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Using time out to interrupt escalating conflict is an important first step in treating couples and families where physical and emotional abuse is present. Since a time out failure can jeopardize further treatment, developing effective methods for using time out is a therapeutic priority. By interpreting the family's failed attempts as skill deficits, their efforts can be reframed to facilitate their acceptance of new time out methods. These methods are integrated into a model which outlines six hierarchical levels of supplemental control needed to inhibit destructive behavior. The model provides guidelines and establishes incentives for developing a time out strategy appropriate to the family's current level of control. It is designed to guide therapists in helping families strengthen their skills and choose an alternative time out strategy when an initial method fails.  相似文献   

用反相杂交技术对HLA-DQA1基因分型及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lin Y 《法医学杂志》2000,16(1):12-13
目的 :HLA -DQA1其因的分型研究及在实际办案中的应用。方法 :PCR结合反相杂交检测技术对HLA -DQA1基因进行分型。结果 :检见7种基因 ,24种基因型 ,获得上海地区HLA -DQA1基因的基因频率及基因型的频率分布数据。结论 :对法医学中常见的血液 (痕 )、牙齿、精斑、混合斑、人体组织等检材进行HLA -DQA1分型检测 ,其结果稳定可靠 ,为实际办案提供了科学依据  相似文献   

The comparison of five different extraction techniques from postmortem tissues was reported. The borate/celite column chromatography technique generally gave the best yields and its use as a screening method in forensic toxicology was discussed.  相似文献   

The investigation of samples with low amounts of template DNA remains at the forefront of forensic DNA research and technology as it becomes increasingly important to gain DNA profile information from exceedingly trace levels of DNA. Previous studies have demonstrated that it is possible to obtain short tandem repeat (STR) profiles from <100 pg of template DNA by increasing the number of amplification cycles from 28 to 34, a modification often referred to as “low copy number” or LCN analysis. In this study, we have optimised post-PCR purification techniques applied after only 28 cycles of PCR, as well as using modified capillary electrophoresis injection conditions and have investigated the progressive application of these enhanced approaches. This paper reviews the characteristics of the profiles obtained by these methods compared with those obtained on the same samples after 34-cycle PCR. We observed comparable sensitivity to 34-cycle PCR in terms of the number of profiles with evidence of DNA and the number of allelic peaks per profile and we noted improved peak height and area magnitude with some sample types. Certain parameters reported to be adversely affected in 34-cycle LCN investigations, such as non-donor allele peaks and increased stutter peak ratio, were reduced by this approach. There are a number of advantages for trace samples in progressing from the standard 28-cycle process to the post-PCR processing method as compared to 34-cycle PCR method, including reduced sample consumption, reduced number of PCR amplifications required, and a staged approach to sample processing and profile interpretation.  相似文献   

The modern Swedish population is a mixture of people that originate from different parts of the world. This is also the truth for the clients participating in the paternity cases investigated at the department. Calculations based on a Swedish frequency database only, could give us overestimated figures of probability and power of exclusion in cases including clients with a genetic background other than Swedish. Here, we describe allele frequencies regarding the markers in the Identifiler-kit. We have compared three sets of population samples; Swedish, European and non-European to investigate how these three groups of population samples differ. Also, all three population sets were compared to data reported from other European and non-European populations.Swedish allele frequencies for the 15 autosomal STRs included in the Identifiler kit were obtained from unrelated blood donors with Swedish names. The European and non-European frequencies were based on DNA-profiles of alleged fathers from our paternity cases in 2005 and 2006.  相似文献   

Determination of wound vitality and estimation of wound age are central issues in daily forensic practice. The objective of this study was to develop a new and rapid method for determining wound vitality and estimating wound age in bruises using electric impedance spectroscopy. Forty Sprague-Dawley rats (140-170 g) were divided into five groups: group 1 (n=8): controls, group 2 (n=8): postmortem bruises, group 3 (n=8): bruises 1 h before death, group 4 (n=8): bruises 3 h before death, group 5 (n=8): bruises 6 h before death. Measurements of the right gluteus maximus muscle were taken at 6, 24, and 48 h after the rats were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. The results from this study indicate that electric impedance spectroscopy is clearly sensitive enough to differentiate between vital and postmortem wound infliction and to determine the survival time after the infliction of an injury.  相似文献   

The use of the indirect immunofluorescence technique as a method for demonstrating the histological localization of tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-THC) has been examined. The experimental protocol was designed in order that optimal staining conditions with respect to temperature, the length of time of incubations and washes, and the dilution of the antisera should be defined. No marked differences were detected between frozen sections of liver from normal and delta-THC-injected mice. Results from radiotracer experiments using human liver suggest that the success of the method is dependent upon the solubility characteristics of the antigen-antibody complex.  相似文献   

Benzo[f]ninhydrin was compared to ninhydrin for fingerprint development on paper. Overall, the performance of ninhydrin on exhibits was slightly better than that of benzo[f]ninhydrin. The significant advantages of the benzo[f]ninhydrin over ninhydrin were the much stronger fluorescence it gave after treatment with zinc salts and a slightly quicker reaction under ambient conditions. This fluorescence is, however, similar to that obtained with other reagents, such as DFO or ninhydrin analogs. These advantages apparently are not sufficient to justify regular usage of benzo[f]ninhydrin, especially when one considers its low solubility and high cost.  相似文献   

Law Enforcement (LE) officers are considered to be at elevated risk of suicide. This study explored variables associated with LE suicide and the extent they differentiated LE suicides from those within similar occupations considered at risk – Army and Firefighters. Using a public health database of violent deaths, the US National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS), the prevalence of and association between seven suicide variables (treatment for a mental health condition, Post Traumatic Stress disorder diagnosis, alcohol and substance abuse, job problems, intimate partner problems) and suicide within LE, Army and Firefighters was computed. Method of suicide and demographic characteristics were also identified. All of the suicide variables were associated with suicide in the three occupation groups. LE suicides were differentiated from Army and Firefighter suicides by being more strongly associated with job problems and suicide by females was more common. Implications for suicide prevention strategies within LE are discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility of using the video superimposition technique for the identification of a skull by comparing it with photographs of missing persons is based on the fact that the human skull, unlike any other part of the human skeleton, shows unmistakable individual characteristics. In order to obtain a quantification, the individuality of human skulls is defined in terms of craniometric data and their probability distribution. First calculations based on the coordinates of some important encephalometric points of 52 European skulls suggest that there are individual aspects comparable to those of fingerprints. Under certain conditions, the video superimposition technique can establish very strong evidence for the identity of an unknown skull, provided that it is applied correctly and carefully.  相似文献   

The proposed method for the specific detection of Rhesus D antigen in 6 month old bloodstains is based on the use of modified immunoglobulins (anti-rhesus D peptides) in the absorption-elution reaction (AER). These peptides were prepared by an original method using polyclonal anti-rhesus D antibodies and standard erythrocytes preliminarily treated with a highly active protease. Specific identification of D antigen of the Rhesus system obviates the problem of poor AER specificity and thereby significantly improves the quality of forensic biological expertise.  相似文献   

2008年全国律师行业党建工作会议,为新形势下我省律师行业党建工作指明了发展方向,提供了强大的动力。两年多来,我省以党的十七大精神为指导,立足浙江实际,认真贯彻落实会议和有关文件要求,深入研究当前全省律师行业党建工作规律,切实加强领导和指导,大力开展深入学习实践科学发展观、创先争优等主题实践活动,扎实推进律师行业党组织建设和制度落实,实现了律师行业党员队伍思想政治建设不断加强,党的组织不断发展,党建工作机制不断完善。  相似文献   

Haplotype frequencies for 11 Y-STR markers (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385, DYS437, DYS438 and DYS439) in a Romani population (n=63) from Slovakia, Jats of Haryana (n=84) and Jat Sikhs (n=80) from India were determined. The Slovakian Romani, the Haryana and Sikh populations were endogamous based on their unique haplotype ratio and haplotype diversity values, although the Sikh population appeared to be more diverse. AMOVA revealed non-significant differences between the Romanies and significant differences with non-Romani populations. The Macedonian Romani population differed from all Romani populations examined. Frequent haplotypes observed in Romani populations were sporadic in northwest Indian populations. Thirteen out of 316 populations worldwide were found to share the six most frequent haplotypes of the Slovakian Romanies when the screening conditions were narrowed based on the population size to be over 40, the occurrence of the haplotypes was more than one and the sum frequencies of the most frequent haplotypes was at least 0.02. The most common haplotypes were also observed in other Romani groups. When searching with two Indian (Malbar and Malaysian Indian) most frequent haplotypes under the same conditions matches could be detected in all Romani populations except for the Macedonian Romanies. The search with the Jat Sikhs and Jats of Haryana most frequent haplotypes resulted no matches in Romani populations.  相似文献   

We analyzed the accumulation of population polymorphism in 2504 individuals - nuclear genomes (nDNA) of 26 populations (81 genes associated to extreme environments) and 3295 mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA) of 47 populations with the aim to found mitonuclear relationship associated an extremes environment as altitude. For that, we use an algorithm developed by us to determine the accumulation of polymorphisms by segments in the genome and thus be able to perform the multivariate analysis to found SNPs differences and similarities among populations. The results showed in Peruvian population a statistically significant mitonuclear relationship for 113/293970 nDNA SNPs in 16/81 genes. In the case of the mtDNA, we found a statistically significant mitonuclear relationship for 6/22 mtDNA positions – Gene. Additionally for the Peruvian population, the MRPP3 had the greatest polymorphism contribution with respect to other populations. Then, these nDNA and mtDNA SNPs in genetically close populations to Peru can be applied to forensic genomic phenotyping to identify groups likely adapted to extreme conditions (such as altitude) or make individualization between low and high altitude populations.  相似文献   

The specificity of the 19-OH F1 alpha/F2 alpha prostaglandin antisera for the detection of semen in seminal/vaginal mixtures, has been evaluated. Using a parallel curve test we found that the antibody showed a high specificity for these seminal prostaglandins in seminal/vaginal mixtures at concentrations of between 2 pg and 40 pg/100 microliter. The precision of the assay has been improved by the use of a donkey-anti-rabbit ferritin-bound second antibody. The application of this detection system makes it possible to complete an assay within 4.5 h. A survey of 50 semen-free vaginal swabs obtained from 3 donors, taken throughout the menstrual cycle, showed no trace of these prostaglandins. They were also not detected in the vaginal secretions of two further donors who were undergoing medication. Using only 10-microliter aliquots of a seminal/vaginal swab extract, prepared in 500 microliter, it was possible to detect semen up to approx. 80 h after one sexual act.  相似文献   

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