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Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

彭永清 《检察风云》2011,(17):34-37
在普通人看来,国际刑警组织(ICPO,InternationalCriminalPoliceOrganization的简称)中的侦探似乎都是随便出入国境,杀人如探囊取物,像日本动画片《鲁邦三世》中的钱形警官一样身手敏捷。然而,如果你到位于法国的国际刑警组织总部探访后就会发现,那里既没有神勇的警官,也没有大批的武装警察。  相似文献   

This inquiry explores the question of transnational companies’ criminal liability for international crimes, reviewing the current state of research in the field of international economic criminal law, a discipline that hitherto has received only scant analysis. Following some preliminary conceptual remarks (I.), the forms of corporate participation in such crimes (II.) and the supranational and national practice since Nuremberg are presented. This practice reveals a clear trend towards corporate liability, albeit represented by leading company staff. For this reason, and because legal persons (companies) ultimately act through natural persons (their staff), their liability (IV.) cannot be convincingly established on a purely collective basis – in the sense of a pure organisation model (IV. 4.1.) – but only on the basis of the attribution model, namely as a derivative corporate liability based upon supervisory or organisational culpability (IV.4.2.). The attribution model’s individual approach – or, to use procedural terms, the individualistic “trigger” for the prosecution of companies – finally brings us to the well-known forms of criminal participation (V.), with liability for complicity in particular coming into question. All in all, the essay concludes (VI.), we should not expect too much of (international) criminal corporate liability. Here, as in many other areas, criminal law can only have a (limited) preventive effect as part of a holistic approach.  相似文献   

朱丹 《环球法律评论》2020,42(1):127-141
国际刑事法院对《罗马规约》近年来的解释中呈现出司法能动主义的趋势,即背离约文的字面含义和立法者的原意,扩张国际刑事法院管辖下犯罪的定义和可受理案件的范围。国际刑法的混合性质、先前国际刑事法庭的司法能动主义政策以及《罗马规约》适用法条款和解释规则的不确定性都是导致国际刑事法院司法能动主义的原因。作为非经授权的司法立法行为,国际刑事法院的司法能动主义不但违背国家主权原则和罪刑法定主义,而且损害了国际社会通过其追究国际犯罪的信心。构建对其司法能动主义进行规制的关键在于厘清和协调《维也纳条约法公约》中的解释规则、罪刑法定原则下的严格解释以及存疑有利于被告解释方法三者在《罗马规约》解释中的适用范围及适用关系。  相似文献   

一、欧盟超国家的组织分享着共同的价值理念 ,并因此希望更加紧密地进行合作。这种引人注目的合作现象也应适用于国际刑事司法合作。但是 ,在迄今为止的一些合作案例中 ,某些不可或缺的条件常常被政府忽略。笔者以欧盟为例论证国际刑事合作领域所取得的进步 ,但笔者认为 ,在特别困难的情况下 ,如 9.11恐怖主义分子袭击时期 ,这种拥有共同信念的组织会倾向于采取可能、甚至不具有任何政治性的决策。(一 )《马斯特里赫特条约》———第三根支柱作为经济实体建立的欧洲共同体意识到 ,只有进行联合 ,而且不仅仅是经济事务的联合 ,才能规范该地区…  相似文献   

Judge Cassese presents arguments in favour of the use of international courts in order to punish war crimes. He argues that the application of justice through a court is better in certain circumstances than amnesties. He examines the merits of international courts rather than national courts, but acknowledges that at present there are several major stumbling blocks to an effective international criminal justice system.  相似文献   

刑事一体化践行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储槐植  闫雨 《中国法学》2013,(2):139-146
刑事一体化理论的精髓在于融通学科联系,解决现实问题。作为观念的刑事一体化与刑事政策的关系极为密切,刑法的刑事政策化是当代刑法的潮流,刑事政策有助于顺畅刑法的运作,强化刑法的适时、有效性。犯罪学概念的"主观恶性"在量刑方面起着重要的作用,形成一体化的性状。  相似文献   

Criminal Law Forum -  相似文献   

In criminal practice before international tribunals, the boundariesbetween lack of professionalism (serious misconduct) by prosecutionand taking an erroneous position on the law (procedural error)are particularly blurred, if only because the backgrounds andexpectations of all persons involved in the proceedings areprofoundly different and the playing field is still insufficientlydefined. This is illustrated by the Furundija case brought beforean International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia(ICTY) Trial Chamber in 1998. In that case the Chamber heldthat the prosecution, by failing to disclose a document to thedefence, had both engaged in serious misconduct and made a seriousprocedural error. Instead, the Lord Advocate and the Crown Agentof Scotland, later consulted by the ICTY Prosecutor, concludedthat there had only been an error of judgment. National caselaw, for instance that of Canadian courts, makes it clear thata good faith decision not to disclose a document, made in theexercise of professional judgment on a difficult and novel issue,may constitute an error of judgment, but certainly does notamount to misconduct.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing relationship between the disciplines of international criminal law (ICL) and international human rights law; I particularly focus on the associations of the former with comfort and the latter with discomfort. It appears that a shift may be taking place in that ICL is being refashioned from a field enforcing human rights law to one which has assumed an entirely independent status. Indeed, ICL appears to be crowding out international human rights law. The inquiry begins with the question whether ICL is becoming the preferred discursive framework for practitioners, academics, and politicians. A contemporary desire for certainty over contention, action over discourse, and simplicity over complexity is revealed; in short, a preference for comfort over discomfort. The second half of the paper is dedicated to highlighting some of the concerns attached to this preference and suggesting possible techniques for addressing these concerns. Employing the idea of ‘discomfort’, I refer to the relevance of (1) Michel Foucault’s Ethics of Discomfort, (2) Judith Butler’s idea of the Language of Discomfort, and (3) draw on Franz Kafka’s literary exploration of the Comfort in Discomfort. The ideas culminate in a call for relearning the comfort in discomfort of contention, discourse and complexity in international law.  相似文献   

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