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率领A.S.A.K.U.R.A的朝仓博美于英国伦敦学成世界顶尖美容技术,其顺应时代,引领世界潮流的设计赢得高度好评,在欧洲,日本均享有相当的口碑。被邀请出席世界级权威发型展示会多达20余次。其设计的发型多次刊登于意大利的业界杂志封面;在米兰著名杂  相似文献   

An important regional organization founded 40 years ago, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is playing an increasingly key role in the region in both economic and geopolitical issues. Beijing Review's North America bureau recently asked Zachary Abuza, professor of political science and international relations at Simmons College in Boston, about ASEAN's relations with China and the United States.  相似文献   

日本电子政府在信息基础设施建设和国家信息化发展方面尚有建树。而其在推进超高速网络基础设施建设方面则野心勃勃。最初的电子政府目标见于1999年的“千禧工程”;2001年12月提出作为IT重点施政方针的“电子日本2002”战略计划。在推进超高速网络基础设施建设方面,日本引入自由竞争机制,拟建立世界最高水平的高  相似文献   

加拿大电子政府建设在全球网络服务和电子政务成熟度排名第一,是世界上电子政府最发达的国家。其电子政府建设充分体现以客户服务为中心的理念,所有网上服务均基于对用户的广泛市场调研设立,以确保最大限度地满足客户需求。  相似文献   

张述华 《现代人事》2003,(10):36-36
平日生活中,吃鱼时常常碰到鱼刺的麻烦。小刺造成的是大麻烦,大刺则是小麻烦。因为大鱼刺很容易发现,极易吐出;小鱼刺必须下很大功夫,还不一定能清除干净,弄不好扎得满嘴满喉的,咽不下,吐不出,当众丢丑。因此,虽然人们都知道小刺鱼的肉特别细腻而鲜美,但是许多人因为怕鱼刺,而不愿吃那种小刺鱼。  相似文献   

As the second round of the high-level China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) concluded in late May, relations between the two countries were symbolically steered toward a sensitive juncture. Trade frictions and deficit woes cannot be substantially resolved overnight and, in the ongoing wrangling that surrounds the bilateral relationship, bitter debates between, and beyond, China and the United States are a constant reminder of the need for cool heads and long-term approaches. Chinese academicians, Zhou Qing'an, researcher with the Center for International Communication Studies of Tsinghua University, and Professor Pang Zhongying at the International Studies School of Renmin University of China share their thoughts about this situation below (in sequence).  相似文献   

辞旧岁迎新春春节,是我国传统的民俗节日,人们习惯把春节称为“过年”。过年的习俗,源于原始社会的“腊祭”。“腊祭”是史前部落的“岁终大祭”。《礼记》载:“天子大腊八,伊耆氏(神农氏)始为腊。腊也者,索也,岁十二月,合聚万物而索响之也。”意思是说:当一年农事完毕后,为报答神恩,便在十二月举行隆重的祭祀活动。其实在古代,各朝代的正月都不相同。据史书记载:夏朝规定的正月,和我们现在的阴历正月相同;商朝却把阴历十二月定为正月,十二月初一就是大年初一;周朝又把十一月当做正月;秦始皇统一天下后,又把现在的十月定为正月。直到汉朝…  相似文献   

The U.S.Factor     
The United States should take part of the blame for runaway oil prices Crude oil futures breached the psychological benchmark of $100 a barrel at the beginning of 2008.Given the world's declin- ing oil reserves and growing oil demand in developing countries,oil prices will remain high for a long period to come.  相似文献   

马来西亚将信息技术确定为21世纪带动经济持续增长的新动力,已发布的“K-马来西亚”计划提出:“2005年实现马来西亚向信息社会的转变;2010年实现向知识经济社会的转变;2020年发展成为高度发达的知识经济社会”。1997年提出“多媒体超级走廊(MMSC)”计划,将“建立电子化政府”纳入国家重点发  相似文献   

Ф .И .布斯拉耶夫是俄国著名的语言学家、语文学家 ,是十九世纪逻辑语法学派在俄国最鲜明的代表。其主要著作有《俄语历史语法》(Историческаяграмматикарусскогоязыка)、《论祖国的语言教学》 (Опреподаванииотечественногоязыка)、《俄罗斯民间文学和艺术史纲》(Историческиеочерки русскойнароднойсловестностииискусства)等。1.Ф .И .布斯拉耶夫作为语言学家对俄国语言学的贡献是巨大的。具体表现在以…  相似文献   

Mr. President Warm congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.  相似文献   

Different cultural values see award-winning U.S. melodrama run aground in China It had audiences on the edge of their seats in 202 countries and regions around the world, but in China the show was a deleterious bridge too far. The award-winning American soap opera Desperate Housewives, came, was seen, but failed to conquer Chinese TV audiences, exposing the enormous cultural  相似文献   

Japan overtook China as the largest foreign holder of U.S.Treasury securities at the end of 2009 after China sold $34.2 billion in American securities last December.China had previously surpassed Japan as the largest holder in September 2008.Since then,China has increased and reduced its holding from time to time.The latest amount,however,accounted for 4 percent of all Chinese holdings and was the biggest single month reduction in years.  相似文献   

Opinions in Washington on the revaluation of China’s currenc yare becom-ing more contentious. The U.S . Senate Finance Committee and the Senate Banking Committee have approved bills aimed at pres suring Beijing torevalue the yuan despite the Bush administration ’s war ning against suchbills. However , 1,028 noted U.S . economists recently voiced their dissent in apetition. Beijing Review talked to James Anderson , Prof essor of Economicsat Boston College, and Ar nold Kling, an independent economist from Maryl and , both of whom signed the petition.  相似文献   

<正>31.厉以宁:中国当前主要任务是结构性改革中国今天进一步发展经济,已经不能是单纯引进来机器设备了,重要的问题是要有制度创新、技术创新、品牌创新。这都涉及到结构性改革的问题。1840年鸦片战争时,中国的GDP总量比英国大得多,但是GDP结构远远不如英国。从这个例子可以看出,经济结构比经济总量更加重要,如果没有结构性改革那么经济实力也将无法提高。中国要进一步发展经济,主要任务是结构性改革,而结构性改革一定要和改  相似文献   

Director of China's National Tourism Administration Shao Qiwei and U.S.Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez signed the Sino-U.S.memorandum of under- standing(MOU)on tourism in Beijing on December 11, marking a new area of cooperation between the two countries. According to the MOU,Chinese tourists will be able to travel to the United States in groups on tourist visas. Currently,the United States issues only business visas to Chinese citizens.The United States also has a rigid  相似文献   

During the Annual Conference 2007 of the Boao Forum for Asia held on April 21-22, Beijing Review reporter Liu Yunyun had a chance to sit down with Dr. John Rutledge, former financial advisor to U.S. presidents onald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, to discuss his views on China-U.S. economic and trade relations.  相似文献   

<正>As U.S.critics malign China’s human rights record and in light of the recent official visit to China by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet—who noted China’s incredible achievements and room for improvement—it’s important to bring a critical perspective to America’s claim that it champions human rights while China debases them.  相似文献   

乌仁其其格 《前沿》2004,(11):227-230
爱德华·帕尔默·汤普森 ( 192 4%D%D 1993)是英国著名的马克思主义史学家。他创立英国新社会史学派 ,丰富和发展马克思主义史学研究方法 ,拓展了马克思主义史学研究领域 ,成为文化的马克思主义史学的代表人物。由于他在许多方面作出了富有启示性的、富有个性的理论创造与发展 ,从而使他成为国际史学界近年来最广为人知又最有争议的人物  相似文献   

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