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利用傅立叶变换红外光谱技术快速检验静电复印纸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立一种利用傅立叶变换红外光谱技术快速检验静电复印纸的新方法。方法采用傅立叶红外光谱仪对近似静电复印纸进行了快速检验,同时分析了新方法的技术特点。结果采用本文所述的方法可以对近似静电复印纸进行准确的快速检验。结论利用红外光谱技术检验纸张是一种较新颖的,快速、灵敏、准确的纸张检测技术,能对纸张的品牌种类,甚至批次进行鉴别,对大量样本鉴别和碎小纸片鉴别尤其适用。  相似文献   

裂解气相色谱法检验静电复印墨粉   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
静电复印墨粉是复印文件检验的重要组成部分。本文通过电熨斗加热提取纸张上的墨粉,排除了纸张的平扰,用裂解气相色谱法对9个厂家共23个型号的墨粉进行检验。研究表明。该方法灵敏度高,分辨能力强,区分率可达到90.3%,是一种有效的检验方法。  相似文献   

目的建立一种灵敏、准确、无损的口红检验方法。方法利用傅立叶变换红外光谱仪,采用SmartPerformer采样器,对202个不同产地、不同品牌和同一品牌不同牌号的口红样品进行分析检验。结果依据红外光谱图中吸收峰的不同,可以将口红样品加以区分。结论该检验方法不破坏检材,重现性好,可用于鉴定案件现场中提取到的口红物证。  相似文献   

傅立叶变换拉曼光谱法鉴别黑色墨水的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Xu C  Tang C 《法医学杂志》1998,14(3):146-148
采用傅立叶交换拉曼光谱法对6种黑色墨水字迹进行检验分析实验结果表明,能对黑色墨水样品进行有效的鉴别。该方法具有快速、简便、不破坏样品的特点。  相似文献   

目的建立生物降解塑料的检验方法;方法应用傅立叶变换红外光谱对生物降解塑料进行分析;结果通过对生物降解塑料PBAT的主要吸收带进行的分析,得到了PBAT及其制品红外光谱的特点;结论用红外光谱检验生物降解塑料操作简便、信息量大、结果准确,样品用量少、不破坏检材。  相似文献   

随着彩色复印机的普及,利用彩色复印技术进行犯罪的发案率有所提高。在假币犯罪领域,以印刷版假币居多,其中打印版假币案件数量呈现逐年上升的趋势,但复印版假币鲜有出现,因此,刑事技术人员接触彩色复印假币较少,对于其鉴别方法了解更少。本文以一起复印版假币案例,介绍复印版假币的相关检验方法。1案件简介某年6月,某省破获一起伪造货币案,抓获犯罪嫌疑人3名,缴获2005年版百元面额假人民币15万余元,查获理光商务多功能彩色数码复印机1台、  相似文献   

食品中毒案中粘合剂和包装封口材料的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究食品包装封口处粘合剂和封口材料成份的检验方法并对两例食品中毒案进行检验。方法利用傅立叶变换红外光谱法对案件所涉及的包装封口处粘合剂和封口材料的成份分别进行了检验。结果检出包装封口处的粘合剂成份。结论该检验方法对于食品中毒案中判断中毒原因以及确定犯罪嫌疑人起到十分关键的作用。  相似文献   

目的建立胶带的种类检验、方法。方法应用傅利叶显微红外光谱仪,分别对胶带的胶质、基质(基材)及整体(胶质和基质同时存在)进行检测分析。结果不同种类胶带,红外吸收图谱存在差异,相互间图谱匹配率不同。通过比对分析,可对不同种类的胶带进行鉴别。结论该方法检验胶粘带(胶带),检材用量少、结果准确,操作简便,具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

红外光谱法无损检验微量化学纤维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了纤维的无损制样方法,并在IR-435光栅型红外分光光度计上,应用此法对常见的10类55个品种的微量化学纤维进行了上百次测试,取得了满意效果,每种纤维最多只需2cm的纤维单丝便可得到较好的红外光谱图,本法不损坏检材,且纤维上染料对检验无干扰。  相似文献   

硼砂(Sodium Borate)也叫粗硼砂、四硼酸钠,分子式Na2B4O7.10H2O,分子量381.37,沸点1575℃,380℃时失去全部结晶水,常用来制造消毒剂、保鲜防腐剂、软水剂、洗眼水、肥皂添加剂、陶瓷的  相似文献   

Toners (inks) used in plain paper photocopying machines may be discriminated by infrared spectroscopy using small samples of solid toner removed from the paper surface.  相似文献   

目的建立利用傅里叶红外图像系统无损检验添改数字的检验方法。方法采集同种同品牌、同种不同品牌及不同种书写材料书写的数字1改为4和3添加为8两类样本的红外图像,根据红外吸收的光谱信息对其添改进行检验。结果同种不同品牌及不同种书写材料对红外吸收强弱不同,形成的红外图像有差别;同种同品牌书写材料对红外吸收强弱没有明显差别。结论该检验方法不损坏检材,重现性好,并且纸张成分对其分析结果基本上无干扰。  相似文献   

Differentiating between black powder toners used in laser printers and copiers can be challenging for forensic examiners. One hundred and sixty-two samples from 82 different types of cartridges produced by 21 manufacturers that are currently available on the Polish market were studied using Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). The spectra obtained by these two methods were classified into 14 groups and 28 groups using FT-IR and XRF, respectively. These classifications served as a basis for the development of an analytical scheme for differentiating black powder toners. This scheme can be used with any two methods that supply different information about an examined sample. The research will show that if two samples are similar in polymer composition (e.g., FT-IR spectra), additional quantitative elemental composition from XRF analyses may provide more discrimination. It was possible to differentiate 82.5% pairs of examined samples using only FT-IR, 90.8% pairs of examined samples using only XRF, and 95.8% pairs of examined samples using these two methods. Obtained spectra and all the available information could be used to create/build a database. The results obtained confirm the multiplicity and compatibility of toners. Additionally, it was stated that not all the samples were original (OEM).  相似文献   

Estimation of the time since death (postmortem interval [PMI]) is one of the most difficult problems in forensic investigations, and many methods currently are utilized to estimate the PMI. The goal of this study was to investigate the changes of attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectra of rat brain from postmortem time 0-144 h. The intensity ratios of major absorbance bands were examined (I(1066)/I(1392), I(1168)/I(1392), I(1234)/I(1454), I(1301)/I(1392), I(1647)/I(2956), I(2921)/I(2850), and I(1647)/I(1539)). The spectra of rat brain displayed prominent changes with increasing PMI. The band at 2871 and 1737 per cm became weak with the time increasing and even disappeared at postmortem 96 and 72 h, respectively. A close linear correlation was shown between the relative absorption intensity and the PMI, and the I(1234) /I(1454) offered a stronger correlation (r = 0.973). Our results indicate that ATR-FTIR spectroscopy may be a useful technique for estimating the PMI.  相似文献   

Human scalp hair samples were oxidized to determine the sulfonic acid absorption peak. This peak was monitored at 1044 cm-1 by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in hair samples from 135 whites and found to provide a degree of discrimination in treated and untreated hairs. The effects of moisture, laboratory storage, natural hair color, and variation over time were also studied.  相似文献   

Ke Y  Zhang JG  Huang P  Lu QY  Fan SL  Xu YC  Wang ZY 《法医学杂志》2008,24(3):161-164
目的应用傅里叶变换红外(Fourier transform infrared.FTIR)光谱技术分析大鼠死后脑组织随死亡时间推移的化学变化过程,为死亡时间推断的研究提供新的途径与数据。方法大鼠断颈处死后置于(30±2)℃环境下,在不同时间点提取大鼠脑皮质.运用FTIR光谱仪检测不同化学基团的变化。结果随着死亡时间的推移,大鼠脑组织FTIR光谱的主要吸收峰峰位没有明显变化.而其峰强有明显差异:(1)与核酸有关的谱带的相对峰强呈明显下降趋势;(2)酰胺Ⅰ、Ⅱ的峰强比(I1647/I1541)呈下降趋势;(3)1456和1398cm^-1谱带的峰强各自呈下降和上升趋势;(4)2852、2871、2923和2958cm^-1谱带的峰强相对于1647cm^-1而言.呈上升趋势。结论脑组织可以作为FTIR光谱技术分析死亡时间的适用检材。  相似文献   

Red spray paints from different European suppliers were characterised to determine the discriminating power of a sequence of analysing techniques. A total of 51 red spray paints were analysed with the help of three techniques: (1) optical microscopy, (2) Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and (3) X-ray fluorescence. Infrared spectra were classified according to binder type, filler and pigment composition and a searchable spectral library was created. Due to the difference in the elemental composition of spray paints, a further discrimination was possible. The microscopic analysis was not taken into consideration for classification purposes. The structure of the substrate under a paint coating strongly affects the surface characteristics of this spray paint. Together with the spectral library, a database of information of spray paints was build.  相似文献   

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