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Official Discourse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses two Official Reports on law and order. They confront legitimation deficits, seeking discursively to redeem them by denial of their material geneses. This denial establishes an absence in the discourse. This absence, the Other, is the silence of a world constituted by material relations whose reality cannot be appropriated by a mode of normative argument which speaks to and from its own self-image via an idealised conception of justice. The paper discusses first the Reports' discursive problems, secondly, the disparate jurisprudential knowledges realised by the texts, and lastly the discursive presentation of these knowledges.  相似文献   

从公众话语走向政策话语:一项政策问题建构的话语分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪60年代以来,后实证主义逐渐兴起并演化成为一种潮流。与实证主义所强调的科学主义和工具理性所不同,后实证主义将价值多元和建构主义引入自己的视域。在这种背景下,话语模式也从以前的"实在论"转向"建构论",它要求人们以一种积极的姿态去感受、认知、体验和创建世界。在"建构论"视角下,公共政策的建构与传统的科学理性主义主导下自上而下的创设有所不同,它本质上是一种自下而上的话语建构过程,因此成为一项理解政策问题建构的新路径。那么,现实世界中公众话语是如何建构成为政策话语的?我们寻访了四个方面的理论线索:存在一个话语能量场、公众话语的演进过程、形成话语联盟以及话语自身的价值追求,在此基础上初步勾勒出政策问题话语建构的分析框架。  相似文献   

Intellectual discourse on democracy has made important impacts on China’s transformation and the Chinese pursuit of democracy. There has been an intense divergence in understanding and interpretation of democracy among the Chinese scholars. In spite of different point of views among scholars in China, there is a growing consensus among them that political reform is the right answer to China’s today’s problems and democracy is a good thing for China. This paper analyzes the on-gong heated debates on democracy. It reviews the main structure, characteristics, and implications of the debates on democracy among three major schools of thought, namely: democracy with Chinese characteristics, liberalism, and New-Leftism.  相似文献   

This review essay critically maps the Anglophone reception of Lyotard's Discourse, Figure onto the text's own two-part organization. Earlier deconstructive readings tended to focus on the critique of structuralism presented in Discourse, Figure’s first half, under-emphasizing (and even criticizing) the post-Freudian philosophy of desire developed by Lyotard in the text's latter stages. This essay instead presents Lyotard's first major work not as two separable or opposed parts, but as a coherent trajectory responding to a specific philosophical problem, namely, the Hegelian account of sense-perception and signification as outlined in Hyppolite's Logic and Existence. In so doing, this review essay seeks to isolate key references and clarify the stakes for future readings of Lyotard's text.  相似文献   

"生命共同体"话语表征自然界各要素、人与自然、人与人的共生共荣,其旨趣是实现人与自然共同利益的兼容与人类社会的长远发展。依据话语理论,可以从话语主体、话语对象、话语内容、陈述方式四个维度建构"生命共同体"话语。这一话语实现了价值主体的多元化与全球化,以辩证的话语内容超越了人与自然二元对立的思维窠臼,借助隐喻实现话语的通俗化、生动化表达,体现了其在话语对象、话语形式、话语内容等方面的创新。  相似文献   

论"话语的秩序"--福柯话语理论的一次重要转折   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《话语的秩序》是福柯话语理论中具有重要过渡意义的一个文本。其中,福柯不仅深入分析了话语的内部结构及其特征,而且分析了话语外部的控制因素,将话语与权力、社会机制联系在一起,从而开拓了话语的外部空间。这既是福柯对自己研究的一次总结,也昭示了福柯话语研究中新方法论的出现。  相似文献   

Habermas: Discourse and Cultural Diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Habermas's vision of discourse ethics can be reconciled with many of the concerns of proponents of diversity whose demands for recognition are rooted in liberal values. However, his account underestimates the challenge that diversity poses to collective identity and the fundamental nature of value conflict. If discursive approaches to justice are to accommodate such claims, they must abandon the Habermasian search for consensus in favour of a vision of liberalism which acknowledges the plurality and incommensurability of fundamental values and which consequently accepts the pervasiveness of value conflict. Whereas Habermas fears that such a perspective will reduce political disputes to purely strategic struggles for power, such worries can be addressed through innovative forms of joint governance.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):247-269

The central claim of this essay is that Habermas' pro gram of discourse ethics fails to establish the necessary immanent connection between the universality of discourse ethics and the quasi-transcendentalism, which is supposed to provide its ground. Habermas' attempt to avoid the spectre of subjectivism leads him to develop an understanding of universalism that hinges on a critical error, the confusion of subjectivity with ethical sub stance. Using Castoriadis' theory of the imagination to illuminate this failure, I demonstrate the way in which Habermas' moral theory of discourse inadvertently harbours a moral-imaginary horizon, a pre-political kernel which undercuts its capacity to serve as a universalist ethic.  相似文献   

马克思哲学以"本体论承诺"的形式标示了关于人的解放的理论宗旨。通过理论批判与实践批判,马克思哲学的解放话语及其实践路径真实地呈现了出来。而中国特色社会理论体系正是对马克思哲学解放话语的继承与创新。  相似文献   

中国公共管理学话语体系作为国家人文社会科学话语体系的重要构成,是反映公共管理的中国实践、总结公共管理的中国经验、传递公共管理的中国声音、体现公共管理的中国智慧、彰显公共管理中国特色的重要载体。中国公共管理学的话语体系具有存在的合理性,但却长期处于失语的状态,需要在确立建构中国公共管理学话语体系关键节点的基础上,探究其建构的具体路径,即坚持马克思主义的指导地位,深入中国公共管理的改革与实践,汲取中国传统公共管理文化的精华,寻求与西方公共管理话语体系的平等对话与交汇融通。  相似文献   

福柯在<词与物>中通过对西方思想史的考古学分析,得出"人之死"的结论."人之死"可以被解读为主体的消亡,这一论断建立在福柯的话语理论基础之上,即主体是话语建构的结果.福柯的话语/主体理论在当代西方文化界引起了较大的反响,影响了女性主义批评、后殖民批评等批评实践,但同时也应该看到这一理论存在着明显的缺陷,在当下中国多元、开放的语境中我们需要批判性地评价这一论断.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):141-158

In what sense could discourse ethics be linked with normative problems raised by the ecological crisis? Even if Apel and Habermas have not really addressed this question extensively, and even if their position in moral philosophy seems to develop and reinforce a neo-Kantian anthropocentric point of view, one can find in their works some evidence for the possibility of connecting a dialogical view with an ecological one. In order to defend the philosophical interest in highlighting this possibility, this essay analyses Habermas' position concerning the moral and ontological status of animality in particular, and attempts to situate this position within the history of Critical Theory.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):281-305

The following paper considers the extent to which discourse ethics can adequately respond to Habermas' own call for normative justification for the expectation of tolerance. It concludes that discourse ethics is able to lend its services to the flagging fortunes of the idea of toleration, not by seeking to underscore this idea with rationally compelling argumentation, but by offering insights into the possibilities opened up to a life which accepts this principle.  相似文献   

本文认为:在当下中国学术界理论界由种种与马克思不同甚至是根本对立的关于“资本”的观点和看法,汇集形成了一种颇具声势的“话语”;这种“资本话语”使得社会主义和谐社会建设的基本认识基础、深层价值纽带和根本指导思想都处于一种“不在状态”,因而不利于社会主义和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

Although the federal government has long been required to provide a reliable linkage between its accounting and budget data, it has only recently developed tools that can provide a consistent, government‐wide solution. This article analyzes these tools by a discussion of the criteria necessary for linkage and by providing examples of certain key budget linkages. In addition, the history of the development of these linkage tools is discussed. This article was developed from ideas presented by the authors while participating on a Linking Accounting and Budget panel at the Fall 2001 American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) Symposium.  相似文献   

公共话语就是公众在公共领域里就公共事务自由公开的对话、讨论或意见表达,它与公共领域、公民文化密切相关.当代中国已经基本具备市民社会和公共领域的要件,这就为公共话语的形成提供了广阔的公共空间,也为社会各阶层的离散型公共话语培育了良好的生态语境.与西方发展不同,我国社会中的公共话语应该更多的是可协调的离散型公共话语,归宿是共识型公共话语.  相似文献   

(一)一个人,被别人用武力逐出了故乡,离开了心爱的家园,流浪在异国他乡;多少年了,想回家乡,已不可能;却也没有找到新的故乡,没有建立属于自己的家园.每逢佳节,枉然失落地看着别人享受着家的温馨,咀嚼着佳肴,大快朵颐,自己却只能流浪,悲何如之,伤何如之,痛何如之!  相似文献   

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