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This paper briefly summarizes the tenets of the idea of a HarmoniousWorld as proposed by China, compares them with those of a Co-progressiveWorld as proposed by the author and highlights the importantroles of the international law of co-progressiveness and leaderStates in realizing the vision of the Harmonious World or Co-progressiveWorld.  相似文献   

In this article, Gostin and Archer explore the varied lenses through which governments are obligated to address humanitarian needs. States'responsibilities to help others derive from domestic law, political commitments, ethical values, national interests, and international law. What is needed, however, is clarity and detailed standards so that States can operationalize this responsibility, making it real for developing countries. Transnational cooperation needs to be more effective and consistent to provide assistance for the world's poorest and least healthy people.  相似文献   

从本源看,国际关系与国际法之间联系紧密,在学科发展上国际关系理论与国际法学相互依托、互相促进。斯劳特的自由主义国际法学,正是一种渊源于自由主义国际关系理论,并将国际关系理论与国际法学紧密结合在一起的新研究范式。在这种范式里,最引人注目的是其尝试为国际法学开辟一条自下而上的研究路径。无疑,这是对长期以来依赖自上而下的国际法传统研究路径的一个很好的弥补,也为当代跨国法的研究提供了良好的分析框架。当然,自由主义国际法学存在的不足也必须引起我们的注意。  相似文献   

普通法国家反垄断法的特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
垄断是十分复杂的经济现象 ,单纯依靠判例或经验并不能有效地防止或限制垄断 ,因此 ,在垄断问题上 ,普通法国家采用的是制定法与普通法相结合的方法 ,制定法的地位和作用要大于判例法。  相似文献   

论遗产分割中的归扣制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,中国传统税法研究过于强调税收的“权力性、强制性与无偿性”,因而使税法异化为侵犯(私人)财产权的“侵权法”,与作为“维权法”的私法形成对立。然而,从依法治国之宪法意旨和市场经济的内在要求来看,税法与私法本质上应为统一,并具有内在、广泛的联系,其本源就在于“对(私人)财产权的确认和保障”。  相似文献   

This article is the second part of a review of the event studymethodology, which has proved to be one of the most successfuluses of econometrics in policy analysis. In this part we focuson the methodology's application to corporate law and corporategovernance issues. Event studies have played an important rolein the making of corporate law and in corporate law scholarship.The reason for this input is twofold. First, there is a matchbetween the methodology and subject matter: the goal of corporatelaw is to increase shareholder wealth, and event studies providea metric for measurement of the impact upon stock prices ofpolicy decisions. Second, because the participants in corporatelaw debates share the objective of corporate law, to adopt policiesthat enhance shareholder wealth, their disagreements are overthe means to achieve that end. Hence, the discourse can be empiricallyinformed. The article concludes by sketching the methodology'suse in evaluating the economic effects of regulation. Whileevent studies' usefulness for policy analysis is by now familiarin the corporate law setting, we hope that our two-part reviewwill suggest appropriate applications to other fields of law.  相似文献   

Cultural property may be under serious threat in the event of armed conflict. In the twentieth century, there were clear developments in international law aimed at preventing and punishing war crimes against cultural property. Despite this, the destruction of cultural property during armed conflict has continued. This article questions whether the existing international law standards with regard to the protection of cultural property during armed conflict are satisfactory, and whether or not a new instrument could be valuable. Although considerable shortcomings remain, instead of pleading for a new instrument, this article advocates raising ratification rates, the enhancement of the implementation of existing instruments, and monitoring and sanctioning mechanisms.  相似文献   

Motha  Stewart 《Law and Critique》2002,13(3):311-338
This article interrogates the relationship between the sovereign event and a legal decision that purports to place sovereignty beyond law. It argues that sovereignty cannot be regarded as unitary, and elaborates the process of iterability by which the sovereign event is split from the outset. This dynamic is examined through an interrogation of the non-justiciability of sovereignty in Mabo v. Queensland (No. 2)(1992). Along with the unitary conception of sovereignty, Mabo (No. 2) deployed an absolute measure for community in the form of the ‘skeletal principle’ of the doctrine of tenure. The paper argues that a conception of the political that affirms the One sovereign source of community and law instead of the original dis-position of law, nation and community repeats the original violence, and will, at best, run aground on the righteous (mis)recognition of the ‘appropriate savage’. It concludes with an indicative rethinking of community through the thought of Jean-Luc Nancy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

冷战结束后,国际人权法获得了较为广阔的生长空间,国际刑法也进入复兴和快速发展的阶段。国际人权法对国际刑法各个领域的影响都十分明显,从基本原则到具体规则,从实体法到程序法,从刑罚制度设计到刑罚的执行,并努力在保护被害人与保障被告人权利两者之间保持微妙的平衡。然而,透过国际人权法推动国际刑法发展的帷幔,不难发现其背后"人权"和"主权"之间的紧张博弈:为保护人权,国际人权法引领着国际刑法试图突破国家领土的藩篱进而穿透国家主权的坚硬"铠甲";国家则奋力祭起"主权"大旗并诉诸"司法独立"的坚固盾牌,抵御某些外部政治实体利用国际刑事司法机构干涉其内政、侵蚀其"司法独立",以最大限度地维护国家利益。  相似文献   

The attitude of past United States administrations to public international law, particularly but not exclusively governing the use of force, has often seemed ambivalent, or sometimes decidedly hostile (where the conduct of the United States itself was called in to question). This paper considers the attitude of many of those with power or influence in the Bush administration (particularly that of the 'neo-conservatives'), and the implications of their often thinly disguised contempt for public international law which might seek to constrain the exercise of United States power. The conclusion is that while the academic arguments which seek to justify this American 'exceptionalism' are worthy of serious examination, they are ultimately inadequate and in the interests of neither the rest of the world, nor, finally, the United States itself.  相似文献   

在全球经济增长放缓的背景下,加征关税已经成为国家间贸易摩擦的重要形式。自2016年以来,美国不断增加对中国加征关税的额度,加征关税的法律依据也更加多样化。美国加征关税的法律依据主要分为针对不公平贸易行为、保障措施和国家安全例外三大类型。美国加征关税的国内法与国际法规则运用存在长期冲突,根源在于美国加征关税立法上确立的美国法优先原则,这将对今后国际贸易体系的改革和发展产生重大阻力。  相似文献   

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