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Alcohol is one of the main causes of traffic accidents worldwide. Its use decreases significantly the driving ability of an individual as well as the reflexes of a pedestrian increasing in this way the possibilities of their involvement in motor-vehicle accidents. The above possibilities are increased when a psychoactive substance has been taken in combination with alcohol due to their synergistic effect. The Laboratory of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the University of Athens is authorized to perform the toxicological investigation of traffic accidents that happen in the major part of Greece. The findings of the toxicological analyses that were performed in our laboratory during the years 1995 to 1997 are classified according to the alcohol concentration and the kind of psychoactive substance detected as well as to the gender and the age of the victims, drivers or pedestrians. The results of the above classification are evaluated and the conclusions regarding alcohol, drugs and traffic accidents in Greece are discussed thoroughly.  相似文献   

This study compared four groups of women who reported being the victims of a single violent crime (total N = 47) and a group of non-victimized women (N = 96). Victims were divided into groups based on the type of assault (rape vs. aggravated assault) and the identity of their assailant (husband vs. stranger). The groups were compared on measures of psychological functioning and symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Crime victims reported higher levels of psychological distress than did the non-victimized women across a variety of symptom areas. There were no group differences among the four victim groups on any of the measures. Women assaulted by their husbands were more likely to report that the assault was one of a series of similar attacks. Victims of aggravated assault were more likely than rape victims to report that they feared for their lives during the assault. Results are discussed with respect to societal views on the comparative severity of marital and stranger assaults.  相似文献   

A state law has placed an obligation on the criminal investigation laboratories to screen and quantitate all preparations, both pharmaceutical and illicit, that fall under the provisions of "Excepted Substances." Without complete screens on these preparations, there is room for erroneous indictments as well as possible acquittals on technicalities.  相似文献   

船舶油污损害损失分担是指由导致油污损害的船舶所有人、石油进口商和船旗国等主体,按照一定的归责原则和赔偿序位,对船舶跨界油污损害的受害者所遭受的损失分担赔偿义务的法律机制。从20世纪60年代末开始,国际社会逐步建立了船舶油污损害损失分担的制度模式,确立了民事责任人的限额民事责任和石油进口方的限额赔偿义务,但没有涉及船旗国的国际赔偿责任。从船舶油污损害损失分担的概念入手,对现行分担船舶油污损害损失的主体及其局限性进行分析,论述建立有船旗国参与的船舶油污损害三级赔偿机制的基本框架及其意义。  相似文献   

针对油污对海洋环境造成的生态损害和渔业资源损失索赔的实务问题,采用法定监测机构作出专业监测评估报告,为损害索赔提供技术依据的方法,从监测报告的特性、内容及其监测的方法,分析得出专业监测报告属于民事诉讼证据中的"鉴定结论",应当作为认定损害的依据,并提出渔业主管部门对渔业资源损害的调查权和代表国家行使渔业资源损失的索赔权并存时并无利害关系的观点。  相似文献   

船舶污染造成的海洋环境损害赔偿范围研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了海洋环境、海洋资源、海洋生态的含义,区分了资源损失与财产损失、渔业资源损失与渔业损失、渔业资源中长期损失与天然渔业资源损失的不同。在此基础上,提出了“海洋环境损害”的定义,主张放弃“渔业资源中长期损失”的提法,海洋生态环境损害和天然渔业资源损害等都应属于利润损失之外的环境损害,而且对此种海洋环境损害的赔偿,只应限于已实际采取或将要采取的合理复原措施的费用。  相似文献   

Criminologists have long debated the issue of how to define crime, and hence, the scope of criminological inquiry. For years, some critical criminologists have argued for expanded definitions of crime that include harmful behaviors of the state that may not be officially defined as criminal. Other critical criminologists have argued that existing legal frameworks may be used to study varieties of state crime, and that defining the harmful actions of the state as criminal is important to help mobilize public support for their control. In this paper, we first trace the historical development of these two perspectives, and then offer a tentative solution to the seeming tension between these two perspectives.  相似文献   

Domestic violence has emerged as a worldwide concern since the 1970s. Although a substantial amount of efforts have been devoted to assessing various aspects of domestic violence, a relatively small number of studies have empirically examined factors that shape public attitudes toward police response to such incidents. Even rarer is investigating the topic from an international, comparative perspective. Based on survey data gathered from approximately 550 college students in China and the United States, this study analyzes the effects of background characteristics, personal and vicarious experiences of crime, and perceptions of gender roles and violence on attitudes toward proactive and traditional police response to domestic violence. Compared to their American counterparts, Chinese students were less likely to favor proactive response and more likely to support traditional response. Chinese and American students' attitudes toward police response to domestic violence were shaped by some different and common factors. Implications for policy and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article uses human trafficking in Belgium to test a newly developed framework for assessing the harms of crime that has been applied previously to cocaine trafficking in the same country. We chose this criminal activity because of its policy relevance and to address apparent needs for systematic, evidence-based analysis. The framework uses quantitative and qualitative evidence to assess harms to individuals, private-sector entities, and others and to establish crime control priorities. The assessment process models the activity, evaluates the severity and incidence of harms, ranks priorities, and considers causality. We highlight three findings. First, trafficking victims can experience catastrophic harms, but the overall dimensions of human trafficking in Belgium appear to be modest. Second, the evidence suggests significant recent declines in the degree of exploitation and use of violence. Third, most harms to individual victims result directly from the activity, which sets it apart from other forms of trafficking.  相似文献   

Since 1945 the U.S. government has conducted extensive atomic testing for purposes of protecting the national security and developing industrial uses of nuclear power. Newly available information indicates that many citizens were unwittingly harmed by exposure to radioactive fallout from this testing. The victims are pressuring the government to accept liability for its actions and offer compensation for the damages. To date, however, their efforts have been largely unsuccessful. This article analyzes the politics of the atomic compensation movement, from its beginnings through the 97th Congress. It concludes that, barring the enactment of specific legislation, atomic victims stand little chance of gaining financial compensation or moral satisfaction.  相似文献   

Although the long-term effects of sexual abuse by men have been studied extensively, minimal research has explored the effects of sexual abuse by women. This qualitative study explores the experience and long-term impact of sexual abuse by women. The data were derived from in-depth interviews with 14 adult victims (7 men, 7 women) of child sexual abuse by females. Most respondents reported severe sexual abuse by their mothers. The vast majority of participants reported that the experience of female-perpetrated sexual abuse was harmful and damaging. As a result of the sexual abuse, male and female respondents reported long-term difficulties with substance abuse, self-injury, suicide, depression, rage, strained relationships with women, self-concept and identity issues, and a discomfort with sex. In light of the popular and professional perceptions that sexual abuse by women is relatively harmless as compared to sexual abuse by men, the implications of these long-term effects are discussed, particularly in relation to professionals working in the area of child sexual abuse.  相似文献   

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