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A case of attempted suicide by injection of elemental mercury is described. Radiographs demonstrated the presence of widespread opacities of metallic mercury in both the lungs and the abdomen. During a 5-year follow-up, even though the patient had high concentrations of mercury in the urine and blood, only mild clinical symptoms and moderate carbon monoxide diffusing capacity reduction appeared. No biochemical evidence of damage to any organ was found.  相似文献   

The aim of this report is to document a case of non-traumatic fat embolism (NTFE) and to address the need for considerition of fat embolism in suspicious deaths resulting from respiratory distress in the postpartum period. A 28-years-old woman autopsied at the Morgue Department of the Council of Forensic Medicine is included to the study. This female became unconscious and developed respiratory distress 4 h after delivery, and this was followed by respiratory arrest. External examination revealed resuscitation marks and normal postmortem changes. Light microscopy revealed massive fat embolization involving most of the alveolar capillaries on several sections. Only in one particular area was a bone marrow embolus. Pathological diagnosis of the lung was diffuse pulmonary fat embolism. There was no evidence of other organ involvement with emboli. Other visceral organs showed no striking findings other than mild congestion. The cause of death was considered to be respiratory insufficiency resulting from severe fat embolism of the lungs.  相似文献   

We report a case of homicide due to intravenous mercury injection followed by meperidine and sodium cyanide injection. A 35-year-old woman was found dead in bed at home by her husband. Reportedly, she had been sick for more than 5 months. Initial death investigation revealed no evidence of foul play. Her death was believed to be natural. Therefore, her body was buried without an autopsy. Two months after death, her family requested an autopsy because they suspected her physician husband killed her. Her body was exhumed, and an autopsy was performed. Postmortem examination revealed numerous metallic mercury globules in the pulmonary arteries. Toxicological analysis revealed a high concentration of mercury in the tissue samples of the lungs, liver, heart, and kidney. In addition, cyanide and meperidine were also found in the heart and liver. The detailed case history and postmortem examination findings are described.  相似文献   

Gong YC  Qin ZQ 《法医学杂志》1999,15(1):5-6, 8, 62
Pathological changes of pancreas in 22 cases died of intoxication were studied and the mechanism was discussed. The results showed that: in death cases by eating of toxicants, the hemorrhage and necrosis of pancreas is extensive mainly in caput and corpus, while inhaling of carbon monoxide is focal in corpus and cauda.  相似文献   

An ingestion of an unknown quantity of Harmomed (dothiepin and diazepam) capsules in a suicide is described. The authors report a new and fast method of analysing and determining the dothiepin concentration in postmortem specimens. Quantitation of dothiepin, and its metabolite desmethyldothiepin was performed by ethyl acetate extraction from alkalinized body fluids before GC-MS analysis. The analyses were performed without any complex sample clean-up steps and with little sample material. Postmortem concentrations of dothiepin, desmethyldothiepin, diazepam and desmethyldiazepam in body fluids are given. The proposed method is a rapid procedure for analysis in cases of deliberate poisoning with the antidepressant drug dothiepin.  相似文献   

Laryngocele is a rare benign lesion of the larynx resulting from an abnormal dilation of the laryngeal saccule, however, severe airway obstruction and even asphyxia may occur. We report the case of a 55-year-old woman who presented with a feeling of discomfort and mild asphyxia. There was a smooth, firm swelling, 2 cm in diameter, upon palpation on the right side of the neck. Laryngoscopy revealed a bulging near the ventricular and right aryepiglottic folds. CT scan, MRI investigation and in-hospital observation were suggested, the patient, however, refused acute treatment and hospitalization and died suddenly, a few minutes after leaving. Autopsy revealed combined laryngocele with internal and external components. As the presented case shows, the internal part of the laryngocele may cause rapid and complete obstruction. The examining physician should therefore call the patient's attention to this potential life threatening condition.  相似文献   

The occurrence of complete decapitation as a consequence of car accident is an extremely rare event. This fatality is generally seen in pedestrians run over by trains and also in motorcyclists who impact against the tailboard of trucks. Moreover, complete transection of pedestrians and occupants of cars has been described in road accidents especially in case of vehicles traveling at a high speed. We present a case of decapitation with complete degloving injury of the neck in a patient involved in a traffic accident, and we briefly discuss the possible mechanisms producing this injury.  相似文献   

We report a case of intoxication resulting from the ingestion of a liquid, sold in the illicit market as "liquid ecstasy," which was found to contain 1,4-butanediol, a metabolic precursor of gamma-hydroxybutiric acid (GHB). Identification of the substance in the liquid was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).The toxicological analysis of blood, urine and gastric content of the victim was performed by immunoassay and gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection as screening techniques and by means of GC-MS for confirmation and quantitation of 1,4-butanediol and GHB. The following drug concentrations were found: 82 microg/ml (blood), 401 microg/ml (urine) and 7.4 microg/ml (gastric content) for 1,4-butanediol and 103 microg/ml (blood), 430.0 microg/ml (urine) for GHB. In addition to these, other drugs detected and their blood concentration found in this case were methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) 0.23 microg/ml and its metabolite methylenedioxyphenylamphetamine (MDA) 0.10 microg/ml. In the urine, a concentration of 0.10 microg/ml of benzoylecgonine was also found.  相似文献   

Death due to hydrofluoric acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case of death caused by an acid attack is presented. The victim, a young woman, was attacked by a person who threw acid onto her face. She reached the casualty department of a hospital where she died, a few hours later, from acute respiratory insufficiency due to the inhalation of acid vapors. The autopsy revealed severe chemical burns of her skin and lungs, with intense pulmonary hemorrhagic edema caused by the acid and its vapor. The subsequent chemical-toxicological analysis and the police investigation confirmed that death was due to hydrofluoric acid.  相似文献   

《Harvard law review》2007,120(5):1301-1323
An explosion of Eighth Amendment challenges to lethal injection protocols has struck the federal courts. The Supreme Court's recent decision in Hill v. McDonough,1 which empowered prisoners to bring challenges to lethal injection procedures under 42 U.S.C. para. 1983, has facilitated a flood of new lethal injection cases. In response, several courts have ordered states to alter their protocols, spurring other capital inmates to litigate such challenges. Distressingly, the courts evaluating these claims have almost no law to guide them. The last Supreme Court decision applying the Eighth Amendment to a method of execution was written in 1947; that case, Louisiana ex rel. Francis v. Resweber,2 occurred before the Eighth Amendment was applied to the states and resulted in a 4-1-4 split. Although lower courts have heard numerous challenges to execution methods, few have analyzed the constitutional validity of a method of execution in detail. Making matters worse, courts that find Eighth Amendment violations must craft equitable remedies that often amount to entirely new execution protocols. No clear precedent exists to guide courts in formulating such remedies. This Note proposes a legal standard for the administration of Eighth Amendment method-of-execution claims, focusing on lethal injection cases. Part I describes lethal injection procedures and summarizes recent litigation. Part II discusses the difficulty of evaluating lethal injection claims, analyzing both general difficulties in interpreting the Eighth Amendment and specific difficulties associated with lethal injection cases. Part III proposes a standard for addressing method-of-execution claims that attempts to balance a prisoner's interest in a painless execution with a state's interest in conducting executions efficiently. Part IV discusses remedies for unconstitutional procedures. Part V concludes.  相似文献   

Death due to heroin overdose and/or rapid injection of heroin is a frequent occurrence among opioid addicts. We present an unusual case of heroin fatality due to the injection of the drug in the penis. Blood, urine, bile, and vitreous humor concentrations of morphine were 0.68, 0.49, 0.32 and 0.062 microg/ml, respectively. Ethanol was detected at concentrations of 104, 124, 106, and 94 mg/dl in the blood, urine, bile, and vitreous humor, respectively. The cause of death was determined to be due to heroin and ethanol intoxication.  相似文献   

Sudden unexpected deaths form a large population of medical examiner caseloads. Presented are the clinical, pathologic, and virulence features of sudden death due to Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Emphasis is placed on the importance of post-mortem cultures. Case histories are included to illustrate the sometimes unusual presentation of this disease. Recent publicity has led to a heightened public awareness of this unusually virulent entity.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old boy with infectious mononucleosis died unexpectedly in hospital. The most significant finding at autopsy was the presence of marked bilateral tonsillar enlargement with considerable narrowing of the upper airway. There were no other underlying organic diseases that could have caused or contributed to death. Narcotic analgesia had been administered less than 2 h before death and may have contributed to respiratory compromise. The blood morphine level was 0.08 mg/L. Toxicological evaluation of individuals with obstructive lesions of the upper airway may, therefore, be a useful adjunct to the autopsy assessment of such cases as it may reveal factors exacerbating mechanical blockage.  相似文献   

Sudden death due to malignant hyperthermia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case of sudden death in a young athlete, most likely the result of malignant hyperthermia, is reported. This diagnosis was entertained at autopsy and later confirmed by muscle biopsy on the father of the deceased, who was proven to be susceptible to malignant hyperthermia. The condition should be strongly suspected at autopsy in unexplained sudden deaths of young adults occurring during exercise or under stress.  相似文献   

Two obese women not known to be diabetic died suddenly of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). To our knowledge, sudden unexpected death due to DKA has not been reported as the only manifestation of diabetes mellitus. The investigation of sudden death in patients with risk factors for diabetes, especially in the absence of significant disease of the internal organs, should include determination of vitreous glucose and ketones.  相似文献   

Hiatus hernia is a common condition and while medical treatment is often sufficient, in some cases surgery may be necessary. Although there are a number of surgical treatments available, none has been totally successful. We report a case in which use of the Angelchik prosthesis proved fatal.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 237 fatal ground-level falls occurring in decedents aged 65 years or older reported to the Seattle-King County Medical Examiner's Office during the year 2007. Head injuries accounted for 109 (46%) of the deaths, and nonhead injuries accounted for 128 (54%) of the deaths. Falls occurred in similar locations in both groups. Compared with those of nonhead injuries, decedents of head injuries were younger (82 vs 87.5 years), were more often male (58% vs 45%), died sooner after their injury (9 days vs 23 days), and were more likely treated with anticoagulants, especially warfarin (48% vs 16%). Subdural hematoma was the most common specific traumatic lesion, occurring in 86% of the decedents of head injury; skull fractures occurred in 13%. Decedents of head injury who were treated with anticoagulants, on average, sustained less severe head injury than those who were not treated with anticoagulants.  相似文献   

心脏脂肪瘤是一种十分罕见的良性原发性心脏肿瘤.心脏脂肪瘤引起的猝死国内尚未见有报道.我们在法医检案中偶然遇见一例,现报告如下.  相似文献   

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