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Prediction of human eye colour by forensic genetic methods is of great value in certain crime investigations. Strong associations between blue/brown eye colour and the SNP loci rs1129038 and rs12913832 in the HERC2 gene were recently described. Weaker associations between eye colour and other genetic markers also exist. In 395 randomly selected Danes, we investigated the predictive values of various combinations of SNP alleles in the HERC2, OCA2 and MATP (SLC45A2) genes and compared the results to the eye colours as they were described by the individuals themselves. The highest predictive value of typing either the HERC2 SNPs rs1129038 and/or rs12913832 that are in strong linkage disequilibrium was observed when eye colour was divided into two groups, (1) blue, grey and green (light) and (2) brown and hazel (dark). Sequence variations in rs11636232 and rs7170852 in HERC2, rs1800407 in OCA2 and rs16891982 in MATP showed additional association with eye colours in addition to the effect of HERC2 rs1129038. Diplotype analysis of three sequence variations in HERC2 and one sequence variation in OCA2 showed the best discrimination between light and dark eye colours with a likelihood ratio of 29.3.  相似文献   

The present study determines the concentration of Malathion in rabbit tissues and Dipteral larvae feeding on those tissues. Malathion was found in all muscle and liver samples of the test rabbit, as well as larvae fed on it. Samples from the control rabbit and pupae from all colonies were negative for Malathion. Correlations were found between administered dosage, tissue concentrations and younger or prepuparial larvae. Effects of Malathion on the development rate of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) were also reported. C. megacephala is the most common fly species found on corpses in South China during the early stages of decomposition. Significant differences in larval growth rate were both observed among the colonies fed on muscle and liver. The presence of Malathion in both muscle and liver appears to retard the normal growth rate of C. megacephala in larval stage. Larvae from all colonies fed on tissues from rabbits treated with Malathion were smaller and attained maximum length later than those from the control colony. Duration of the larval and pupal stages was both significantly prolonged for larvae on tissues from rabbit receiving Malathion than those from the control colony. The difference of the duration of the larval and pupal stages together from the muscle colonies would alter the postmortem interval estimation by up to 36 h. As for liver colonies, it would alter the postmortem interval estimation by up to 28 h. A significantly different duration of the larval and pupal stages from the muscle colonies would alter a postmortem estimate by up to 28 h relative to the liver colonies.  相似文献   

Importance of forensic entomology becomes inevitable when come across some incident where corpse is unidentifiable and lot of maggots or other insects are present. The most common application of forensic entomology is to use insects for the identification of specimens or human remains. DNA analysis recovered from a larva's gut contents can be used to identify a missing body. The obtained human STR and SNP profile support the association of a maggot to a specific patients or corpse. Main aim of this research was the identification of human DNA from gut contents of third instar maggots (larvae of Lucilia sericata) placed on diabetic patient's wounds for treatment purpose. Maggots (8–15) were taken from each diabetic patients (no. of the patients 8) and DNA was extracted from the gut contents manually by using Qiagen tissue protocol. Agarose gel electrophoresis was performed and the total size of DNA was seen using UV transilluminator. PCR amplification, STRs and SNPs profiling was then performed using PCR 9700 and AmpFLSTR Identifiler and SnaPshot Multiplex Kit (Applied Biosystems) respectively. The results were analyzed on ABI 310. SNP profiles were good and identifiable compared to the STRs where amplification was poor and the peaks were low. This may be the fact of the enzymatic activity present in the gut of the larvae which cause tremendous reduction in DNA size and thus yield. The results of this study reveals that it is possible to obtain a complete human profile using STRs and SNPs even if DNA is recovered from gut contents of maggots.  相似文献   

The transfer and persistence of automotive carpet fibres to shoe soles was investigated. It was found that fibres were transferred with the normal activity of a car passenger. Carpet type and shoe sole parameters were significant determinants in the number of fibres that transferred. The average number of fibres was between about one and 33 per sole. Fibres that had been transferred after normal activity only persisted for a few minutes after walking. A survey of the shoe soles of people about to leave their car showed that fibres were usually present. The majority of shoe soles surveyed had less than five fibres with the greatest number of fibres found being 14. The likelihood of finding a large number of fibres on such soles is rare. Fibre composition of automotive carpets showed a high degree of variation. Grey was seen to be a common colour irrespective of the colour of the vehicle body.  相似文献   

Blowflies leave deposits, termed artefacts, through the processes of excretion and regurgitation. To date, little consideration has been given to the possibility of adult blowflies consuming biological material and subsequently acting as vectors of human DNA through these artefacts. In this study, Lucilia cuprina (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) were fed either human blood or human semen ad libitum and their artefacts were analysed for human DNA content. Samples containing 1, 10, 30 and 50 artefacts were tested. Quantifiable and typeable levels of human DNA were found in samples derived from both food sources, and even in samples containing a single artefact. Semen-derived artefacts contained significantly more human DNA than artefacts produced after a blood meal. Consequently a smaller number of artefacts was required to collect sufficient DNA for genotyping. These findings are forensically important as it provides investigators with another potential source of DNA at a crime scene where a body has been moved, or an attempt has been made to clean up biological material. They also highlight how fly artefacts could potentially contaminate and compromise evidence.  相似文献   

STR profiling of animal species has a wide range of applications, including forensic identification, wildlife preservation, veterinary public health protection and food safety. We tested the efficacy of a multiplex PCR-based assay including 11 porcine-specific tetrameric STRs in a population sample of wild boars (n = 142) originating from Piedmont (North West Italy). Multiple deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations were observed, mostly due to a reduction in observed heterozygosity indicative of a high degree of inbreeding. A value of θ of 0.046 and an inbreeding coefficient of 0.089 were estimated. Combined power of discrimination and probability of exclusion values for the STR panel were 0.9999999999996 and 0.99989. In order to test the suitability of the method for meat traceability purposes, a domestic pig reference sample (n = 412), consisting of commercial lines commonly used in the meat production process, was also typed. A Bayesian cluster analysis carried out using the observed genotypes, showed a percentage of correct subspecies assignment of individual samples of 0.974 for wild boars and 0.991 for pigs, thus demonstrating the usefulness of the multiplex STR-typing system for discrimination purposes.  相似文献   

This paper compares the tort remedies of money damages and restitution in natura from an efficiency perspective. Although there is a parallel between these remedies and the remedies for breach of contract, i.e. money damages and specific performance, the analysis is fundamentally different in torts, because of the high transaction costs involved. The basis of the comparison is the relation of each of the remedies to the subjective loss for the victim. The conclusion drawn is that no rule is generally preferable, so it is crucial to sort the different types of cases and apply in each of them the remedy, which is better suited. On this premise, are evaluated the relevant rules of Germany, England and France, since each legal system tackles this issue differently.  相似文献   

既判力相对性原则是既判力制度中的一项基本原则,是指判决的既判力在一般情形下仅发生于当事人之间.这一原则不仅有助于纠纷的终局解决,保障法律关系的稳定,同时能够为没有参加诉讼的案外第三人的民事权益提供程序保障.作为既判力相对性原则的例外,确定判决对于诉讼系属后的承继人及为当事人或其承继人占有请求之标的物者,亦有效力.为他人之利益而作为原告或被告者之确定判决,对于该他人也有效力.我国现行民事诉讼法尚未明确规定既判力相对性原则.这一原则的缺失导致了民事诉讼法在第三人权益的程序保障方面存有重大缺陷,也造成了实践中第三人撤销之诉适用的混乱局面.应当完善既判力制度,确立既判力相对性原则,将第三人撤销之诉的适用限制在确定判决既判力相对性的例外情形.  相似文献   

Tribulus terrestris is a nutritional supplement highly debated regarding its physiological and actual effects on the organism. The main claimed effect is an increase of testosterone anabolic and androgenic action through the activation of endogenous testosterone production. Even if this biological pathway is not entirely proven, T. terrestris is regularly used by athletes. Recently, the analysis of two female urine samples by GC/C/IRMS (gas chromatography/combustion/isotope-ratio-mass-spectrometry) conclusively revealed the administration of exogenous testosterone or its precursors, even if the testosterone glucuronide/epitestosterone glucuronide (T/E) ratio and steroid marker concentrations were below the cut-off values defined by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). To argue against this adverse analytical finding, the athletes recognized having used T. terrestris in their diet. In order to test this hypothesis, two female volunteers ingested 500 mg of T. terrestris, three times a day and for two consecutive days. All spot urines were collected during 48 h after the first intake. The 13C/12C ratio of ketosteroids was determined by GC/C/IRMS, the T/E ratio and DHEA concentrations were measured by GC/MS and LH concentrations by radioimmunoassay. None of these parameters revealed a significant variation or increased above the WADA cut-off limits. Hence, the short-term treatment with T. terrestris showed no impact on the endogenous testosterone metabolism of the two subjects.  相似文献   

Two major salvinorins, salvinorin A (SalA) and salvinorin B (SalB), in three Salvia divinorum dried leaf products and nine of its “concentrated extract” products circulated in Japan were determined. These ingredients were extracted twice with acetonitrile and decolored with graphite carbon powder. SalA and SalB were confirmed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry in product ion scan mode, and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection (for SalA) and by mass spectrometry in single ion monitoring mode (for SalB). The SalA/SalB contents (μg/mg) were in the range of 3.2–5.0/0.10–0.17 in the dried leaf products and 4.1–38.9/0.26–2.42 in the “concentrated extract” products. These findings would be useful for analysis of S. divinorum-related products circulated in the drug market.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper was to examine and compare two different commercially available approaches to the determination of the relative quantities of autosomal and Y chromosomal DNA using real-time PCR. One, Quantifiler® Duo, utilizes a TaqMan® assay with single copy probes for both autosomal human and Y quantification. The other method, Plexor HY® utilizes a primer quenching assay with multi-copy probes for its quantification of autosomal human and Y chromosomal DNA. To test these approaches we have utilized the NIST Human DNA Quantitation Standard Reference Material 2372, a set of three different NIST human DNA quantification standards, to examine the precision, accuracy and sensitivity of the real-time PCR assays. We also examined data from both systems utilizing casework samples. The results show that both systems produced linear estimates for DNA quantity over a broad range of input DNA. However we did observe some apparent copy number effects when comparing the three different NIST standards which we attributed to issues with sequence variations in the different standards. Overall, the single copy approach provided better accuracy while the multi-copy approach produced better sensitivity. Thus the choice of which system to use should depend upon the goals of the user.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to optimize and validate a fast amplification protocol for the multiplex amplification of the STR loci included in AmpFlSTR® Profiler Plus® to expedite human DNA identification. By modifying the cycling conditions and by combining the use of a DNA polymerase optimized for high speed PCR (SpeedSTAR™ HS) and a more efficient thermal cycler instrument (Bio-RAD C1000™), we were able to reduce the amplification process from 4 h to 26 min. No modification to the commercial AmpFlSTR® Profiler Plus® primer mix was required. When compared to the current Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) amplification protocol, no differences with regards to specificity, sensitivity, heterozygote peak height ratios and overall profile balance were noted. Moreover, complete concordance was obtained with profiles previously generated with the standard amplification protocol and minor alleles in mixture samples were reliably typed. An increase in n − 4 stutter ratios (2.2% on average for all loci) was observed for profiles amplified with the fast protocol compared to the current procedure. Our results document the robustness of this rapid amplification protocol for STR profiling using the AmpFlSTR® Profiler Plus® primer set and demonstrate that comparable data can be obtained in substantially less time. This new approach could provide an alternative option to current multiplex STR typing amplification protocols in order to increase throughput or expedite time-sensitive cases.  相似文献   

Numerous factors may cause delayed colonisation of a corpse by blowflies, leading to a discrepancy between the entomologically determined post-mortem interval (PMI) and the time of death. Blowflies, for example, are considered to be inactive at night, however, published observations are contradictory. In the present study, several field experiments and one type of indoor experiment were conducted in summer of 2004 and 2005 in order to investigate the nocturnal ovipositional behaviour of blowflies. In the field, two types of bait, dead hedgehogs and fresh beef liver, were placed at night in different urban and rural locations in Frankfurt and in Munich, Germany. For the indoor-experiments beef liver was placed in small plastic boxes containing caged Lucilia sericata females in the evening and left overnight. At night, no ovipositon was observed in the field (n=51, T=10-24 degrees C). Nocturnal oviposition in complete darkness occurred in the plastic boxes in two of six cases (T=25 degrees C). Considering the behavioural and physiological characteristics of flies we suggest that nocturnal oviposition of blowflies appears to be unlikely under natural conditions in Central Europe but may occur under certain circumstances, such as unusual high nightly temperatures and the presence of gravid flies with an appropriate arousal threshold.  相似文献   

Traditional forensic methods that highlight the spatial distribution of properties such as blood and fingerprints have two main disadvantages: they often apply chemicals that may influence further analyses, and they cannot easily be modified to search for new compounds/properties. A new instrument (called PryJector) avoids these problems by dynamically projecting back onto the surface under study spatially distributed information of compounds/properties (chemical images) obtained from multivariate analysis of hyperspectral images. Selectivity to target compounds/properties is ensured by multivariate modeling which makes the instrument much more flexible compared to traditional methods. The functionality of the PryJector is demonstrated in an application related to the detection of counterfeit pharmaceuticals where compounds otherwise indistinguishable to the human eye are made clearly visible by projection of false-colored chemical images. The PryJector is shown to be a noninvasive and very flexible instrument for highlighting spatial distributions of various compounds/properties.  相似文献   

The present study involves the development of forensic DNA typing tests and databases for mule deer in the Province of Alberta. Two multiplex PCR reactions interrogating 10 loci were used to analyze samples from three populations of mule deer. Additionally, an amelogenin based sex-typing marker was used to determine the gender of samples. Results show that the tests and databases are appropriate for use in forensic applications. Additionally, the results indicate that there is little population structure in mule deer in Alberta and that no changes to management of this game species are suggested.  相似文献   

The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) in the case of Google Spain SL v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) 2 [“the Google decision”] to require Google to enforce a right to be forgotten has caused a furore and sets a dangerous precedent in internet regulation. 3 It is setting up the search engine as a form of Internet Government and fracturing the balance between privacy and freedom of information in the connected world. In a world where we have become attuned to full exposure by routinely signing over access to information, privacy is no longer the issue – the real concern is control. This paper seeks to address the issues of whether we have a right to privacy anymore, who should be making decisions about what is available and where and how a global convention on access to information might be achieved.  相似文献   

DNA-based analysis was performed using partial mitochondrial cytochrome b genes of five mammalian specimens and Chromo-Helicase-DNA-binding (CHD) genes of five pheasants to determine whether specimens were from illegally hunted animals. Mammalian specimens were identified as being those of horse, roe deer, and cow through gene amplification using cytb981f and cytb981r primer set and sequencing. CHD genes were revealed to be those of three male and two female pheasants through polymerase chain reaction amplification. Because hunting of roe deers and female pheasants is prohibited in Korea, these results provided forensic evidences of illegal wild animal hunting.  相似文献   

The article offers a close reading of the famous upanişadic story of Indra, Virocana and Prajāpati from the eighth chapter of the Chāndogya-Upanişad versus Śankara’s bhāşya, with special reference to the notions of suşupti and turīya. That Śankara is not always loyal to the Upanişadic texts is a well-known fact. That the Upanişads are (too) often read through Śan-kara’s Advaitic eyes is also known. The following lines will not merely illustrate the gap between text and commentary but will also reveal an unexpected Upanişadic depiction of ‘dreamless sleep’ and ‘transcendental consciousness’. Suşupti is described here as ‘one step too far’, as a ‘break’ or discontinuity in one’s consciousness; whereas turīya is depicted positively, and surprisingly even in wordly terms. Unlike the third state of consciousness in which there is no ‘world’ nor ‘me’, and which is described through Indra’s character as ‘total destruction’ (vināśa); in turīya, the world ‘comes back’, or rather the ‘renouncer’ returns to the world. Sankara’s position, as far as the story under discussion is concerned, is radically different. For him, the Upanişadic story illustrates the continuity of consciousness in all its states. For him, the identification with merely one of the consciousness-states is an error (adhyāsa) which causes suffering. Consciousness prevails even in suşupti, and turīya has nothing to do with ‘coming back to the world’, since there is nowhere to come back from or to. Turīya, as seen by the Advaitin, consists of all the other states of consciousness together, or as K. C. Bhattacharyya puts it, ‘It is not only a stage among stages; it is the truth of the other stages’. The article is dedicated to Prof. Daya Krishna (1924-2007).  相似文献   

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