greasers, hippies, and those encapsulated in family life. The article points to factors that promote a potential increase in residential social class homogeneity that, in turn, promotes class values, social and personal expectations, and modal relationships that increasingly diverge from the norms of an urban-industrial middle class society and that in considerable measure either contribute to a growing conservative alienation from the larger society or make adjustments to that society more problematic for its youth. The emergent picture of white working youth in part resembles that of youth in general, but in a more significant measure is much different from that found in either higher or lower social strata.This research was supported by USPHS-NIH Contract 70-511 and USPHS-NICHD Grant No. 04156.Received Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. Research interests include post childhood socialization, social change and deviance, and urban social studies.Received Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. Main research interest is social change and deviance.Candidate for Ph.D. in Sociology from Northwestern University. Main research interests are social stratification, youth, and social change in an industrial society.  相似文献   

This study introduces a measure of introspectiveness for adolescents aged 12–18 and investigates its association with several aspects of adolescent development. Introspectiveness—the tendency to deveote diffuse attention to thoughts and feelings about the self—increased during adolescence, and may be stimulated by discontinuities associated with adolescent development, other kinds of discontinuities, and parental introspectiveness. Also, introspectiveness was positively associated with depression, anxiety, and physical symptoms, and may help explain the increase in symptom reporting during this developmental period. Highly introspective adolescents participated in more artistic activities and spent more time alone than those low on introspectiveness. Finally, highly introspective college students chose self-oriented academic majors, which may have implications for future occupational development. Together these results suggest that the concept of introspectiveness may increase our understanding of several important aspects of this developmental period.This research was supported by grants from the William T. Grant Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and NIMH Grant No. 39590. An earlier version was presented at the 1984 annual convention of the American Sociological Association in San Antonio, Texas.Research interests include medical sociology and health and illness behavior among adolescents and older adults.Received a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Research interests include medical sociology, health care policy, and aging research.Received an M.A. from Rutgers University. Research interests include adolescent development and therapy.  相似文献   

The present investigation explores the relations among midlife identity concerns, marital satisfaction, mental health, and parenting satisfaction among mothers of preadolescents and early adolescents. Data were obtained from 129 intact families with a firstborn child between the ages of 10 and 15. The results suggest that intense midlife concerns are associated with diminished satisfaction with parenting, although this relation is moderated by the mother's reported marital satisfaction and her overall psychological wellbeing. Specifically, mothers with intense midlife crisis symptoms report higher parenting satisfaction when their marital satisfaction is high, but lower parental satisfaction when their midlife concerns are accompanied by psychological distress. The relations among midlife concerns, marital satisfaction, psychological symptoms, and mothers' satisfaction with parenting are not moderated by the sex of the adolescent.The research reported here is part of a larger investigation supported by grants to the second author by the William T. Grant Foundation and the Graduate School Research Committee of the University of Wisconsin —Madison. This paper is based on a senior thesis completed by the first author in the Department of Child and Family Studies at the University of Wisconsin—Madison.Interests are in adolescent development and sex differences.Interests are in adolescent development and family relations.  相似文献   

Drug users from samples of six specific groups (both students and adults) were intensively surveyed on their differential attitudes toward the use of eight drug types. Resulting comparisons between groups, drugs, and attitudes provide a relative picture of the attitudes on drug use held by those who were users of drugs.Current research interest: Director of SUNY at Stony Brook Psychological Center, concerned with drug use among students on campus and its interaction with drug use by secondary school students in the community surrounding campus. Educational background: Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Illinois (Urbana) —particular emphasis in community mental health problems.  相似文献   

Work has not been extensively studied as a context for adolescent development, even though increased work experience has been widely recommended as a means of improving the transition of adolescents to adulthood. Studies of the impact of work experience on adolescent socialization, defined broadly, suggest that work has beneficial results that persist over time. Developmental theorists and critics of conventional patterns of workplace organization remind us, however, that current knowledge is inadequate to specify optimal types and amounts of work experience for adolescents. Studies of narrower outcomes of work experience — career knowledge and plans, job-related attitudes, behavior, and skills — are less persuasive. An ecological strategy is recommended for future research. Such research should consider the varying effects of different kinds of work experience on different adolescents and should seek those effects in settings other than the workplace and over long periods.Received his Ed.D. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1975. Main interests are the transition of adolescents to adulthood and the development and evaluation of programs to ease that transition.Main interests are the interaction between families and human development, especially the effects of work.  相似文献   

The effects of a positive peer culture (PPC) program [H. H. Vorrath and L. K. Brendatro (1974),Positive Peer Culture, Aladin, Chicago, Illinois] upon the moral development of youths in distress within the framework of streetcorner gangs was measured. This group was compared with two control groups, one related and the other unrelated to the participants. Moraldevelopment measures used in this study—resistance to temptation, moral stage, feeling after offense, punishment, and confession [A. Ziv (1976), Measuring aspects of morality.J. Moral Educ. 5: 189–201]—indicated a positive effect upon the participants, and for some moral indices, on their friends' moral development (the related group). The potential effect upon moral development of such a program and the possibility of working with representatives of youth-in-distress groups in order to produce change are stressed.He received his B. A. from the University of Haifa, and his M.S.W. and D.S.W. from the University of Pennsylvania. His professional interests: criminal justice, juvenile delinquency, and the administration of human service organizations.  相似文献   

The study examines gender-differential socialization within and across the three major socialization arenas during adolescence—the home, the school, and the informal youth association. The point of departure for this comparative analysis is Erikson's theory of institutionalized moratorium. Elaborating upon the sociological dimension of that theory, institutionalized moratorium is defined here as an open social arrangement that allows for free experimentation and temporary deviation within lenient—albeit normative—boundaries of social control. Accordingly, we delineate three structural components of socialization arenas—openness, control, and deviation—focusing upon the degree to which the levels of openness and control predict the level of deviation in each arena and for each gender. Data were obtained from self-reports of 220 Israeli adolescents who responded to a closed questionnaire designed to assess perceptions of socialization structure. The findings suggest that the deviation of boys is a stronger and more sensitive function of openness and control than that of girls. This gender difference is largest in the school and smallest in the youth movement. Beyond gender differences, the results indicate a common pattern of socialization underlying the three arenas; more specifically, deviation was found to be related to both openness and control. This pattern is most salient in the home and least salient in the youth movement.This paper was written with the support of the NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.She has a Ph.d. in Sociology of Education from the Hebrew University. Her research interests are sociology of education and youth, informal organizations, and gender socialization.  相似文献   

The Society for the Protection of Motherhood (BfM) was the first organization in Germany to concern itself with a reform of sexual ethics and the transformation of the relationship between women and men—not only on a theoretical level but by actually providing support for single mothers and their children and initiating counselling centres to deal with sexual problems. At the same time, the BfM demanded legal equality for illegitimate children, the decriminalization of abortion and the right of women to sue for divorce. In raising these issues, the BfM trod on difficult ground since they were not ‘popular’ topics of discussion within German society around the turn-of-the-century. The chairwoman of the BfM, Helene Stöcker, who was among the first women to study and obtain a doctorate in Germany, put the Society's ideas into practice in her relationship of ‘free love and marriage’ with her partner, the lawyer Bruno Springer. Indeed, it was the policy of the BfM to encourage progressive men to join the organization and work in partnership with the women, while most of the other groups on the radical wing of the bourgeois women's movement chose to work autonomously from men. Over the years, the BfM's priorities changed and its members moved in different directions: while the ‘moderates’ wanted to retain the family as the nucleus of the state, the more radical members went in search of new forms of relationship, attempting thereby to expose society's double standard of morality.  相似文献   

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