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苑晓杰 《理论探讨》2004,(5):119-121
作为一门政治性很强的历史学科———中共党史始终保持着与时俱进的理论品格。以"三个代表"重要思想阐释中国共产党历史,既突破了传统的以"革命史"为主导的中共党史学研究范式,又固化、更新了20世纪80年代以来的以社会现代化为中心、以解放和发展生产力为主线的中共党史学研究范式,从而使中共党史学呈现出全新的研究路径。  相似文献   

全球化是当今世界最显著的一个时代特征,它不仅改变着世界经济、政治格局,而且也影响着中国现代化建设的历史进程.在当前,全球化对中国共产党自身建设的现代化也产生了深刻的影响,因此,党的现代化建设已成为新时期党的建设的一项十分迫切的任务.  相似文献   

论中国共产党政策创新的模式与体制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王春福 《理论探讨》2002,4(5):73-76
政策创新是中国共产党最基本的创新行为 ,也是加强和改进党的领导的重要途径。中国共产党的历史就是不断进行政策创新的历史。在科学理论指导下的经验升华模式是中国共产党政策创新的基本模式 ,民主政治是中国共产党政策创新体制的根本特征。探讨中国共产党政策创新模式和体制 ,对于在新的历史条件下党的政策创新具有重要的指导意义  相似文献   

杜言敏 《理论探讨》2002,1(3):66-69
我国正处在社会转型期 ,党的领导方式以及党自身的运作方式都要根据新的历史条件做出相应变革。社会变迁中党的现代化是政治现代化的关键 ,为此必须排除种种思想障碍 ,探索执政的合法性 ,改善党的领导 ,推进依法治国的进程。  相似文献   

俞思念 《理论探讨》2003,4(1):21-23
在历史发展的重要时刻 ,善于对党的基本经验做出理论总结 ,是中国共产党不断前进和不断走向成熟的表现。在中国共产党 80年奋斗的伟大里程中 ,党的三代领导人对党的历史经验做了三次重要的理论总结。这三次总结所形成的重大贡献成为党的三个重要发展时期的标志 ,辉映出中国共产党人不断探索的足迹 ,贯穿着马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质 ,并成为引导中国社会主义事业继续前进的起点。  相似文献   

陈家刚 《理论探讨》2006,(2):152-156
执政模式是特定社会条件下的所有执政方式的有机复合体。中国共产党自1949年执政以来主要经历了三种执政模式:体制外执政模式、替代型执政模式和准体制内执政模式(双重体制执政模式)。只有对我党在特定的历史分期所实行的不同执政模式的特征、成因以及优缺点进行详细的阐释,才能增进对党的执政规律的认识与把握。  相似文献   

韩锐  魏银立 《理论探讨》2005,(3):101-103
"三个代表"重要思想为全党提出了研究共产党执政规律的任务。潜心研究此问题不难发现,执政规律也有普遍、个别之分。在整个执政规律体系中,共产党执政规律显然属于执政的个别规律,在此之外,还有着更为宏观的、为所有执政者执政集团执政党所必须遵循的执政普遍规律。作为执政的共产党,既应该研究执政的个别规律,也应该研究执政的普遍规律,并且对相应的研究成果给予重视和借鉴,以达到加强自己的执政能力建设的目的。  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来干部队伍建设逻辑解析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新中国成立70年来,我国干部队伍建设立足建设党的干部队伍这一根本目标,秉持党的干部队伍建设优良传统,与时俱进地丰富和发展干部德才兼备标准的内涵。在此基础上,立足制度建设这一干部管理建设的根本,通过干部管理模式与干部管理体制改革,以及干部选拔任用、考核、激励与监督机制改革,逐步建立起体现国情规定性、适应社会主义市场经济社会干部管理需要的干部管理体制机制,持续深化干部队伍政治建设、能力建设、道德建设、纪律与作风建设,推动党的干部队伍建设不断深化。  相似文献   

This paper examines and compares, according to the New Public Management approach, the U.S. watchdog, the Government Accountability Office, in its ability to oversee and call to account the executive branch of government, and its U.K. counterpart, the National Audit Office. Results of this examination indicate that the Government Accountability Office is more effective than its U.K. counterpart. Its greater effectiveness is attributable to the fact that it derives its powers and legitimacy from a written constitution; in contrast, in the United Kingdom there is no equivalent document defining the relationship between the state and the citizenry. As a consequence, the powers, duties, and self-perception of the National Audit Office are significantly weaker and more mutable than those of the Government Accountability Office.  相似文献   

纵观中共 80年历史和三代领导集体 ,我们会发现一条贯穿始终的基本法则 ,我们也应该总结出 80年来最基本的属于精髓和灵魂的东西 ,这就是主观与客观相一致。无论人们多么想超越现实 ,无论虚拟世界多么惟妙惟肖 ,但人毕竟不能拐着自己的头发脱离地球 (鲁迅语 ) ,不能靠精神恋爱生孩子 (列宁语 )。所谓主客观不断相一致就是“天人合一” ,即主观的外化物化与客观的内化人化 ,也就是合规律性与合目的性的统一。用当下的话说就是虚拟性与现实性的统一以及人与自然 (生态 )的和谐发展。或者叫解放思想实事求是。这是中共 80年实践活动的根本经验和思想理论精华 ,也是对唯物论历史观基本规律的理论贡献和发展创新。同时又是具有元理论性的认识规律的规律即“求是”之“是”。为了永远坚持科学理论的指导 ,对党的宝贵历史经验必须作出科学的时代的总结 ,才能世世代代永续相传。  相似文献   

徐世杰 《理论探讨》2005,4(2):111-115
在大革命中,由于中共还处于幼年的不成熟阶段,对于马列主义的理论掌握得不够准确、完整,对中国革命的特点尚缺乏深刻的认识,还不善于将马列主义理论同中国革命的实际结合起来,即没有完全掌握和运用马克思主义学风。因此,在革命的紧要关头,党的领导机关没有能够领导全党巩固和发展革命的胜利成果,反而采取一再的妥协退让政策,使革命遭到失败。在土地革命战争时期,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人在反复实践的基础上,发扬了马克思主义的优良学风,把马克思主义理论与中国革命的实际相结合,逐步探索出了一条比较符合中国实际的土地革命路线和政策,使党在工农武装割据的条件下发展壮大起来。  相似文献   

M Peyser 《Newsweek》1999,133(9):50-53
Generations: In 30 years, there will be almost 70 million retirees in America--more grandparents than grandchildren. The Senior Boom is coming, and it will transform our homes, our schools, our politics, our families, our lives and our deaths. And not just for the older people. For everybody.  相似文献   

原方  崔建国 《理论探讨》2005,1(4):161-163
民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支撑。中国共产党自成立以来,领导全国人民历经革命、建设和改革,在弘扬传统民族精神的同时,培育了新时期的中华民族精神。  相似文献   

In pursuing their goals, members of the U.S. Supreme Court areaffected by their institutional setting. How has that institutionalenvironment changed over time and what have been the politicalconsequences of those changes? Despite considerable analysisof the institutional dynamics of legislatures and executives,political scientists have been slow to bring time series techniquesto the study of the Supreme Court, and as a result much lessis known about its evolutionary path. Measuring a variety oforganizational characteristics, I construct an index of theinstitutionalization of the Supreme Court from 1790 to 1996.This indicator suggests that the integration of the Court intothe system of federal policy making has better enabled the justicesto satisfy their objectives. To demonstrate this empirically,I test a series of error correction models of judicial influence,each of which confirms that the nature of the Supreme Court'scharacter has had considerable implications for the scope ofthe justices' legal and political impact. These results underscorethe need for judicial scholars to examine the Court's policymaking in longitudinal perspective.  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Robert H. Nelson, A Burning Issue: A Case for Abolishing the US Forest Service
Kathie Durbin, Tongass: Pulp Politics and the Fight for the Alaska Rain Forest
Roger Sedjo, ed., A Vision for the U.S. Forest Service  相似文献   

Building on a suggestion by Adam Yarmolinsky that the Federal American government insure the equity that homeowners have developed in their property, we suggest some additional elements which would make a more complete urban policy package. Educational opportunity is seen as a critical element in property value within the American context and any scheme such as Yarmolinsky suggests needs to take into account the fact that house price reflects heavily the general judgment of the quality of the school to which that residence has access. Hence, a stabilization of the housing market is heavily dependent upon an equalization of educational opportunity. Two ideas to this end are suggested. One, the school parity adjustment, would grant funds directly to the school district, generally in inverse proportion to the assessed property valuation, and consistent with the funding required for a quality education. The second notion, the urban tax credit would help to rectify the desirability of suburban locations for parents of school age children by giving them tax credits for living in the city, and in effect, equalizing the subsidy which the government already provides suburban dwellers through insuring the school-inflated value of their property through Mortgage Insurance.  相似文献   

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