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This study proposes a number of theoretical and methodological innovations in an attempt to better understand how legislators compete for media coverage. We make a distinction between those variables that determine the potential newsworthiness of a legislature (production assets) and those that are related to the political and media environment in which the legislators operate (news opportunities). We then put forth five hypotheses and test them by examining the political standing, charismatic communication skills, and radio exposure of 54 members of the Israeli Knesset. The results confirm that political standing and charismatic communication skills are important predictors of media exposure and that the relative importance of these factors changes during different political seasons.  相似文献   

This paper is a history of the health policy results of the Employee Retirement and Income Security Act of 1974, particularly section 514, which preempts state laws "which relate to any employee benefit plan" but permits states to continue to regulate the business of insurance. This history exemplifies how health policy is often made outside conventional arenas. On the basis of published primary sources and interviews with a number of key participants, the paper describes how interest groups which rarely act together coalesced to create and sustain semipreemption and its effects on state and federal health policy. The paper concludes with an assessment of recent state legislative efforts to address the problems created by ERISA semipreemption. The ironical results of semipreemption occurred because of the absence of a coalition of interest groups that was sufficiently strong to resolve the fundamental questions raised by our commitment to linking health insurance to employment.  相似文献   

The recent judgment by the Israeli Supreme Court on targetedkillings is a landmark decision in many respects. Its main meritlies in trying to give precision to, and therefore make concretelyapplicable by the belligerents, some loose standards of internationalhumanitarian law on the conduct of hostilities. In particular,the judgment is significant because (i) it concluded that theissue of targeted killings did not amount to a non-justiciablequestion, (ii) it suggested a novel and imaginative way of narrowingdown the vague scope of imprecise international rules on methodsof combat, and in addition (iii) it set out a range of measuresthat belligerents must take both before and after armed attacksagainst civilians participating in hostilities, so as to avoiddamage to innocent civilians as far as possible. The measuresauthoritatively suggested in the judgment may serve both toturn some unclear international rules into workable standardsof conduct, and also to open the way to the possible prosecutionof individuals (superiors and subordinates) who do not complywith such standards.  相似文献   

The highly successful Japanese and less than successful American policing situations were compared in terms of: historical background, police organization and format, cultural environment, social-cultural background of officers. training, police socialization, and general nature of policing. Positive influences upon Japanese policing were found to be: the nature of the Japanese people; their deliberate recruitment of ideal police candidates—especially recruiting from samurai families; the highly respected paternalistic and benevolent image in Japan of the police as governmental officials; their deliberate socialization of officers into the police fraternity by using pride. duty, and responsibility to ensure professionalism; and their very extensive and thorough academy training in continuity with later field training and performance. It was suggested that in the United States we begin to address our problems in both selection and training by formulating and then enforcing national guidelines similar to those in Japan.  相似文献   

Two simulated scenes of crime have been studied. Soil traces adhering to boots, sport shoes and tissues have been compared with control samples using particle size analysis. Comparisons of percentage of particles per class interval and multivariate analyses were used to determine how the size distribution of each suspect sample varied compared to the original distribution. A loss of coarse fractions characterized most of the suspect samples even though they were derived from soils having different distributional patterns. However, the differences between control and suspect samples were found to be more important for soils dominated by extreme size classes than for soils rich in medium size particles. The differences among soil samples from the same source were found to be restricted to the extreme size classes. The finding of significant differences within size classes ranging from 1 to 0.063 mm should be then considered as a dissimilarity sign between trace sample and hypothetic control soil.  相似文献   

In a theoretical analysis, we use a common agency model to show that lobbying by energy-intensive sectors covered under an emissions trading scheme (ETS) shifts the regulatory burden of an economy-wide emission constraint to sectors outside the ETS. The emission tax on the latter becomes inefficiently high such that lobbying does not only induce burden shifting but also efficiency losses. A complementary empirical analysis for a cross section of German firms under the EU emissions trading scheme supports our theoretical result on the role of lobbying on allowance allocation.  相似文献   

Two simulated scenes of crime have been studied. Soil traces adhering to boots, sport shoes and tissues have been compared with control samples using particle size analysis. Comparisons of percentage of particles per class interval and multivariate analyses were used to determine how the size distribution of each suspect sample varied compared to the original distribution. A loss of coarse fractions characterized most of the suspect samples even though they were derived from soils having different distributional patterns. However, the differences between control and suspect samples were found to be more important for soils dominated by extreme size classes than for soils rich in medium size particles. The differences among soil samples from the same source were found to be restricted to the extreme size classes. The finding of significant differences within size classes ranging from 1 to 0.063 mm should be then considered as a dissimilarity sign between trace sample and hypothetic control soil.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that learning disabilities are related to juvenile delinquency, a sample of 1,005 public school and 687 adjudicated juvenile delinquent youths (ages 12 to 17) reported about delinquent behaviors in which they had engaged. The youths' educational records were screened, and, if the presence of learning disabilities could not be discounted, the children were given a series of tests. Every child was classified as either learning disabled or not. The results indicated that proportionately more adjudicated delinquent children than public school children were learning disabled. Self-report data, however, showed no differences in delinquent behaviors engaged in by learning-disabled and non-learning-disabled children, within either the adjudicated or public school samples. Public school children who have learning disabilities reported that they were picked up by the police at about the same rate as non-learning-disabled children, and engaged in about the same delinquent behaviors. Charges for which learning-disabled and non-learning-disabled adjudicated delinquents were convicted followed the same general patterns. In light of these findings, it was proposed that the greater proportion of learning-disabled youth among adjudicated juvenile delinquents may be accounted for by differences in the way such children are treated within the juvenile justice system, rather than by differences in their delinquent behaviors.  相似文献   

State legislators' relationships with administrators have received scant attention in the literature despite the importance of these relationships for delivery of public services. We explored whether or not the legislator‐administrator relationship in one professional state legislature resembles Congress's oversight of federal agencies. We also assessed whether or not term limits changed this relationship. Our findings indicate that monitoring state agencies was a low priority for this legislature, and it dropped even lower after term limits were implemented. More specifically, we found some institutional roles to be associated with legislators placing a higher priority on monitoring, especially before term limits, whereas some individual motives were associated with a lower priority, especially after term limits. Legislators exhibited more confusion about the process of monitoring after term limits.  相似文献   

This article explores the congressional criminal justice policy-making process in the United States, using efforts toward federal criminal-code revision and capital punishment as case examples. It examines how interest groups and symbolic politics affect criminal justice policy and thereby attempts to enhance understanding of the political realities of criminal justice policy making. Based on the findings reported here, an approach to criminal justice policy making is recommended. This approach builds on the disjointed incremental model found in the political science literature and should facilitate criminal justice policy makers in becoming more effective participants in the legislative process.  相似文献   

Stemming from ambition theory, a vast body of studies has demonstrated how politicians' pursuits of different goals can explain their behaviors. Among other goals, politicians strive for re‐election or to attain a better office. However, little is known about the way politicians prioritize these goals. This article uses the phenomenon of legislative party switching to address this void and examines how hierarchy between goals determines legislator strategies. The study exploits the 2008 Romanian electoral reform, which rendered the electoral system more candidate centered. Drawing on data from more than 3,900 individual‐level observations over the period from 1996 to 2012, this article shows how vote incentives alter the trade‐offs between re‐election and office motivations. The findings suggest that politicians will pursue office goals only if the goal of re‐election is to be achieved.  相似文献   

内塔尼亚胡的优势此次选举原定2013年10月举行,内塔尼亚胡之所以提前大选,他认为他们的第一个优势是过去几年内,以色列执政联盟在经济上保证了以色列在全球经济不景气的背景下仍保持强劲增长。2011年以色列经济增长达4.7%,是经合成员国(OECD)的两倍;2012年经济增幅下降,也仍达3.3%。而据以《哈雷兹报》1月18日所做的选前最后一次民调显示,47%的受访者认为社会和经济问题才是最紧迫的问题。这说明内  相似文献   

Scientific, detailed regulations for the abatement of noise, odour and air pollutants did not prove very successful; Israel reverted to the Subjective norm of 'disturbing'. Courts proved more adaptive to change than legislators, and made use of those regulations to shift the onus of proof in keeping balance between sanity and development.  相似文献   

This article explores a “particularistic” concept of legitimacy important to Taiwanese democracy. This form of legitimacy, I suggest, has been instrumental for Taiwan's successful democratic consolidation in the absence of the rule of law. As evidence, I combine ethnographic observation of neighborhood police work with historical consideration of a type of political figure emergent in the process of democratic reform, which I call the “outlaw legislator.” I focus my analysis on the institutional and ideological processes articulating local policing into the wider political field. The center of these processes is a mode of popular representation that positions the outlaw legislator as a crucial hinge articulating the particularistic local order with central state powers. By analyzing the cultural content of the dramaturgical work used to reconcile low policing with higher‐level state operations, this article shows how a particularistic idiom of legitimacy helps hold Taiwanese democracy together.  相似文献   

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