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WTO对区域贸易协定的规制及其完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钟立国 《法学家》2003,(4):151-160
作为一项重要的贸易政策工具,区域贸易协定在上世纪80年代后得到了迅猛发展,给世界经济带来了深远的影响,从而引起了各界对区域贸易协定与多边贸易机制两者间关系的广泛关注.为了保证其在多边框架下的健康发展,GATT/WTO制定了相关的法律规则,以规范、引导此类协定的签订.但由于受技术因素与政治因素的影响,WTO的相关规则未能发挥其应有的作用.为了能发挥更有效的规制作用,世贸组织应制定一项专门规范区域贸易协定的多边协议.  相似文献   

With the Digital Financial package (MiCA, DLT Pilot, and DORA, later on complemented by the DAC8 proposal) the European Union seeks to establish an appropriate legal framework for crypto-assets showing a financial nature. The package represents a first attempt to regulate a complex and emerging phenomenon, characterised by significant trade-offs. Unsurprisingly, in this early stage of the law-making process several relevant aspects of the crypto environment remain unaddressed, such as pure DeFI models, DAOs, and NFTs. Such regulatory gap is to a large extent attributable to the difficulty of addressing technologically complex issues through command-and-control top-down legislation. The improvements delivered by the Better Regulation Agenda are not enough to solve this conundrum. In this context, the Communication by the Bank of Italy on Decentralised Technology in Finance and Crypto-assets and its first move, the smart-contract MoU, provide an interesting case study to discuss the potential of ‘participatory regulation.’ This experimental form of regulation tries to get the most out of co-regulation, self-regulation, and command-and-control, combining their characters with the view of reconciling the technology neutrality principle with technology-based regulation. Participatory regulation aims to bridge the public and private sector in order to strike a right balance between flexibility and legal certainty, without stifling innovation.  相似文献   

WTO保障措施的法律实践——兼评美国201条款的违法性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2002年3月5日,美国总统布什决定根据美国201保障条款,对进口钢铁实行最终救济方案.根据该方案,美国将对板坯、板材、长板等进口的主要钢铁品种实施为期3年的关税配额或高达8%-30%不等的关税,这一措施涉及日本、欧盟、韩国、中国、俄罗斯、乌克兰、巴西等钢铁产品对美出口的国家和地区.这一决定做出后,立即引起了世界各国的强烈反对,目前已经有中国、欧盟、日本、韩国、瑞士、挪威六方就美国"201保障措施"在日内瓦提出与美磋商,这一争端很可能成为涉及成员国最多、涉及金额最大的贸易争端.而且美国的这一逆行很可能会引起新一轮的贸易保护主义.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article contrasts species of regulatory and tax arbitrage with the ECJ's approach to abuse of rights. Its aim is to explain the concepts, describe their relationship and identify the legal and policy issues which they raise within the EC legal system. Arbitrage and abuse figure prominently in the ECJ's case-law, especially on the freedom of movement. In its more recent case-law, the ECJ has adopted a more developed approach to abuse of rights by laying down a two-prong test. This article seeks to draw legal and policy conclusions by examining inter alia the virtues and vices of the EC doctrine of abuse of rights.  相似文献   

网上证券交易是伴随计算机网络技术被引入证券市场而发展起来的新兴证券交易方式,随着其在世界各国证券市场的广泛应用,对网上证券交易的监管也成为各国监管机构越来越需要重视的问题之一。美国是最早发展网上证券交易的国家,其对网上证券交易的监管机制相对比较完善和有效,其推出的一些监管措施经过一些国际组织的推荐为世界其他国家所效仿,取得了比较好的效果。本文在探究美国的网上证券交易监管机制的基础上,结合中国的实际,就中国的网上证券交易监管的发展提出了建议,以期对建立健全中国的网上证券交易监管机制有所帮助。  相似文献   

本文分析了投资基金具有集资性、投资性、组织形式不确定性以及管理人与投资人分离等法律特徵,私募投资基金还兼具募集定向的特点。为规范私募投资基金的发展,应在投资基金的募集方式、组织形式、行为模式、内部治理以及外部监督和救济等方面增加或完善制度供给。  相似文献   

香港“艳照门”事件揭示了公民的隐私权与公众的知情权之间的冲突。如何协调二者之间的冲突,是摆在我们面前急需解决的问题。本文试从隐私权和知情权的产生和发展入手,论述隐私权和知情权的概念、内容等基本理论,分析两者之间的权利冲突,最后提出解决权利冲突的协调方案。  相似文献   

Cryptocurrency has become the new hot investment for young investors. Everyone wants to get in on the next cryptocurrency bubble, and there are those that want to exploit this excitement and exploit children. Influencers who have young audiences are pushing cryptocurrency investments onto their audiences and not fully educating them on the risks. To avoid this exploitation, The Securities and Exchange Commission should actively regulate decentralized exchanges where children purchase cryptocurrency, put age limit regulations into place, and require know your customer systems to verify that minors are not purchasing cryptocurrency without the consent of a guardian.  相似文献   

One of two articles related to the current organ shortage, this article advocates the need for legislation to recognize organs and tissues separated from the body as a distinct category of personal property. After addressing the legislative history of organ procurement and psychological barriers to donor consent, the article examines the importance of separating the lifetime rights of ownership in our own bodies from postmortem rights. Ultimately, the author proposes a futures market approach to this problem in which individuals before death, or surviving family members after death, are permitted sell the decedent's organs in a private contract.  相似文献   

专家组的产生和发展是GATT/WTO自身发展和演化的必然产物。GATT/WTO专家组的报告对于具体案件具有法律上的效力。该报告事实上构成相同或类似案件报告的一部分,但其不构成GATT/ WTO自身规则的一部分;这种将报告的法律效力有机地转化为法理上的普遍认同或容认而有效地作用于相同或类似案件的方法,较恰当地处理了GATT/WTO规则所涉及的主权约束与司法克制、特殊性与普适性、规则与法理、法律刚性与司法能动之间的平衡,构成其灵活性与多样性的一部分。  相似文献   

本文对农地的权属进行了界定,提出农地权属认定是决定农民土地权益的深层原因的观点,并进一步阐释了农民土地权利出现残缺的具体表现;以法学的视角深入分析了农地转为城市用地过程中产生的巨额利益及其分配格局;探讨了农地征用制度的改革路径,对完善农地征用法律制度、切实保护失地农民权益具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

Trade negotiations conducted in the World Trade Organization(WTO) offer the significant benefit that their results can bemade legally binding and enforceable through an effective disputesettlement system. If negotiators wish to avail of this benefit,they must follow the correct procedures to give legal effectto their work. This article critically evaluates the main methodsof converting the results of WTO trade negotiations, with aparticular focus on the ongoing Doha Round, into WTO law. Itdemonstrates that amendments to the WTO agreements are procedurallycumbersome and have significant limitations. The article thereforeanalyses several alternative methods including modificationsto schedules, decisions of the Ministerial Conference (suchas waivers, authoritative interpretations, and Other Decisions),and the incorporation of new agreements into WTO law (whethermultilateral, plurilateral, or reference rules accepted throughschedules). The choice between these various methods is complicatedas each has advantages and disadvantages. By comparing and evaluatingthe available options, this article aims to assist negotiatorsand lawyers in making that difficult choice.  相似文献   

GATS作为WTO的基本协议包含了三个主要原则,即国民待遇原则(GATS第17条),市场准入原则(GATS第16条),以及最惠国待遇原则(GATS第2条).所有WTO的成员国都应当遵守这三个原则,其制定的法律法规也不得与三大原则相抵触,否则就是违反了WTO的义务.欧盟作为WTO的成员之一在2003年启动的国际减排贸易计划中,决定对不属于京都议定书成员国的法人和自然人不给予政府补贴.  相似文献   

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