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王礼鑫  冯猛 《公共行政评论》2020,(1):140-157,199,200
政策企业家在推动政府创新中,有无知识创造活动?若有,过程是怎样的?这是政府创新研究中的基本问题之一。论文以知识生产理论为视角,以K市公益基金招投标改革为例,对这一问题进行了研究。主要发现是:政策企业家将其新想法转化为创新方案的认知活动中,运用了其专门知识,创新方案设计活动是新想法、组织外部知识与内部知识的结合;知识创造本质是命题性知识与能力之知间相互作用而转换;知识创造方式包括原理化、操作化、合法化、边界化等;生产过程最后产出了因果知识、工具知识、流程知识、目标知识、预测知识、协调知识等。基于创造方式,论文将政策企业家的知识创造模型命名为ROLD。这一研究的意义在于:尝试从知识创造视角去揭示政府创新微观活动的“黑箱”。  相似文献   

知识产权的客体是知识产品 ,知识产品是知识性与产品性的统一。知识的本质是信息 ,知识是人脑的产物 ,产生于大脑的知识并非一定为他人感知 ,存在于大脑中的知识也具有其形式 ,知识不以是否能为他人感知为前提 ;知识产权制度不是用来保护知识的 ,不是用来限制知识的传播的 ,而是通过保护创造性智力劳动成果———知识产品 ,来保护创造知识的劳动的 ;知识产权属于私权但对公权有强烈的依存性 ,是人们基于创造知识的劳动对所产生的知识产品依法享有的专有权  相似文献   

Social network theory suggests that firms bridging structural holes by connecting disconnected partners in a network benefit from timely access to diverse knowledge. However, the existing literature reports mixed evidence with regard to the performance implications of this view. Our study examines how a firm’s diverse knowledge base and knowledge-processing capabilities affect knowledge creation when a firm bridges multiple structural holes in an inter-firm network. The model is tested on a sample of 191 firms in high-technology industries. The dependent variable, knowledge creation, was measured by the number of patents generated. Results show that when a firm spans multiple structural holes, its diverse technological knowledge facilitates knowledge creation. However, when a firm already possesses well-developed knowledge acquisition capabilities, spanning structural holes reduces knowledge creation. This paper suggests that internal knowledge base and knowledge-processing capabilities determine the impacts of external network positions on firm knowledge creation. It provides implications on how a firm best capitalizes on external network positions.  相似文献   

知识的测度及其经济学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识经济对西方经济学的研究方法和研究对象形成了革命性冲击,知识的直接测度是不可能的,它作为变量不符合数学分析方法的要求,不可能运用数学方法把知识纳入生产函数中,知识直接测度的不可能性意味着知识不是和资本与劳动力相独立的变量。知识经济要求对西方经济学的研究方法和研究对象实行根本性转变,进行全新的研究和探索。  相似文献   

喻中 《政法论丛》2012,(3):3-14
亚里士多德把人类的知识划分成三种类型:理论知识、实用知识、制造知识。三者对应于后来所说的纯粹理性、实践理性、技艺。按照这样的知识分类,社会主义法治理念既具有实践理性的属性,也具有技艺的属性,但是,它在通常情况下,并不具有纯粹理性的属性。社会主义法治理念的这种知识属性,有助于辨析当代中国法律人的社会角色及其类型。  相似文献   

传统知识的利用与知识产权的保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐家力 《中国法学》2005,(6):113-120
现代科学技术的发展,越来越需要传统知识的广泛应用。对传统知识的保护问题也日益引起各国的重视。传统知识因为区别于现代知识产权客体的特点,所以对传统知识的保护不应当也不可能仅限于知识产权保护的范围。最重要的原因是,传统知识的持有者往往是个群体,而且多数情况下这类群体在经济上处于弱势,所以单单依靠私法领域的保护,并不能起到全部作用。对弱势群体的扶持任务,应当落到国家的身上,实际就是有了国家公权力的介入,并且从中起到引导和桥梁的作用。  相似文献   

后现代主义认识论颠覆了传统的知识观:知识不是被展现出的而是被建构出的.后现代主义的杰出代表社会建构主义着重强调了知识建构的社会性.儿童观是认知主体以儿童为对象建构出的一种社会知识,随"儿童形象"的诞生而形成,并影响着"儿童形象"的塑造.儿童观的社会建构属性使得儿童观随着社会的发展变迁、认识论的演变而不断更替,直至引发一场范式的转型,然后在新范式的指导下进行新一轮的建构.儿童观建构取向从聚焦于尺有所短的劣势视角转变到聚焦于寸有所长的优势视角标志着儿童观范式的转型,这一转型颠覆了儿童的传统形象,开启了一种全新的儿童成长空间.  相似文献   

李琦 《北方法学》2010,4(5):5-18
中国法学的自我检视并不及于对法学知识生产者自身的审思与批判,这使中国法学缺乏自洽性。法学知识生产者自我批判的必要性,取决于知识分子工作中所包含的"针对知识"这一层面。知识分子由此呈现出反观性、超越性、自我放逐和非交换性。中国法学知识生产者一方面未充分呈现反观性这一知识分子的积极要件,另一方面则充分呈现了文化资本的可交换性,由此而表现为"单向度"的存在。  相似文献   

A law firm can be understood as a social community specializing in the speed and efficiency of creating and transferring legal knowledge. Knowledge management was first introduced to law firms in order to help them create, share and apply knowledge more effectively: information technology (IT) might well play an important role in the success of such knowledge management initiatives. In this paper, IT support for knowledge management is linked to stages of growth, with a stages‐of‐growth model proposed that consists of four stages. The first stage addresses the end‐user tools made available to knowledge workers (people to technology), while the second involves information about who knows what (people to people). The third stage concerns the information held by knowledge workers (people to documents), with information systems actually solving knowledge problems constituting the fourth and final stage (people to systems). Stages‐of‐growth models have been widely used in both organizational research and IT management research: such models have also been criticized for their lack of empirical validity. This paper develops such a survey instrument in order to test a knowledge management technology stage model empirically.  相似文献   

Police forces are undoubtedly knowledge workers in the public sector. However, policing knowledge is getting lost as the baby-boom generation is approaching retirement age and officers failed to capture and retain the retirees’ knowledge before they leave. Given the lack of empirical studies which examine the knowledge transfer between different generations of police officers, this study attempts to contribute a holistic perspective which involves both the retiree (the knowledge transferor) and the incumbent (the transferee) in a knowledge transfer. Through four rounds of Delphi survey, this study found that both groups recognized that knowledge is being lost as the retiree leaves. Yet, the panels demonstrated divergent perceptions about what kind of knowledge is being lost. The difference between the panels’ perceptions was significantly increased regarding the extent to which the knowledge is being lost. This study also found that people-based approaches were commonly preferred by both panels as the best methods. However, the difference between the groups occurred as the incumbent expressed a higher willingness to use IT-based approaches than did the retiree.  相似文献   

传统知识是整个人类的宝贵财富。传统知识的基本特征使其难以获得现代知识产权制度的保护。在权利客体上,基于传统知识的基本特征,对知识产权客体进行发展、扩充,承认传统知识为知识产权保护的特殊客体;在权利主体的界定上,根据传统知识其本身的主体群体性、社区传统根本性特点,结合社区发展权理论,明确以社区作为传统知识在知识产权上的权利主体。对传统知识进行知识产权上的保护具有正当性,是法律公平原则的体现,是尊重人格权的需要,是维护和发展文化多样性和生物多样性的资源基础,是知识产权平衡激励机制的本质体现。  相似文献   

Technology Transfer to China The Issues of Knowledge and Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aspect of effectiveness of technology transfer to developing countries still raises important questions from researchers and practitioners alike. Many of these questions pertain to the nature of knowledge and of the learning process. The first question for this paper is what forms of knowledge are transferred abroad by companies. The second question is what are the characteristics of the learning process in recipient firms during technology transfer. Twenty-eight Canadian manufacturing firms were interviewed. Seven case studies were also conducted in China.Our results demonstrate that tacit knowledge constitutes a substantial part of the total knowledge transferred by Canadian firms to China. The nonexplicit nature of knowledge leaves room for numerous problems of interpretation, not only at the technical and managerial level, but also at the more global level of national culture and institutions. Our findings tend to validate the evolutionary and cognitivistic positions on the nature of knowledge. The results also partly confirm our sequential model of learning.  相似文献   

王志美 《政法学刊》2003,20(1):82-84
就如何将心理学专业知识运用到刑事侦查工作之中,从两个方面进行探讨。其一是应用问题解决的知识对侦查活动的理解。其二是应用问题解决知识对侦查活动的建议。包括三点:(1)区分常规型案件伤查与疑难型案件侦查,使用最佳的问题解决策略。(2)运用4WH法探索问题空间,打开侦查思路。(3)有意识地运用假设和想象进行犯罪重建,寻找破案线索。  相似文献   

刘星 《法学研究》2004,(3):27-38
将法学知识视为“科学知识”,存在学理上的困境。从法学知识学术运作的前提、过程、分析前见、资源支持、学术权力等角度来看,法学“科学主义”的努力是无法成功的。法律实践中,“法律”语词的争议性使用,尤其是探讨性使用,更凸显这种科学主义的困境。揭示法学“科学主义”困境的目的,不在于否定法学知识本身,而是为呈现其原有的实践品格,将法学知识视为法律实践的组成部分,提示法学知识生产者的重要实践责任。  相似文献   

蔡宝刚 《法学论坛》2003,18(1):41-46
知识经济已经成为新世纪经济发展和法律变革的时代主题 ,社会经济的知识化以及由此带来的知识的权力化 ,引起了构成法律基本要素的“理”即生产方式与“力”即国家权力的相应变化 ,进而引起了法律的知识化发展趋势 ,建立在知识基础上的法律更具有合法性 ,未来法治的重心应是加强知识的法律化和法律的知识化建设。  相似文献   

建国以来,我国幼儿教育领域先后出现了三种主流知识观:一是理性主义知识观,以唯理论为哲学基础,强调知识体系的传授,作为幼儿教育的传统知识观至今仍然具有影响力;二是经验主义知识观,以经验论为哲学基础,主张通过观察、实践从大自然、大社会中归纳知识,自20世纪80年代初兴起,现已处于“自我消失”的边缘;三是建构主义知识观,强调知识不是教师外部的传授,而是儿童主动建构的,起源于皮亚杰的活动建构观,近两年来受到意大利瑞吉欧方案教学的影响,体现了社会交往建构观、个人化知识、后现代知识建构观察等不断丰富的建构主义知识观的核心精神,对幼教改革的深入起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

Knowledge acquisition and development of capabilities constitutes a key perspective in studies regarding the formation of new ventures. When examining entrepreneurship ecosystems, we find that the composition of a region influences the new knowledge acquired by the venture. The main aim of this study is to examine the influence of the new venture, the entrepreneur’s social capital, and the firm performance on the new venture’s knowledge acquisition activities. In particular, the study examines how the institutional context of a region influences new ventures’ knowledge acquisition actions during its growth, and in turn the level of sustained entrepreneurial activity within the region. The paper focuses on the formation of alliances by new ventures, one particular form of knowledge acquisition process that has been established as critical to new venture success in the high technology sector. The mechanisms for acquiring and transforming knowledge have the greatest impact on new venture formation, and in this context, the concepts of strategic knowledge arbitrage and strategic knowledge serendipity (SKARSE?) are validated through an agent-based simulation model. The main results focus on the effects of interactions between entrepreneurs and institutions in the process of new venture formation from a knowledge creation, dissemination, and absorption perspective.  相似文献   

通过十多年的发展,印度建立了全球最为齐全、完善的传统知识数据库治理体系。以传统知识数字图书馆、人民生物多样性注册系统为典型代表的传统知识数据库为印度传统知识保护提供切实助力,并使其成为世界上传统知识保护最为成功的国家之一。对印度传统知识数据库治理体系动态研究,有助于对我国中医药传统知识数据库领域现状和问题进行评估与反思并提出完善建议。印度传统知识数据库创设、运营和治理具有"公共利益导向、法律机构保障、符合数据伦理、循序持续推进和允许多方参与"等经验,但也存在"缺乏统一数据收集、整理、登记和归档标准""运营实施操作规则仍有待具体明确"等问题。结合印度相关领域先进经验和存在的问题,在检视我国中医药传统知识数据库创设、运营和治理领域存在"公共利益维护缺失、行政监管体制与法律配置不当"等缺陷的基础之上,提出如下建议:创设提供"在先技术"功能的传统知识专门数据库,制定中医药传统知识数据库搜集、整理、登记和归档行业标准,完善中医药传统知识法律保护实施细则与设置行政主管部门与行政监督管理体制,规范约束中医药传统知识数据库商业经营行为,鼓励数据库运营商自行创设运营实施操作规则等。  相似文献   

The channels through which firms access and acquire new and relevant knowledge for their innovative activities is a critical issue to the geography and the management of innovation. In this regard, recent studies have suggested that the mobility of workers across firms is a primary source of new knowledge for the hiring firm and, more in general, of knowledge diffusion across firms. However, little evidence has been presented and discussed about the role and the impact of workers’ mobility on the processes of knowledge transfer across firms. The present paper, thus, aims precisely at contributing to this stream of research by making use of unique data on Italian inventors’ curriculum vitae. The results of the empirical analysis indicate that the mobility of inventors is a mechanism that spurs processes of cumulative knowledge and innovation building from the departure firm to the destination one and significantly impacts on knowledge diffusion across firms.  相似文献   

The technology (product) in education is knowledge. Therefore, one would expect that disseminators of knowledge (educators) would be on the forefront of change (creators and distributors of new knowledge). There is little evidence to show that the education system in the United States is receptive to future-oriented knowledge and methods. Therefore, this paper presents models to facilitate a receptive mind-set to the creation and transfer of technology in education.  相似文献   

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