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民以食为天。近年来,我国食品安全形势日益严峻,食品安全成为政府和老百姓共同关注的话题。回顾一下我国历史上一些朝代对食品安全如何管理,有什么经验可资借鉴,或许不无借鉴意义。周代,尽管囿于技术落后及交通不便,食品安全事件似乎不多,  相似文献   

食品安全监管改革争议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
需要的是组建一个名副其实、权责统一的食品安全监管部门,形成"以一个部门为主的综合性、专业化、成体系"的食品安全监管体制。  相似文献   

笔者在德国大学和科研机构学习与在农村实习期间,对德国食品的质量安全和风险防范感受良多.感触最深刻的是:德国人对本国生产的食品很自信,甚至充满自豪.德国食品赢得民众高度的信任不是偶然的.这是由于德国联邦政府采取严格措施、广大企业注重保障食品质量安全和食品风险防范的必然.目标和原则明确食品质量安全保障的目标和原则明确.走访德国城乡,走进德国的市场,所到之处都使人感到,食品品种多,质量优,安全性高,让消费者放心.德国政府和相关企业,对食品生产和经营,都严格体现一切为了人,为了人的健康和谨慎义务的理念.从这种理念出发,德国关于食品安全规定了以下三大目标:保护消费者健康,仅允许提供安全的食品;保护消费者不受欺骗,严格防止欺诈;保护消费者知情权,向消费者提供实事求是的信息.  相似文献   

肖亚丽 《法制博览》2013,(1):114-115
各地食品安全事故频频发生,这不仅严重威胁了广大人民群众的生命健康及社会安定和谐,更是暴露出我国食品安全监管体系所存在的漏洞。从目前来看,完善食品安全监管体系现已成为整个社会不得不优先解决的问题了。本文首先分析我国食品安全监管体系存在的主要问题,然后根据我国国情提出一些完善建议。  相似文献   

科学技术飞速发展,由此推动我国乃至世界范围内生产、生活模式的巨大转变。网络发展是一把双刃剑,网络在为人类带来便捷生活的同时也引发了一系列的不良反应,网购食品质量参差不齐、人民安全难以得到有效保证、食品安全问题频出,因而面对这样的情况如何有效实施网购食品安全监管、完善我国网购食品安全监管法律体系促进网络食品市场健康有序发展,已经成为食品药品监督管理部门以及中国社会亟待解决的问题之一。  相似文献   

近年来,网络订餐行业发展迅速,但很多店家提供的食品并没有安全保障,网络订餐的食品安全问题俨然成为社会发展的热点问题。在网络餐饮监管进一步加强的大环境下,本文在研究外卖餐饮食品安全监管问题的理论的基础上,讨论了如何进一步完善和执行外卖新规、利用互联网技术建立多元共治体系和标准化、流程化的大数据系统,切实保障民生。  相似文献   

食品安全关系人民群众的切身利益,关系我国经济的发展,关系国家和政府的形象,树立全民食品安全责任意识,加强对大学食品原料加工、供应、生产、销售和消费的多个环节的有效监管,食品安全问题才能从根本上得到解决。  相似文献   

于婷婷 《法制博览》2023,(8):157-159
食品是人类赖以生存的最基本保障,食品安全问题与我们的生活密切相关。近年来,很多食品安全问题已经引起社会层面关注,导致全社会对食品究竟是否安全,以及监管力度是否到位等问题越发重视。本文从食品安全立法、监管体系、监督协作、问责制度以及食品回收溯源等方面入手,研究食品安全市场监管的法律体系和问责机制的现状,以便于市场监管部门在保证食品安全的同时,能更好地对食品安全进行监督和管制,出现问题时可以使用完善的体系减少损失,维护人民安全。  相似文献   

The Transnational Corporation and Uneven Development: The Internationalisation of Capital and the Third World. By Rhys Jenkins. London: Methuen, 1987. Pp.229. £28 (hardback); £8.95 (paperback). ISBN 0 416 733409 and 73350 6.

Developing With Foreign Investment. Edited by Vincent Cable and Bishnodat Persaud. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1987. Pp.viii + 327. £25. ISBN 0 7099 4825 5.

International Industry and Business: Structural Change, Industrial Policy and Industry Strategies. By Robert H. Ballance. London: Allen & Unwin, 1987. Pp.xxi + 357. ISBN 0 04 339037 4 and 339038 2.

Trade Among Multinationals: Intra‐Industry Trade and National Competitiveness. By Donald C. MacCharles. London: Croom Helm, 1987. Pp. xiv + 207. £30. ISBN 07099 4618 X.

Myths and Reality of External Constraints on Development. By James Riedel. Alder‐shot: Gower for the Trade Policy Research Centre, London, 1987. Pp.xvi + 111. ISBN 0566 05336 5.

International Economic Restructuring and the Regional Community. Edited by Herman Muegge and Walter Stohr. Aldershot: Gower, 1987. Pp.x + 404. £28.50. ISBN 0566 05478 1.  相似文献   

This study found no support for the belief by the governments of most less developed countries (LDCs) that the provision of fiscal incentives is necessary to attract direct foreign investment and that the greater the generosity of these incentive programmes the greater would be the level of such investment. What mattered were the presence of natural resources and a proven record of economic performance. The provision of incentives could not compensate for the absence of either of these two factors. The study is a cross‐sectional one of 27 LDCs for the period 1965–73.  相似文献   

The functioning of the international monetary system is analyzed from the perspective of the less developed countries. They are shown to be significant beneficiaries of the introduction of special drawing rights in the International Monetary Fund, despite the unfavourable distribution formula, but to be confronted with exceptional difficulties in reserve management and exchange rate decision‐making in the period of currency turmoil since 1971. The currency realignments of these countries are summarized in terms of their decisions as to which major currencies to follow both in 1971 and 1973. Their interests in international monetary reform, particularly in the alternative SDR‐aid link proposals, are assessed. It is concluded that if the first‐best reform ‐ an altered distribution formula for SDR's in an SDR‐based system in which low interest rates for borrowers are retained ‐ cannot be achieved, the present system may carry more advantages for the less developed countries than a second‐best ‘link’ scheme.  相似文献   

In addition to the classical criteria of logic and relevance, development studies can also be judged in terms of their interdisciplinary consistency. Slavish adherence to behavioural findings in the other social sciences which tend to corroborate the conventional assumptions of micro‐economic theory, however, should be discounted where their own logic and relevance remain controversial.

Micro‐economic studies of ‘industrial organization’ in Thailand have widely adopted the social anthropological thesis that Thai society is ‘loosely structured’, implying that the Thai behave as typical economic entrepreneurs. Analyses of Thai economic history subscribe to this view for the peasantry but not for the elite. An alternative model of Thai ‘industrial organization’ which dispenses with the purported market orientation of Thai peasants provides greater explanatory value than the conventional interpretation.

The entourage model of ‘industrial organization’ views the Thai economy as a hierarchy of relationships within which each participant is patron to associates of lower rank, and client to one of higher rank. Each entourage, composed of a patron and a coterie of clients, is integrated by a web of functionally and temporally diffuse economic‐social‐political reciprocities. Furthermore, mobility within the system follows rank enhancement opportunities rather than pecuniary incentives.

Thai economic development over the past century can be satisfactorily explained in terms of the entourage model, which deals directly with problems (such as the role of the Chinese and the decline of human bondage) not readily explained in the conventional context. Application of the entourage model, in conclusion, suggests that Thailand's development prospects under guidelines geared to the market model may be seriously misleading.  相似文献   

This paper identifies two basic sources of effective exhange rate (EER) changes under the present system of generalized currency floating and formulates some EER‐based measures of relative export competitiveness in developing countries. These measures are presented and analyzed in terms of their monthly movements and trends over the period from March 1973 to December 1979 for twenty‐three developing countries. Export profitability vis‐à‐vis import‐competing production is shown to have been affected by major currency realignments only to a moderate extent. Normal currency depreciation, both small and large, is found not to lead necessarily to a permanent improvement in export competitiveness. The relationship between the type of exchange rate management and ability of the national authorities to adopt monetary and fiscal policies supportive of real exchange rate adjustment is also empirically examined.  相似文献   

In the perspective of substantial amount of net transfers from the debtor less developed countries (LDCs) to the creditor developed countries (DCs) in the recent debt crisis years, there is a renewed debate (that started in the context of German reparation payments after the First World War) on the question of transfer burden of debt. The present study assembles some evidence to show that the LDCs in general expanded their export‐volumes and faced losses in their export unit values in the process of their debt repayments. Many LDCs faced this transfer burden of debt irrespective of whether their export drive was in the field of primary products or manufactures. Thus the Keynesian analysis for German transfer problems seems to be relevant in the context of the present experience of the LDCs. For some debtor countries, the ‘insoluble’ transfer problem mentioned by Keynes exists as they are facing ‘Fisher's paradox’: The more the debtors pay, the more they owe.  相似文献   

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