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Faced with high and increasing rates of mental disorder within the criminal justice system (CJS), a range of interventions have been implemented in an effort to prevent continued involvement in criminal activities among this population. A meta-analytic review was undertaken to consider the effectiveness of interventions for criminally involved adults with a mental disorder targeting either improved criminal justice or mental health outcomes. Furthermore, characteristics that were hypothesized to predict better outcomes were examined. Studies that considered sex offender interventions, or focused solely on antisocial personality, intellectual and cognitive, or substance use disorders were excluded. Results assuming a fixed-effects model combining 37 effect sizes from 25 studies (N = 15,678) support the effectiveness of these interventions in terms of reductions in any CJS involvement (d = 0.19 excluding one outlier). Interventions had no significant effect on an aggregate mental health outcome (d = 0.00). However, when considering distinct mental health outcomes, intervention participants had significantly better functioning (d = 0.20) and fewer symptoms (d = 0.12). There were no significant effects of the interventions on mental health service or medication use. Moderator analyses identified seven sample, intervention, and design characteristics that were related to the magnitude of the effect sizes for criminal justice outcomes, and suggest implications for service provision, policy, and research. Results suggested some relationship between intervention effects on mental health and criminal justice reinvolvement, although future research is needed in this area, especially given the absence of mental health outcome data in many studies.  相似文献   

A number of trends are apparent from the current development of existing Criminal Justice computer systems (CJS). Apart from in probation, the first systems in each criminal justice agency in this country have been designed to assist with routine clerical and administrative tasks — book-keeping in the magistrates' courts, wordprocessing and finance in prisons, etc, which although effective at easing the clerical and administrative tasks have made little overall impact on the operation of criminal justice. They have not, for example, reduced the delays in the criminal justice process, or reduced the overcrowding in prisons. This is in contrast to the US, where computerisation in some courts, for example, has significantly reduced delay and has helped with the operation of sentencing guidelines to bring about a great consistency of sentencing. In Part II of his article A D Maclean looks at what the future holds as far as computers in criminal justice and concerned.  相似文献   

A feedback model of the criminal justice system (CJS) incorporates the continuing input of people arrested for the first time (virgin arrests) and the recycling of individuals with prior arrests (recidivists). Such a model is needed to enable CJS planners to assess the impact of possible actions on the future arrests and system workloads. Using an empirically determined estimate of the number of virgin arrests in the U.S. as input to a feedback model of the CJS, recidivism parameters, probability of rearrest, and average time between arrests were estimated by matching the output of the model to the total arrests in the U.S. in the period 1960–70. The average deviation between the model output and total U.S. arrests was minimized at less than 4% when the probability of rearrest is equal to 0.875 and the average time between arrests equal to 1.1. years. The relative sensitivity of total arrests to changes in virgin arrests and the probability of rearrest are also presented.  相似文献   

The U.S. President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice added a Task Force on Science and Technology as somewhat of an afterthought because there had then been very little interaction between science and technology and the criminal justice system (CJS). The task force focused on the CJS as a whole and interactions among its parts, with an important emphasis on analysis of the operating systems and on the important potential role of information systems as the technology advanced. The potential applications of contemporary information and electronic technologies is considerable, especially for assessing risk and needs of identified offenders and for providing relevant information wherever needed. There is urgent need for scientific evaluation of many of the positive and negative aspects of the operation of the CJS and of the potential for new technologies.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence(IPV)is simultaneously assumed as a serious crime and a major public health issue,having recurrences as one of its main characteristics and,consequently,re-entries of some alleged offenders in the criminal justice system(CJS).The main goal of this study is to assess if in cases of female victims of IPV,violence decreases after the first entry of the alleged offender in the CJS.A retrospective study was performed based on the analysis of police reports of alleged cases of IPV during a 4-year period.The final sample(n=1488)was divided into two groups according to the number of entries in the CJS(single or multiple)followed by a comparative approach.Results suggest that violence decreases after the first entry of alleged offenders in the CJS.Re-entries were found in only 15.5%of the cases but they were accountable for 3.3 times more crimes on average.Besides,victims of recidivism presented more injuries and required more medical care.Thus,a small group of alleged offenders seems to be more violent and accountable for most of the IPV crimes registered in the CJS suggesting that regardless of legal sanctions aiming to deter violence,these measures may not be enough for a certain group of offenders.This study sustains the need for a predictive model to quantify the risk of repeated IPV cases within the Portuguese population.  相似文献   

姜敏 《北方法学》2010,4(5):113-121
刑事和解是西方社会比较重要的一项刑事司法制度,但在中国司法实践中展开的刑事和解被许多人批判为"以钱买刑"。"以钱买刑"作为中国古已有之的概念与刑事和解有本质的区别。给人以"以钱买刑"表象的刑事和解,其实质与刑法的基本原则在本质上是统一的,其纠正了传统刑事司法的偏颇,实现了刑事司法的实然正义,是人类的一种理性选择。但为了避免刑事和解在实践中出现异化为"以钱买刑"的弊端,必须进行制度化和法律化的构建,从而使刑事和解的应有价值得以保证。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the criminal justice system in Russia from historical and contemporary perspectives. The realities of greater liberalization and the dissolution of the Central Soviet Government will have a significant impact of the future criminal justice program. Based on a criminal justice delegation including meetings with Soviet criminal justice participants, it is argued that the Soviet will likely lean toward incorporating a more continental crime reduction ideology instead of a Western-style Common Law that emphasizes legal process rather than crime reduction.  相似文献   

Criminal justice agencies are organized sequentially — “output” from one agency is “input” to the next — but most scholars argue that criminal justice is not a system in a theoretical sense. In this article, it is argued that general systems theory (GST) reveals important insights into criminal justice structures and functions. Specifically, it is argued that the criminal justice system processes “cases” rather than people, and that the common goal of criminal justice processing is to “close cases so that they stay closed.” It also is argued that processing capacity progressively declines, in that at each system point the subsequent agency cannot input as many cases as the previous agency can output. Each agency therefore experiences “backward pressure” to close cases in order to reduce input to the next agency. Overall, this article highlights that criminal justice agents and agencies are best understood as operating in the context of the larger whole, thus it is concluded that criminal justice is a system in the sense of general systems theory.  相似文献   

王芳 《法学论坛》2020,(3):95-103
刑事诉讼中的民事赔偿是一个制度集合概念,并与量刑密切相关。以5072份故意伤害罪判决为样本进行量化分析发现,通过和解、刑事附带民事诉讼判决结案等不同途径实现的民事赔偿对量刑的影响力存在明显差别。其原因在于被害人满意程度是量刑阶梯设计的重要标准,而恢复正义为被害人满意作为量刑标准提供了正义基础。司法实践中应对刑事诉讼中积极赔偿对量刑的影响进行合理控制,降低不同类型民事赔偿对量刑影响的差异,推动"同案同判"的量刑公正。  相似文献   

谦抑性考察已成为当下评判刑事立法和刑事司法的基础性分析工具。与此相应,我国晚近以来的历次刑法修正案所反映的犯罪化进程被不少学者反复诟病为"不谦抑"。刑法谦抑主义虽然彰显了古典刑法保障个人权利的理念,但是谦抑性并非一个价值中立、超越时空、至高无上的刑法原则。直面现代社会刑法法益保护与人权保障的内在紧张关系,仅从单一化的谦抑主义维度去评判刑法发展的得失是偏颇的。谦抑性应该还原为罪刑法定原则之下用来说明和贯彻罪刑法定原则的子原则。反思刑法谦抑主义,并非要放弃或终结对刑法谦抑性的追求,而是主张在肯定谦抑理念的同时对谦抑性在立法和司法、设罪和配刑等不同场域作不同的把握。刑法的发展需要在法益保护与人权保障中寻求一种张弛有度的动态平衡,而绝非单向度的谦抑主义。  相似文献   

The article traces the various imperatives generated by the combination of the money laundering panic of the late 1990s with the advent of globalization. If there is to be an attempt legally to regulate laundering, it (laundering) must be a relatively serious offence, and consequently the anticipated harm must be something other than complicity. The regulatory framework must aspire to being universal and watertight, and (because otherwise the policing costs would be too great) the professions must be recruited to that endeavour. Laundering must be one of the driving forces of international cooperation in criminal justice and thus a force for the homogenization of criminal justice systems.  相似文献   


This article explores the propriety of long-term efforts of the South African criminal justice system in combating human trafficking. Though a crime of global dimension, human trafficking has been a reverberating issue of concern to the South African State. Steps have been taken by the State to address this menace, especially from the legal standpoint, and the enlistment of human trafficking among crimes that require an effective criminal justice approach to deal with; yet, the menace has persisted. From a broader doctoral study, using qualitative method, it was discovered (amongst others) that as currently structured, the South African criminal justice system cannot effect a long-term combating strategies against human trafficking. Findings also indicate that the solution to the precipitating factors that fuel the trade in human commodity lies outside the scope and mandate of the criminal justice system. The study further recommends that for an effective response, it is expedient for the State to first address the socio-economic, cultural and political nuances that fuel the trade, rather than mount impracticable pressure on its criminal justice institutions to perform an unrealistic task.  相似文献   

魏东 《现代法学》2007,29(1):38-43
构建和谐社会需要实质的刑事法治,尤其需要高度重视、重新审视和检讨刑事政策的公正价值与谦抑宽容理性,合理兼顾犯罪防控和人权保障。在理论上,片面强调以报应主义论证刑法公正,把“刑法公正必然内在要求报应主义”这个命题作为一个“不言自明”的公理是存在很大疑问的。在刑事政策意义上的相对公正理性,不但内含了对犯罪规律的基本认识、对犯罪态势的基本判断、对可资利用的现实物质基础和精神文化资源的基本估价、对社会发展的基本考量、对人权尊重的基本态度,还内含了人性假设的基本立场以及在特定历史条件下的价值权衡和价值取向。现代刑事政策内含的谦抑宽容价值理念应当充分体现出最大限度地保障人权、最大限度地促进社会发展、最大限度地体现相对公正、最小限度地维持必要秩序这样一种“三大一小”理念;因此,现代刑事政策理念应当坚持“人权保障至上”、反对“犯罪防控至上”,坚持“公正至上”、反对“效率至上”。  相似文献   

贿赂犯罪是腐败犯罪的基本类型。于犯罪构成的视角考量,关于贿赂物本质的认识和外延的厘定对于在司法实践中正确认定贿赂犯罪意义重大,而中外学术界和实务界对此存在林林总总的标准。在世界一体化格局和国际刑事司法协作不断深化的背景下,以《联合国反腐败公约》为价值指向,将财物、财产性利益及可折算成货币价值的非财产性利益界定为贿赂犯罪的行为对象是较为合理的,能够适应反腐败斗争不断深入开展的客观需要。  相似文献   

印证与自由心证--我国刑事诉讼证明模式   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
龙宗智 《法学研究》2004,26(2):107-115
我国刑事诉讼通行“印证证明模式”,将获得印证性直接支持证据视为证明的关键;注重证明的“外部性”而不注重“内省性”。采取印证证明模式的主要原因包括非直接和非言词的审理方式、审理与判定的分离、重复的事实审理需要案件在书面上的可检验性与印证性等。同时,该模式与法官的素质以及占主导地位的认识论有一定的关系。印证证明模式具有易把握与可检验的优点,但刑事司法的现实环境常常使印证要求无法达到。在我国,应当谨慎而适度地借鉴典型的自由心证证明方式,以适应刑事司法的现实需要。  相似文献   

Several articles have been written about the relative prestige of journals in criminology and criminal justice. Almost uniformly, however, those rankings have focused on sociology and criminology journals and have generally reflected a sociological orientation. If criminal justice is indeed a separate discipline, such approaches are tantamount to asking psychologists to rate sociological journals within a list of psychology journals. Our approach is first to separate respondents by their degree of identification with criminal justice and their educational orientation. Second, we compile a list of responses to questions about prestige and utility to practitioners across the range of criminal justice and criminology journals. Analyses of these data indicate that there are differences in the way scholars rate journals, based on their identity with criminal justice and their educational orientation. These differences, however, are found in specific journals and in types of journals (i.e., police, corrections, criminal justice) rather than in aggregate perceptions of all criminal justice and criminology journals.  相似文献   

道德评价能否在刑法适用中予以考虑,是刑事司法中的难题。一方面,道德评价在刑事司法中的体现是普遍存在的实然现象;而另一方面,法治原则一般又要求道德评价不应介入司法领域,否则,依法司法的理念将受到冲击。从理论上来看,道德评价可以在刑法适用解释中予以考虑,与其让道德评价潜在地、非理性地影响刑法的解释与适用,不如理性地承认和接受道德评价因素,并对其规范、限制和合理运用。道德评价因素在刑法解释和适用中的考量既是法理的要求,也是刑法原则所许可的,那种绝对排斥道德评价的观点,看似符合法治原则,但实际上并不能成立。从社会学的视角判断,刑法适用中考量道德评价因素是社会和谐的需求,也是社会学解释方法的题中应有之义。当然,对道德评价的考量与运用,应当在法律方法论的范围内,并在对其认真甄别、选择的基础上进行。  相似文献   

Although the official, law-enforcement policy in Bloomington, Indiana, categorized graffiti as vandalism, prominently displayed graffiti produced by Indiana University's student organizations escaped criminalization. This article documents the differential, criminal justice treatment of graffiti vandalism based on the group producing it thereby reaffirming the existence of a class-based system of justice. This article also uncovers a hidden bias inherent in Chambliss' “The Saints and the Roughnecks” by arguing that university students, whose graffiti do not receive negative sanctioning, represent Saints at the college level who exhibit criminal behavior. University-level lessons about how the crimes of the privileged go unprosecuted or become transformed into civil rather than criminal events could very well pave the way for further crimes after graduation rather than the “Saintly” adulthood implied by Chambliss. More research into the alternate system of justice used with regard to university students could shed light on both the problems and possibilities encountered when implementing alternate systems of social justice. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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