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MA Yuejuan is very delighted by the opening of the Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Railway. Ma is the general manager of Hongda High Technology Holding Co., Ltd. in Haining, which is engaged in producing shell fabric for automobile interiors, sports  相似文献   

Pakistan builds confidence in antiterrorism at sea by hosting the Aman 09 multinational naval exercise when the flags of 11 countries and the Pakistani Navy began to lower at the Pakistani Navy dockyard in Karachi on March  相似文献   

"By the floating mist of the lake,several pink feathered crested ibises are flying slowly across the crimson rays of the setting sun,causing rhythmic ripples with their red feet,quietly and elegantly……"The premiere of a fascinating and poetic dance drama was staged at the Opera House of the National Center for the Performing Arts(NCPA)on December 9,2014.Crested Ibises,jointly  相似文献   

流动人口高危行为的理论分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
骆华松  莫国芳  吴瑛 《思想战线》2002,28(2):114-116
与城市常驻居民相比 ,流动人口的高危行为更为明显。高危行为所导致的一系列社会问题是社会各方面关注的焦点。运用社会控制理论、社会隔离理论和社会地理网络理论深入分析流动人口从事高危行为的原因和理论机制 ,提出对流动人口高危行为及其后果分析的理论框架 ,可以为现代社会中流动人口的社会行为控制和有效管理提供理论参考依据  相似文献   

明代兴起的"家乐"与前代在勾栏瓦舍中戏班的演出有所不同,一方面这种形式为传统戏剧的改良提供了硬件的支持,另一方面它也有自身不可克服的弱点.基于自身优势,家乐在明中叶后盛极一时,但同时又因为先天缺陷,在清中叶就几近销声匿迹.  相似文献   

THE ancient city of Weihai lies on the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula. It has an excellent geographical location as it is at the center of the economic circles of the Bohai-Rim and Northeast Asia. It  相似文献   

WHERE the amateurs go head to head with the professionals Anna Grace seems to be proving less is indeed more,at least in China.Grace,the theatrical equivalent of a Swiss Army knife didn’t intend to get to New York! New York! from Beijing!  相似文献   

<正>Minzu Hotel will soon bring the romance and coolness of the Greek Aegean Sea to Beijing.Held in collaboration between the Minzu Hotel,the Embassy of Greece and Beijing Bloom International Travel Service,the Greek Food Festival with the theme Love  相似文献   

LIVE Chinese drama isnothing if not dynamic,yet in recent decades itsaudiences have dwindled.No matter how well pro-duced and performed a play or operamight be,it is unlikely to attract suf-ficient theatergoers to make it run formore than a few performances.Fromthe Yuan Dynasty(1206-1368)rightthrough to the1960s,stage drama wasthe dominant form of entertainmentin China.Daily performances weresuspended only at times of nationalmourning upon the death of an emper-or,and then for only three da…  相似文献   

意象是莎士比亚在其戏剧中运用的重要且典型的艺术手法之一,这种手法在其悲剧<奥瑟罗>中的运用尤其丰富,本文对此手法进行了分析和评论,指出"毒药"、"光亮"、"黑夜"以及音乐方面的意象等在该剧中均具有丰富内涵,应把握住它们,更深刻地理解该剧的主题和思想.  相似文献   

FUDING is a small city innorthern Fujian Province,along China's southeasterncoast. It is 299 kilometersnorth of Fuzhou, the provincialcapital, and to its east, separatedfrom it by the sea, is Taiwan'sChilung. This city, with its uniquescenery and colorful folklore, is amagnet for tourists.Beautiful LandscapeThe Tailao Mountain ScenicArea, 58 kilometers south ofFuding city proper, is surroundedon three sides by the sea and withmountains on the other. Strangelyshaped rocks and caves, and…  相似文献   

正From Monday to Thursday in the Orchid Terrace Caféin Hotel New Otani Chang Fu Gong Beijing,we welcome you to enjoy our seafood buf et dinner,which includes red frog crabs,snow crabs,whelks,Argentine red shrimps,salmon sashimi,white tuna sashimi and  相似文献   

"打、防、控"是公安机关的主业,"打防控一体化"代表着社会治安防控工作发展的新趋势,这是应对当前日趋复杂严峻的治安形势、确保治安状况良好的最有效措施.海宁市公安局在建设"打防控一体化"机制中,把构筑完善"面上打、点上控、线上巡、块上守"的打防控网络作为全市公安基础工作的战略主攻方向.一是以完善机制为基础,全面提升打击效能;二是以整合资源为手段,提升动态控制效能;三是以治安巡逻为龙头,提升主动防控效能;四是以社区警务为依托,提升整体防范效能.  相似文献   

庄周故事因其所具有的传奇性、哲理性以及其对人性的深刻揭示而备受历代剧作家的青睐,从金元时期开始,庄周故事剧的演变大致经历了三个阶段:金元时期了无定型的草创阶段;明清时期枝蔓横生的发展阶段;20世纪简练集中的成熟阶段。在不同时代,庄周故事剧传达出了不同的思想内涵,亦体现了创作者不同的审美追求。  相似文献   

首都文化产业发展迅速,但也存在不少问题。其中既有思想观念的问题,又有体制机制的问题,也有政策措施的问题,特别是文化事业与文化产业交织,文化、教育、科技三者分离的矛盾突出,制约了首都文化资源优势的充分发挥,影响了文化产业的快速发展。对此,政协委员和各界关心文化产业发展的人士提出建议。  相似文献   

冷江浩 《公安学刊》2005,(5):81-83,86
建立健全社会预警体系,加强应急管理工作,是当前各级政府面临的一项重要工作.在建立健全社会预警体系过程中,一要建立覆盖全社会的、技术先进高度共享的应急信息系统,提高对突发性公共事件的监测预警能力.二要完善规范化、制度化、法制化的预案修订和演练系统,提高工作机制服务实战的能力.三要建立统一指挥、协调有序、运转高效的应急联动指挥系统,提高政府驾驭公共安全的能力.四要完善统一调配、平战结合的应急资源保障系统,提高处置突发性公共事件的保障能力.五要建立及时公开、正面引导、人人参与的全民宣传教育网络,提高全社会主动应对突发性公共事件的能力.  相似文献   

正Uncovering the mysteries of the sea People have always marveled at the majestic heights and grand stature of mountains. But others, like 76-year- old marine geologist Wang Pinxian,  相似文献   

对元代杂剧人物命名爬梳整理,挖掘其中蕴藏的文化内涵,探讨杂剧人名折射出的元代社会制度、思想文化、时代心理和民族特点。  相似文献   

电视戏曲节目的栏目化生存是多重因素作用的结果,其在因应中国电视生态的时代演进与观众审美趣味的岁月变迁中,在传播观念上多有发展,历经专题化、杂志化、综艺化、娱乐化、竞技化、品牌化的衍变,给当代戏曲电视传播实践带来启示.  相似文献   

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