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法医牙科学是法医学与口腔医学的交叉学科,通过科学地收集、检测、评价牙科证据而为司法实践提供有法律效力的证明资料。本文从年龄推断,性别推断,种族、职业及生活习惯推断,个体识别,家庭暴力或虐待行为判定等方面对法医牙科学的应用现状进行综述,并对其未来应用进行展望,希望对法医牙科学体系进行不断的补充和完善,使其在法医学甚至司法实践中更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

目的通过计算骨骼计算机断层扫描(Computed Tomography,CT)三维重建图像判定性别和推断年龄的准确率,评价利用骨骼CT三维重建图像判定性别和推断年龄的可行性。方法将法医人类学教材中性别判定和年龄推断的方法应用于539例骨骼CT三维重建图像样本,判定245例骨盆的性别,推断100例男性耻骨联合、100例男性胸骨和94例男性锁骨的年龄,计算准确率。结果骨盆性别判定准确率为98.4%,耻骨下角和坐骨大切迹是区分性别最好的两项指标。男性耻骨联合、胸骨、锁骨的年龄推断准确率在45%以上,其中锁骨双侧方程准确率最高为77%。结论利用骨骼CT三维重建图像判定性别和推断年龄具有可行性。使用大体标本建立的骨盆形态学性别判定方法可直接应用于骨骼CT三维重建图像。使用大体标本建立的男性耻骨联合、胸骨、锁骨形态学年龄推断指标、分级和评分标准以及方程需要修改和补充。  相似文献   

青少年活体年龄推断的方法比较   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
目的探讨准确推断青少年活体年龄的方法。方法对233名青少年活体年龄鉴定案所涉及的案件性质、作案距鉴定的间隔时间、自报年龄与鉴定年龄差距等进行归类、分析,并就其中130名骨骺尚未完全愈合的男性青少年的年龄,用多元回归方程法、CHN计分法和本文作者设计的综合法分别进行推断,统计前两个方法与综合法的符合率。结果 归类分析显示:本组资料,刑事案件当事人的涉案性质,抢劫、抢夺的占72.10%;作案距鉴定的间隔时间小于6个月的占75.10%;自报年龄小于鉴定年龄的占60.73%。用多元回归方程法、CHN计分法鉴定年龄与综合法鉴定年龄的符合率分别为90.77%与83.08%。结论活体年龄鉴定应在作案后尽早进行;用多元回归方程法鉴定18岁左右的年龄较CHN计分法准确,采用综合法鉴定年龄可能更好。  相似文献   

Determination of age at death by skeletal features is difficult, but important, both in forensic and physical anthropology. Pubic symphysis is a widely accepted morphological indicator, which provides the best result for personal age identification. Age prediction in this study used nine indicators of morphological changes, viz: ridges and furrows on the symphysial surface, ridge of pubic tubercle, lower extremity, ventral beveling, ossific nodules, dorsal margin, ventral rampart, general macroscopic changes of symphysial surface, and bone density of the symphysial surface. Samples were drawn from 262 male individuals. The study procedures are as follows: Firstly, we examined the morphological features of pubic symphysis using criteria similar to Hanihara's and Suchey-Brooks (SB). Secondly, we evaluated each stage with an appropriate score. Thirdly, we deduced four equations of male age assessment of morphological features by statistic analysis. The results were compared with Hanihara's and Suchey-Brooks method; the similarities and differences among them were discussed objectively. The method produced consistent results as well as developing the criteria of Hanihara's and Suchey-Brooks'.  相似文献   

Although the Suchey–Brooks (SB) system is currently the most widely used method for age-at-death estimation from the pubic bone, the system continues to evolve through stepwise improvements. Since the system was developed from a pubic bone sample derived mainly from North Americans, it is unclear how well it performs on populations from other continents. During the last decade, studies of the SB system on pubic bone samples from local populations in Europe and Asia have indicated regional differences in the relationship between age and pubic bone development. However, these studies have for the most part followed different research protocols, which make comparisons between their results less meaningful. It would be most useful if future regional analysis of the SB system were done in a rigorous and uniform fashion, following standard procedures. In this paper, sampling and statistical considerations are outlined that hopefully will help to standardize research on the SB system.  相似文献   

Extreme fragmentation can complicate the inventory of human skeletal remains. In such cases, skeletal mass can provide information regarding skeleton completeness and the minimum number of individuals. For that purpose, several references for skeletal mass can be used to establish comparisons and draw inferences regarding those parameters. However, little is known about the feasibility of establishing comparisons between inherently different materials, as is the case of curated reference skeletal collections and human remains recovered from forensic and archaeological settings. The objective of this paper was to investigate the effect of inhumation, weather and heat exposure on the skeletal mass of two different bone types. This was investigated on a sample of 30 human bone fragments (14 trabecular bones and 16 compact bones) that was experimentally buried for two years after being submitted to one of four different heat treatments (left unburned; 500?°C; 900?°C; 1000?°C). Bones were exhumed periodically to assess time-related mass variation. Skeletal mass varied substantially, decreasing and increasing in accordance to the interchanging dry and wet seasons. However, trends were not the same for the two bone types and the four temperature thresholds. The reason for this appears to be related to water absorption and to the differential heat-induced changes in bone microporosity, volume, and composition. Our results suggest that mass comparisons against published references should be performed only after the skeletal remains have been preemptively dried from exogenous water.  相似文献   

Objective: To establish a method for the age estimation of adult living donor based on pubic MSCT three-dimensional reconstruction and verify its accuracy and reliability. Methods: The volume rendering (VR)image data of pubic symphysis surface were collected from 300 volunteers aged over 17 years old. According to different age groups, the age estimation of these volunteers was performed by the method and formula of pubic symphysis surface. Results: In the 300 volunteers, the difference between biological age and actual age was <1 year in 117 cases, >1-2 years in 178 cases, >2 years in 5 cases. Conclusion: MSCT three-dimensional reconstruction technology of pubic symphysis surface can be used to estimate the age of adult living donor, which can provide a high accurate and reliable result. © 2018 by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.  相似文献   

目的 通过三维重建测量上、下颌尖牙髓腔/牙体表面积比值(Pulp/Tooth area Ratio,PTR)来推断个体年龄,为临床年龄推断的应用提供科学依据.方法 收集口腔门诊患者年龄在16~65岁200例锥形束CT(Cone beam computed tomography,CBCT)影像资料,以4个尖牙为测量对象并...  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):555-563
Sex estimation is essential for forensic scientists to identify human skeletal remains. However, the most sexually dimorphic elements like pelvis or skull are not always assessable. Osteometric analyses have proven useful in sex estimation, but also to be population specific. The main purpose of this study was to test the validity of contemporary Greek and Spanish discriminant functions for the talus and the patella, respectively, on a Swiss skeletal sample and to quantify the utility of the measurements as a novel approach in osteometric sex assessment.Four talus and three patella measurements on dry bone were obtained from 234 individuals of the modern cemetery SIMON Identified Skeletal Collection. The previously derived discriminant functions were applied, accuracies determined, the utility of the different measurements was assessed and new multivariable equations constructed.Accuracies varied between 67% and 86% for talus and 63% and 84% for patella, similar to those reported by the original studies. Multivariable equations should be preferred over equations based on single measurements and combining the most significant measurements rather than using several variables obtained the best possible accuracy. The new discriminant functions did not provide a substantial improvement to the original ones. The overall utility of talus and patella is limited, allowing sex estimation with sufficient certainty only in a small proportion of individuals.Discriminant functions developed in contemporary Greek or Spanish populations are in principle applicable also to Swiss contemporary populations. We recommend that at present existent studies of this type should be validated and tested rather than developing new formulas.  相似文献   

We present a new tool for the estimation of the age of bloodstains, which could probably be used during forensic casework. For this, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) for high-resolution imaging of erythrocytes in a blood sample and the detection of elasticity changes on a nanometer scale. For the analytic procedure we applied a fresh blood spot on a glass slide and started the AFM detection after drying of the blood drop. In a first step, an overview image was generated showing the presence of several red blood cells, which could easily be detected due to their typical "doughnut-like" appearance. The consecutively morphological investigations in a timeframe of 4 weeks could not show any alterations. Secondly, AFM was used to test the elasticity by recording force-distance curves. The measurements were performed immediately after drying, 1.5 h, 30 h and 31 days. The conditions were kept constant at room temperature (20 degrees C) and a humidity of 30%. The obtained elasticity parameters were plotted against a timeline and repeated several times. The elasticity pattern showed a decrease over time, which are most probably influenced by the alteration of the blood spot during the drying and coagulation process. The preliminary data demonstrates the capacity of this method to use it for development of calibration curves, which can be used for estimation of bloodstain ages during forensic investigations.  相似文献   

中国汉族成人颅骨CT片同一认定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建立对中国汉族成人颅骨CT片进行同一认定的方法。方法按照纳入标准收集100例中国汉族成人颅骨CT片,对确定的识别指标进行观察和测量,对各指标的观测结果进行分类编码,然后按观测顺序编制特异的12位颅骨CT片识别编码。运用SPSS13.0统计学软件对所得数据进行各指标年龄和性别差异的统计学分析,利用个人识别能力公式计算单个指标和总体指标的个人识别能力。结果12项识别指标中有6个指标存在男女性别差异;12项指标累计个人识别能力可达到99.9997997%。结论本文确定中国汉族成人颅骨CT片12项观测指标,利用指标分类编码法可进行中国汉族成人颅骨CT片的同一认定。  相似文献   

目的探讨CHN(中国人手腕骨发育标准CHN法)骨龄在司法鉴定中的应用价值,分析影响其准确性的因素及相关问题。方法对522例年龄鉴定者,均选用不同曝光值拍摄两张左手腕部正位X线片,并加照两次斜位片。使用CHN法测评骨龄。结果522例中男性489例,女性33例。男性达CHN骨龄最高值18.4岁者129例,余平均骨龄16.5岁。女性达CHN骨龄最高值17.3岁者14例,余平均骨龄15.7岁。CHN骨龄在16.0岁以上者共388例,占约74.3%。本组资料显示多种因素影响骨龄鉴定的准确性,其中以骨龄片位置及角度的变化等影响最大。结论如能获得高质量的X线片、并能熟练使用CHN法、注意利用位置和角度的变化正确判定骨骺分级,CHN骨龄基本可满足活体年龄鉴定的需要。  相似文献   

颌面数字X线片性别判定指标的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的筛选颌面侧位数字X线片(digital radiology,DR)的骨性定量指标,评估其在法医学性别判定中的应用价值。方法按纳入标准随机抽取颌面DR侧位片220例。对15项骨性指标(S-N,N-Me,Cd-Gn,S-Ns,S-Go(L),S-Gn,Cd-Go(L),SNA,SNB,SN-Npog,SN-MP,Gonial A,SN-RP,SN-NNs,SN-SGn)进行定量测量,采用方差分析方法分析各项指标是否有性别差异,应用逐步判别分析方法筛选出判别力较好的指标、建立判别函数并进行回代检验判别函数。结果200例颌面DR侧位片的15项指标中S-N,N-Me,Cd-Gn,S-Ns,S-Go(L),S-Gn,Cd-Go(L),SN-NNs等8项的性别差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);S-N,Cd-Gn,S-Ns,S-Gn 4项被纳入逐步判别函数。结论颌面DR侧位片中4项骨性指标(S-N,Cd-Gn,S-Ns,S-Gn)可用于性别判定,其判别准确率为95%。  相似文献   

个体身高推断是法医人类学个体识别的重要内容之一,目前常借助直接测量或放射学技术收集一定群体的四肢长骨、不规则骨、体表解剖标志的数据建立回归方程来实现。由于人口流动性的增加、人类体质整体提高的影响以及种族和地区间的差异,身高推断的研究应成为常规性研究。本文对不同身高推断方法进行回顾性综述,简要阐述各方法的优缺点,并展望身高推断的研究方向。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):708-720
Traditional education in biological anthropology relies primarily on hands-on, highly visual experiences. Forensic anthropologists, bioarchaeologists, and osteologists in general should aim to collaborate in developing widespread digital pedagogy suitable for our discipline, increasing digital technologies used for education and training. Considerations and suggested pathways toward a biological anthropology digital pedagogy include accommodating for varying levels of digital fluency, understanding global perspectives and cultural beliefs, equity in accessibility, ethical strategies, prioritization levels of content that should be made publicly available, appropriate platforms and forms of media for disseminating different types of content, and the necessity of multiple modalities. Using three online resources as case studies, this paper focuses on the discussion of pedagogy, access, and ethics surrounding digital osteology. These three digital tools, 3D MMS, MapMorph, and J-Skel, can be used to teach students topics ranging from human variation methods and theory to juvenile age estimation. Developing a pathway forward, we encourage the anthropology community to think critically about the desired outcome of pedagogical tools in order to properly align the framework with the intended pedagogy, level of accessibility, and ethical codes. The ideal model would aim for equitable access to training materials on a global scale. Implementing these practices can foster a more adaptable and encompassing learning experience for students and researchers in biological anthropology who may have dissimilar access to resources.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that sex assessment using craniofacial characteristics is commonly made worldwide, a lack of such investigation is noted in the Balkan area and in Greece in particular. The aim of this study is to develop a sex determination technique using osteometric data from skeletal remains of a contemporary Cretan cemetery population.A total of 90 males and 88 females are measured according to standard osteometric techniques. Age differences are not significant (mean age for men = 68.94 ± 13.41, N = 66; for women = 73.21 ± 16.77, N = 66). A total of 16 dimensions taken from the craniofacial skeleton are used and data are analyzed using SPSS subroutines. A comparison is made with other contemporary populations, including Americans (Terry collection) and South Africans (Dart and Pretoria collections), as well as an archaeological sample (Middle and Late Helladic) from Crete.Results indicate that males are statistically significantly greater than females in all dimensions. Bizygomatic breadth is the most discriminatory single dimension and can provide an accuracy rate of 82% on average. Using a stepwise method involving five dimensions (bizygomatic breadth, cranial length, nasion–prosthion and mastoid height and nasal breadth), accuracy is raised to 88.2%. Interestingly, cranial length is selected as the first discriminating variable by the stepwise analysis when only the neurocranium is available for measurement.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(5):477-483
This paper investigates the established notion that bone calcination has a major impact on age estimation while low-intensity burns have a mere negligible impact. Few systematic researches have been carried out so far about this topic so the true impact of heat-induced changes on diagnostic age features is mostly unknown.The agreement between pre-burning and post-burning observations of age features was investigated on 51 human skeletons (22 males and 29 females with ages-at-death ranging from 61 to 93 years old) subjected to experimental burns. These skeletons belong to the 21st Century Identified Skeletal Collection housed at the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology of the Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal. The Suchey-Brooks method based on the pubic symphysis and the method developed on the auricular surface by Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002) were scrutinized.The Suchey-Brooks method provided better agreement between pre- and post-burn observations than the method from Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002). However, it became clear that heat-induced changes affected both methods regardless of heat intensity since both calcined bones and bones burnt at lower intensities often showed less than perfect agreement. Therefore, this research demonstrates that the analysis of age-at-death can be impaired in burnt bones, even those not subjected to calcination, with clear impact for forensic and archaeological investigations.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):528-534
Sex estimation of adult skeletons is an important step in forensic analysis. Although the femur has been metrically studied for sex assessment around the world, very limited information is actually available on modern populations of Argentina. In this paper, the estimation of sex based on the metric evaluation of the supero-inferior femoral neck diameter (SID) in a reference osteological collection from the contemporary Chacarita Cemetery of Buenos Aires City (Argentina), is evaluated. Protocols generated using SID in other three reference skeletal samples are also tested on this collection. One hundred and sixty-four individuals of both sexes and between 24 and 96 years old are analyzed. Inter and intra observer errors suggest that the replicability of the procedure is adequate. The sectioning point calculated from the direct measurements is 30.86 mm and results show a high degree of dimorphism. The proportions of correct sex discrimination and the likelihoods of correct allocation obtained with the direct measurements, along with the results of a discriminant function, a binary logistic regression and a Bayesian approach, are all higher than 0.85 (0.85–0.93 for females, 0.88–0.91 for males). When the formulae from other samples are used in the Chacarita Collection, the percentages of correct estimations range between 72.41% and 81.03% for females and between 80.46% and 88.50% for males, while the likelihoods are between 0.73 and 0.81 for females and between 0.79 and 0.82 for males. As the values for the estimations obtained using the statistical procedures generated in the present research are higher than those available for other collections, the method is more adequate to use in the analysis of contemporary skeletal remains from Buenos Aires and surrounding areas. The trends identified highlight the importance of population-specific metric methodologies in forensic contexts and deserve future testing in contemporary samples from neighbouring regions.  相似文献   

目的研究区别骨骼残片是否为人类骨骼的方法。方法提取人体骨骼及鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类、哺乳类、灵长类等动物的骨骼标本制做骨骼组织学片,在显微镜下观察,将显微镜下的图像录入电脑进行分析。结果内、外环骨板,骨单位,骨细胞的显微镜下的结构,人类与动物存在明显差别。结论根据骨骼的组织学特征可以区别人类与动物的骨骼。  相似文献   

中国汉族人腰椎的性别差异   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的提供体质人类学的数据资料 ,建立中国汉族腰椎性别判别的方法。方法根据人体骨骼测量方法 ,测量 117付 (男 80 ,女 3 7付 ,年龄 17~ 90岁 )中国汉族人腰椎的 10项指标 ;选择性别差异显著的椎测量项目 ,建立腰椎及各腰椎的性别判别方程。结果第一至第五腰椎均有 5个以上的测量项目的数据存在显著意义的性别差异 (P<0 0 5 ) ;建立的 5个腰椎及各腰椎的性别判别方程 ,判别率在 69 4%~ 91 8% ,以 5个腰椎的多项指标的性别判别方程的准确率最高 (91 8% ) ,其次为第一腰椎 (84 5 % )和第二腰椎 (82 1% )。结论中国汉族人腰椎的性别差异以第一和第二腰椎明显 ,腰椎性别判定以多项指标的准确率高  相似文献   

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