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河井继之助是日本幕末时期一名十分活跃的政治人物,其生平事迹、政治理念独具特色,具有积极的历史意义.他于乱世应对强大外来压力,治理本地区手法独到,功绩卓著;其特立独行的政治主张和远见卓识虽因其功败垂成,湮没于历史长河中,但其所包含的公道开明的政治思想和国家观,对照明治时代的政治及之后的发展演化,对于审视日本近代化历程,研究日本近现代政治史具有独特的参考作用.  相似文献   

佐久间象山是幕末有名的开国论者,其提出的"东洋道德,西洋艺术"反映了当时日本知识分子为应对西方列强势力入侵的一种思维模式。因此,学术界有关象山的研究多集中于通过探讨象山的学问方式即如何定位朱子学与洋学,开国论形成的原因等方面,来说明他是如何应对这一"外压"的,缺乏对象山为此从经济角度提出的有关措施的实证性研究。本文围绕象山对国内、国外经济状况的认识与主张展开讨论,从而揭示象山经济思想形成的根本原因。  相似文献   

德川身份等级制既是统治秩序,又是职业体系。由于其在政治与经济领域、权力与财富领域的二元分离,使士、农、工、商四个等级间的差别与各等级内部的差别呈现出各不相同的特点。德川身份等级制具有浓厚的封建色彩,严重禁锢了人们的思想和行为,但它内部却酝酿着有利于社会发展的积极因素。  相似文献   


Thailand is now the linchpin in America’s Asia. As revolutionaries in Indochina continue to force a reduction of U.S. ground troops in Asia and as Washington’s commitment to Taiwan weakens, Thailand assumes increasing strategic importance for current American counterrevolutionary operations in continental Asia. This development extends a general trend which began in the early 1950s.  相似文献   

How does the state ensure the implementation of national policies in a context of decentralized political authority? This article identifies a new strategy utilized by national bureaucrats to regulate the behavior of subnational politicians: mobilizing civil society as government watchdog and political advocate. In the context of decentralized governance, in which local politicians administer most social sector programs, reform‐minded bureaucrats often find that they have little control over the implementation of their progressive policies. In Brazil's AIDS policy sector, however, bureaucrats have ensured the successful implementation of their policies by developing allies outside government. These state actors—here called activist bureaucrats—have been largely overlooked in the English‐language literature, yet they form a new layer of politics in Latin America.  相似文献   

此文为国家社科基金研究课题<东亚跨世纪的巨变与重新崛起--东亚现代化历史进程>的前言,对东亚变革与现代化的发展进程、东亚发展的理论问题、发展的模式与基本经验教训等提出了几点认识.  相似文献   


This paper draws on critical theories of organisations to question why child sexual abuse is a frequent correlate of male authority in institutional settings. While acknowledging the role of other risk factors, the paper suggests that the contemporary bureaucratic form is itself conducive to child sexual abuse. This argument is developed through an analysis of Case Study 42 of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, centred on allegations of sexual abuse by the clergy and laity in the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle. The extensive allegations of abuse in the diocese illustrate how rationalised structures of governance and oversight can facilitate rather than inhibit child sexual abuse. The analysis advanced by the paper contests the assumption that institutional abuse represents the deformation or paedophilic “infiltration” of otherwise neutral organisational arrangements. Instead, the paper emphasises how rationalised institutional structures can mystify relations of domination and promulgate a milieu in which children are viewed instrumentally as the means for the fulfilment of personal drives.  相似文献   

陈奉林 《当代亚太》2003,(12):59-60
20世纪 80年代以来 ,国内学术界对世界现代化问题进行了积极探索与开创性研究 ,推出了一批有代表性的著作。但是迄今为止 ,专门研究东南亚现代化 ,特别是研究马来西亚现代化问题的著作并不多见。韩方明先生撰写的《华人与马来西亚现代化进程》(商务印书馆 2 0 0 2年 10月出版 ,下称《进程》) ,从华人与马来西亚现代化关系生成的角度 ,研究了马来西亚现代化道路的曲折历程。这部著作既总结了作者多年的治学成果 ,又反映了作者在新形势下的创新。笔者在细读这部著作之后 ,发现作者在马来西亚华人和现代化问题研究方面有不少创新之处。《进程》…  相似文献   

In this article the structural, political and intellectual context in which a specific discourse of development emerged is examined. In the context of the Cold War, the prolonged effort of American intellectuals in advising and attempting to redirect the process of development in India and its consequences for a particular version of modernization theory is analyzed. A general sociology of knowledge approach is deployed to examine the complex configuration of events that contributed to a specific discoursed that owes its intellectual lineage to the Comtean vision of social science.  相似文献   

F. R. Kreutzwald introduced the Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg (1861) as genuine folklore, overshadowing his own prevalent role in its creation: the problems of genre and authorship persist in the text. Firstly, Kalevipoeg was shaped by the poetics of romantic balladry. This can be proved by its author’s devotion to the ballad; in addition, many a lyro-epic folk song has been integrated into Kalevipoeg. Thus, a ballad-like lyro-dramatical-epical structure bears upon the work which gave rise to a new form: the lyro-epic epic. Secondly, a complex cluster of authorship can be extracted from Kalevipoeg: personal, fictional, intertextual, and discursive authorships.  相似文献   

Australia-India relations during the Cold War years were tense. The dominant argument in the current literature that explains this tension is the Nehru-Menzies dissonance, which resulted in fundamentally opposite readings of the Cold War. However, the role of Australian aid to India has been understudied in the bilateral relations literature. India was the largest receiver of Australian aid between 1951–1969, but in 1969, there was a marked decrease in this aid as Indonesia replaced India as the main aid recipient. By drawing on archival material, this article suggests an additional explanation for the dramatic change to the Australia-India relationship. By examining the role of Australian ministers and senior bureaucrats, this paper argues that between 1951–1969, Australia’s aid to India was driven by its strategic interests in India. However, by 1966 Australia’s strategic interests in India became tenuous due to the souring of United States-India relations, primarily because of the stresses of the Vietnam War. Thus, a sizeable cut in Australian aid to India was made in 1969 and the subsequent decision to make Indonesia the foremost beneficiary of its aid was a result of strategic reassessments in Australian foreign policy, to adhere more closely to United States (US) interests in Asia.  相似文献   

台湾农业现代化评析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文在概述台湾农业现代化宏观经济政策的基础上,运用新 制度经济学的方法,对台湾农业现代化政策的绩效与成因做了简要的评述。  相似文献   

Chile presents a paradox for legislative studies. In most comparative research on the political power of presidents and assemblies in Latin America, the Chilean presidency is considered one of the most powerful in the region. The country's congress is seen, accordingly, as weak and lacking influence over public policy. Such evaluations, however, tend to be based on constitutional and legal faculties (that is, formal powers), and they overlook the substantial influence exerted by the Chilean Congress through informal political channels. This article analyzes literature on informal politics that shows the substantial influence of Chile's Congress on public policy; and, for comparison, presents an empirical study that adds several details to current accounts of congressional influence on the bureaucracy in Chile and describes two mechanisms of congressional influence not contemplated by recent research.  相似文献   

东亚的现代化与民族文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文 《当代亚太》2006,(12):45-51
对民族文化持基本否定态度的激进观点,与主张肯定和继承民族文化的温和观点,在不同的历史条件下所起到的作用有所不同。二战后东亚社会的发展,尤其是中国改革开放的实践证明:现代化建设须以自己的民族文化为根基,传统应在现代性中继存,新的社会形态必然会受到历史背景和民族感情的制约。  相似文献   

Despite sustained criticism of Western modernization theory since the 1970s, several distinct groups of theorists have sought to renovate it. Further, some of the strongest evidence of the theory's continued vitality comes from discussions of China, the fastest developing contemporary society. A close reading of a diverse group of texts reveals that a lively, creative, and global Chinese modernization discourse has emerged in recent decades. That discourse draws heavily on classical modernization theorists like Max Weber, acknowledges the successors and critics, and often integrates these Western theories with Chinese social and philosophical traditions. This essay maps the Chinese modernization discourse, highlights its relationships with other modernization discourses, and situates it within historical and theoretical contexts.  相似文献   

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