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After several years of stress and strains, a historical opportunity appears on thehorizon for considerable improvement of Sino-US relations. It will determinethe nature of long-term relationship in the post-Cold War years. The imperatives  相似文献   

Asharp ecohomic slide began in U. S. economy since the second half of last year after a sustained robust growth lasting close to a decade. Three successive Federal Reserve Board's (FRB) interest rate cuts amounting to 1. 5 percentage points have thus far failed to check the downturn. The situation is more grave than expected with the bottom-out not yet in sight. The recovery period may be a longdrawn-out affair, yet a traditional depression may be avoidable, not to say a repeat of enduring recession in Japanese style.  相似文献   

Close scrutiny into world economy reveals a fresh picture,in which developedcountries have stepped out of the gloomy economic recession of the earlynineties;developing countries have extricated themselves from the predicament ofthe“lost decade”of the eighties;Eastern European countries under economictransformation are showing signs of revival after a drop into economic trough;an-  相似文献   

As is known to all, the influences of a state on the international community largely depend on its comprehensive national power, and such power can generally be divided into hard national power and soft national power. So far, greater importance has been attached to hard national strengths marked by military and economic forces, and soft na- tional strengths symbolized by system, standard, culture and value have also begun to catch attention ever since the 1990s. Undoubtedly, the United States…  相似文献   

Military relations are the most sensitive and essential elements in bilateral ties between two countries. It is quite often when political and economic relations between the two sides turn warm, their military relationship is still at freezing point; and as misunderstanding in the military relationship melting away like ice,  相似文献   

Sino-U.S.relations have fluctuated since the beginning of 2010. What are prospects for their development? Will it be fiercer strategic competition or will it be long-term strategic stability? Taking into the international system and transitions in global power,this essay analyzes recent changes in Sino-U.S. relations and U.S. strategic assessment of China. Prospects for and future trends in Sino-U.S. relations will be discussed. Since Sino-U.S. relations have always been based on the interaction of multiple...  相似文献   

Nineteen ninety-two is a memorable year in the history of Sino-Japanese rela-tions.It signifies the twentieth anniversary of the normalization of relationsbetween the two countries.Twenty years may seem a mere twinkle in history,butthey are of great significance to the Sino-Japanese relations.It is in this period oftime that China and Japan proclaimed the“Joint Statement”,signed the“Sino-  相似文献   

June 28,1994 is the 40th anniversary of the declaration of the Five Principlesof Peaceful Co-existence.During the past 40 years,these principles,whichstood up to the successive tests of various countries'diplomatic vicissitudes and theevolution of international relations,have proved effective and of vitality in dealingwith the contemporary international relations,and,for that reason,have been ac-cepted by more and more countries.Today,in the new international situation,ithas both important practical significance and profound historic significance to com-memorate the declaration of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence.  相似文献   

TheSino-U.S.Tangle Beijing-Washingtonconnectioncanarguablybeportrayedasthe mostmind-bogglingtangleinworldhistory.Otherbilateralstructural linkssuchasU.S.-RussiaorTransatlanticrelationspalebesidethe mazeofheadachesbetweenthetwocapitals:differencesinideologyand socialsystem,1clashesofcivilizations,2geopoliticalfrictions,3“anatu-ralstandoff”betweenarisingpowerandtheexistenthegemony4and theseeminglyintractableconflictsofinterestsontheTaiwanissue.Thissaidthough,theextentofbilateralstructuralt…  相似文献   


Augustus Richard Norton, Amal and the Shi'a: Struggle for the Soul of Lebanon. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1987. Pp. xxii + 238.

Leonard Weinberg and William Lee Eubank, The Rise and Fall of Italian Terrorism. London and Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1987. Pp.155.

Robin Erica Wagner‐Pacifici, The Moro Morality Play: Terrorism as Social Drama. London and Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1986. Pp.360.

Leonardo Sciascia, The Moro Affair. London: Carcanet Press, 1987. Pp.175.  相似文献   

Building a new transatlantic alliance stood high on the 1995 agenda for Euro-American relations,a symbol of an adjustment process under way in depth.In June 1995,US Secretary of State Warren Christopher raised in his speechthe issue of “charting a Transatlantic Agenda for the 21st century”.A month later,Europe came up with a strategic paper on relations with America.The end of the  相似文献   

Is climate change a national security threat to the United States? This question remains a subject of debate in academia and has received renewed emphasis in the policy community. Even taking a narrow definition of national security, climate change already constitutes a national security threat to the United States, both in terms of direct threats to the country as well as its broader extraterritorial interests. While some of these purported threats—abrupt climate change and sea-level rise—have been overstated by advocates, several concerns, mostly related to the effects of extreme weather events on the United States and its strategic interests overseas, are sufficient enough that they already constitute security threats. That climate change potentially poses a direct threat to the U.S. homeland and its overseas interests suggests the subject warrants serious attention.  相似文献   

Whenever a new U.S. President swears in, China-U.S. relations will go through a period of mutual adaptation. But this time, after Barack Obama came into the White House there was a good beginning in China-U.S. relations which have remained rather stable over the short span of the change of administration. We have good reason for high hopes that the two countries will join hands in moving toward a viable, all-round partnership in the 21st Century. However, from a historical perspective and in view of the actual distinctions between the two countries, we should remain sober-minded.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, China-U.S. economic and trade relations have been growing rapidly along with vigorous economic development of China in the course of its reform and opening-up. Economic exchanges and trade between the two countries virtually started from scratch, but now China and the United States have become two of the world's largest economies and trading partners. The two economies are more interdependent than ever before, each being the other's major partner: China is America's second largest trading partner, third largest export market, second largest source of import and largest holder of its treasury bonds; the United States is China's largest trading partner, largest export market and third largest outlet for foreign direct investment (FDI).  相似文献   

After the U.S.mid-term elections in November 2014,the Obama administration entered alame-duckperiod.As the Republicans have controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate,public opinion generally holds that the Obama administration is due to face greater difficulties over the next two years.But as the U.S.political system allows the President of the United States to act more independently in the field of foreign affairs than in that of internal affairs,he can still make a difference here without being hindered by political affairs,even during the last two years of his presidency.In recent history,Ronald Reagan was a typical case in point:he achieved significant success in foreign affairs during the last two years of his tenure.Bill Clinton and George W.Bush  相似文献   

China, the United States and Japan are all nations of crucial importance in the Asia-Pacific region. They exert a decisive influence on the evolvement of strategic structure in the region in the twenty-first century. To a certain extent the world future will depend on the three countries as well as the development of their mutual relations. The  相似文献   

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