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21世纪,全球化已成为一个势不可挡的经济浪潮,发达资本主义国家在推动全球经济发展的同时也对社会主义国家进行着文化和经济输出,这势必对马克思主义造成巨大的挑战,本文主要从经济角度对马克思主义在全球化过程中所面临的挑战进行了几点分析.  相似文献   

瑞典社会主义是一种不同于苏联模式的社会主义它有着广泛的群众基础,受到大多数群众的拥护;瑞典社民党不是资产阶级政党,而是社会主义政党;瑞典社民党的"自由、平等和团结"的价值观是社会主义的.  相似文献   

本文刊登于美刊《世界政治》1997年第1期,彼得·埃文斯(PeterEvans)是美国加州大学伯克利分校社会学系教授。文章认为,当前的全球经济学并没有预测国家的衰落。虽然经济全球化限制了国家的权力,但是跨国资本比起一国国内的经济活动更加需要强有力的国家。在全球信息经济时代,最有优势的经济行为主体即跨国公司,可能  相似文献   

最低工资制度缘起于新西兰。迄今为止,不管发达还是发展中国家,绝大多数都实行了适合本国国情的最低工资制度或类似规定。与GDP相比,最低工资标准不仅是一个经济指标。还多少反映出了一个国家的社会和谐程度。本期我们主要介绍一下在国际上作为没有最低工资规定的国家——瑞典以及它独特的“瑞典模式”。  相似文献   

经济主权原则是发展中国家为获取经济独立而提出的。经济全球化的浪潮向国家经济主权提出了挑战,如何调和经济主权与国家经济发展之间的矛盾,成为发展中国家正面临的一个重大难题。经济主权让渡论通过让渡一国非核心经济主权的方式可以解决这个发展难题。  相似文献   

今天,受全球化经济的影响,中国被纳入全球新闻体系中,一方面接受国际传媒集团的挑战,另一方要受到外国意识形态的渗透。因此,国内新闻媒介要顺应潮流,深化改革,加快集团化;更新观念,加强管理;建设高素质的新闻工作队伍。  相似文献   

在全球化时代,文化的融合是大趋势。当今西方发达国家从整体上影响着全球,西方文化产品把所负载的价值密码推向世界。 在全球化时代,中外全面交流还会扩大,这对我们事业发展有利。我们应通过交流与世界(不仅是西方)接轨,提升中华文化的国际地位。笔者认为要:(一)坚持和发展我们的信念;(二)科学弘扬优秀的民族文化传统;(三)提高全民族文化素质;(四)建立公平公正的国际文化新秩序。笔者还强调要积极发展有中国特色的国际关系学、社会学、法学等各学科体系。  相似文献   

反全球化运动及其对全球化的制衡作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反全球化运动是全球化发展到一定历史阶段的产物,其基本形式主要有两种:以街头游行示威为表现形式的反全球化抗议浪潮;以反全球化为宗旨的世界社会论坛。反全球化运动的实质并不在于反对全球化本身,而是反对新自由主义意识形态对全球化的主导及其所带来的各种消极后果。通过对推动全球化的各国精英以及国际经济组织所构成的强大挑战和压力,反全球化运动正在对当前全球化进程及全球化发展方向起到一种积极的制衡作用,并促使全球化世界朝人性的全球化、公正的全球化、平等的全球化、可持续发展的全球化方向迈进。  相似文献   

全球化时代的文明冲突与文化多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,文化与经济、政治的交融是一种发展的趋势。世界上各种文明、不同文化彼此尊重,在竞争比较中取长补短,在求同存异中共同发展,是全球化时代关于文化的科学态度。那种由经济全球化而引申出文化全球化的观点,以民族文化的差异来解释全球化时代一切冲突的根源的观点,都是站不住脚的。  相似文献   

乌克兰共产党发展面临的挑战与机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌克兰共产党(以下简称乌共)是独联体国家中就综合实力而言仅次于俄罗斯共产党的第二大共产党组织,成立于1918年6月,重建于1993年6月19日。现有党员108000余人,基础组织9000多个,在乌克兰议会中拥有27个议席,是第四大议会党团,也是乌克兰目前唯一能进入议会的左翼政党。  相似文献   

Local authorities have played an important role in the Swedish model of the Welfare State. This state is characterised by high levels of welfare provision paid for through general taxation, the rates of which are very high and the application of uniform standards across the entire country based on the principles of equity and fairness. The main form of income for local authorities is a Local Income Tax which is paid by 85% of the population. In the 1980s and 1990s, Sweden went through an economic crisis which resulted in significant changes to the tax system, although the Local Income Tax was retained. Subsequent changes have followed a pendulum process, with deregulation of local government finances in the 1990s being followed by greater regulation in the following years. Today, Sweden is conducting a major debate about the role and functions of different levels of government in the light of social, economic and political changes in the international scene.  相似文献   

<正>Introduction I am honored to have this opportunity to address the distinguished experts of the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies,SIIS on the issue of Asia in the Era of Globalization and Prospect for Japan-China Relations.I wish to thank Dr.Yang Jiemian,President  相似文献   

The implementation in China of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Open Government Information, on May 1, 2008, is considered a potential turning point, a shift from traditional public administration characterized by an entrenched culture of secrecy toward more transparent and accountable administration practices. This article shows, however, that due to a variety of institutional constraints, the implementation of the Regulations is still lacking. Although the success of an open government information (OGI) regime in China ultimately relies on thorough political and administrative reforms, this article presents the argument that short of drastic political system change, the implementation of the Regulations could be improved by adopting innovations at the management level. This article suggests that the Chinese government adopt new human resource management strategies in leadership, training, and performance management that are compatible with OGI in order to significantly improve the implementation of the Regulations. An incremental approach to improving OGI implementation in China will finally pave the way for future political reform.  相似文献   

全球化视野下的“中国模式”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶丽 《当代世界》2009,(9):55-58
改革开放30年来,中华民族以波澜壮阔的改革实践,谱写了快速发展的壮丽史诗,这个古老大国的迅速崛起引起了世界性的反响。近几年来,关于“中国奇迹”或“中国模式”的话题备受国内外舆论和学术界的关注。当前,在华尔街发生金融海啸、全世界出现严重的经济危机的背景下,重新审视“中国模式”,  相似文献   

美国的东亚安全战略及其挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战结束后,东亚地区在美国对外安全战略中处于越来越重要的地位.近年来,凭借超级大国的地位及在军事、政治和经济方面的绝对优势,美国不断调整其东亚安全战略,力图主导地区安全事务,在东亚扮演霸权国家的角色,为实现"美国治下的和平"服务.  相似文献   

Going through a protracted period of transition since the end of the Cold War, the world order in the making is neither what was nor what it is yet to become. It is in “the middle of the future.” To get our bearings in this uncertain transition, we explore the two grand post‐Cold War narratives—“The End of History” as posited by Francis Fukuyama and “The Clash of Civilizations” posited by the late Samuel Huntington. Mikhail Gorbachev looks back at his policies that brought the old order to collapse. The British philosopher John Gray critiques the supposed “universality” of liberalism and, with Homi Bhabha, sees a world of hybrid identities and localized cultures. The Singaporean theorist Kishore Mahbubani peels away the “veneer” of Western dominance. Amartya Sen, the economist and Nobel laureate, assesses whether democratic India or autocratic China is better at building “human capacity” in their societies.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether workers in less-developed countries (LDC) are winners or losers in the expanding global economy. This study is distinctive in that it looks beyond the impact of globalization on direct economic benefits to labor (employment and surplus labor) and assesses if workers simultaneously improve their bargaining power in the marketplace. I use a time-series cross sectional panel data set for 59 developing countries from 1972 to 1997 to demonstrate that the overall impact of globalization on labor has been different in countries at various levels of economic development. These results challenge conventional wisdom by revealing that under conditions of globalization, labor in low-income countries is not necessarily in a better bargaining position despite certain economic gains. In contrast, labor in high-income countries enjoys both greater economic benefits and an improved bargaining position. The absolute “winners” in globalization ultimately comprise a small percentage of the larger labor force in the developing world. Nita Rudra is an assistant professor of international affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. Her research interests include the impact of globalization on social welfare expenditures in developing countries, the political foundations of welfare regimes, and the causes and effects of democracy. Her most recent works appear in theAmerican Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, International Organization, andInternational Studies Quarterly. The author is grateful to Hayward Alker for valuable advice and input on this research project and James McGuire for generously providing access to his data. The SCID editors and anonymous reviewers also provided extremely helpful feedback and comments.  相似文献   

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